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Is Tannenbaum the Problem??


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Of course not. Eli is bigger, stronger arm and doesnt get phased by pressure.

And that's pretty much all that matters. Regardless of similarities in numbers, Eli is simply much better than Sanchez and almost no one doesn't see that.

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Just listened to Rex' presser from today and he in no uncertain terms said he's confident the offense will be where it needs to be when the real bullets start flying.

Case closed.

I think that was his way of saying that he knows the offense will be on the sidelines after yet another 3-and-out, so he'll have to rely on his beloved defense to win games.

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But did he guarantee a superbowl?

I'll tell you what he didn't guarantee.. Wayne Hunter would be the starter. He was pressed for an answer and he wouldn't commit to one. There is hope after all.

edit: just noticed there's a thread about this.

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Yes, that bounce pass to Hill who was wide open in the end zone was awesome. He's working with inferior talent, but he's also playing against inferior talent. It's why Brett Ratliff isn't the QB of the Jets because he kept playing against guys who are bagging groceries now.

That was Hills fault for moving back to the ball, then stopping. It's still closer than Sanchez has gotten to the end zone. So far Tebow has led the offense to 6 points and Sanchez, well zero.

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He barely missed the ball. Tebow has made plenty of bad throws - but that wasn't one of them, imho.

It was a broken play, but the incompletion was on the QB, not the receiver. He barely missed a ball that was bouncing at his feet. He was avoiding pressure, but they were on about the 30 yard line. That's an easy throw.

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It was a broken play, but the incompletion was on the QB, not the receiver. He barely missed a ball that was bouncing at his feet. He was avoiding pressure, but they were on about the 30 yard line. That's an easy throw.

The throw was across his body while he was on the run. Those are the hardest throws to make. The QB also anticipates the WR coming back to the ball there. Bad throw - but not terrible. No slip up and it is caught.

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Brian Costello ‏@BrianCoz

Nick Bellore is doing positional drills with the RBs. Looks like he's made the move to fullback. #nyj

oh good

Good thing the regular offense is so tight. Now we have time to work on defense-to-offense conversion projects and the wildcat.

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With the exception of the freaks of nature (Randy Moss and Calvin Johnson) how many WRs have really made the career of a QB? They enhance careers but are almost a worthless investment when a guy cant get them the football. Larry Fitzgerald is awesome. Did that make Kevin Kolb into a winner? When Warner left so did the Cardinals fortunes. Steve Smith was wasted cap space for years in Carolina because neither Moore nor Delhomme could get him t he ball and hes a diva to boot so he just took off and collected a paycheck. Brandon Marshall did nothing for Chad Henne in Miami. Dwayne Bowe with the carousel of crap in KC.

You need the QB first. When the Jets drafted Sanchez it made sense to surround him with talent and do what they could to make like easier for him and enhance his ability. Thats why they traded for the two guys they did. Even Plaxico gave Sanchez a target in the red zone to try to improve his abilities there. But you get to a point in the QBs development where you realize its not the fact that he doenst have the best WR in the game on the outside. At some point you have to be able to make throws. Get the ball in the tight window. Its not college where you get 5 yards of separation if you are a USC NFL caliber player playing against some kid that is never going to get a chance to play ball again once college is done. The flaws Sanchez has right now- staring down receivers, poor reads of the defense, getting gunshy and taking a sack, checking down because hes paranoid about throwing a pick- those are not corrected by a WR. Wide receivers fix things when you have Tom Brady pre Welker and Moss in 2006 throwing to garbage and you watch the tape and realize they never get open. They never get any YAC. They leave no room for error on any play. With a guy like Brady you go out and invest in WRs to take advantage of his abilities. But it just doesnt mean anything for Sanchez right now. He has to prove he can be a passer in the NFL before the Jets should be grabbing more wideouts in the draft or in free agency

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Sanchez needs guys he can make the short passes to and they can create on their own. We have no one in the backfield capable of that nor at the WR position. Holmes looked awfully ordinary last year in the open field for whatever reason.

We know what Sanchez is. He's never going to be a great passer. But totally ignorning the offense because of this just really makes little sense. Where's the safety blanket player every good QB has for this team? Keller runs like he has two left feet.

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I feel like I'm in the twighlight zone.. How are people talking in absolutes about Sanchez when he's throwing to Patrick Turner and Stephen Hill and being given no time by his o-line? In the pre-flipping-season.

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I feel like I'm in the twighlight zone.. How are people talking in absolutes about Sanchez when he's throwing to Patrick Turner and Stephen Hill and being given no time by his o-line? In the pre-flipping-season.

