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Will there be a news conference next Monday?


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I think Rex is back too, but not because Idzik wants him back. Because the fanbase is so bamboozled by the clown that the fan outcry will leave Idzik no choice but to bring the dope back.

Idzik doesn't care what fans think. He dumped Revis and drafted two defensive players in the first round. Neither move was popular at all.

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Idzik doesn't care what fans think. He dumped Revis and drafted two defensive players in the first round. Neither move was popular at all.

I hope you are right, but I think you are underestimating Woodys role in all of this.

The rumors were that Woody wanted Revis gone, if so really Idzik may have had no choice.

I think Woody really likes Rex, which should tell any Jet fan who likes Rex everything they need to know about Rex.

But if Woody believes the fan base would go nuts, and Woody wants him back, Idzik may have no choice in the matter.

IF that plays out like that, I would love to see Idzik quit and expose the franchise as the dis functional disaster it is.

Then we can go back to letting Rex be GM and HC the way it was under Tanny and bring in a new errand boy for Rex.

Good times ahead, but the fans of this team are going to get what they want.

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Idzik doesn't care what fans think. He dumped Revis and drafted two defensive players in the first round. Neither move was popular at all.

Wait wasn't it Rex that drafted those two players since they play defense? Or is that only when Tanny is drafting that it is actually Rex doing the drafting?

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Also, heres another thought.


Do you think there is any chance that  IDZIK would quit, if Woody forced him to keep Rex on,if Idzik is dead set on Whacking Rex? Hmmmm........


And if Idzik gives him the ultimatum, Rex or Me, what does Woody do?


This could get very interesting? Only the Jets could write this story.

This wouldnt happen. This organization isnt so terrible to cut a new GM for a coach. They could have just kept Tanny for all that. If Idzik wants Rex gone he will be.

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Also, heres another thought.


Do you think there is any chance that  IDZIK would quit, if Woody forced him to keep Rex on,if Idzik is dead set on Whacking Rex? Hmmmm........


And if Idzik gives him the ultimatum, Rex or Me, what does Woody do?


This could get very interesting? Only the Jets could write this story.


If Idzik quits, I think you have to bring back Rich Kotite to run the whole show.  

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Actually I used to go to all the Jets Fish home games.  Stopped going about 3 years ago.  The atmosphere just got to weird.  Maybe I'm just getting to old for all the drunken nonsense 

I agree fg, I hate that crap stadium, also, it's virtually impossible to get out of that parking lot, you think they'd hire some police to direct the traffic ya know? I mean they charge you 20 bucks to park in a dirt lot and add to that the cost of the tickets and food and drinks and one would think they could afford to...that's Florida for you 

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If idzik has the choice why not keep Rex. Built in excuse of lame duck coach buys him another year. Of course could all change if a marquee coach like cowher is willing... Will be interesting

 You gave the reason in your quote: "lame duck coach". No one wants this. Its a disaster for the organization. They need to settle this mess right now (or monday), and that is fire him or extend him. Those are the only two choices of reason.

Other scenarios just continue the: "The Jets are a Dysfunctional organization" rhetoric.

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Why wait 'til Monday?

Report: Jets could announce Rex is staying on Sunday

Posted by Mike Florio on December 28, 2013, 5:38 PM EST

In 2013, Jets coach Rex Ryan may have done his best job yet, given the quality of the players with which he has been working. And that apparently will be enough to get him at least one more year.

According to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News, an announcement that Rex is staying put could come as early as Sunday.

The real question will be whether and to what extent Ryan’s contract is extended. Currently signed through 2014, it’s hard to imagine a lame-duck coaching situation in the nation’s leading media market. At a minimum, Ryan would be getting a one-year extension — which would still mean that he’ll be coaching for his job next year.

The smart move, if doubt remains in the front office regarding Rex, would be to fashion a multi-year extension with some fine print that reduces the buyout if the Jets decide after 2014 to move on. That would create the impression Rex is safe next year, avoiding another season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back.

