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How can Holmes be a considered a starting WR ?


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Do you think Holmes is just a little bit over rated?

Depends on how you rate him.

JIF I am well aware Holmes has some talent but that talent only shows itself when hes not the focus of the defense or hes running non contested wide open with the ball thrown in his chest. Hes simply not good enough to handle defenses keying on him like some of the other number 1 WR's in this league are. Hes not physical enough and he totally refuses to fight for the football. Hes a pussy and thats it.

I named 20 WR's last year who I thought were better than Holmes and you laughed at me with your famous LMFAO comment and claimed Santonio was somewhere in the top ten in the NFL which I found hilarious then and still find it hilarious now that your still sticking up for this POS. Not only has he become a bad player but his attitude is off the charts stupid as well.

You can not rely on flashes of great play to evaluate talent its all about consistency. Just ask guys like Megatron who are constantly double teamed yeat still put up 1500 + yards same with Smith and Fitz you know real #1's. Those QB's are not scared to throw up a jump ball because they know that their WR's will fight for the Football wonder how Sanchez feels about thowing a ball and hoping Holmes will fight for it, you know like Braylon used to do.

Great, cool, awesome. So who's the better option on the Jets and where were they yesterday?

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Depends on how you rate him.

Great, cool, awesome. So who's the better option on the Jets and where were they yesterday?

Honestly JIF I dont give a damn ....you know why ? Because Holmes dropped passes that were thrown to HIM . You wanted your little bitch to get targeted and he got 11 which is about the norm for a number 1 WR HOLMES sh*t the bed and then fell in it. I cant really tell you if there were better options because . I dont have access to the play book, nor do I know what plays were called, nor do i have acces to all 22 film . Wish I could be of some more help.

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Honestly JIF I dont give a damn ....you know why ? Because Holmes dropped passes that were thrown to HIM . You wanted your little bitch to get targeted and he got 11 which is about the norm for a number 1 WR HOLMES sh*t the bed and then fell in it. I cant really tell you if there were better options because . I dont have access to the play book, nor do I know what plays were called, nor do i have acces to all 22 film . Wish I could be of some more help.

So the answer to my simple question is, no?

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Next to stealing stuff from your locker, a player likely can't have a worse teammate than Holmes.

He's talented, but he's a dick, he floats through long stretches in games, and likes to throw others under the bus. On one play Sanchez would miss him and Holmes would throw a miny tantrum and then in another Holmes drops an easy pass and he acts like it's nothing.

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What am I wrong about? That he was the best WR in green and white on the field yesterday?

You suck at this.

He was the highest paid WR in green and white, certainly not the best. Sanchez tried to stroke his gigantic ego by giving him a chance to shine and he crapped all over himself.

He is the Scott Mitchell of WR's.. a jag who somehow managed to get paid like a star on the heels of a couple decent performances.

The fact that you choose this slug as your FAVORITEST NFL PLAYER speaks volumes about you. I bet when you trot into your dimly lit YMCA donned in your Orlando Magic warm up suit, doing a 1 man layup drill, there is a collective groan from the other 30 somethings. They want to simply play a stress free game and you're acting like Gene Hackman in Hoosiers. You probably do the Dougie after hitting an 8 foot jump shot ignoring the fact you missed your first 9 shots.

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Watched some more footage of the #Jets game last week. Holmes is going to be a problem if this happens again. Terrible demeanor towards QB

The problem wasn't that Holmes was being Holmes. The problem was that Sanchez curled up into a ball again, sitting by himself on the bench and hanging his head. Again. If there was any hope that he'd grown a pair of nuts over the summer, I'd say those hopes were set back a tad this weekend.

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Did we forget that Holmes caught the only TD Sunday? Jesus.

People complained about Burress last year and he caught 8 TD's.

The WR's aren't the problem. This is clear as day.

Bullsh*t. There is equal blame to go around... Sanchez is a pussy. Holmes is a piece of sh*t.

Sanchez hits Holmes in the hands, and Holmes drops the ball. Holmes throws fit at Sanchez.

Sanchez throws the ball to a spot on the field, like all QBs do. Holmes breaks off route, ball sails over his head making it look like an over-throw, but it's plain as day Holmes quit on his route. Holmes throws fit at Sanchez.

Sanchez is mediocre, and a baby, BUT the nightmarish play on Sunday was all on Holmes. He was ****ing awful. I got the sense that he was demanding the ball so he could show up his old team, and he couldn't ****ing deliver because he's useless.

