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Replacement ref pulled from game


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Don't they do this for just about every professional referee in just about every professional sport?? I'm pretty sure I read an article at one point over that years that said besides the obvious credit check, background check etc. a detailed personal history was taken where they could said whether or not they were fans of a certain team etc.

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I was just watching the story about the ref who was scheduled to work the Saints game today. That is until ESPN let the NFL know that he is a die-hard Saints fan who has Saints photos all over his FB page.

Anyhow, can someone photoshop a photo a Ref's with Jets gear on? If doesn't have to be pretty. I just want to send this thread out letting everyone know that the Jets are in good shape today. :)

Post them in this thread if you can! Thanks.

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i've heard media saying the league has all the leverage. That the replacement refs are good enough and no one will notice the difference.or that last year's refs were just as bad.

Bull. These guys stink out loud. I notice the difference. Alot of people notice the difference. Watch college football for 5 minutes, the SEC and Big East refs are light years ahead of the NFL replacements.

Someone's gonna get hurt. They already are. And I don't say this wishing for a bad event to occur. But these games are not under control. the league rolls the dice every week they don't use the real refs. It's a crazy situation and maybe that's why these guys are Billionaires and I'm not.

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Anyhow, can someone photoshop a photo a Ref's with Jets gear on? If doesn't have to be pretty. I just want to send this thread out letting everyone know that the Jets are in good shape today. :)


So this is how this picture ended up on the FB JN page...

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