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Why does the offense suck so bad? Oh, that's right...


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The offense for the jets has always sucked. The offense had Curtis martin and Wayne chrebet awhile back and the offense sucked. The jets also had braylon  edwards,Jericho Cotchery,Brad Smith and the offense sucked because the jets miss used them. The offense this season is the worst I have ever seen. The defense can't do all the heavy work for the jets. The offenses are bad because rex ryan is a defense minded coach who Has no clue about offense what so ever. Morhnhinweg has too get better offensive play calls.

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How many of those drafts did you go into saying: OK, this is the year we are going to DRAFT OFFENSE? for me almost all of them and last year was a slam dunk for me thinking, finally, we are going to draft offense, and I predicted Tavon Austin and Tyler Eiferts. Then I said OK, we drafted a D-guy at 9, but at 13 we are definitely taking offense now. NOPE another D-guy (who turned out great).


So, as long as we have this Coach, I guess I am resigned to watching more outside Lb's and D-backs taken early this MAY, and then sprinkle in a few late round "skill" players passed over by 31 other teams. Oh Joy.


And now the, "Rex doesnt draft, the GM drafts" responses will be flying at this post so I am ready. Have at it.



So it's Rex's fault Tavon Austin got picked before we could take him?    Fair.

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Why? This is the exact type of team Rex wanted. I don't think he completely chose the players, but he definitely set the direction for the team when he got here, he wanted a top flight defense and a strong running game. He never gave two sh*ts about the passing game, so he obviously thought he could win the way the team is constructed.

This team is pretty much a direct reflection of the team Rex set out to build 5 years ago when he came on board, minus Revis.


This is the exact team Rex wanted without being completely in charge of picking the players?  He should play the lottery. He is one lucky mother.

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So it's Rex's fault Tavon Austin got picked before we could take him?    Fair.


I kinda wish he didn't say on the morning of the draft "the jets told me they were going to take me"


maybe that's brilliant strategery, trying to make someone go get him one pick higher, but its probably just soj

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So it's Rex's fault Tavon Austin got picked before we could take him?    Fair.

Is it your opinion then, that if Austin was still on the board, when the Jets were picking that they would have taken Austin? Given the Jets past reocrd in drafts of almost exlusively drafting Defense, what gives you the confidence to infer that this could have occurred?

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This is the exact team Rex wanted without being completely in charge of picking the players? He should play the lottery. He is one lucky mother.

This is the exact type of team, that is how an NFL org works.

It's not that hard to comprehend, for most anyway.

HC specifies what type of team he wants, in Rex's case running game and really strong d.

GM gets the players that fit the system.

I know it's not as easy to understand as junk in mouths, but not rocket science.

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He did it on purpose so he could pick defense instead. Im thinking.

When you think with your dick you don't plan that far ahead. You go out to D&B's with the boys, drink your beer, use up your power play card and see if you can fit that pretty little bartenders entire foot in your mouth. Chess is for pussys and Rex ain't no gash.

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None of the coaches can. Amazing. Rex's fault they can't help though.


He lacks the will to make them better. 


That whole thing would be OK if they hit on Sanchez, but Sanchez sucks/sucked big time. Missing on a first round QB is a nice way to ruin 3+ years for anyone. 

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Is it your opinion then, that if Austin was still on the board, when the Jets were picking that they would have taken Austin? Given the Jets past reocrd in drafts of almost exlusively drafting Defense, what gives you the confidence to infer that this could have occurred?

 He had the speed to crossover and play defensive back as well.  

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This is the exact type of team, that is how an NFL org works.

It's not that hard to comprehend, for most anyway.

HC specifies what type of team he wants, in Rex's case running game and really strong d.

GM gets the players that fit the system.

I know it's not as easy to understand as junk in mouths, but not rocket science.

  Then whny even have a GM then?  If he has zero input on players and they only do what the head coach says why have them?  Why fire Tanny and hire Idizik if all they do is kiss the coaches ass and give him every playere he wants? 

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When you think with your dick you don't plan that far ahead. You go out to D&B's with the boys, drink your beer, use up your power play card and see if you can fit that pretty little bartenders entire foot in your mouth. Chess is for pussys and Rex ain't no gash.

 Dick thinking isn't for everyone. Just the sexy people.

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He's the reason the offense sucks.  Geno and Sanchez and Ducasse and Hill all suck without any help from Rex.  Because he can't help them.  Never learned how. 


I'm sure Sean Payton is busy working on technique with the DL and cornerbacks as we speak 

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Then whny even have a GM then? If he has zero input on players and they only do what the head coach says why have them? Why fire Tanny and hire Idizik if all they do is kiss the coaches ass and give him every playere he wants?

I'm not sure how the hell u deduce that from my post.

First off, that is exactly what Tanny did for both Mangini and Rex, that was why he was GM with an accounting background.

That was the system the great Parcells and Bellicheck believe in and the jets wanted to implement.

Idzig was brought in because that system does not work with someone as limited as Rex.

