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2013 Jets could have as many as 16 new starters in game 1 compared to game 1 last year

Sperm Edwards

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2012 game 1 starter ---> 2013 potential game 1 starter


Offense: potential for 8 new starters (barring further injury that might increase the number; hopefully not)


QB Sanchez ---> Smith

RB Greene ---> Ivory

FB Hilliard ---> Bohanon

WR1 Holmes ---> Edwards/Gates

WR2 Hill ---> Hill/Kerley/Gates/Obomanu

TE Keller ---> Winslow/Cumberland

LT Ferguson (no change)

LG Slauson ---> Colon

C Mangold (no change)

RG Moore ---> Peterman/Winters

RT Howard (no change)


Defense: potential for 8 new starters


DE Wilkerson (no change)

NT Pouha ---> Ellis

DE DeVito ---> Richardson

OLB Pace ---> Barnes

ILB Scott ---> Davis

ILB Harris (no change)

OLB Thomas ---> Coples

CB Revis ---> Wilson/Milliner  

CB Cromartie (no change)

FS Bell ---> Bush

SS L.Landry ---> D.Landry


Even if we were looking past opening day starters, those players could change (e.g. could easily be '12 Wilson ---> '13 Milliner; Sanchez could easily start the season and lose the job very quickly; etc.)



Anyone ever see this much turnover in 1 season before? 

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Very interesting, I knew it was a lot but I didn't think of the #s.  Anyone know how many positions changed the first year Parcells took over?  That wasn't even the same situation, new coach taking over the worst team in football.  This is a lot of turnover for a team that has the same coach back.

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So we could have as many as 16 new starters, but we will have AT LEAST 12 new starters (provided Holmes doesn't play week-1) based on player departures. 


12-16 new starters is a significant changing of the guard. 

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Not rebuilding.


Rebuilding is a funny term these days.  People always take it to mean that they are in a 2-3 year process.  But what they are doing is getting rid of shitty players.  I am not sure how you can call a roster turnover like that anything but rebuilding.  But franchises seem to want to avoid the term because people think it means they are not trying to win right now.


The Jets are trying to win right now.  But the immediate focus is on not losing right now.  i.e. getting rid of all that waste.

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2012 game 1 starter ---> 2013 potential game 1 starter


Offense: potential for 8 new starters (barring further injury that might increase the number; hopefully not)


QB Sanchez ---> Smith

RB Greene ---> Ivory

FB Hilliard ---> Bohanon

WR1 Holmes ---> Edwards/Gates

WR2 Hill ---> Hill/Kerley/Gates/Obomanu

TE Keller ---> Winslow/Cumberland

LT Ferguson (no change)

LG Slauson ---> Colon

C Mangold (no change)

RG Moore ---> Peterman/Winters

RT Howard (no change)


Defense: potential for 8 new starters


DE Wilkerson (no change)

NT Pouha ---> Ellis

DE DeVito ---> Richardson

OLB Pace ---> Barnes

ILB Scott ---> Pace

ILB Harris (no change)

OLB Thomas ---> Coples

CB Revis ---> Wilson/Milliner  

CB Cromartie (no change)

FS Bell ---> Bush

SS L.Landry ---> D.Landry


Even if we were looking past opening day starters, those players could change (e.g. could easily be '12 Wilson ---> '13 Milliner; Sanchez could easily start the season and lose the job very quickly; etc.)



Anyone ever see this much turnover in 1 season before? 


You have Pace at ILB.  Is that a typo?  I haven't heard anything about Pace playing ILB, and Davis is supposedly the starter taking Scott's place.

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If this team can pull off an 8 or 9 win season, I think Rex keeps his job; only because the "D" will have to have

dominated and I don't think Idzik would want to mess with that.

Looking at the roster on the offensive side of the ball is depressing. Other than Mangold and Brick you have a few "hopeful" players like Ivory and Colon, a few aged vets that you can't bank on (Winslow and Edwards) an absolute disaster in Sanchez who you hope turn his career around. A receiving corp that is young and questionable in Kerley and Hill, and a couple of rooks in Geno and Bohannon.

Again, the "D" will have to be like Seattle/Niners to get to 9 wins.... Let's hope

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Be interesting to see what Harris' paying time looks like this year. With an emphasis on speed and a lot of potential 4 DL lineups, he may be earning his bloated salary on something of a part time basis. You know that's another contract that Idzik has to be looking at removing.

