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Rex's job prolly hangs on the Dolphin game...?


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At this point there is nothing else to play for but beating the Dolphins....If he can win out he stays, if he loses to the Dolphins he goes...is that fair?

Now that the Jets Can't make the playoffs you have to already have a decision whether to fire him, or not, and start playing some who wouldn't normally play to get a better evaluation of what you have with some of the fringe players on this roster, can't judge Rex on the next 2 games unless you let him coach like the season is still alive, and even then you won't get much from the top end players who know their jobs are safe next season.

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I don't think it will come down to a win or loss against Miami. It will almost certainly be the decision of the turnip owner Woody Johnson who loves him some Rex. I hate to say this because I loathe Rex Ryan, but I believe he will be back. I think Johnson will use the "continuity" argument to keep the buffoon as HC. Reporters are fond of Rex and haven't turned on him - instead they list reasons pro and con - which is fair, but very much influences turnip brains. Reporters like to say the Jets play hard for Rex, but I see evidence that they don't, such as poor tackling (actually pretend tackling on some occasions) and the fact that the Jets can pull an upset win, be in control of their own destiny and just like that they get beat by 20 or more points. Happens all the time, but Johnson will take the decision from Idzik, you watch and see.

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T0m Shane - if you give ANY coach Peyton Manning and they are likely to make the playoffs. What is your point with that statement? Give rex Tom Brady and he likely makes the playoffs, but Rex has had his shot at good QB's both in the draft and in free agency and he hasn't shown that he knows how to develop their talents. Case in point. In Carolina game Smith faces backside blitz by Munnerlyn or some other DB and gets sacked. In Pittsburgh's game Roethlisberger faced the same exact blitz and beat it with a quick timing pass to the TE. Geno has no feel for the game and Rex/MM have not coached him sufficiently to understand that you must make decisions quickly - in the blink of an eye in most cases - and he does not.

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Not sure which way it is going to go, but if I had to bet I'd bet the decision is already made.   


Don't see anything in these last two games that would change anyones mind.   Don't see why the Panthers game would turn the tide one way or another either.  I thought they were going to get blown out, they hung in with an inferior team, then gave it away.  


The Fish are a better team with a better QB.  Don't know why that would sway any one either way.


Again if I was forced to bet, I think Rex is done.  Hope I'm wrong

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Some insighs having completed the Dawidoff book-


Wrecks, whatever the reason (child of divorce, screaming lunatic dad?) abhors and avoids confrontation. It's why Schitty was here so long. It's why Sanchez was cut so much slack.And he did so even when people he trusted and thought highly of like Westoff and Pettine told him it was his job to address those things. Zhe still did nothing. And it's why Geno is still playing. It's why obvious things go wanting.That is not leadership.


As much as Johnson is  a blasted fool, NOBODY can overlook at this 5 years of awfulness by the offense. And further suspect strongly that the season ticket base is fleeingThat will be his downfall really, that Wrecks is bad for business. .  

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Some insighs having completed the Dawidoff book-


Wrecks, whatever the reason (child of divorce, screaming lunatic dad?) abhors and avoids confrontation. It's why Schitty was here so long. It's why Sanchez was cut so much slack.And he did so even when people he trusted and thought highly of like Westoff and Pettine told him it was his job to address those things. Zhe still did nothing. And it's why Geno is still playing. It's why obvious things go wanting.That is not leadership.


As much as Johnson is  a blasted fool, NOBODY can overlook at this 5 years of awfulness by the offense. And further suspect strongly that the season ticket base is fleeingThat will be his downfall really, that Wrecks is bad for business. .  


Well heck the solution is obvious then.  Hire Rob Ryan, he loves confrontation because he is a child of divorce, then resign Rex as DC.


Super Bowl

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Mangini's tenure ended in despairing fashion against the Dolphins in Week 17 of '08 (and I was, unfortunately, at that miserable game).  Only appropriate that Rex's ends against them as well, if that's the call Idzik makes.


The Jets still had a chance that day if memory serves. And I believe Baltimore won to knock us out earlier in the day.


Have we ever even beaten the Ravens?

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The Jets still had a chance that day if memory serves. And I believe Baltimore won to knock us out earlier in the day.


Have we ever even beaten the Ravens?


Yeah, we needed either the Bills to beat the Pats OR Jaguars to beat the Ravens to get in, plus a W.  Of course, none of that happened.

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Matt39, the Jets can't beat the Raven because they KEEP their good players and send their dregs to Rex. How else do you explain BARF Scott, Derrick Mason and Ed Reed. None made a play when they were here and BTW the Ravens said thanks but no thanks to Rex as HC despite good seasons as DC. They go for an unknown ST coach from Philly instead - and oh by the way win a SB in the aftermath.

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 The decision should already be known.   idzik and staff should be looking ahead to next year.  If that means a new HC, new staff, etc then they should be making a list and have that ready as soon as the season ends.   THey should be figuring out their top 50 players they would like to draft or sign.     


 I really don't want another year like last year where they seemed to be missing in action and confused.   I have hope for  Idzik, but last year the Jets seemed clueless in hiring a GM and the entire process they spent not finding one.  I really hope they don't wait around, finally figure out Rex is fired or extended,  and then start the offseason.    The time to start the offseason has already started.  Lets hope Idzik knows the answer.

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