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Question: Why are all the regulars here so anti-Jets?


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I don't think negative is the best way to describe a lot of the commentary over the last year, I think realistic is more like it. And when the 2 years prior we got to the final 4 (regardless of how ugly) - a drop in performance is not going to be well received. I think most fans are ok with things when they're moving in the right direction - but I can't honestly say that i think this team is going to be that different or better from last years team. That's not something that gets the keystrokes spewing optimism ...

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I get it, its the "cool" thing to be down on the team you root for... I guess. But why is that? How much a large part of the regular posters here like to sh*t on the Jets every chance they get? Its a Jets forum but it seems all the Jets "fans" are more negative than the trolls who post here as Bills, Pats, Dolphins fans.

I agree with you 100%. I guess they all look at this as a gripe board. Never seen so many complaining miserable bitches in my life. I've been a fan for 30+ years. I've seen a lot. The Jets don't have a rich winning history like the Steelers, Cowboys and Pats, so how can you complain about the regime that's in here now?? Believe it or not, this is the winningest era ever for this team. A lot of credit needs to be given to Tannenbaum, but the bitchers & moaners on this board always need something to complain about. They're all perfectionists. Not sure why they haven't switched over to the Giants by now. They're not real fans anyway as far as I'm concerned.

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I get it, its the "cool" thing to be down on the team you root for... I guess. But why is that? How much a large part of the regular posters here like to sh*t on the Jets every chance they get? Its a Jets forum but it seems all the Jets "fans" are more negative than the trolls who post here as Bills, Pats, Dolphins fans.

It seems the majority of the haters, have never played a down of football or any sport for that matter. They have nothing to compare it too.

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I agree with you 100%. I guess they all look at this as a gripe board. Never seen so many complaining miserable bitches in my life. I've been a fan for 30+ years. I've seen a lot. The Jets don't have a rich winning history like the Steelers, Cowboys and Pats, so how can you complain about the regime that's in here now?? Believe it or not, this is the winningest era ever for this team. A lot of credit needs to be given to Tannenbaum, but the bitchers & moaners on this board always need something to complain about. They're all perfectionists. Not sure why they haven't switched over to the Giants by now. They're not real fans anyway as far as I'm concerned.

So, settling for "better than horrible" makes you a real fan? Wanting more means you should switch to the Giants?

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AAA would've given his position a shred of credibility.... he played short-season A-Ball, which is barely better than a JiF tale of past athletic greatness.

I know, but nobody would have gotten it if I just posted A.

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So, settling for "better than horrible" makes you a real fan? Wanting more means you should switch to the Giants?

You have a choice Pal. You can moan and groan if that's what you like to do, or you can take an interest in the perfect team that we share a stadium with. I have enjoyed some exciting Jets football during the Tannenbaum-Ryan regime. The team is nowhere near horrible and if you call not bitching and moaning "settling", so be it. Just remember your griping isn't changing a damn thing when it comes to the Jets winning or losing, so why bother??

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It's a NY thing, I think. As my time away from NY increases with every day, I realize more and more that there seems to be a disproportionate amount of complaining coming from NYers when compared to elsewhere in the country. Actually, I think that's true for the entire northeast, on second thought.

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You have a choice Pal. You can moan and groan if that's what you like to do, or you can take an interest in the perfect team that we share a stadium with. I have enjoyed some exciting Jets football during the Tannenbaum-Ryan regime. The team is nowhere near horrible and if you call not bitching and moaning "settling", so be it. Just remember your griping isn't changing a damn thing when it comes to the Jets winning or losing, so why bother??

Jets certainly are not horrible. it'd be nice to actually watch an exciting offense just once.

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You have a choice Pal. You can moan and groan if that's what you like to do, or you can take an interest in the perfect team that we share a stadium with. I have enjoyed some exciting Jets football during the Tannenbaum-Ryan regime. The team is nowhere near horrible and if you call not bitching and moaning "settling", so be it. Just remember your griping isn't changing a damn thing when it comes to the Jets winning or losing, so why bother??

Nothing that happens here is going to change a thing. So, why post?

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I've played plenty of football and Im not exactly waving the pom poms for 2012

That's great and that is why I said "majority", not all. Just listening to grown men who have never played a sport crying about sh*t they never understood is hysterical.

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That's great and that is why I said "majority", not all. Just listening to grown men who have never played a sport crying about sh*t they never understood is hysterical.

I dont necessarily think you need to play to understand the game...

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I have a friend that started for a D1-AA program for four years and barely has more knowledge of the game than some of the kids I coach.

But they have some and understand what it is like to fail or succeed on the field.

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