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this was an L when they released the schedule


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i've seen everyone blaming the defense and the offense but let's not forget about Kirley's muff. that was as big a play as any in terms of winning and losing. You can't muff a punt and win this game. Period.

In other words they had to play perfect today to beat this team in this building. I am not saying it was impossible. But it was unlikely.

The entire team sucked today. Nobody gets a pass.

Offense was offensive.

Defense didnt play well.

Special teams was brutal.

Sparano play calls were awful.

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Agreed. It's not that it was unwinnable. It's just that historically they lose that game. Just like how historically the Jets own the Bills early in the season. These trends exist. Are we supposed to pretend that they don't?

We agreed on this early in the week. So to me it wasn't a surprise.

What does surprise me though is the fact that Jets continue to have problems with fast, physcial defenses. Ravens, Steelers, Eagles, Giants no matter how good the Jets are still manage to find a way to dominate the LOS.

The Jets were close in 2010. They were able to beat the Steelers in the regular season, played a great physical game against the Ravens opening night that year, but right now they are no where near that level of physicality and intensity.

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Hold on a second? Your knocking someone for predicting a loss prior to the season but you've all offseason predicted utter doom for the Jets with Tebow starting in week 6.

Holy high horse I'm a better fan post from the biggest **** stick on the site.

This is priceless.

So, to understand, this is the fourth year of the Rex regime, the seventh year of the Tannenbaum stewardship, and the fourth year of the Sanchez Era, and it's still cool to forfeit a game to a so-so Steelers team because they're just so much better than we are at this point? If that's the case, what's the end game for this franchise? To try really, really, really hard for as long as you can until the fans stop buying tickets, then fire another coach? Please.

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So, to understand, this is the fourth year of the Rex regime, the seventh year of the Tannenbaum stewardship, and the fourth year of the Sanchez Era, and it's still cool to forfeit a game to a so-so Steelers team because they're just so much better than we are at this point? If that's the case, what's the end game for this franchise? To try really, really, really hard for as long as you can until the fans stop buying tickets, then fire another coach? Please.

we'll never stop buying tickets. we're too stupid.

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So, to understand, this is the fourth year of the Rex regime, the seventh year of the Tannenbaum stewardship, and the fourth year of the Sanchez Era, and it's still cool to forfeit a game to a so-so Steelers team because they're just so much better than we are at this point? If that's the case, what's the end game for this franchise? To try really, really, really hard for as long as you can until the fans stop buying tickets, then fire another coach? Please.

I dont think the Steelers are "so much" better than the Jets. I think if you play that game at Metlife, the Jets win.

Its a tough place to play, for any team, let alone the Jets going in there on their home opener without their best player. The Steelers out played the Jets. I dont think its because they are infinitely better, more than the circumstances were very tough for the Jets.

Are you implying these types of factors have no impact on the game?

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NFL quarterbacks make their living throwing to receivers covered by 3rd corners. Without Revis, we had at least 2 receivers going against weak corners on every pass play. Couple that with a couple of missed sack opportunities and this is a different game. If we are going to beat the Steelers on the road, it is going to be a 17-10 slugfest. Our defense did not allow that to happen and create short fields for our offense. Instead they moved it up and down the field, controlled the clock and kicked us into long field situations.

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I dont think the Steelers are "so much" better than the Jets. I think if you play that game at Metlife, the Jets win.

Its a tough place to play, for any team, let alone the Jets going in there on their home opener without their best player. The Steelers out played the Jets. I dont think its because they are infinitely better, more than the circumstances were very tough for the Jets.

Are you implying these types of factors have no impact on the game?

It is and the details you alluded to factor into the game, but don't you have to rise above it?

The Patriots had any number of 50 have never done before before Belichick/Brady, but eventually grew-up and overcame them.

A lot of Jets fans sound like Patriots fans last year when they played the Steelers. They were dominated and lost by 8, but it was not that close. yet, you had a bunch of coulda, shoulda, and wouldas.

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It is and the details you alluded to factor into the game, but don't you have to rise above it?

The Patriots had any number of 50 have never done before before Belichick/Brady, but eventually grew-up and overcame them.

A lot of Jets fans sound like Patriots fans last year when they played the Steelers. They were dominated and lost by 8, but it was not that close. yet, you had a bunch of coulda, shoulda, and wouldas.

Look, I'm not saying it acceptable but its reality. There's a reason why Vegas always gives a few to the home team. There's a reason why teams battle for home field advantage and there is a reason why teams get home field advantage and there's a reason its called, home field advantage. lol

And giving me the Patriots as an example is awful. There are only a couple of teams rolling out HOF Qb's in the NFL.

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NFL quarterbacks make their living throwing to receivers covered by 3rd corners. Without Revis, we had at least 2 receivers going against weak corners on every pass play. Couple that with a couple of missed sack opportunities and this is a different game. If we are going to beat the Steelers on the road, it is going to be a 17-10 slugfest. Our defense did not allow that to happen and create short fields for our offense. Instead they moved it up and down the field, controlled the clock and kicked us into long field situations.

If you're going to play the Revis card, you must be willing to admit that we should have been able to take advantage of no Polamalu and Harrison. Instead, the offense sucked for 3 quarters.

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Im one of the more (most) optimistic guys on this board and even i knew we had a 20 percent chance of winning this game....when revis was ruled out it dropped to 10 percent.


Did I expect to win? No, but I was optimistic. Did I expect better play by the team as a whole? Yes. How could you watch that game yesterday and not be disappointed?

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Look, I'm not saying it acceptable but its reality. There's a reason why Vegas always gives a few to the home team. There's a reason why teams battle for home field advantage and there is a reason why teams get home field advantage and there's a reason its called, home field advantage. lol

And giving me the Patriots as an example is awful. There are only a couple of teams rolling out HOF Qb's in the NFL.

No, it is not. The Patriots were in that limbo the Jets are in. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Never great. Then Brady and Belichick arrive and things change.

The Jets made strides with Rex and Sanchez, but the truth is he is they are what they are. Seomtimes good. Sometimes bad. Never grreat.

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No, it is not. The Patriots were in that limbo the Jets are in. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Never great. Then Brady and Belichick arrive and things change.

The Jets made strides with Rex and Sanchez, but the truth is he is they are what they are. Seomtimes good. Sometimes bad. Never grreat.

Thats the point you penis. You made strides because you have a HOF QB. The Jets, not so much.

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I would like us to take over the division from the Pats for a start!

losing at Pitt during week 2 doesn't necessarily prove that the Jets are worse than the Pats. all it proves is that they are worse than the Steelers, in their house, week 2. I am too lazy to look it up but everyone is tied in the AFC east, right?

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Depends on what you give them credit for.

Huh? It was a simple question with definitive answer. What have these "dominate" teams, the entire league is chasing, accomplished?

Playoffs wins? A NFCG loss?

Those things dont matter when it pertains to the Jets, remember?

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Huh? It was a simple question with definitive answer. What have these "dominate" teams, the entire league is chasing, accomplished?

Playoffs wins? A NFCG loss?

Those things dont matter when it pertains to the Jets, remember?

Depends on how you rate Playoffs wins and NFCG loss.

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