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Ok, just to recap.......

Section 333

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics. And am ready to move on to the game against the Steelers. And I will hold my Boos at the 49er game unless Tebow blows the game. And then if I do, it wont be booing Tebow the man or player. It is booing the Mike T , and Woody J.

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics.

lol those are like #23 and #24 on the "most controversial topics" list brah

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Tebow is an excellent football player, and so is Greene..

There.. I dared you.

Big deal.

Obviously you hate TT, if you're trying to validate your position by either threatening other people into submission to your point of view, or by saying you hate Tebow over and over again, until you feel *at home*, by all means have at it.

That still doesn't take away from the fact the Rex Ryan, who has deleted most of the useless info about football most people argue about from his brain long ago, apparently thinks Tebow is valuable.

You would be SOL, Section 333, if the FO had decided to replace Sanchez with Tebow.. they almost did it with Peyton Manning, and if anyone thinks it isn't possible, you are fooling yourself.. and that is not the way to go.

So, to recap..

Tebow was put in as QB1 for the losing ass donkeys last year, and they somehow made it the playoffs, and Manning became available,so Denver won that rodeo.. and Tebow got traded to the JETS.. He is now QB2 on that team, on the starting roster.

It doesn't matter if you hate him more than anything on earth, he may in fact start for this team ..maybe not.

The good news is, IF the starting QB goes down, maybe a hammy, or whatever, the starting QB and the second QB seem to be on good terms, and who knows.. maybe ol Timmy will get out his magic bean or whatever and make jokes out of his boo crowd.

He has been threatened with his life for playing , and not because he was playing bad.. because he had a 22 game winning streak going, so I doubt a boo is going to even bother him.. Its a waste of time.

If you like to boo, boo the frigging opponent.

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics. And am ready to move on to the game against the Steelers. And I will hold my Boos at the 49er game unless Tebow blows the game. And then if I do, it wont be booing Tebow the man or player. It is booing the Mike T , and Woody J.

1) I question your fandom, a lot.

2) Greene is better than an average back.

3) There is no reason to ever boo your team.

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Section 333- just disagreeing with certain people on players on the Jets- not bashing. We are all entitled to our opinions

Problem is some people feel that they are entitled to their opinions and nobody is ever allowed to question them on said opinion. At some point they usually throw in a "free speech" comment to try and deflect any criticism their way, but then are quickly quieted when the constitution police show up and tell them what free speech really is... especially on a message board owned by an individual. Also, they refuse to ever discuss or debate said opinions, often reverting to the old "my way or the highway" belief.

It is tiring, but at the same time its fun watching posters pick apart the ridiculous statements people make.

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics. And am ready to move on to the game against the Steelers. And I will hold my Boos at the 49er game unless Tebow blows the game. And then if I do, it wont be booing Tebow the man or player. It is booing the Mike T , and Woody J.

They're They're... Calm down. No need to get your panties all wadded up in a bunch over some silly posters bashing you for booing our players even though they have barely played for us. Your write. You can do whatever you please... but keep in mind... its woodies teem, not you'rs.

Now... lemme give you a little advice. This is a message board. It is a place to share ideas and discuss our thoughts and beliefs. You've done a great job at that so far, but, you missed the class on debate and discussion and also the anti-bullying seminar Tailgate Joe puts on every home game along with Max. A message board isnt a place to be some puffed out meathead threatening to bash the nerds back to Lamda Lamda Lamda. You're opinion isnt the only opinion, and if you cant handle people bashing you for your warped beliefs (mostly Teblow... Greene does suck) then you might be better off at Jets Insider or some other jets board. Stop taking yourself, and this silly website so seriously. Its a distraction. Use it that way.

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They're They're... Calm down. No need to get your panties all wadded up in a bunch over some silly posters bashing you for booing our players even though they have barely played for us. Your write. You can do whatever you please... but keep in mind... its woodies teem, not you'rs.

Now... lemme give you a little advice. This is a message board. It is a place to share ideas and discuss our thoughts and beliefs. You've done a great job at that so far, but, you missed the class on debate and discussion and also the anti-bullying seminar Tailgate Joe puts on every home game along with Max. A message board isnt a place to be some puffed out meathead threatening to bash the nerds back to Lamda Lamda Lamda. You're opinion isnt the only opinion, and if you cant handle people bashing you for your warped beliefs (mostly Teblow... Greene does suck) then you might be better off at Jets Insider or some other jets board. Stop taking yourself, and this silly website so seriously. Its a distraction. Use it that way.

Ok once again, all fair points from you. However I dont get the puffed out meat head comment, I didnt threaten or bully anyone. By the way, thanks for agreeing on Greene. I find joy when others share my opinion. And am insulted when they do not. But in all seriousness I would like to ask you a question. Do you truthfully believe Tebow is a positive for this team? I shouldnt let it bother me as much as I do, but I cant seem to shake this pissed off feeling that we have Tebow.

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Ok once again, all fair points from you. However I dont get the puffed out meat head comment, I didnt threaten or bully anyone. By the way, thanks for agreeing on Greene. I find joy when others share my opinion. And am insulted when they do not. But in all seriousness I would like to ask you a question. Do you truthfully believe Tebow is a positive for this team? I shouldnt let it bother me as much as I do, but I cant seem to shake this pissed off feeling that we have Tebow.


So my opinion is that the vagina is ugly ... are you offended because we probably differ in opinions?

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Do you truthfully believe Tebow is a positive for this team? I shouldnt let it bother me as much as I do, but I cant seem to shake this pissed off feeling that we have Tebow.

We have a 1 game sample. And that sample, is pretty nice. Has Tebow lite a fire under Sanchez? Has he provided a presence in the lockerroom? Was he keeping Buffalo on their toes? We'll never know these answers but the results from week 1 are magnificent.

From all accounts, he looks like a great teammate who is wiling do anything it takes to help the team win. Where is the downside in that? And why does it bother you so much that he's on the Jets?

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I edited my post to ask this question:

Do you think this of your own vagina? I think penis is ugly but mine is damn near the most beautiful thing in the world.

I do . I don't find the vag not mine or others pretty at all.

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics. And am ready to move on to the game against the Steelers. And I will hold my Boos at the 49er game unless Tebow blows the game. And then if I do, it wont be booing Tebow the man or player. It is booing the Mike T , and Woody J.


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I edited my post to ask this question:

Do you think this of your own vagina? I think penis is ugly but mine is damn near the most beautiful thing in the world.

amazing where this thread has gone. im a bit concerned though, if i have never seen one, then my kids may not be mine.

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Tim Tebow stinks and belongs either on Jacksonville, or buried in the free agent pool. Yes Tebow is on my team, but don't any of you ever, ever, ever, question my fandom, ever! because i chose to boo a bad situation!!!! I boo Mike T, I Boo Woody J, I boo taking out Sanchez. How dare Mike T and Woody J make a circus of my team. And how dare any of you justify it. If I want to boo I have the right, and think I have plenty of reason. Secondly , Shonn Green is a change of pace back, who can grind the clock during the 4th quarter with a lead. And how dare any of you try to tell me Greene is anything but an average at best back. There Ive said my peace on the 2 apparent " controversial " topics. And am ready to move on to the game against the Steelers. And I will hold my Boos at the 49er game unless Tebow blows the game. And then if I do, it wont be booing Tebow the man or player. It is booing the Mike T , and Woody J.

Whats your opinion on authentic vs. replica jerseys?
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