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I am sick of all this Tebow starting crud, What do you guys think?


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If Tebow steps in at any point to start due to what ever reason and not McElroy it will confirm to me this organization is a complete Joke.

I doubt he lasts past the first cutdown after that radio interview, but if he does, I'd put the O/U for his starts at 2.5. Sanchez is blind, Hunter is dumb, and Tebow's a busted sternum waiting to happen. Injury does the work of reason.

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I doubt he lasts past the first cutdown after that radio interview, but if he does, I'd put the O/U for his starts at 2.5. Sanchez is blind, Hunter is dumb, and Tebow's a busted sternum waiting to happen. Injury does the work of reason.

If that radio interview was a major issue would he even be here now ?

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LOOK at the 3 WR's in their patterns ....every single one of them has their back to Sanchez ....

This is a good example of what happens a lot with this offense . Every Receiver is either covered or has their back to the QB. 2 of the defenders are ready to jump the routes. Sanchez could not get rid of the ball but he could have stepped up into the pocket if Hunter would have alerted him. It seems Sanchez did not see the rush in his periferal vision because his reads were starting from left to right. On a 4 man rush you can't expect a pass rusher to come in untouched like that. if it were a blitzing LB then I would have blamed Sanchez for this play but not straight up.

dude you realize qb's regularly release the ball before a receiver makes his break.. And also, they actually throws thiers WR's open by leading them away from safeties and LB's and against the CB's motion

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dude you realize qb's regularly release the ball before a receiver makes his break.. And also, they actually throws thiers WR's open by leading them away from safeties and LB's and against the CB's motion

Gee really ? Thanks for that info bro you get that on PFF dude ?

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Somewhere he's watching us all turn on Sanchez and doing this:

There was nothing more soul-crushing than opening up JN and seeing "Aten has replied to a post you made" in your notifications. But, dammit if he didn't teach me something with every post. Sure, I still wanted to cut myself, but I'd cut myself as a more knowledgable football fan

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Gee really ? Thanks for that info bro you get that on PFF dude ?

Understanding statistics is a framework in which to watch and better understand what you are watching. For some people it's an active process. I wouldn't read the stats or even much care about them if my ultimate goal wasn't better understanding of exactly what's happening on the field. as I watch it

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Understanding statistics is a framework in which to watch and better understand what you are watching. For some people it's an active process. I wouldn't read the stats or even much care about them if my ultimate goal wasn't better understanding of exactly what's happening on the field. as I watch it

Chan your conclusions are nothing short of amazing :) .

Sanchez, at some point, will prove you all wrong. Thats in all our best interests as fans. None of us can know what a QB is thinking, none of us have access to a playbook, and none of us have the film to break down whats actully happening. We all take the time to rip into analysts over and over UNLESS it supports our arguement then they become genises. I think its time we just put this QB arguement down and move on.

I do believe there are plenty of QB's in thsi league that cant even win with soild talent around them I just dont think Sanchez is one of them. All he needs to do is cut down on the dumb mistakes and his 32 TD's last season look that much better. I mean if the guy had 10 ints and 3 fumbles (where I think a good QB's numbers should be) we would not be having this conversation. Hes performed very well in the playoffs and hes shown he can bring the team back in the 4th quarter. He just needs to be more consistent. That day will come. I still think he was misused and the talent around him is a bit subpar.

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Chan your conclusions are nothing short of amazing :) .


Sanchez, at some point, will prove you all wrong.

Like Pennington did?

Also, fwiw, I still hold out hope for Sanchez he's flashed some good things but is over coached imo .. don't think Rex is good coach to QB for

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Like Pennington did?

Also, fwiw, I still hold out hope for Sanchez he's flashed some good things but is over coached imo .. don't think Rex is good coach to QB for

I dont want to talk Penny any more so lets bury that sh*t. I agree with everything else. Rex is a glorified DC his Pressers make him look like an idiot at times.

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Like Pennington did?

Also, fwiw, I still hold out hope for Sanchez he's flashed some good things but is over coached imo .. don't think Rex is good coach to QB for

This. I'll say it again...he has taken the same path as his Dad. Ever wonder why Randall Cunningham had his best QB years after moving away from the Eagles...Under Rex has over coached Sanchez...emphasis on what "not" to do versus the keys to success...I'm confident Rex does not teach defense on what "not" to do...not saying Sanchez doesn't deserve a major share of the criticism but he hasn't exactly had good mentoring...and listening to ChadP isn't the answer either.

