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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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5 minutes ago, jgb said:

I don’t know you’re the expert.

“Shouting?” I’m asking but you’d rather flex ego and tell us all how amazing you are. I’ll listen to all your bragging after we win if you want. Now let’s move on please.

This is what night phase is. I’ll e plain after the game. Now stop telling people what and when to post. 

Awkward Season 9 GIF by The Office

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9 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

This is what night phase is. I’ll e plain after the game. Now stop telling people what and when to post. 

Awkward Season 9 GIF by The Office

Dude, you either have no impulse control or a scum trying to distract from the business at hand to get me to press to make a mistake. I asked to drop the petty bickering about minutiae to focus on the game.

You can have the last word on this since (see above) no impulse control.


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5 minutes ago, jgb said:

Dude, you either have no impulse control or a scum trying to distract from the business at hand or get me to press to make a mistake. I asked to drop the petty bickering about minutiae to focus on the game.

You can have the last word on this since (see above) no impulse control.


This is all calculated game play. It’s night phase. 

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4 hours ago, jgb said:

Summarizing the action for you and everyone else catching up:

- Town must trust me, scum must at least pretend to trust me. Day time much safer for me than night time going forward lol.

- If you are the town doctor you need to understand what is going on and choose who to protect tonight wisely. Basically, your choices are self-protect again or protect me. Scum likely make a play at me tonight to test if the doctor is paying attention/understands their role. Subsequent nights, all bets are off whether scum more likely to come at me again or kill a random townie hunting for the doc. 

-Barry has not only been all but confirmed as a townie by the trap, he also warned me in real time about the possibility that smash was a suicide bomber to avoid me getting blown up by dropping the hammer. Barry has been and remains my top town read by a large margin. Barry is very vulnerable now at night since doctor can’t protect us both. Please don’t hang my deputy. Force the scum to burn a night kill if they want him gone.

I think we have to let you die but protect precious Barry at all cost or we will be copless.  Our town will build a statue in your memory! 

19 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

My man, I have been helping. I don’t know what you expect help to look like in a game where you can’t trust anyone.

Hers an example of helpful. When I realized Snash was scum and arguing to cloudy up the game, I stopped feeding into it so it would reduce static.

Fir scum hunting, I can only make my case, I do not believe in politicking to sway others. It never goes well. I make my case, however loud or accurate, you make yours. We coalesce and go forward. 

Everyone has different play styles. Some observe and only speak when necessary. Some spew theories and bad logic and cannot stay out if their own way. Some force confrontation and reactions for the rest to evaluate. At different times we can all be guilty of using these tactics. It’s usually a messy game. There a lot of tactics in between all this too.

I guess my point here is, shouting “you aren’t helping” is more a reflection of you not quite having figured out how to see helpfulness when it’s happening. It’s your first game, so nobody would expect it. Just don’t be quick to think “this is how I help, so anyone not doing it is not helping”.

Aggressive playing for sure.  Seems to be a very tight line to walk if not a Town.  

53 minutes ago, jgb said:

Let’s be precise:

-I publicly called out 80 with a dossier of evidence as scum like 4 hours into this game. Tried to run him up multiple times.

-Several RL days later you pinged him for independent, which I immediately endorsed. It was a great call by you. And kudos for that but… doesn’t really absolve you… as scum you would’ve been in your mind fingering a townie.

-As we approached the D1 deadline, I frantically tried to REVERSE the beav train and get everyone to move to 80. No one joined and I was shouted down for “last minute games” so right before deadline I reluctantly swapped to beav train to get a majority.


I wondered for a min if you were a Mafia stooge from the chat or a cop yesterday mid soft reveal.  I started wondering with No counter if you were trying to build a train on the real cop lol.  

The only “slips” were knowing too many terms early which Crush rightly called out you being an attorney good at quick research ??

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5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

I think we have to let you die but protect precious Barry at all cost or we will be copless.  Our town will build a statue in your memory! 

Please tip the sculptor to beef up the bulge a bit.

5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

Aggressive playing for sure.  Seems to be a very tight line to walk if not a Town.

Very agressive and openly warring with a revealed cop is also risky. Could be WIFOM — why would a townie do such a thing? Questions to be answered.

