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My big worry: Michael Vick


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a dog is a dog. you don't kick a kid for peeing on the rug. i'd rather kill a million dogs than take a chance with one person's life. but hey, that's just me.

Cool. I'm not looking to change your mind. I can clearly see both sides of the issue. I just think the average person has more of a problem with Michael Vick's crimes than the average drunk driver, and is more forgiving of the latter. And would be more forgiving of a franchise naming a convicted drunk driver their starting QB than Michael Vick.

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I would argue against that. To me, it's more a matter of intent. A drunk driver is looking to get himself somewhere, not hurt anyone. In fact, I'm sure their goal is to not hurt anyone, as that generally leads to getting arrested. It's dangerous and irresponsible, but it's not the same as soberly deciding to raise dogs for the sole purpose of torturing and killing them for one's amusement.




Obviously... I'm sure there isn't a man on here who hasn't driven at least one time when they later realized they shouldn't have. I doubt there's any serial dog torturers/murderers..

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a dog is a dog. you don't kick a kid for peeing on the rug. i'd rather kill a million dogs than take a chance with one person's life. but hey, that's just me.



You or your father, brother, etc.. has never driven home and realized you probably shouldn't have drove? Gimme a break... I don't know a single person who hasn't thought that at least 1 time

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You or your father, brother, etc.. has never driven home and realized you probably shouldn't have drove? Gimme a break... I don't know a single person who hasn't thought that at least 1 time


so i am your barometer of moral and ethical behavior? you know what i do for a living, right?

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You or your father, brother, etc.. has never driven home and realized you probably shouldn't have drove? Gimme a break... I don't know a single person who hasn't thought that at least 1 time


yeah that's my point. people who have done this and put human lives at risk should not be all high and mighty about vick killing some mutts. so thanks for accidentally agreeing with me.

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You or your father, brother, etc.. has never driven home and realized you probably shouldn't have drove? Gimme a break... I don't know a single person who hasn't thought that at least 1 time



When I have driven drunk I was to busy looking for a Drive thru to think about anything else.

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I don't want Vick for all the reasons. The dog thing is the cake, but the fact he can't play is really elaborate icing.

dogs > people, overwhelmingly in my experience.

a dog is a dog. you don't kick a kid for peeing on the rug. i'd rather kill a million dogs than take a chance with one person's life. but hey, that's just me.

I don't kick dogs for that either. based on this thread alone, my dog's a better person than you are and I like her a lot more. good thing I don't have to decide whether to kill you or my dog.

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Ignoring the whole value of a human life vs a dogs, (although in many cases, I'd value the dog), there is a very big difference between a drunken mistake and serial torture. If Vick had run over a dog in his car and Stallworth had spent years torturing and killing dozens of humans, you think their respective fallout would be the same?

Drinking then getting behind the wheel and killing some one  isn't a mistake, it's bad judgement. As for Vick, he paid the price for doing so unless he killed your dog I don't see why people keep casting stones his way.

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You or your father, brother, etc.. has never driven home and realized you probably shouldn't have drove? Gimme a break... I don't know a single person who hasn't thought that at least 1 time


I agree.


Pee on my rug and see if I kick you


Your rug obviously doesn't really tie the room together.

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Drinking then getting behind the wheel and killing some one  isn't a mistake, it's bad judgement. As for Vick, he paid the price for doing so unless he killed your dog I don't see why people keep casting stones his way.


Technically it's both, it's bad judgment to get behind the wheel drunk, killing someone makes it a mistake, a huge one.

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I don't want Vick because I don't want another media circus that doesn't helps us win football games. Also, I love dogs. Also, I don't drink and drive at all anymore, but used to and it may be the single most idiotic, self-centered, a$$hole thing I've done in my life.

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Technically it's both, it's bad judgment to get behind the wheel drunk, killing someone makes it a mistake, a huge one.

I hear you. Either way, people need to stop acting all "saint-like" everytime Vick's name is brought up. I'm not saying to leave your pet around dude, but were talking about football on a forum, people need to get off it already. 

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I don't want Vick because I don't want another media circus that doesn't helps us win football games. Also, I love dogs. Also, I don't drink and drive at all anymore, but used to and it may be the single most idiotic, self-centered, a$$hole thing I've done in my life.



Just cause you love something doesn;t mean you shouldn;t eventually eat it.

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I don't want Vick because I don't want another media circus that doesn't helps us win football games. Also, I love dogs. Also, I don't drink and drive at all anymore, but used to and it may be the single most idiotic, self-centered, a$$hole thing I've done in my life.

I can respect everything you just said, why? because your reasoning is about football and the Jets. The way people jump on Vick is cruel because these are people who are no better. I'm not saying to accept the action, but a person not directly impacted should certainly be able to move on once he faced his charge, served his time apologized and even did service work. You support actions like that not drag people through the dirt just because your dirty secrets aren't out in the open like his. 

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Killing someone from drunk driving is horrible, strangling a dog is horrible.  I do not want to root for anyone on the Jets who has killed someone or a dog.  I do not even want someone with any arrest record.

I know there are players on the Jets who have arrest records, and personally, I would like jackasses like Goodson off the team.  I do not care if they make the Jets better, because IMO, they make the Jets worse in the long run

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I don't want Vick for all the reasons. The dog thing is the cake, but the fact he can't play is really elaborate icing.

dogs > people, overwhelmingly in my experience.

I don't kick dogs for that either. based on this thread alone, my dog's a better person than you are and I like her a lot more. good thing I don't have to decide whether to kill you or my dog.



gee, aren't you a sweetheart. after i'm done kicking my dog i now have a place to put my foot.

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Hmmm, they brought in and paid a corner a  kings ransom money, knowing he had about 15 different kids with about 8 different skanks.


If pro sports teams applied this criteria to bringing in players, most teams wouldn't be able to field a team on Sunday

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Okay, back to football. I don't want Michael Vick on the Jets because I don't believe he has anything left in him.

 Actually, and especially after this year, I could not disagree more. After he got injured and Foles took over, he will basically have 8-10 months of NO FOOTBALL contact, allowing his body to finally heel up, to a point where he will be more healthy coming into this year than he has in a long time.

I would take Vick over what we have now in a heartbeat, and given he knows Marty's system, the learning curve would be on warp drive, and he would be ready to go.

If they dont draft a Franchies guy, then by all means, go get MIKE VICK.

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I can respect everything you just said, why? because your reasoning is about football and the Jets. The way people jump on Vick is cruel because these are people who are no better. I'm not saying to accept the action, but a person not directly impacted should certainly be able to move on once he faced his charge, served his time apologized and even did service work. You support actions like that not drag people through the dirt just because your dirty secrets aren't out in the open like his. 




However, I beg to differ. I am a better person, and I have no dirty little secrets. I've taken great care in my life to make good decisions, and that is my reward. I'm a better person than most. 

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yeah that's my point. people who have done this and put human lives at risk should not be all high and mighty about vick killing some mutts. so thanks for accidentally agreeing with me.



thats a dumb point

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