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Mark sanchez = Kyle Boller


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Better receivers are not going to help Sanchez know where the pressure is coming from and what to do about it.

The guy is just terrible. A good to great defense and (for his first 2 years) a top OL masked how bad he was for a while. It would take 10 years of sticking with him - assuming it would ever happen - for him to see more than his first read. He doesn't see what's going on with his other options, he doesn't see defenders, he doesn't see or sense coverage before or after the snap, and his accuracy (not merely his completion percentage, but his passes' accuracy) is well below where it needs to be. The other team's defense isn't going to stop and wait for Sanchez to figure out what's going on in real-time. He's usually got 2-4 seconds like everyone else.

If he wasn't on the Jets every Sanchez fan who has blindly rationalized why he isn't awesome would be making cracks about: how awful he is, what a joke that [insert team name] was for drafting him that high, and then - in the face of him sucking - doubling down on this draft day stupidity by guaranteeing Sanchez's dollars for 2012 and 2013. Now our reward for waiting it out an extra season-plus is a nice $5M donut hole in our 2014 cap if he's even cut before that season starts.

I can forgive the team for drafting him and the pick not panning out as hoped because every team has made horrible draft picks worse than Sanchez. But guaranteeing him 2 more years of starter money in March, right after a lousy season, is unforgivable and borders on irretrievable stupidity. No matter what parallels Sanchez's endless-excuse-making fans choose to see between him and Eli or Brees or even Alex Smith, none of their teams were so blockheaded as to guarantee them 2 more years of starter money after a down season in quarterbacking and sulking all alone in the sun like a little girl during the last game of the season. Worse still, the only guys present to "challenge" him in 4 years are a draftee they gave up on after half a season of starts, a has-been year-who hadn't started a single meaningful game for 4-5 years, and one who (as much as I do like him) has more accuracy issues than probably any other NFL QB.

What a clusterf*ck mess.

At a loss why you lock you cap into Pick 6 for 2013.
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Tebow will and should be the starter by October...Sanchez won't last the month of September with this OL-this looks like a 6 win team to me anyway and oh yea, maybe it really WASN'T all Schottenheimer's fault

While I agree with you in many ways, I think Sanchez can also be blamed for some of the sacks. The guy simply holds the ball too long. He gets the deerr-in-the-lights- look on his face and he is done for! He still is inaccurate and just does not have a cannon for an arm nor does he have the accuracy to overcome the lack of a big arm. His pocket awareness sucks to put it mildly. I am tired of blaming everyone else for his play. Its a team game and he MUST take his share of the balme and stop contributing to bad play!. I think 5 to 7 wins will be our record.

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Hunter makes it absolutely suck.

Plus, DBrick is getting shaky all of a sudden.

You know what really makes an offensive line suck? A QB who can't make reads. Eli plays with a bunch of JAGs and makes them look like the ****ing Hogs. Sanchez plays with three Pro Bowlers and makes them all look like Adrien Clarke.

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Hunter makes it absolutely suck.

Plus, DBrick is getting shaky all of a sudden.

Outside of Hunter its kind of tough to grade. In terms of sacks allowed they were average last season and that was with Sanchez taking far more of a percentage of sacks per pressure than the average QB. So unless the Jets just gave up a large number of blast sacks (Hunter did and Brick probably did too since hes always been a feast or famine guy) Sanchez makes them statistically look worse. Pressures could be a different story which you would get a better idea of from charting each play, but even then its tough. Run wise I think the team is below average and made worse by poor running backs.

Its amazing with all the draft picks at RB that none have worked out since dumb luck at the position should land you somebody, but they are back where they were in 2006 in terms of quality of talent. What I dont like about the line is the fact that they no longer get a push up front to get those tough yards. That said Greene and Conner have to get low and hit the pile hard. Both run so high which is awful technique for what are supposed to be straight ahead power runners. That may be on the coaching as well as the players. The amount of runs Greene has for 1 yard or less is insane.

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You know what really makes an offensive line suck? A QB who can't make reads. Eli plays with a bunch of JAGs and makes them look like the ****ing Hogs. Sanchez plays with three Pro Bowlers and makes them all look like Adrien Clarke.

Seriously? The Giants have consistently had a top O-Line year in and year out for a while now. You don't win Super Bowls with terrible o-lines.

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You know what really makes an offensive line suck? A QB who can't make reads. Eli plays with a bunch of JAGs and makes them look like the ****ing Hogs. Sanchez plays with three Pro Bowlers and makes them all look like Adrien Clarke.

In fairness Eli is a different class of player. The Giants line sucks. Anyone who watches the games sees it. But Manning stands in there like a man, somehow evades sacks despite being about as mobile as a pet rock, and is willing to take hits to find his open guy. The problem is Sanchez isnt even average when dealing with pressure. He goes from bad to Jamarcus Russell as soon as the rush gets to him. So the jets O-line becomes incredibly noticeable.

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From Jason's report

Victor Cruz toasted Darrelle Revis right at the start which should have been an 80 yard touchdown but Eli Manning led the ball out of bounds.

Is it just me or does Revis look out of shape? He looks noticeably bigger than he did 2-3 years ago..

Also was confused why Revis came off of Cruz after the bomb out of bounds...I know he lined up in the slot, but Revis generally shadows the #1 regardless, no?

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You know what really makes an offensive line suck? A QB who can't make reads. Eli plays with a bunch of JAGs and makes them look like the ****ing Hogs. Sanchez plays with three Pro Bowlers and makes them all look like Adrien Clarke.

Hunter is horrible. Sanchez sucks, but to put Hunter's horredness on Sanchez is stupid. It's really not worth debating. You have a valid point as to Mangold, but DBrick is debatable.

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In fairness Eli is a different class of player. The Giants line sucks. Anyone who watches the games sees it. But Manning stands in there like a man, somehow evades sacks despite being about as mobile as a pet rock, and is willing to take hits to find his open guy. The problem is Sanchez isnt even average when dealing with pressure. He goes from bad to Jamarcus Russell as soon as the rush gets to him. So the jets O-line becomes incredibly noticeable.

It's because Eli doesn't give a sh*t. He'll get smacked, throw a left handed INT, it doesn't matter to him. He's Eli ****ing Manning.

He played like that as a rookie. He didn't care if he made a mistake because he knew on the next play he could make a big play.

Like you said, the Giants' Oline stinks, but it's Eli's demeanor that covers for that.

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Mark Sanchez sucks.. I am not sure when people will accept that? I have lol... I mean I was jumping up and down praising the trade with the browns to move up... I was defending this guy like he was my son..... and now.. its time to just accept it... He has zero pocket presence... awful decision maker... cant scramble.... we have a better chance with this o line with tebow then him... at least if the pocket breaks down then Tebow can run for his life.. get a few yards... as for Tebow not being able to throw... thats just plain retarded... He can throw just fine... missed on a TD to Hill... but other then that he was decent....

I would like to see tebow with the first team offense...

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as for Tebow not being able to throw... thats just plain retarded... He can throw just fine... missed on a TD to Hill... but other then that he was decent....

if you believe that, you must've turned it off right after he threw that duck to Hill. He didn't get a pass close to a receiver the rest of the game.

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