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Concerned about Greene

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My original post said I was concerned. I said he doesnt hit holes, I said he has no burst. You said He's an average back. He's not exciting. He's not a game breaker. With what you just said it seems like you actually agree with me. Now I ask you what team that will be in contention for a playoff spot has a worse RB situation?









I only mentioned the teams I thought had a reasonable chance at the playoffs.

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Greene doesn't take an inch more than his OL gives him. I'd like to see him getting 50% or less of the team's total rushing attempts. Like JiF, I want to see more of Powell in particular.

It's possible that it's in their mindset to run Greene into the ground before letting him go at the end of the year, though.

The funny thing is that, as you know, this was my theory all offseason, but after this preseason I really started to think I was wrong about that, but it certainly seemed that way again come Sunday. Although it's also possible they plan on putting the load on him to start the year with the hopes of having the benefit of a fresh and healthy RB ready to roll come the winter months (see Greene's 2009 season).

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Giants Bradshaw is better than Greene

Steelers When Mendenhall returns he is better

Lions U got me here. Smith cant stay healthy

Redskins U got me here as well

Patriots We dont know, Running game not a big part of the team.

Bengals The law firm is every bit as good as Greene.

Packers Rodgers is the best Rusher on this team

Broncos Come on, U think Greene is better than Mcgahee?

I only mentioned the teams I thought had a reasonable chance at the playoffs.

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My original post said I was concerned. I said he doesnt hit holes, I said he has no burst. You said He's an average back. He's not exciting. He's not a game breaker. With what you just said it seems like you actually agree with me. Now I ask you what team that will be in contention for a playoff spot has a worse RB situation?

I agree with your assessment of his play. I disagree with your opinion that the Jets have the worst RB situation in the league and that Greene isnt an adequate starter.

The Giants had the worst running game in the league last season and won the SB.

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The funny thing is that, as you know, this was my theory all offseason, but after this preseason I really started to think I was wrong about that, but it certainly seemed that way again come Sunday. Although it's also possible they plan on putting the load on him to start the year with the hopes of having the benefit of a fresh and healthy RB ready to roll come the winter months (see Greene's 2009 season).

I hope not. Greene's a guy who does his best running downhill. He's the guy who I'd save for the second halves of games or seasons. If the Jets are going to throw the ball as much as they showed on Sunday, I'd prefer that Powell be back there. He's much more of a threat in the passing game.

I guess we'll see how the team's offensive identity develops over the course of the year.

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Dude was a favourite the first years in the league. Last year and forward have made me change my mind somewhat. There is still time for him to win me over again but since we have a extremely strong D in place. It would be safe to asume that we will focus on the O going into next years draft.

Most people seem to think that a HB in the first round is a bad pick, but we got Greene in the third and that did only get us this far. How big of a problem is HB for us? How should we prioritize next draft?








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I agree with your assessment of his play. I disagree with your opinion that the Jets have the worst RB situation in the league and that Greene isnt an adequate starter.

The Giants had the worst running game in the league last season and won the SB.

Ok thats fair, maybe i got a bit carried away with worst situation in the league. And point taken on Giants. Im just not a big fan of Greene. That said I hope he runs for 200 yards a game.

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I hope not. Greene's a guy who does his best running downhill. He's the guy who I'd save for the second halves of games or seasons. If the Jets are going to throw the ball as much as they showed on Sunday, I'd prefer that Powell be back there. He's much more of a threat in the passing game.

I guess we'll see how the team's offensive identity develops over the course of the year.

I hear you, but I seriously doubt they're going to be putting the load onto anyone else, so saving Greene is never going to happen. That said, it's possible we could see more of a time share in coming weeks, as a lot of Greene's carries came late in the game when the Jets were just trying to kill the clock, so it could be a matter of them simply feeling he was the best fit for that role considering they knew the Bills would be loading up against the run.

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Ok thats fair, maybe i got a bit carried away with worst situation in the league. And point taken on Giants. Im just not a big fan of Greene. That said I hope he runs for 200 yards a game.

Nor am I, but I tend to defend him because I think he gets wrongly accused of being useless or one of the worst backs in the league.

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Dude was a favourite the first years in the league. Last year and forward have made me change my mind somewhat. There is still time for him to win me over again but since we have a extremely strong D in place. It would be safe to asume that we will focus on the O going into next years draft.

Most people seem to think that a HB in the first round is a bad pick, but we got Greene in the third and that did only get us this far. How big of a problem is HB for us? How should we prioritize next draft?








I'm just curious, what would make you think OL is going to be a top priority for the Jets next draft? If Howard keeps this up, the only possible area the Jets could be looking for starters would be guard, which is hardly a position teams generally address high up in the draft (particularly when you've got a guy like Mangold at center) and plus, it is a position the Jets could very easily bring back the same starters at as well. If the Jets go offense next year, I'd say HB and TE are likely to be bigger priorities.

