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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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8 minutes ago, jgb said:

Will never understand why mention the limitations though sheesh. If you claim doc just say it. That part was a nice play. Got someone to counter narrowing our field. 

Look like i said i dont know how all the mechanics work ... i don't know if I block for you if scum has a secondary NK or what dude. so you can sit high and mighty and pick my **** apart but i was trying to help you and get you through one more  night. 


On top of that i could still be lying and have infinite protects even so claiming doc gets me killed while protecting you...

I was trying to push endgame because it felt like we were close

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Just now, Lurker89 said:

Look like i said i dont know how all the mechanics work ... i don't know if I block for you if scum has a secondary NK or what dude. so you can sit high and mighty and pick my **** apart but i was trying to help you and get you through one more  night. 


On top of that i could still be lying and have infinite protects even so claiming doc gets me killed while protecting you...

I was trying to push endgame because it felt like we were close

Questioning your move isn’t high and mighty at all. It’s a valid critique. I’ve heard plenty myself.

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

@Lurker89 I frustrated this ding-dong 5 years ago and he’s still not over it - it’s part if the game.

Am I the ding-dong you're talking about?


I have to say you made a couple of comments like this. I honestly only have the vaguest recollection of who you are. You've left almost no impression on me.

  • Haha 3
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Just now, Arsis said:

Sorry, I have autism some thing just go over my head. Like I have literally no idea what you're talking about.


I have 0 clue what's going on. I'm honestly super confused right now

Okay, apologies. I thought you were busting my chops. Corny jokes, that’s all.

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7 minutes ago, Arsis said:

I'll only vote for peen or ape.



You are right PEEN is the vote.

If peen is scum, we either win immediately (if he’s last scum) or get to end game 4-1 (if 2 remain):

-Current alive (7)

-D4 peen dies (6)

-N4 townie dies (5)

That leaves 4-1 and two lynches to find the scum before the last townie is NK’d.

If peen is town, we lynch lurker the next day and win if he’s all that remains or go into end game 3-1 if two remain:

-Current alive (7)

-D4 peen dies (6)

-N4 town dies (5)

-D5 lurker dies (4)

-N5 town dies (3)

Thats leaves one shot to lynch scum before last townie is NK’d.


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1 minute ago, jgb said:

You are right PEEN is the vote.

If peen is scum, we either win immediately (if he’s last scum) or get to end game 4-1 (if 2 remain):

-Current alive (7)

-D4 peen dies (6)

-N4 townie dies (5)

That leaves 4-1 and two lynches to find the scum before the last townie is NK’d.

If peen is town, we lynch lurker the next day and win if he’s all that remains or go into end game 3-1 if two remain:

-Current alive (7)

-D4 peen dies (6)

-N4 town dies (5)

-D5 lurker dies (4)

-N5 town dies (3)

Thats leaves one shot to lynch scum before last townie is NK’d.



swing the hammer good sir

unvote vote Greenseed4

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Just now, Barry McCockinner said:

Or another bomb

Yes could be that indeed I didn’t mean to hammer he got in there as I was writing mine. But if he’s a bomb, that’s still a scum lynch after a innocent report which is a win for the good guys

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1 minute ago, jgb said:

Yes could be that indeed I didn’t mean to hammer he got in there as I was writing mine. But if he’s a bomb, that’s still a scum lynch after a innocent report which is a win for the good guys

Which makes arsis sus since he voted AFTER I did. If peen is a bomb FOS arsis 

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