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Rex Ryan fires back at Herman Edwards.


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4 different Jets HC's took the Jets to the AFCCG.

They are 0-4

Delusional Jets fans will quote those 2 fluke games in the year 2525.

You cant answer the question? How many Jets coaches had taken the Jets to the AFCC more than once over the last 40 years? 

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Come on Bleeding, name the best QB the Jets have had since Vinny in'98.

Has it been Taco or Movie goer?


Since Vinny in '98 and before the noodle?  That's a tough one, I mean I'm not sure who I'd say other than of course Vinny in 00 and 01, Favre in 08, hell even Lucas in 99 or Sanchez in 10.  But yeah, after those he might just be in the top 10.  Even if Chad was the best QB in the time period, since when the hell does being the best of a bad bunch for the freakin' Jets in any way qualify as "very good"?  You've crapped on Chad as much as anyone, and given his laughably horrible career against the Pats you can't be blamed.  So trying to use him as a point to credit a sh*tty DB coach is kind of grasping at straws.


It's perfectly ok for both Herm and Rex to suck ass.  I've never understood why grasp the possibility of multiple people sucking at their jobs.  It's the same bad logic that's led to such ridiculous claims as Mangini's scouting prowess or Tanny's impeccable draft record.  We see it every time another Jet becomes everyone's favorite person to hate, suddenly their predecessors get lauded for nonsense despite being absolutely awful as well, while also being absolved of all blame for the failures we all hated them for so those can be attributed to our new most hated person, and somehow this is meant to be taken seriously.

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and BTW Herm wasn't exactly a genius but he was playing during peak spygate era Pats. 


The Patriots from the seasons 2001 to 2007 covered at home more than 3 standard deviations outside of the league average. 


I was an English major so I don't really know what that statement means, but it's basically so far outside of the norm, like 99.95% of the bell curve is on the other side of that data point. It's basically off the charts.


Yes they were a very good team. Sure they had awesome talent.


But even very good teams don't win at home every week. And none of them cover every week. 


None of this takes away from the fact that Herm didn't have basic clock management skills but im just sayin. No one was winning during Spygate era.


They burned all the evidence but they can't get rid of the memories. I went to alot of those games, with some of you guys, probably. The Pats were guilty of everything. Not just the basic "camera" stuff picking up the other team's hand signals.  Mics strapped to DTs to pick up the line calls, 2nd frequency for Brady after the 15 second cut off,  Jamming the other teams headsets etc. Everyone knows what they did. No one talks about it cause it damages the product. 



Years from now we will look back at peak era Brady how Knicks fans remember peak era Jordan and the Bulls. It was an era of historic domination. Herm or anyone wasn't changing that.

Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk are convinced the Pats stole a Super Bowl.

Still, Edwards, like Ryan, really had no business being an NFL HC.Either John Fox or Marv Lewis deserved the job, but Johnson didn;t want to wait and having been blessed with a winning and lower bid by the grace of Tagliabue,accepted Edwards as a grad of the NFL coach program. Would say RYan may have a better grasp of the job, but that's faint praise. Both took over decent if weary teams (the 2000 Jets Groh/Vinny Jets should have been a playoff team, the Mangini/Favre 2008 Jets the same thing) and both defense first guys ran their squads into the ground as the prior regime's talent dissipated and the front office failed to replace the talent lost.Both treated offense and passing as some evil things to be barely tolerated at exactly the time the rules and talnet ecoruaged more passing. How is it when teams are regularly passing for 4000+ yards the Jets always run some Woody Hayes 3 yards and a cloud of dust nonsense?

The takeaway- bascially Woody Johnson failed to learn anything from any of this and has made the same mistake twice, and a different mistake also 2 times if you rightly view hiring hardasses like Groh and Mangini as further disasters. In short, Woody Johnson is a rich spoiled clueless a-hole.

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How is it when teams are regularly passing for 4000+ yards the Jets always run some Woody Hayes 3 yards and a cloud of dust nonsense?



