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Absolute shocker! Ryan to stick with Geno


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"I’m confident in Geno," head coach Rex Ryan said after the Jets' 24-17 loss to the Lions on Sunday. "If Geno’s healthy, then Geno Smith will start [next week].”


“I believe in him," Ryan said. "I know he’s a hard-working guy. I think he’s got the tools to be really good, In my opinion, it’s not a question of if it’s going to happen, it’s a question of when. He’s going to be that kind of guy. I think he’s a good quarterback. I think he’s going to have a chance to really be something one day.”


Then Ryan proved that showing loyalty to a player is much more important than winning any game.


Ryan said he gave no thought during the game to lifting Smith for Vick.



“No," Ryan said. "I thought that we were going to get it done with Geno. Because I’m not going to replace him. I feel good about Geno, and again, I think he’s gonna get it turned. I know he’s a tough, resilient young man. I think we’re going to win, and we’re going to win soon.

I am sure I have heard those same exact words when Ryan sank a whole season in favor of Sanchez during Sanchez's last season as a Jets starter.

How many seasons are acceptable throwaways at the expense of the team and its fans?

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Because he learned from how he handled sanchez in the exact same way?


Possibly, but he never had a viable back up for Sanchez so as sad it was, Sanchez truly was the best QB on the roster.  This year, not so much.  Rex knows this, like lets be honest, he knows damn well Vick is the better player and he doesnt have a say in the matter...which probably is all the more reason for him to go and Idzick for that matter.

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Vick will change nothing except maybe he runs better than Geno we have the worst WR group in the NFL we have the worst CBs in the league I never expected different results based on all this. We are who I thought we were.


  Geno leads the NFL in turnovers. Another INT and 2 more fumbles yesterday.


  The Jets are a minus 8 turnover ratio.

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 Tanny didn't give Rex a script to say that he was all in for Sanchez.


 Its was all Rex then and its all Rex now. Hes saying the same BS about Genio that he said about Sanchez.



Every coach says that about a struggling QB, until they pull them.

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 Tanny didn't give Rex a script to say that he was all in for Sanchez.


 Its was all Rex then and its all Rex now. Hes saying the same BS about Genio that he said about Sanchez.


No.  This is all Idzick.  Rex didnt have a Vick to turn to during the Sanchez years and at least Sanchez, from year 1 to year 2, reduced the turnovers significantly and gave you the slightest a glimmer of hope while the Jets went 11-5.  Geno is terrible and the team is 1-3.  Rex wants Vick.  You're crazy thinking otherwise.  This isnt Rex.  Rex is fighting for his job.  This is his GM, wanting his pick to be in the game.



He was in love with Sanchez, I don't see or feel that same vibe here.


Idzik is involved in this decision, for sure


This.  No denying Rex's love for Sanchez but he didnt have a choice and he at least looked to turn the corner to a reasonable game manager in year 2. This isnt really a comparable situation.  Vick is better than Geno.  You couldnt say that about a back-up during the Sanchez years.

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Get used to the idea.  Ryan will never start Vick, nor should he (now).  There is nothing gained by Vick except a slightly worse draft pick next year.


We sink or swin (and likely sink) with Ryan and Geno in 2014, thats just the way it is.


I felt this way until yesterday.  There is something to be gained.  Its called accountability and for Idzick, its about setting a tone for the future of HIS team since Rex will not be in the plans.  The fans, the rest of team, they dont deserve Geno.  You cant win with this guy as your QB.  Bottom line.  -8 in the turnover margin.  Thats literally impossible to overcome for a team.  Especially one as desperate for talent as the Jets.


They could do it in the Sanchez years because they had players...now, no way.  This team is horrible.

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Vick will change nothing except maybe he runs better than Geno we have the worst WR group in the NFL we have the worst CBs in the league I never expected different results based on all this. We are who I thought we were.

