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Murder at Midnight Mafia Game Thread (Day 4) [Game Over; Town Wins!]

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

is herbalist some kind of beaver jack ass PR?

No, it's just part of the character name and description for flavor. Miller is the role.

All character reveals will basically follow the same format:

Poster name -- character name, character description/title -- role -- alignment

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10 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

No, it's just part of the character name and description for flavor. Miller is the role.

All character reveals will basically follow the same format:

Poster name -- character name, character description/title -- role -- alignment

That's what i assumed but just making sure, ty

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44 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Gertie Tilton was a natural saleswoman, as well as an excellent herbalist. Whatever she had in her inventory to sell, she could convince someone they desperately needed, and to pay a premium price for it, seeing as she was the only purveyor of her particular wares in town. If a pirate came in sick from scurvy, she had a tincture for that, if a whore came in with a rotten crotch, she had a salve for that, or if someone came in looking for something a bit stronger than rum to help them forget their dreary existence, you can believe she had exactly what they were looking for. She was even used to foul language, violent temperaments, and arguing over prices, but when the angry mob came to her door she had no defense.

"It was you!", the mob screamed.

"That gruesome murder had to have been the work of a witch!", they accused.

When Gertie objected that knowing the effects of each herb, fungus, or plant does not make one a witch, and that she doesn't have the strength to carve up a man in a single night, her arguments fell on deaf ears.

"Everyone knows about the poisons you sell, witch. If you didn't do it, you must know who did!"

Gertie could not deny that she sold poisons, for the very man accusing her of this came to her hut just last week for that express purpose.

The mob began to swell and swarm into her hut, and Gertie knew she was done for. It was only a matter of time that someone took exception to her business, she thought. She just hoped it would be quick.

Gertie was pulled out into the street and had to watch in horror as the mob went to work demolishing her entire life's work; every bottle, jar, and vial smashed to bits, her garden uprooted and trampled, and her very hut -- her home -- torched. Within Gertie welled up a great fear that she herself would be thrown into the inferno, to suffer an agonizing death, and she began to scream, cry, and fight desperately to get away. Just then, whether in an act of mercy or cruelty, someone slipped up behind Gertie and slit her throat with a straight razor.

Stark -- Gertie Tilton, herbalist – Miller – Town was dead.


It is now Night. You have 24 hours to send in all night actions.

Meh.  Gertie's herb shop took forever to fill my prescriptions. 

She was always so "busy with life" that I would have to wait for days and days just to get results of my crotch crabs test from her.  Like it was my fault she had four kids under 5. 

Hate to see her dead, but this is the next best thing considering Drakken Cove doesn't have Yelp yet.  

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1 hour ago, Spoot-Face said:

Gertie Tilton was a natural saleswoman, as well as an excellent herbalist. Whatever she had in her inventory to sell, she could convince someone they desperately needed, and to pay a premium price for it, seeing as she was the only purveyor of her particular wares in town. If a pirate came in sick from scurvy, she had a tincture for that, if a whore came in with a rotten crotch, she had a salve for that, or if someone came in looking for something a bit stronger than rum to help them forget their dreary existence, you can believe she had exactly what they were looking for. She was even used to foul language, violent temperaments, and arguing over prices, but when the angry mob came to her door she had no defense.

"It was you!", the mob screamed.

"That gruesome murder had to have been the work of a witch!", they accused.

When Gertie objected that knowing the effects of each herb, fungus, or plant does not make one a witch, and that she doesn't have the strength to carve up a man in a single night, her arguments fell on deaf ears.

"Everyone knows about the poisons you sell, witch. If you didn't do it, you must know who did!"

Gertie could not deny that she sold poisons, for the very man accusing her of this came to her hut just last week for that express purpose.

The mob began to swell and swarm into her hut, and Gertie knew she was done for. It was only a matter of time that someone took exception to her business, she thought. She just hoped it would be quick.

Gertie was pulled out into the street and had to watch in horror as the mob went to work demolishing her entire life's work; every bottle, jar, and vial smashed to bits, her garden uprooted and trampled, and her very hut -- her home -- torched. Within Gertie welled up a great fear that she herself would be thrown into the inferno, to suffer an agonizing death, and she began to scream, cry, and fight desperately to get away. Just then, whether in an act of mercy or cruelty, someone slipped up behind Gertie and slit her throat with a straight razor.

Stark -- Gertie Tilton, herbalist – Miller – Town was dead.


It is now Night. You have 24 hours to send in all night actions.

Damn, the bold actually makes me feel bad 

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1 hour ago, Spoot-Face said:

Gertie Tilton was a natural saleswoman, as well as an excellent herbalist. Whatever she had in her inventory to sell, she could convince someone they desperately needed, and to pay a premium price for it, seeing as she was the only purveyor of her particular wares in town. If a pirate came in sick from scurvy, she had a tincture for that, if a whore came in with a rotten crotch, she had a salve for that,


@JiF and @CTM mourn this loss.

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2 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

What, did the opening scene with the dismembered corpse not tip you off?

The opening scene had a bit different vibe despite that.  Like "pirate sh*t, cool!  Where the f**k are @DPR and @AVM?" 

Don't get me wrong, awesome writing on both.  Any writing that makes you feel something is quality.  Some of the best scene writing we've seen in a long while.

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

The opening scene had a bit different vibe despite that.  Like "pirate sh*t, cool!  Where the f**k are @DPR and @AVM?" 

Don't get me wrong, awesome writing on both.  Any writing that makes you feel something is quality.  Some of the best scene writing we've seen in a long while.

Thanks, man, that's too kind. I didn't think I was that good, though. I use to fancy myself a creative writer and was actually working on novel, but gave that up years ago because I thought I sucked, lol.

But if I can make one person feel something while playing a game of advanced Guess Who, then my work here is done.

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6 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Thanks, man, that's too kind. I didn't think I was that good, though. I use to fancy myself a creative writer and was actually working on novel, but gave that up years ago because I thought I sucked, lol.

But if I can make one person feel something while playing a game of advanced Guess Who, then my work here is done.

I’ve been hungry since the game started. 

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