Do u really think the accountant was making all of the football decisions? Please tell me your not that blinded with love for Rex that you don't see that.

It was a flawed system, hence Tammy's dismissal, but this is Rex's team.

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I'm not sure how the hell u deduce that from my post?

You may want to put the fork down, or whatever else u like to put in your mouth and try to comprehend something.

 Whatever dude only on my third breakfast, I never slow down till pre-lunch.,



My point was a team is never exactly what a coach wants.  With the injuries and the drafted players not playing well he has us still in wild card contention.    Did he hand picl Milliner and Geno?  I say no.  Geno fell to him and we needed someone to replace Revis.  I could be wrong an.fter all I do have bacon on my brain. 

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Whatever dude only on my third breakfast, I never slow down till pre-lunch.,

My point was a team is never exactly what a coach wants. With the injuries and the drafted players not playing well he has us still in wild card contention. Did he hand picl Milliner and Geno? I say no. Geno fell to him and we needed someone to replace Revis. I could be wrong an.fter all I do have bacon on my brain.

Idzik has clearly changed things.

But I have to ask, why even have a HC? Why not just have a GM and an OC And DC if the HC is not setting the strategy?

Breakfast is the best meal of the day, so I say go for it

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Idzik has clearly changed things.

But I have to ask, why even have a HC? Why not just have a GM and an OC And DC if the HC is not setting the strategy?

Breakfast is the best meal of the day, so I say go for it

 I think Rex is setting the strategy.  He has given us a shot at the playoffs with a team we are learning the new names of our recievers of the week every Sunday and a raw rookie QB that should have never started in the first place.

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Talk about the draft all you want, the reason is the lack of a competent starting QB. If we had a good QB, Stephen Hill might actually look good, and Kerley might be a pro bowler. Our lack of a QB makes the rest of out offensive skill players look worse.



Hard to find an argument here. 

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Engendering unwarranted sentiment from middle-aged men who had difficult relationships with their own fathers?



I'll take a couple stabs:


1. Getting Offensive Coordinators fired

2. Drafting Qbs that consistently put up the lowest TQBR's in the NFL

3. Losing the most games after the BYE


I am not trying to be funny here, these I believe are all valid guesses



Making sure the players he loves get the biggest contract possible by claiming how great they are in pressers empowering agents to sign for top dollar. But the time Rex is done Wilkerson (who I love as a player) will have a 100 mil contract. Rex Wins

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I think Rex is setting the strategy. He has given us a shot at the playoffs with a team we are learning the new names of our recievers of the week every Sunday and a raw rookie QB that should have never started in the first place.

So what's the strategy?

Defense and running game, hence this is Rex's type of team

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All I can say at this point is lets hope Idzik breaks the Jets long term offensive trend. Practice squad players just don't have the same returns as top draft picks or proven Free Agents

There is this asinine thought process among jet fans that until you get Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers you cannot have a good offense.

The Ravens and Giants have won 3 of the last 7 SBs with average QBs and a lot of talent around them.

But average QBs without talent look like dog crap, he'll Eli looks like dog crap and he has a ton of talent around him.

It's rediculous.

How can u judge a QB with the garbage we have at offense.

It's easy to look at the QB and say they suck, it's a bit more work to use your brain and understand that offense is a system, and not a one man show unless you get lucky enough to get one of three or four people on earth who can do this at any point in a generation.

It's stupidity.

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So if Peyton wanted to come to NY instead on Denver Rex would have been, "No way he will want to pass?" Haha. You play the cards you are dealt fella.

That's hysterical, I mean absolutely hysterical.

The notion that Peyton would even think of coming to the Jets under Ryan.

Thanks, that just made me laugh really, really hard.

I needed that.

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Making sure the players he loves get the biggest contract possible by claiming how great they are in pressers empowering agents to sign for top dollar. But the time Rex is done Wilkerson (who I love as a player) will have a 100 mil contract. Rex Wins

Actually, great point, and we need only look at Revis. What leverage did the Jets have after Rex got done telling us that Revis was god? None, so Revis is up there demanding 16 million and wanting us to absolutely gut our salary cap.He also killed us with Sanchez, constantly propping him up, and then giving him a ridiculous 8.5 million dollar guaranteed extension.


Parcells (again I mention my favorite coach), was great about this and I remember one presser when he was asked if Lawrence Taylor (who besides maybe Jim Brown was the best FOOTBALL PLAYER I have ever seen), was playing at a Pro-bowl level, Parcells responded, "He's playing pretty good, but he keeps missing some assignments and he better clean those up". This was after Taylor had a game with like 3.5 sacks, a strip sack, 10 tackles, and 12 hurries.


Simms was aked if he ever compliments you? "Simms replied, Hell no, Parcells dont say much if your doing alright, he just screams at you when you screw up."

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Manning was never going to come to New York -he would not want to be in the same city as his bro.

No, he wanted nothing to do with Sporano, and the poor excuse if an offense that would have been around him.

Not to mention Rex is not exactly Peyton's style.

NY is an excuse that Ryan apologist use to make themselves feel better about the lack if offense

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