Here is a question though. When was the last time he led a receiver or truly hit them in stride? We keep saying how horrible his receivers are but how do we know? Have you looked at how often the ball is thrown in a way that if it is catchable, it gets them killed.

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Get used to the idea. Ryan will never start Vick, nor should he (now). There is nothing gained by Vick except a slightly worse draft pick next year.

We sink or swin (and likely sink) with Ryan and Geno in 2014, thats just the way it is.

Lot to be gained. If Vick plays well he very well could be our starter next year so we can develop our first round qb pick properly this time. By all accounts Vick was a good team mate and mentor to foles in philly.

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Lot to be gained. If Vick plays well he very well could be our starter next year so we can develop our first round qb pick properly this time. By all accounts Vick was a good team mate and mentor to foles in philly.

Good point. I mean lets be honest, Geno will have one or two ok games, but he will never be a good NFL QB. He simply does NOT have it.

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Geno is absolutely terrible, but unfortunately so is Vick.  The real difference is Vick has proven himself to be only slightly less terrible, but been so for 14 years now.  Oh yeah, and he had that one pretty good part of a season that one time.  Vick brings little to this team as a starter and the last thing we really need is for these idiots to bench Geno and then, because of that, decide to give him his "last chance" next year, which also ultimately means much less of an investment in an alternate option at QB.  You keep on going with Geno until you are 100% sure that you are absolutely done with him for good (and as much as many fans already feel that way, the team clearly doesn't yet).  After that, you can then go all out to find yourself a potential long-term solution at QB come next offseason.  At this point more than anything the team needs to make sure there are no lingering questions left out there.  That's the same nonsense that kept the messes the team had with the likes of Pennington and Sanchez going on for way longer than they ever should have, simply because they couldn't make up their damn minds.


Frankly, given that there is no chance of Vick providing any long term value (even if you like him as a player, he's just too old for that), they'd probably be better served with going with someone who might, however slim that chance may be, even if it's just someone like the Golden Boy Matt Simms.  The only reason I could possibly see for putting Vick in at any point is if it were late in the season and you want to try to measure some of the other young players performances on offense while having a veteran at the QB position.  But that would also mean benching veterans at other positions on offense as well in order to get the rookies more playing time, and I'd guess it's a bit early for the team to be considering that.  The reality is that the main reason Vick was here was to hopefully help Geno improve while also, if the Jets managed to actually be respectable this year, providing an actual backup option at the position.  None of that happened, so this is where we find ourselves.  I'm not saying any of these options are particularly good mind you, I just think being in a rush to put in a 34 year old never-was could end up with the greatest potential for a mess, especially when you consider the extremely high likelihood that he'd just end up getting hurt anyway.

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Rex Ryan must Go! He is so stubborn sticking with a terrible quarterback this is exactly what he did when Mark Sanchez was on this team stinking it up. Just start Michael Vick so the jets have at least a chance to win. This season is getting way out of control at 1-3 soon to be 1-4,1-5,1-6. I'm tired of Rex and his excuses. Hopefully Rex is gone after this season. They should of Fired him after last season. 8-8 last season should not have gotten Rex another chance. This organization has no clue on how to win consistently.

This team is Garbage! #SameOldJets!

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I felt this way until yesterday.  There is something to be gained.  Its called accountability and for Idzick, its about setting a tone for the future of HIS team since Rex will not be in the plans.  The fans, the rest of team, they dont deserve Geno.  You cant win with this guy as your QB.  Bottom line.  -8 in the turnover margin.  Thats literally impossible to overcome for a team.  Especially one as desperate for talent as the Jets.


They could do it in the Sanchez years because they had players...now, no way.  This team is horrible.


No GM is going to bench his draft pick 2nd year QB in an already-lost (or soon to be lost) season to play a one-year-deal old man fill-in guy like Vick.


Geno and Rex will both get all of 2014.


Then, if we're a losing team again, Rex will be fired, and Geno (if he does not materially improve) will be abandoned going forward as other arms are brought in.