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This. I'll say it again...he has taken the same path as his Dad. Ever wonder why Randall Cunningham had his best QB years after moving away from the Eagles...Under Rex has over coached Sanchez...emphasis on what "not" to do versus the keys to success...I'm confident Rex does not teach defense on what "not" to do...not saying Sanchez doesn't deserve a major share of the criticism but he hasn't exactly had good mentoring...and listening to ChadP isn't the answer either.

More or less.. Especially for a young qb, to me Sanchez has no confidence anymore and is thinking rather then reacting...over coached symptoms

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This. I'll say it again...he has taken the same path as his Dad. Ever wonder why Randall Cunningham had his best QB years after moving away from the Eagles...Under Rex has over coached Sanchez...emphasis on what "not" to do versus the keys to success...I'm confident Rex does not teach defense on what "not" to do...not saying Sanchez doesn't deserve a major share of the criticism but he hasn't exactly had good mentoring...and listening to ChadP isn't the answer either.

I agree with all of this. Sanchez' confidence is in the toilet right about now, and he needs to get it together in a hurry. Problem is, I don't think there's anyone in the entire organization that's helping him with that. Sanchez has gone from most coddled to least supported almost overnight. If he has an ounce of maturity in him, he needs to find it today.

If he doesn't, then everything the Jets have done at QB this year has been a complete failure. From his contract extension to Tim Tebow. The Jets will have spent money and draft picks without having anything at all at the position.

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Not for nothing, but "the rise of Tebow" directly corresponds with "Denver's defense becoming beastly." With two exceptions, after Tebow became starter, the offense scored 23 points or less.

It was very Jets-like. Yet in the media, Tebow is a miracle worker, and Sanchez is a huge loser.

Wait I didn't see the Denver D running around like a mad man scoring TD's and winning the game. The denver D last year was an average NFL D....you are suppossed to tackle and make plays every now and then. As for Tebow, I hope he compliments our offense and Sanchez and we score more points than last year. And as for Sanchez...its his 4th year...he better step it up....

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Not for nothing, but "the rise of Tebow" directly corresponds with "Denver's defense becoming beastly." With two exceptions, after Tebow became starter, the offense scored 23 points or less.

It was very Jets-like. Yet in the media, Tebow is a miracle worker, and Sanchez is a huge loser.

The Broncos defense looked especially "beastly" when they gave up six (6) TD passes to Brady in the playoffs.

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Yeah okay. Denver's defense had nothing to do with it. Good call.

The D had something to do with it. Sure. This is the ultimate team sport...but someone posted the stats. Their defense wasnt that deadly and it certainly wasnt all them.

Also, if you look at the schedule and who they played. They shut down the poor offensive teams a couple of them with replacement QB's. Chicago, KC twice, Oakland, Dolphags and Jets.

They got diced up by Christian Ponder and the Vikings, a game the Broncos won in a shoot out. And got torched by good offensive teams, NE, Detriot, and Buffalo. 2 of those games down the stretch when they need wins giving up 40+ pts.

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Like I've stated in a previous post, I believe Mark Sanchez is a very good quarterback; it's just that I think it will be for some other team. There's just no way for him to win here. For whatever reason, this whole Tebow phenomenon has come to NY, and although NY may be big enough to handle it, there's no way that Sanchez can. It's time to bite the bullet and throw our cards on the table and support Tebow. What the hell, boys, it's been 43 years!

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The D had something to do with it. Sure. This is the ultimate team sport...but someone posted the stats. Their defense wasnt that deadly and it certainly wasnt all them.

Also, if you look at the schedule and who they played. They shut down the poor offensive teams a couple of them with replacement QB's. Chicago, KC twice, Oakland, Dolphags and Jets.

They got diced up by Christian Ponder and the Vikings, a game the Broncos won in a shoot out. And got torched by good offensive teams, NE, Detriot, and Buffalo. 2 of those games down the stretch when they need wins giving up 40+ pts.

Fine, but it works the other way. People make it sound like Tebow was making these huge comeback wins against teams that were much better than the Broncos were. Tebow was routinely down less than a touchdown against teams that didn't score many points. To portray him as this awesome QB because of this is inaccurate.

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I was going through twitter today and saw a post from @NFLDRaftZone saying when is Tebow going to start, with this article.

Do you guys really think that he could become a starter here, and are we done with Sanchez?


Tebow f'ing suck at QB. Some people here are saying that they'd rather have him over Sanchez because atleast he can move the ball down the field. Tebow is moving the ball down the field against the #2's and its taking him like 8 minutes to do so.......AGAINST the #2's.

For some reason the Jets arent allowing Sanchez to throw the ball down the field, which is retarded because if someone jumps a 5 yard route pass or a flat pass then expect a f'ing pick 6 every time. That isnt rocket science. Having 3 top WR's hurt doesnt mean that you cant throw the ball down the freakin field. There was no game planning so im not really worried that much, though our RT situation needs to be fixed asap.

