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Darrelle Revis, “I just want to be here”


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I wonder if Sanchez's performance impacts how they view Revis' future moving forward. If Sanchez implodes this year, he's all but uncuttable next season apparently ($25.5+ in dead money/$16.65 cap savings~nyjetscap). Question is, if they have to go find a new QB, does Tannenbaum even find it worthwhile to commit long-term huge dollars to Revis, or does he take the cap beating by trading him for picks, and hope to sell Woody on his next superstar QB draft pick in 2013? Or, do they just pray that a Tebow-Sanchez platoon will eventually work?

I think unintelligible moves followed by prayer is a major part of the Tannenbaum philosophy

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Yes, Tannenbaum's a genius. Revis nabbed $39 mil for three years, then next year gets to hang Tannenbaum over a pommel horse for another $40+. The Jets can't even trade him without suffering a brutal cap hit next year. The only way Tannenbaum comes out of this looking "smart" is if Revis breaks both legs on the last play of this season.

With all due respect to Jason, who's forgotten more about the cap then I'll ever know, I have a hard time buying into the doomsday scenarios surrounding Revis' contract. I've heard the Jets are in cap hell every year since the mid 90's yet the sun always seems to rise. These things always seem to have a way of working themselves out.

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I wonder if Sanchez's performance impacts how they view Revis' future moving forward. If Sanchez implodes this year, he's all but uncuttable next season apparently ($25.5+ in dead money/$16.65 cap savings~nyjetscap). Question is, if they have to go find a new QB, does Tannenbaum even find it worthwhile to commit long-term huge dollars to Revis, or does he take the cap beating by trading him for picks, and hope to sell Woody on his next superstar QB draft pick in 2013? Or, do they just pray that a Tebow-Sanchez platoon will eventually work?

Tannenbaum will do whatever covers his own ass the best. If he's confident that he can survive a complete rebuild, he could trade Revis. If he thinks a 4-12 season* will get him fired, he'll do everything he can to keep him.

*not to suggest that the loss of Revis necessarily means a 4-12 year, just that absorbing that cap hit and trading a superstar player for future considerations means the Jets would be in full rebuild mode.

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Tannenbaum will do whatever covers his own ass the best. If he's confident that he can survive a complete rebuild, he could trade Revis. If he thinks a 4-12 season* will get him fired, he'll do everything he can to keep him.

*not to suggest that the loss of Revis necessarily means a 4-12 year, just that absorbing that cap hit and trading a superstar player for future considerations means the Jets would be in full rebuild mode.

As to Brees not being on the market, his contract was an issue. And all the happy talk now doesn't change 5 months of angry, along with a debacle of a CS due to suspensions.I look at Sanchez's 3 seasons and see a whole lot of suck. And I see a front office that would rather push their luck one more year than deal with that reality.

Tannebaum Plausible Deniability Tour, 2012-It's is why Tebow is here and Schottenheimer is not.The New York Jets, 2012- hey, we tried. Onto 2013 without Pick 6! QB ____, who the Jets trade for/draft/sign, will be the new Big Idea in 2013.

I really want to think somehow this is gonna work out this year, and can see a good defense and a somewhat more coherent OC will make for 7-9 wins. But I'm not seeing a team that's winning any division titles. And I would love to eat those words.

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Tannenbaum will do whatever covers his own ass the best. If he's confident that he can survive a complete rebuild, he could trade Revis. If he thinks a 4-12 season* will get him fired, he'll do everything he can to keep him.

*not to suggest that the loss of Revis necessarily means a 4-12 year, just that absorbing that cap hit and trading a superstar player for future considerations means the Jets would be in full rebuild mode.

That's an overriding question: what has to happen here for Woody to ever wack Tannenbaum? Not that I'm rooting for that threshold to be reached, but one wonders if watching Sanchez fail would be the straw that breaks Johnson's back.

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That's an overriding question: what has to happen here for Woody to ever wack Tannenbaum? Not that I'm rooting for that threshold to be reached, but one wonders if watching Sanchez fail would be the straw that breaks Johnson's back.

Woody has to stop believing in him, and I think that's going to be a tall order. Woody idolizes Parcells, and Tanny was Bill's favorite. As much as we complain about the team, his tenure has actually been the heyday of the Jets franchise. Sad, but true. We're bitching about an 8-8 season when I used to pray to the football gods for a .500 year. So Tanny has the blessing of Parcells and positive results on his side.

So I think Sanchez failing wouldn't be enough. If Sanchez failed in an epic Ryan Leaf type fashion, maybe, but that isn't happening. If he fails, he'll fade out in mediocrity. If that happens, I think he gets at least one more QB in his time here.


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Woody has to stop believing in him, and I think that's going to be a tall order. Woody idolizes Parcells, and Tanny was Bill's favorite. As much as we complain about the team, his tenure has actually been the heyday of the Jets franchise. Sad, but true. We're bitching about an 8-8 season when I used to pray to the football gods for a .500 year. So Tanny has the blessing of Parcells and positive results on his side.

So I think Sanchez failing wouldn't be enough. If Sanchez failed in an epic Ryan Leaf type fashion, maybe, but that isn't happening. If he fails, he'll fade out in mediocrity. If that happens, I think he gets at least one more QB in his time here.


Yeah, I think the bolded is pretty much the bottom line. This is a Jets team that I think a lot of people involved with the team truly believe is simply a QB away from being top contenders every year, and so Tanny's going to get the benefit of the doubt at least a little longer and be given the opportunity to try to find that guy. Same likely holds true for Rex as well barring a complete collapse happening in one of the Jets' upcoming seasons.

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pay the man. He is the greatest Jet ever. I might cry if I see him sporting another team's uniform. Stop front loading contracts, and make him a legitimate offer. Lets do this. Lock the guy up.

Ya honestly, if he continues to have success like in the past few seasons than there is no reason that talent wise he wouldn't be the greatest player to play in a Jets uniform.

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pay the man. He is the greatest Jet ever. I might cry if I see him sporting another team's uniform. Stop front loading contracts, and make him a legitimate offer. Lets do this. Lock the guy up.

Revis isn't getting a new contract until next offseason, that much is already pretty clear at this point. As far as not front loading contracts, Revis is the one who wants them that way so he can cash in and then becomes unhappy when he's no longer getting the excessive amount of money designed to cover the length of his deal on a yearly basis. Are you suggesting the Jets should be offering him a deal that's $16 million / year for the entirety of his deal?

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Are you suggesting the Jets should be offering him a deal that's $16 million / year for the entirety of his deal?

No way, that's a low ball offer. :)

I'm glad Revis is playing this year. Next year, he has all the leverage. Tannenbaum outsmarted himself with those phantom years. He saved a little money short term, but he absolutely can't afford to cut or trade Revis because of the looming cap hit. Hopefully something permanent gets done.

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No way, that's a low ball offer. :)

I'm glad Revis is playing this year. Next year, he has all the leverage. Tannenbaum outsmarted himself with those phantom years. He saved a little money short term, but he absolutely can't afford to cut or trade Revis because of the looming cap hit. Hopefully something permanent gets done.

Yeah, I do actually agree with you on all of that. I just really hope we don't see the Jets committing franchise-QB type money to Revis next year, as I simply don't feel his position (regardless of how good he is at it) merits it. Especially since there's an unfortunately high probably the Jets will be QB shopping next offseason as well. If they can come to an agreement on a long-term contract within the reasonable scope of a CB contract (although obviously on the higher end) that both sides are willing to commit to for the length of the contract, I'd be very happy.

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