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We've all seen this dog and pony show before. If the Jets were ever serious about accountability, which, they're not cause that's just lip service in this regime, Geno would be benched after a game like that. It's not even because Vick is supposed to be some savior here, which he's not since he's not been a full-time starter in a while now and was turnover and sack prone when he did play. It's because if they were actually serious about the most productive players playing they wouldn't start Geno after his recent performances and they wouldn't give Nelson as much playing time as they are.I bet they do some idiotic half-measure like "cut-down the playbook for Geno" or "Run the ball more cause we're a running team" or "give Vick more first-team reps in practice to scare Geno". I'm just tired of them trying to coddle a guy into being a franchise QB and hope they develop into something amazing. With the new rookie scale, you're not just boned if you miss on a high QB draft pick. Just take another one next year and for the love of God try to give him something above scrub level for wide receivers and tight ends.

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No GM is going to bench his draft pick 2nd year QB in an already-lost (or soon to be lost) season to play a one-year-deal old man fill-in guy like Vick.


Geno and Rex will both get all of 2014.


Then, if we're a losing team again, Rex will be fired, and Geno (if he does not materially improve) will be abandoned going forward as other arms are brought in.


Its probably what happens and I've agreed until this point that it was the right approach.  I no longer do.  Geno is bad, like really really bad.  Dont see him improving.  He's got inherit flaws that arent fixed...like taking care of the ball. 


At this point, I'd let Vick in the game.  If he doesnt turn around, you go back to Geno at anytime...nobody will care, because like you said, its a lost season.  But, by chance, Vick can turn the season around.  Well, then it would be very wise to resign Vick and draft a QB that you finally dont have to rush into the starting line up from week 1.  That way, next season, you have a Vet battling it out with a rookie and Geno in camp and hopefully the GM will let his new Head Coach actually pick his man next season and not force a QB down his throat.  


Because the reality is, Geno is actually effecting the ability for you to assess the rest of your roster on offense.

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Geno is absolutely terrible, but unfortunately so is Vick. The real difference is Vick has proven himself to be only slightly less terrible, but been so for 14 years now. Oh yeah, and he had that one pretty good part of a season that one time. Vick brings little to this team as a starter and the last thing we really need is for these idiots to bench Geno and then, because of that, decide to give him his "last chance" next year, which also ultimately means much less of an investment in an alternate option at QB. You keep on going with Geno until you are 100% sure that you are absolutely done with him for good (and as much as many fans already feel that way, the team clearly doesn't yet). After that, you can then go all out to find yourself a potential long-term solution at QB come next offseason. At this point more than anything the team needs to make sure there are no lingering questions left out there. That's the same nonsense that kept the messes the team had with the likes of Pennington and Sanchez going on for way longer than they ever should have, simply because they couldn't make up their damn minds.

Frankly, given that there is no chance of Vick providing any long term value (even if you like him as a player, he's just too old for that), they'd probably be better served with going with someone who might, however slim that chance may be, even if it's just someone like the Golden Boy Matt Simms. The only reason I could possibly see for putting Vick in at any point is if it were late in the season and you want to try to measure some of the other young players performances on offense while having a veteran at the QB position. But that would also mean benching veterans at other positions on offense as well in order to get the rookies more playing time, and I'd guess it's a bit early for the team to be considering that. The reality is that the main reason Vick was here was to hopefully help Geno improve while also, if the Jets managed to actually be respectable this year, providing an actual backup option at the position. None of that happened, so this is where we find ourselves. I'm not saying any of these options are particularly good mind you, I just think being in a rush to put in a 34 year old never-was could end up with the greatest potential for a mess, especially when you consider the extremely high likelihood that he'd just end up getting hurt anyway.

Couple points--you say we need to take more time to make sure we are "absolutely sure" geno Is not the guy in order to avoiding sticking with him too long like Pennington/Sanchez. That doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I am reading it wrong?