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Be interesting to see what Harris' paying time looks like this year. With an emphasis on speed and a lot of potential 4 DL lineups, he may be earning his bloated salary on something of a part time basis. You know that's another contract that Idzik has to be looking at removing.

Agreed. I hope DH sees the writing on the wall and dropped some weight, added some muscle and took a full second off his 40. Davis is going to be flying on the weak side. Need Harris to be like Navarro Bowman. Then this D would be really sick! I wonder if Rex is looking for him to take on the Bart Scott role? Crash the line and take on the lead blockers? That's a possibility..... he's big enough

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If this team can pull off an 8 or 9 win season, I think Rex keeps his job; only because the "D" will have to havedominated and I don't think Idzik would want to mess with that.Looking at the roster on the offensive side of the ball is depressing. Other than Mangold and Brick you have a few "hopeful" players like Ivory and Colon, a few aged vets that you can't bank on (Winslow and Edwards) an absolute disaster in Sanchez who you hope turn his career around. A receiving corp that is young and questionable in Kerley and Hill, and a couple of rooks in Geno and Bohannon.Again, the "D" will have to be like Seattle/Niners to get to 9 wins.... Let's hope

The offense has been abysmal the last two years, with the contracts of Sanchez and Holmes (in particular) bringing back horrendous returns. Unfortunately, that's a situation that doesn't get rectified until after this season.

I'm hoping Goodson winds up being part of the mix at RB. He brings some home run potential to the position that the Jets haven't had since before Leon Washington broke his leg. I agree they're leaning heavily on Winslow and Edwards bringing something to the table. If they can get something out of them, and Hill turns the corner, they might start to be able to do something on offense. The first practice, shorts and all, was encouraging. Coaches coach and players play and all that, but maybe the Jets finally have an offensive coordinator who can actually coach.

As always, it's the QB position that everything hinges on. Smith will be the starter at some point this season, unless Sanchez somehow manages to release his inner Eli Brees. But yeah, I think Smith will be the starter at some point this season. Lol. That has the potential to go either way, too.

Whatever word you want to use to describe it, the Jets are rebuilding, particularly on offense. Even if they start to get there this year, they're going to need players at WR and TE (unless the Aussie is the sh*t!). The length of of the rebuild depends on Geno.

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Yes Ice your right, but I really feel we are headed in the right direction (finally).

I'm definitely not as optimistic as you, but I wasn't trying to disagree with your point.  More just depress myself with how bad the "talent" on this team has been.

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Yup though that really says more about the guys being replaced than those doing the replacing.




They only get replaced if they want an unreasonable sum relative to their value (Revis) or if they just suck or are getting too old (almost everyone else).


The in-between ones off the top of my head are Laron Landry & Mike DeVito.  


I like the idea where we take the money & run with Landry.  We got a very good, healthy season out of him for significantly less than the market now bears for his services.  We now get a mid-round draft pick for him and don't have to worry about a $6M/year player getting hurt every year mid-season from age 29-32 when he had trouble doing so from age 26-27.  People quickly forget that many considered him to be a significant risk when we got him on a 1-year $3.4M deal.  But still, at "only" $6M I can see the argument either way.  If he signed elsewhere for $4M per, then I'd have been kind of pissed.

With DeVito, he was too 1-dimensional & with the focus on offenses (not Jets offenses, mind you) on passing rather than running, I like that we're moving more in a pass-rushing/pocket-collapsing/gap-shooting direction than hold your ground/run-stopping.  I liked DeVito plenty when he was here, as it's easier said than done to have 2 OLmen get hands on you and still stay in the play, but we need to get to the passer more or at least give him less time to throw even if it's not a sack.  How many of the sacks we did get were purely coverage sacks anyway? I'll take them however they come when they do come, but I like it more if we're making the QB uncomfortable, feeling pressure, and if we're just flat-out hitting him.


Good memories of both from their time here, but at least today I'm ok with moving on from them.  

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Is a "turnover year" the same thing as "rebuilding"?


Besides playing stupid semantics games? A whole lot less dramatic and something that happens to every team without a QB every 3-5 years. Even the ones with a QB...Pats have done it at least once under Brady, and might be doing it again. 

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