It's all about the QB. there have been long stretches over the last 10+ years where the QB play has not been competent. Forget about good QB play, even decent QB play has been hard to come by. Chad was an awesome dude but his arm was held together with silly string.


I do agree neither Herm nor Rex can find that key QB but there's a whole slew of people who get paid to scout and draft it's not the head coach. That's a full time 80 hour a week job. 

The Bill Walsh draft a QB every year thing might be the closest thing to a remedy I can imagine for this situation. Sure sometimes you get Carmazzi in the 3rd round but at least the team is taking cuts in the batters box. Idzik believes in Geno Smith that statement says it all. 

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It's all about the QB. there have been long stretches over the last 10+ years where the QB play has not been competent. Forget about good QB play, even decent QB play has been hard to come by. Chad was an awesome dude but his arm was held together with silly string.


I do agree neither Herm nor Rex can find that key QB but there's a whole slew of people who get paid to scout and draft it's not the head coach. That's a full time 80 hour a week job. 

The Bill Walsh draft a QB every year thing might be the closest thing to a remedy I can imagine for this situation. Sure sometimes you get Carmazzi in the 3rd round but at least the team is taking cuts in the batters box. Idzik believes in Geno Smith that statement says it all. 

There is no way drafting Smith nor anything about his play last season that should have precluded taking Manziel or Garapolo. About Walsh-DeBerg didn't preclude Montana, and Montana didn't preclude Young. Granted those were 1 very good QB and 2 HoFers, but the idea is still valid-you need superior QB play to win, and moreso now than ever.The Jets have moslty not understood this.  Heck, Idzik's former employers didn't let singing Matt Flynn stop them from drafting Russell Wilson. 

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I think it depends on situation on Rex v Herm. I think if you take a veteran style team Rex is going to get more out of them than Edwards.  I think Herm was far more schedule dependant than Rex. Part of that is the negatives of Rex in that his teams look unprepared for "less meaningful" games and that was why the Jets struggled to make the playoffs in 2009 and didnt make it in 2011. Herm would cruise in those games. Herm got more out of unproven offensive talent but they could never take the next step. Rex gets nothing out of his offense but Im not sure he even tries. I think his idea of coaching offense is to go to a guy like Holmes during the week and saying "you are gonna f'n kill those f'n Steelers who traded you away", laughing, shaking a hand and walking away.


Im not sure any coaches in the NFL have had so many wacky incidents with their team as Rex. In 2010 you had the foot thing. In 2011 you  had the Holmes mutiny and players fighting in a huddle.  In 2012 you had the QB stuff and players being pretty nasty with the media. This year you have Geno missing meetings and Rex not caring. Most other coaches would get fired after 1 thing, while Rex seems to have 1 a year.  

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I know people will get mad at me, but three playoff appearances, developing a young QB who, unfortunately, had major injury issues and TWO missed FGs by that idiot Doug Brien made Herm a pretty good coach.

Of course Edwards had some issues, all of which have been pointed out, but what coach doesn't?

Are you telling me that Mangini was a better coach than Herm?

So yes, simply because Herm did something that Rex has no idea how to do, which is develop a QB (oh, and when Chad was on the field the Jets O actually scored points) Rex shouldn't get mad. Besides, Rex has more important things to worry about, such as sending out his resume

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No comparison. Herm took the number 1 offense in the nfl in 2005 and turned it into a cc of the jets offense. That chiefs playoff game against Indy was embarrassing. Herm should stfu. Or as the rock says, know your role and shut your mouth

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No comparison. Herm took the number 1 offense in the nfl in 2005 and turned it into a cc of the jets offense. That chiefs playoff game against Indy was embarrassing. Herm should stfu. Or as the rock says, know your role and shut your mouth



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No comparison. Herm took the number 1 offense in the nfl in 2005 and turned it into a cc of the jets offense. That chiefs playoff game against Indy was embarrassing. Herm should stfu. Or as the rock says, know your role and shut your mouth

Had forgotten about that. Mr "punt is a win" really destroyed that offense quickly

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