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None of those you listed are appreciably better than Greene...just different...I'd prefer Greene...he's an average, serviceable NFL back. I wish Greene had more explosiveness but there are many good teams without a better RB. You can like some of the others more...but they each have drawbacks...injuries/ball security.

Since Curtis left the Jets have used the RBBC approach with mixed results...Greene has been a part of that...really wish they would find another Leon or someone like McCluster or Cobb to complement Greene's style but that's not his fault. Powell and/or Tebow seem like similar runners to me...McKnight can't block/hold on to the football...so for this year at least Greene should remain the bell cow.

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None of those you listed are appreciably better than Greene...just different...I'd prefer Greene...he's an average, serviceable NFL back. I wish Greene had more explosiveness but there are many good teams without a better RB. You can like some of the others more...but they each have drawbacks...injuries/ball security.

Since Curtis left the Jets have used the RBBC approach with mixed results...Greene has been a part of that...really wish they would find another Leon or someone like McCluster or Cobb to complement Greene's style but that's not his fault. Powell and/or Tebow seem like similar runners to me...McKnight can't block/hold on to the football...so for this year at least Greene should remain the bell cow.

Agreed, thats somewhat my point, I would like Greene more if he had a complimentary back. Wouldn't mind a speed guy as a change of pace. Would make Greene more effective in my opinion.

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I'm just curious, what would make you think OL is going to be a top priority for the Jets next draft? If Howard keeps this up, the only possible area the Jets could be looking for starters would be guard, which is hardly a position teams generally address high up in the draft (particularly when you've got a guy like Mangold at center) and plus, it is a position the Jets could very easily bring back the same starters at as well. If the Jets go offense next year, I'd say HB and TE are likely to be bigger priorities.

I was more throwing the question out there. Howard have really stepped up good in the two games i´ve seen him and hopefully that will be standard for him. As you say, we have probably bigger concerns at guard and/or O-line depth. How high you want to address this was what i ment. Also what other areas we might would like to upgrade.

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I was more throwing the question out there. Howard have really stepped up good in the two games i´ve seen him and hopefully that will be standard for him. As you say, we have probably bigger concerns at guard and/or O-line depth. How high you want to address this was what i ment. Also what other areas we might would like to upgrade.

Oh ok, I hear what you're saying. If the Jets OL continues to play like this, I'm guessing they'll try to keep the starting unit together, in which case it probably would be more of a secondary priority with some possible late picks. It's tough to figure out at this point though, considering there's still a lot of guys who we'll have to see how they do over the course of the year (like Howard). Beyond that, how they address the offseason will also have an impact, because you've got starters at HB, TE and LG who are all set to be FAs.

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I hope not. Greene's a guy who does his best running downhill. He's the guy who I'd save for the second halves of games or seasons. If the Jets are going to throw the ball as much as they showed on Sunday, I'd prefer that Powell be back there. He's much more of a threat in the passing game.

I guess we'll see how the team's offensive identity develops over the course of the year.

Greene really excelled in this role when he played behind Dancing Bear. We also had Leon Washington, so there was the ability to really change things up. Now, we have considerably less talent and much more predictability -- no explosiveness whatsoever.

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Greene really excelled in this role when he played behind Dancing Bear. We also had Leon Washington, so there was the ability to really change things up. Now, we have considerably less talent and much more predictability -- no explosiveness whatsoever.

Well said, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. The love for Greene on this board is insane. The fact that he can succeed in the right situation doesnt make him a good back.

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Oh ok, I hear what you're saying. If the Jets OL continues to play like this, I'm guessing they'll try to keep the starting unit together, in which case it probably would be more of a secondary priority with some possible late picks. It's tough to figure out at this point though, considering there's still a lot of guys who we'll have to see how they do over the course of the year (like Howard). Beyond that, how they address the offseason will also have an impact, because you've got starters at HB, TE and LG who are all set to be FAs.

You are right that it is still to soon too know for sure. But certainly HB should be a top 3 priority if you ask me. I want me some of that speed and cutting ability i a green and white jersey. :)

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Greene is a great back but he is not durable. By the end of the season something always gets him. I'd like to limit his carries during the early part of the season and get Powell and McKnight some touches. McKnight has great burst up the gut and Powell might be the tough runner we' be been looking for. Greene needs to be saved for later in year where he can play his smash mouth style against defenses that are beat up.

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Well said, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. The love for Greene on this board is insane. The fact that he can succeed in the right situation doesnt make him a good back.

No. The fact that he succeeded last year and the year before and the year before makes him a good back. The guy isn't great, but he is putting up decent numbers on a team with a limited pass offense. He is doing what is asked of him and that makes him an asset. He is not Adrian Peterson, but he is very solid. The perfect player to ride and let go in FA if he is getting real $$.

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And now Beningo just said there isnt too many teams if any teams that have worse backs. All of you should call in ripping him like you did me.

Stop listening to sports radio pornography...calls just drive traffic and dollars to idiots trying manufacture controversy...do you work for the guy?

I listed 8 possible playoff teams and could probably add more that are arguably worse than Shonn Greene.

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