Regardless, the current season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back apparently is poised to end with a proclamation that, by winning seven (and maybe eight) games with a largely overmatched roster, Rex has earned the right to give it at least one more shot. And if that’s the decision, it’s the right one.

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Why wait 'til Monday?

Report: Jets could announce Rex is staying on Sunday

Posted by Mike Florio on December 28, 2013, 5:38 PM EST

In 2013, Jets coach Rex Ryan may have done his best job yet, given the quality of the players with which he has been working. And that apparently will be enough to get him at least one more year.

According to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News, an announcement that Rex is staying put could come as early as Sunday.

The real question will be whether and to what extent Ryan’s contract is extended. Currently signed through 2014, it’s hard to imagine a lame-duck coaching situation in the nation’s leading media market. At a minimum, Ryan would be getting a one-year extension — which would still mean that he’ll be coaching for his job next year.

The smart move, if doubt remains in the front office regarding Rex, would be to fashion a multi-year extension with some fine print that reduces the buyout if the Jets decide after 2014 to move on. That would create the impression Rex is safe next year, avoiding another season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back.

Regardless, the current season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back apparently is poised to end with a proclamation that, by winning seven (and maybe eight) games with a largely overmatched roster, Rex has earned the right to give it at least one more shot. And if that’s the decision, it’s the right one.



Why wait 'til Monday?

Report: Jets could announce Rex is staying on Sunday

Posted by Mike Florio on December 28, 2013, 5:38 PM EST

In 2013, Jets coach Rex Ryan may have done his best job yet, given the quality of the players with which he has been working. And that apparently will be enough to get him at least one more year.

According to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News, an announcement that Rex is staying put could come as early as Sunday.

The real question will be whether and to what extent Ryan’s contract is extended. Currently signed through 2014, it’s hard to imagine a lame-duck coaching situation in the nation’s leading media market. At a minimum, Ryan would be getting a one-year extension — which would still mean that he’ll be coaching for his job next year.

The smart move, if doubt remains in the front office regarding Rex, would be to fashion a multi-year extension with some fine print that reduces the buyout if the Jets decide after 2014 to move on. That would create the impression Rex is safe next year, avoiding another season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back.

Regardless, the current season of constant speculation over whether he’ll be back apparently is poised to end with a proclamation that, by winning seven (and maybe eight) games with a largely overmatched roster, Rex has earned the right to give it at least one more shot. And if that’s the decision, it’s the right one.

If this is true, then I change my point of view on the Jets drafting a QB. I would not want to subject yet another poor kid to the socalled "offensive", and "QB" coaching that went on to produce the two worst starting QB's in the NFL.


No QB coming out of college trying to make a name for themselves in the NFL, should have their careers severely tarnished by Rex's masterful handling of QB's.


The Jets should now stick with Sanchez, Smith, and Simms, as it really is of no consequence who plays offense for this head coach, as long as you can hand off and put up a 62 QBR, you will thrive.


Woo Hoo 8-8 again in 2014. Better start stocking up on the Coors lite for next year.

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Also, heres another thought.


Do you think there is any chance that  IDZIK would quit, if Woody forced him to keep Rex on,if Idzik is dead set on Whacking Rex? Hmmmm........


And if Idzik gives him the ultimatum, Rex or Me, what does Woody do?


This could get very interesting? Only the Jets could write this story.

Idzik isn't quitting.He has an NFL GM job and at least one more year of a potential scapegoat. If this team continues to suck he's probably good for at least another 4 years of Woody direct deposits no matter what. He took this job with the Wrecks restriction to begin with. It's a little too late to complain about giving handies in the bathroom at lunch when you knew the deal on Day 1, that Idzik would be the latest hooker in Woody's whorehouse. Idzik took this job with that restriction when others like Tom Gamble and Steve Ross declined.
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Idzik isn't quitting.He has an NFL GM job and at least one more year of a potential scapegoat. If this team continues to suck he's probably good for at least another 4 years of Woody direct deposits no matter what. He took this job with the Wrecks restriction to begin with. It's a little too late to complain about giving handies in the bathroom at lunch when you knew the deal on Day 1, that Idzik would be the latest hooker in Woody's whorehouse. Idzik took this job with that restriction when others like Tom Gamble and Steve Ross declined.