Also if I understand correctly, you are saying use offseason after next season to look for answer at qb. I think jet should be doing that every season until we find the guy. Also think Vick would be an excellent caretaker for a new high draft pick qb. Everyone knows he is at the end and keeping chair warm. Don't really want to live through another Sanchez/geno type competion next season with yet another high draft pick. Keep Vick to effectuate a seamless hand over when the new dude is ready. I liked your post it was an interesting read thanks for writing it :)

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I felt this way until yesterday.  There is something to be gained.  Its called accountability and for Idzick, its about setting a tone for the future of HIS team since Rex will not be in the plans.  The fans, the rest of team, they dont deserve Geno.  You cant win with this guy as your QB.  Bottom line.  -8 in the turnover margin.  Thats literally impossible to overcome for a team.  Especially one as desperate for talent as the Jets.


They could do it in the Sanchez years because they had players...now, no way.  This team is horrible.


Exactly. I think many people here forget that players are not robots automatically programmed to just perform in a vacuum no matter what the front office and coaching staff decide to do.


Three year plan where we're going to spend the least amount of money improving the team possible under the rules? Sure, no problem! What else you got?



Sticking by a second year QB that is terrible and with whom you have very little chance of winning week in and week out? Sure, where do I sign? Anything else I can do for you? I like losing! I love getting my ass handed to me week in and week out. Plus, I'm sure I'll never be cut or asked to take a pay cut or find myself worth less on the open market because I'm part of a loser. It's all good, I'm sure.

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Its probably what happens and I've agreed until this point that it was the right approach.  I no longer do.  Geno is bad, like really really bad.  Dont see him improving.  He's got inherit flaws that arent fixed...like taking care of the ball. 


At this point, I'd let Vick in the game.  If he doesnt turn around, you go back to Geno at anytime...nobody will care, because like you said, its a lost season.  But, by chance, Vick can turn the season around.  Well, then it would be very wise to resign Vick and draft a QB that you finally dont have to rush into the starting line up from week 1.  That way, next season, you have a Vet battling it out with a rookie and Geno in camp and hopefully the GM will let his new Head Coach actually pick his man next season and not force a QB down his throat.  


Because the reality is, Geno is actually effecting the ability for you to assess the rest of your roster on offense.


Spoiler alert: they're not very good either outside of Kerley and Decker.

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Lot to be gained. If Vick plays well he very well could be our starter next year so we can develop our first round qb pick properly this time. By all accounts Vick was a good team mate and mentor to foles in philly.


Yep.  He's not too old.  Brady and Manning are doing it and he's twice the athlete (although more than 10x less the QB) but still.  If he can give you a good year or 2 while you groom the next QB, its worth it.  And its a chance for Idzick to actually back up his ******* bull sh*t accountability, competition, play the best player crap he's been lying about since he arrived. 

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Spoiler alert: they're not very good either outside of Kerley and Decker.


Ha!  Probably, but still, its very difficult to get an accurate assessment on the rest of the offense when the most important player on the field is the worst in the league at their job.  His play, effects everything!  And when he's the worst in the league at his position, it trickles down making it very hard for the rest of the team.

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Yep. He's not too old. Brady and Manning are doing it and he's twice the athlete (although more than 10x less the QB) but still. If he can give you a good year or 2 while you groom the next QB, its worth it. And its a chance for Idzick to actually back up his ******* bull sh*t accountability, competition, play the best player crap he's been lying about since he arrived.

It ain't ideal but sometimes you get dealt the hard 15 with the dealer showing a face card. Id rather hit and pray (Vick) then stand pat and do nothing (geno). Besides I'm convinced geno will never be the man so it makes it a very easy decision for me. Now watch geno play well next week lol

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Whether Vick plays well or not isn't the point. The point is nobody know! He gives them a chance to change the momentum of the season. Keeping Geno in just feels like they're just giving up now. Or at least to me, as a fan, gives me nothing to look forward to. And I like Geno, nice kid. Could eventually be good. But he's not ready. This is so 100% Mark Sanchez again to me. Young, talented QB who's lost his confidence. I feel like he's gonna continue to be trotted out there and continue to lose more confidence. This decision feels like the season is already over to me. But maybe Geno will prove me wrong. That would be sweet!