5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:



I wondered for a min if you were a Mafia stooge from the chat or a cop yesterday mid soft reveal.  I started wondering with No counter if you were trying to build a train on the real cop lol.  

Honestly my late and tentative reveal is because I was completely AFK most of the day yesterday. But I agree my inexperience definitely showed.

5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:


The only “slips” were knowing too many terms early which Crush rightly called out you being an attorney good at quick research ??

Yeah probably a rookie mistake in hindsight since this game actually rewards playing dumb if done intelligently lol.

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8 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

The only “slips” were knowing too many terms early which Crush rightly called out you being an attorney good at quick research ??

Let me also add that my thought process here was depending on the goodwill of the unwritten “don’t lynch newbies D1 rule” I hoped by causing a tad of doubt in town I wouldn’t be night killed and then I’d have an investigation report to support a claim.

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Just now, jgb said:

Let me also add that my thought process here was depending on the goodwill of the unwritten “don’t lynch newbies D1 rule” I hoped by causing a tad of doubt in town I could survive a night kill and then I’d have an investigation report to support a claim.

It was good.  I didn’t get the factions and I’m sure D1 nobody had you pegged.  

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4 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

It was good.  I didn’t get the factions and I’m sure D1 nobody had you pegged.  

All my reading so far was on how to survive as cop until reveal and how to counter a false claim. Today is reading day for how to manage as revealed.

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2 minutes ago, jgb said:

All my reading so far was on how to survive as cop until reveal and how to counter a false claim. Today is reading day for how to manage as revealed.

The deputy being revealed makes it unresearchable.   Cool wrinkle.  You both can’t be saved but if gives Town 2 trusted players (for now) too.  

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Just now, Hal N of Provo said:

The deputy being revealed makes it I researchable.   Cool wrinkle.  You both can’t be saved but if gives Town 2 trusted players (for now) too.  

I’ve been pressing JiF and Ape but they do raise some points that should be considered. I just think Barry is far from the best percentage play available right now and we are better off looking elsewhere at this time.

I haven’t found any resource anywhere that has deputy as anything other than town but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. The guides are only guides, ultimately mod has pretty much free reign.

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15 minutes ago, jgb said:

I’ve been pressing JiF and Ape but they do raise some points that should be considered. I just think Barry is far from the best percentage play available right now and we are better off looking elsewhere at this time.

I haven’t found any resource anywhere that has deputy as anything other than town but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. The guides are only guides, ultimately mod has pretty much free reign.

You do what you want.

Soliciting from the group leaves open to manipulation. You either find scum or confirm townies and narrow the pool for hunting. 

Just understand telegraphing who you’ll view isn’t advisable. 

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1 minute ago, Integrity28 said:

You do what you want.

Soliciting from the group leaves open to manipulation. You either find scum or confirm townies and narrow the pool for hunting. 

Just understand telegraphing who you’ll view isn’t advisable. 

I understand but I’m a babe in the woods

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Just now, Lurker89 said:

Lol I'm  the only one in here with a respectable level of self loathing.

Oh, no. Talk with @The Crusher and I after the game. The Ape persona is something born out of years of playing thyscgabe and trolling between JI/JN. This isn’t really how I am. It’s for the lulz 

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6 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:



Side note: no need to put forth anymore conjecture too much information during the night it could get the wrong person killed.

Buddy a revealed cop is the biggest tool. Investigate report investigate report repeat until dead.

Scum knows I have no information right now as my N1 investigation target is dead. As information is revealed, I may begin to limit my speculation. Will need to see. 

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48 minutes ago, jgb said:

Buddy a revealed cop is the biggest tool. Investigate report investigate report repeat until dead.

Scum knows I have no information right now as my N1 investigation target is dead. As information is revealed, I may begin to limit my speculation. Will need to see. 

The joke was that you called me a tool .... like in the colloquial derogatory sense. Purely a haha.


Ill save any other discussion for the day phase

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On 1/19/2023 at 6:28 PM, Integrity28 said:

Vote smash


On 1/19/2023 at 6:34 PM, The Crusher said:

It's time to light this bitch on fire!!!!!


vote smash

Figured I'd give ya'll some Batman before I die; 

These are the first 2 votes of D2.  Knowing Smash, this would have absolutely have literally made him blow a gasket and quit.  lol  I dont think these are distancing votes.   

Feeling good about old friends.

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