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Who Loves Mark Sanchez?


Who Loves Mark Sanchez?   

81 members have voted

  1. 1. My opinion of Mark Sanchez is....

    • He's a very good QB or better who's been hamstrung by Schottenheimer and Tannenbaum's ineptitude
    • He generally sucks, but I still haven't given up on him. He does start for the team I root for and stuff.
    • Maybe he'll get it in his 30's like Gannon or Plunkett, but he'll never be a good QB on the Jets.
    • He was born sucking and he'll suck until the day he dies.

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You're still an idiot (their I made the grammar nazis happy). BTW, you still have yet to show me exactly how Sanchize is better than Newton. You're still a hater and one that runs to questioning my statistics when you have nothing to counter my argument as to why Newton is a better qb than Sanchize is. I would like to see all your fellow friends who came out of the woodwork to defend you explain this point to me instead of questioning my grammar and spelling cause they have nothing better to do but spell check a message on a message board.


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You're still an idiot (their I made the grammar nazis happy). BTW, you still have yet to show me exactly how Sanchize is better than Newton. You're still a hater and one that runs to questioning my statistics when you have nothing to counter my argument as to why Newton is a better qb than Sanchize is. I would like to see all your fellow friends who came out of the woodwork to defend you explain this point to me instead of questioning my grammar and spelling cause they have nothing better to do but spell check a message on a message board.

I dont get involved in stupid flame wars about who is a better QB. I dont care if Newton is better or Sanchize is better. Sanchize is my team's QB. All else be damned!

And pull the stick out of your (or is it you're.... no, wait.. I had it right the first time) ass AND LIGHTEN UP. GEEZ. We're having fun with you, and you get all worked up in your muscle shirt and zubaz pants... CALM THE **** DOWN AND HAVE FUN!

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So the resident idiot Tebow fanatic in my office comes up to me this morning and before he can open his mouth I say, "how about that Mark Sanchez yesterday?" And this dumbass starts to bitch about Sanchez's interception. :face:

You can't win with some people so it's not worth trying.

That INT was the TE's fault. Shoulda been ready for it. They are lucky you didnt pound them back to the stone age.

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Ahh so its a college degree that makes you smart eh ?

Yes it is, if you actually went to college you'd actually realize this. Seeing as how you probably have never even had a class on a college I'd suggest you absolutely know nothing about what you're talking about. As for grammar, come back to me when you take a college literary course where you're writing essays every week and pulling all nighters to get all your work done. For all the people who seem to be questioning my grammar cause I really don't care about whether or not I have proper grammar on a message board really need to get a reality check. If you really believe grammar, on a message board reflects intelligence without even knowing that person's credentials, then you sir qualify as a "retard."

(THERE I made the grammar nazis happy)


See, I'm making fun of you because you're calling people idiots, but don't know the difference between "their" and "there."

But you need to just stop with the name calling now.

Sorry professor, I forgot this was a college literary course where I was expected to write a 20 page essay with proper grammar, spelling, and sources cited. I'll make sure to get the essay in tomorrow.

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