The bottomline is that Tim Tebow hasnt done anything to warrant these ridiculous conversations, and for the people talking about him moving the ball down the field..I'd say take a closer look. Tebow hasnt produced any points against backups and players who may be cut from the roster in the following days. Thats not impressive if you ask me.

Sanchez is the QB of the New York Jets, Tebow is the back up QB and the starting punt protector.

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Fine, but it works the other way. People make it sound like Tebow was making these huge comeback wins against teams that were much better than the Broncos were. Tebow was routinely down less than a touchdown against teams that didn't score many points. To portray him as this awesome QB because of this is inaccurate.

I think what Tebow did was pretty amazing. I realize I'm biased but I dont see how any sports fan didnt find what Tebow was doing extremely exciting. While many times the reason the team was in position to comeback was Tebow's play, there is no denying that when they needed a TD or FG, Tebow came through in crunch time. It was impressive.

He is not an awesome QB. He's far from it. But I'm honestly starting to wonder if he gives the team the best chance to win. The Oline isnt very good, our RB's arent very good, our WR's are suspect and mostly importantly, Sanchez sucks. At least Tebow can make plays on his own, something Sanchez can not do. And under those circumstances, the Jets might be better off with a QB who can make plays with his feet.

Or we are all jumping the gun and what we are seeing in preseason is not the Jets offense. But I doubt it.

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I think what Tebow did was pretty amazing. I realize I'm biased but I dont see how any sports didnt find what Tebow was doing extremely exciting. While many times the reason the team was in position to comeback was Tebow's play, there is no denying that when they needed a TD or FG, Tebow came through in crunch time. It was impressive.

He is not an awesome QB. He's far from it. But I'm honestly starting to wonder if he gives the team the best chance to win. The Oline isnt very good, our RB's are very good, our WR's are suspect and mostly importantly, Sanchez sucks. At least Tebow can make plays on his own, something Sanchez can not do. And under those circumstances, the Jets might be better off with a QB who can make plays with his feet.

Or we are all jumping the gun and what we are seeing in preseason is not the Jets offense. But I doubt it.

I think there might be a little gun jumping going on. I'm not expecting any miracles, but once the season gets going, I don't expect the offense -or Sanchez- to be any worse than it was last year. If Sparano can bring just a little bit of discipline, it might even be a little bit better.

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I think there might be a little gun jumping going on. I'm not expecting any miracles, but once the season gets going, I don't expect the offense -or Sanchez- to be any worse than it was last year. If Sparano can bring just a little bit of discipline, it might even be a little bit better.

If this happens, I think the Jets are a 10 win team and make the playoffs.

But I doubt it. They really look inept up front.

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For some reason the Jets arent allowing Sanchez to throw the ball down the field

There is no reason because it isn't true. I don't make the connection with Sanchez not throwing it to the Jets not allowing him to throw it. He doesn't throw it because he doesn't see it unless it's his primary read getting wide open and him having 4 seconds to throw without having to avoid any pass rush at all.

That is why you don't see him throw it deep as much as you'd like.

But for the record, the following QBs threw deeper passes on a lower percentage of their attempts:

Drew Brees

Tom Brady

Matthew Stafford

In other words, all 3 QBs who threw for over 5000 yards last year.

The kid is just not a good QB. I wish it wasn't so because he's here for this entire season and all of next year no matter how bad he is. But this is the way it is. Desiring him to be good doesn't make him good.

Pre-season or not, Bradford - who I think you, as well as many others, predicted would be hideous with the arrival of Schottenheimer - has looked razor sharp and the model of efficient QBing and his #1 WR is still Danny friggin' Amendola. Meanwhile Sanchez looks even worse than he did last year while claiming to reporters he thinks he's doing well.

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Pre-season or not, Bradford - who I think you, as well as many others, predicted would be hideous with the arrival of Schottenheimer - has looked razor sharp and the model of efficient QBing and his #1 WR is still Danny friggin' Amendola. Meanwhile Sanchez looks even worse than he did last year while claiming to reporters he thinks he's doing well.

More than anything else, this is what will be the ultimate nut-punch for Jets fans this year. If that Rams offense succeeds, and Schottenheimer is vindicated, I might cry.

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More than anything else, this is what will be the ultimate nut-punch for Jets fans this year. If that Rams offense succeeds, and Schottenheimer is vindicated, I might cry.

Jackson is a bull and one of the more underrated players of the last 10 years or so...but dont let one decent preseason game fool you. That offense is awful.

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