Good point, but I still think that Idzik assumed that restriction was for ONE YEAR, and he could do whatever he wanted after the year was up, apparently he was wrong, and his agent should probably have gotten something in writing.

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Idzik isn't quitting.He has an NFL GM job and at least one more year of a potential scapegoat. If this team continues to suck he's probably good for at least another 4 years of Woody direct deposits no matter what. He took this job with the Wrecks restriction to begin with. It's a little too late to complain about giving handies in the bathroom at lunch when you knew the deal on Day 1, that Idzik would be the latest hooker in Woody's whorehouse. Idzik took this job with that restriction when others like Tom Gamble and Steve Ross declined.

Not sure who Steve Ross is, but Tom Gamble was clamoring for the job and the Jets passed on him.

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Good point, but I still think that Idzik assumed that restriction was for ONE YEAR, and he could do whatever he wanted after the year was up, apparently he was wrong, and his agent should probably have gotten something in writing.

Idzik will cash the checks, draft as well as he can, and try to compile a resume that he can use when Rex convinces Woody to fire him in three years for not getting him a quarterback.

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Good point, but I still think that Idzik assumed that restriction was for ONE YEAR, and he could do whatever he wanted after the year was up, apparently he was wrong, and his agent should probably have gotten something in writing.

Idzik got tossed out of Denver and wasn't getting the corner office in Seattle. He is not the younbg up and comer. This is it for him. He's being well paid doing something he wants to do. He has an owner that has been very patient with the staff to the point the GM he hired in 2001 is still on the payroll. There's a corporate fantasy that you're going to tell your boss to go eff himself or run the business the way you want. That is Hollywood rather than reality. Getting a big paycheck is way cooler. Flotham Park even if run by a rich idiot is not the galley ship in "Ben Hur".

Simply I have no idea yet if Idzik is any good. But I know he is going to hang onto this job like icy cold death. Even if it means tolerating a dolt like Wrecks.

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Idzik will cash the checks, draft as well as he can, and try to compile a resume that he can use when Rex convinces Woody to fire him in three years for not getting him a quarterback.

His career could be ruined if he stays with REX for 3 more years. Better to get out now, while you still have a viable resume.

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Not sure who Steve Ross is, but Tom Gamble was clamoring for the job and the Jets passed on him.

Jints' assistant GM. Took the meeting and the steak dinner probably without missing a day of work.And got his boss intel on the Jets debacle of an operation.

Gamble seemed like the hot name, even remidning us how Buddy worked for Gamble's dad in Philly. Until... something... happened. "Of course, you cannot bring in your own coach. Wrecks is GREAT!". Suddenly not so interested in the job.

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His career could be ruined if he stays with REX for 3 more years. Better to get out now, while you still have a viable resume.

In three years, Idzik will be able to show a future employer that working for Woody was a no-win situation, and that Rex was a marginal head coach. If Idzik can show the he managed the cap effectively and brought in prospects that could have been good if deployed correctly, he could get another job.

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In three years, Idzik will be able to show a future employer that working for Woody was a no-win situation, and that Rex was a marginal head coach. If Idzik can show the he managed the cap effectively and brought in prospects that could have been good if deployed correctly, he could get another job.


He works for the Jets now, which means that he could essentially Bradway or Sutton it and outlast multiple regimes. This organization never cleans house, it may take 20 years before Woody gets around to firing him, especially if "reports" surface every year about how "Idzik wanted ___fill in the blank with last year's rookie stud name___", sorta how Bradway Russell Wilson'ed himself into everyone's good graces.

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