I say again, I don't care for Sanchez, but I believe in putting the blame where it is rightfully due.

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The problem wasn't that Holmes was being Holmes. The problem was that Sanchez curled up into a ball again, sitting by himself on the bench and hanging his head. Again. If there was any hope that he'd grown a pair of nuts over the summer, I'd say those hopes were set back a tad this weekend.

I'm really getting sick of this. There's more to the game than quarterbacking, you know. There are MISSED TACKLES and CANCERS and SHONN GREENES. And there are WEAPONS and RIGHT TACKLES and FURTIVELY MASTURBATING TO FOOTAGE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS.

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I'm really getting sick of this. There's more to the game than quarterbacking, you know. There are MISSED TACKLES and CANCERS and SHONN GREENES. And there are WEAPONS and RIGHT TACKLES and FURTIVELY MASTURBATING TO FOOTAGE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS.



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I'm really getting sick of this. There's more to the game than quarterbacking, you know. There are MISSED TACKLES and CANCERS and SHONN GREENES. And there are WEAPONS and RIGHT TACKLES and FURTIVELY MASTURBATING TO FOOTAGE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS.

I think you're wrong. I think it's the quarterback, buster.

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It truly is surreal how football has evolved from a team game to a QB playing against 11 guys here at JetNation.

Sanchez got his bell rung on Sunday, illegally and wasnt the same. Holmes was typical Holmes. Dropping passes, lazy routes, stamping his feet. The arguments arent even worth it anymore.

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Dropping passes, lazy routes, stamping his feet. The arguments arent even worth it anymore.

Meanwhile Sanchez mopes in the corner.

You're right, the arguments aren't worth it. Our top 5 pick has sucked for 3+ seasons and people still refuse to believe it. They'd rather blame ANYTHING else rather than face this reality.

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Meanwhile Sanchez mopes in the corner.

You're right, the arguments aren't worth it. Our top 5 pick has sucked for 3+ seasons and people still refuse to believe it. They'd rather blame ANYTHING else rather than face this reality.

Holmes has sucked too. Ppl refuse to believe it. Catch the ball.

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Holmes has sucked too. Ppl refuse to believe it. Catch the ball.

But he hasn't sucked his entire career. He was a productive player in Pittsburgh who won a Super Bowl MVP, but had a diva personality that got him traded. Now he's just a diva who can't produce with a sh*tty QB, and hence is worthless.

For every drop Holmes has had in a Jets uniform there's probably been 3 or 4 throws that sailed over his head, was thrown behind him or underthrown as well. You can't exonerate Sanchez because of the drops.

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But he hasn't sucked his entire career. He was a productive player in Pittsburgh who won a Super Bowl MVP, but had a diva personality that got him traded. Now he's just a diva who can't produce with a sh*tty QB, and hence is worthless.

For every drop Holmes has had in a Jets uniform there's probably been 3 or 4 throws that sailed over his head, was thrown behind him or underthrown as well. You can't exonerate Sanchez because of the drops.

You seem to be exonerating Holmes though.

"The WR's arent a problem"

Yeah they are. They were awful on Sunday.

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Oh yeah, like who? Which average QB in the league right now is doing more with less than Sanchez is?

Sam Bradford (508 yds, 4 TD's, 1 INT) with nobodies. Plus Schottenheimer running the show.

Carson Palmer (670 yds, 2 TD's, 1 INT) with Darius Heyward-Bey and some nobodies.

Rookie RG3 (526 yds, 3 TD's, 1 INT) with "superstars" like Josh Morgan, Pierre Garcon and Fred Davis.

Rookie Andrew Luck (533 yds, 3 TD's, 3 INT's) with an aging Reggie Wayne and a bunch of nobodies.

Matt Cassel (559 yds, 3 TD's, 3 INT's) with Dwayne Bowe, a bunch of nobodies, and Jamaal Charles having an awful start to the season.

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I said they aren't THE problem. As in, if you replaced Sanchez with an average QB, we'd be fine.

Sanchez played great against the Bills, and not nearly as well against a Steeler defense that makes a lot of QBs look crappy. Plus, he took a nasty hit to the jaw that may -or may not- have contributed to his performance.

Sanchez' obituary may be written this season, but let's let the season play out first. He needs a bounce back performance against the fish this week.

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