I think we all know that this is THE year that Sanchez becomes Eli Manning. We're just super-curious about which week that'll be.

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I feel like I'm in the twighlight zone.. How are people talking in absolutes about Sanchez when he's throwing to Patrick Turner and Stephen Hill and being given no time by his o-line? In the pre-flipping-season.

I know, right? He was so awesome his first 3 years and this was so sudden and unexpected.

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I know, right? He was so awesome his first 3 years and this was so sudden and unexpected.

He's taken his jabs - rightfully so - for the first 3 years.

I thought people might actually wait until real games, where he has his full compliment of receivers start before destroying him.

He's over 70% in his brief appearances and by all accounts has been playing well in camp. That's from the likes of Sal Pal who is unbiased and was in Cortland every day. Seems like such a waste of energy to blast him relentlessly when we don't know what he'll be this year yet. Pretty sure everyone knows it's his make or break year.

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Tannenbaum is a freakin capologist. He is NOT an NFL GM and he never will be. The guy who built the core of this football team was Eric Mangini . He may not have been a good coach but he certainly understood how to build a team and bring in smart players who had good attitudes, were multi talented, and could contribute in many areas. Look at the crop of players this current FO has brought in. Have you heard some of these guys talk in interviews ? They sound like a bunch of Idiots. Ths team has lost its identity in 3 short years and Tanny should not take all that blame, the scouts, the coachs, and the owner, all play a part.

None of us really know what goes on behind closed doors but you have to be an idiot to think Woody Johnson did not have a say in the Tebow Trade. You add up Tebow and Wayne Hunter and Vlad Ducasse and you easily have the money to sign Eric Winston and solidify the offensive line.. Rex claims to be Ground and Pound. All we have seen is them get Pounded.

Most teams that want to pass the football go out and get WR's and solidify their O-Lines focus on pass protection and scoring points. The Jets on the other hand claim to be a running team yet have garbage in the backfield and an OL that is a shell of its former self after losing two key contributors. D-Brick no matter how you slice it is over rated and making a huge salary but in is defense he basicly plays next to a JAG. Either way double digit sacks is inexcusable and we had it from both the Right and Left Tackles last year yet we expect a QB whos trying to break out to be able to deal with that ?

With all these needs and holes The Jets decide to Draft a Defensive Lineman who very well may be a damn good player but most people felt in a 3-4 system the Jets were just fine depth wise on the DL. So why did we use our first pick on defense when we always seem to play well on defense and a lot of the blame as to why they get winded in the 4th quarter of games was all the 3 and outs by the offense ? Why not Draft a Decastro and Sign Winston like I explained in the first paragraph and solidify what you claim to be your freakin teams Identity ??

Some peole here may not agree with the Ground and Pound philosophy, but weather you do or you dont, its what our coach wants to do so why on earth have we ignored the line and the RB's on this football team ? We lost LT last year, he was meh and at the end of his career but do any of you think we have a back capable of replacing him as a receiver out of the back field ? Can any of our RB's like Joe ****ing McKnight pick up blitzing LB's and Safties ? Powell certainly has shown he cant as well as McKnight so WTF ? Greene has potential to be a decent back but hes always dealing with nagging injuries.

How did the Jets deal with the WR problem ? They signed a player whos always hurt and drafted a player in Hill who could very well be a crap shoot. That being said, Im ok with Hill, I think he can be the real deal but what happens after that ? Holmes needs someone who can open things up on the other side of the field, if that does not happen he will be shut down just like last year.

Are all these issues the sign of a good GM ? Is Rex Ryan and offensive Idiot ? Is the Owner getting too involved and thats the reason he didnt go after a strong minded GM like Casserly ? These are the questions we must ask this team but we will never get the real answer. I think this team is heading for failure and by failure I mean they wont make the playoffs and it will get worse every comming year. This team has been turned into a circus, the Same type of circus Bill Parcells rescued us from in the mid 90's . Get ready the worst is yet to come.

yes mr t. is a numbers guy we have no depth at the o line i say bring back the tuna let him gm he knows talent, cant coach but he does draft well and our o line is in trouble the D. will be fine but man we have nobody in depth HELP!!! we area injury away from another 8-8 or worst
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I liked his draft, but I didn't like the Sparano hire.

There seems to be a revolving door at WR, which hurts Mark's development. And he has bet on Santonio Holmes long term as Mark's best weapon. and that's not working out too good.

And not having a back up plan for Hunter, or Holmes, is short-sighted......


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