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Its probably what happens and I've agreed until this point that it was the right approach.  I no longer do.  Geno is bad, like really really bad.  Dont see him improving.  He's got inherit flaws that arent fixed...like taking care of the ball. 


At this point, I'd let Vick in the game.  If he doesnt turn around, you go back to Geno at anytime...nobody will care, because like you said, its a lost season.  But, by chance, Vick can turn the season around.  Well, then it would be very wise to resign Vick and draft a QB that you finally dont have to rush into the starting line up from week 1.  That way, next season, you have a Vet battling it out with a rookie and Geno in camp and hopefully the GM will let his new Head Coach actually pick his man next season and not force a QB down his throat.  


Because the reality is, Geno is actually effecting the ability for you to assess the rest of your roster on offense.


We agree on Geno.


But your "just toss in Vick" is an example of the difference between Fans and GM's/Head Coaches.


it isn't happening, not till it's way WAY too late to matter.


it's like knowing the Jets will run the ball in a spot they shouldn't or will throw an INT or fumble soon. 


You know it's coming, you just know it in your gizzards, but can do nothing to stop it.  Then it happens. 


So no point getting worked up about it is my view. 

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We agree on Geno.


But your "just toss in Vick" is an example of the difference between Fans and GM's/Head Coaches.


it isn't happening, not till it's way WAY too late to matter.


it's like knowing the Jets will run the ball in a spot they shouldn't or will throw an INT or fumble soon. 


You know it's coming, you just know it in your gizzards, but can do nothing to stop it.  Then it happens. 


So no point getting worked up about it is my view. 


I agree, its not going to happen but I disagree with that approach because its what should happen.  I dont think you wait till its WAY too late.  WTF was the point of paying him 5mil if your going to just let him sit there and watch Geno sh*t the season away?  The time is now.  


The Jets, with inferior teams, just lost by a TD, to 3 much better opponents largely because they're QB is terrible.  IMO, you try now, see if it can be salvaged and revert later if there is something you're trying to gain from Geno being in the game.  


I'm not worked up, just stating what I think should happen.  I've got no control over it, so I dont let it get to me...but if I were in charge, this is the route I'd take. 

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Vick looked awful the last time he was starter. He had the chance to win the job here, and didn't. He has shown no desire to be the starting QB either.


All the evidence suggests that Vick won't solve a damn bit of our problems. He won't fix the OL, or receiving corps, or CB depth. He won't suddenly make Rex situationally aware during crucial parts of the game. Nor will he make the defense clutch. Or the offense capable of dropping 30 pts on an inferior opponent, because there are no inferior opponents. He won't stop our offense from false starting at home like a bunch of undisciplined pigs. 


I really don't think he's the answer. 


I think you give Geno 2-3 more weeks to get right. If he starts turning it over again next week, and if NE loses this week, then you put Vick in to maybe try and salvage the win and keep us competitive within the division. Unless Vick looks like a football god, you go back to Geno to see how he responds to the in-game benching.


If he continues to suck, you keep sitting him down. 

Do whatever it takes to make sure you know exactly what you have in this guy, then suck terribly for the rest of the season and set us up to have 2 Idzik draft classes, a better FA crop, extensions for our nucleus and a top 5 draft position.


Load this roster with so much ******* talent that it makes you want to sh*t your pants.

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You have to change a variable to get better. Mr. F U is a terrible QB. 


Start Vick. It's why he is here. 


Put Simms on the 53 and make him active.And if Vick falters give Simms a shot-something a senibly-run franchise would have done last December. 




Smith is not and is never going to be an NFL QB. Giving him one more snap is a waste of time. 

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