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Game Thread - CTM Search Party (GAME OVER)

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15 minutes ago, jvill 51 said:

How so

Those were back to back posts…..did you ever see Warriors, the movie? He singles out Lurker.  Next post drops him in the middle of scum list. Almost seems too blatant calling him out tbh. Even if he wasn’t that would scare me as scum and “possibly” why it drew a shot seeing we’re prob looking at a scum shot. Or 3rd party doesn’t really make a difference in regard to this

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Alright, it's reveal time folks!!

So I'm the Town Tracker and last night I followed Stark who visited both Pac and Ape.  Pac is obviously dead, and would be very curious if Ape has any thoughts/info, but that would suggest there's an individual role Stark was swinging around there with.  If we find out what that role is, it could obviously help give us more info on that second visit.

I'll gladly follow-up with the full rundown of everything I have done for the first few days, as I can (unfortunately) assure you none of it is info that's at all risky to share, but wanted to get this out there ASAP so this was brought to everyone's attention and people could start weighing in with their own thoughts.

Vote: Stark


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So here's the full rundown for me:

D1 - To earn my tracker ability I first had to like, totally forget man, to switch votes, which is why after blind-voting Pac before looking at my PM, I didn't move for the rest of the day.

N1 - Tracking ability earned, and I went with Verb first because of some of his sketchiness / hinting on D1 to see what's up.  So figured I'd see what's up there and of course no movement.

D2 - JiF comes out with calling out the ninja role, which I believed and felt highly likely to be scum given my role, which is why I became his defender against others trying to paint this as some big crazy ploy by JiF (also combined with I can't see any reason they would sell out their own ninja, who would be the perfect person to send off on the NKs).

N2 - Followed Ape 1.0, because after the strong hinting of being roled up, I figured it would be interesting what I could vet out of him, regardless of town or scum.  I was told he didn't go anywhere, he of course ended up dead, and I suggested to 80 he owed me another track that night because, ya know, Ape 1.0 did actually go somewhere... a grave.

N3 - I wasn't around all day so was passed over and didn't get a track in, which is why I was busting 80s balls when I got back.

N4 - As I mentioned, Stark visited Pac and Ape.

Any questions?  Obviously a weird story that was completely useless before today, but there it is.

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6 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

Alright, it's reveal time folks!!

So I'm the Town Tracker and last night I followed Stark who visited both Pac and Ape.  Pac is obviously dead, and would be very curious if Ape has any thoughts/info, but that would suggest there's an individual role Stark was swinging around there with.  If we find out what that role is, it could obviously help give us more info on that second visit.

I'll gladly follow-up with the full rundown of everything I have done for the first few days, as I can (unfortunately) assure you none of it is info that's at all risky to share, but wanted to get this out there ASAP so this was brought to everyone's attention and people could start weighing in with their own thoughts.

Vote: Stark


Vote stark

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3 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

As a side note, pretty much my lone talent in this game before tonight was pissing off people just enough that scum wouldn't waste a NK on me, but not so much that I got lynched.  Although I'll admit, Beav probably deserves a thanks for the latter too.

Well played.

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The dark alleyway was illuminated by a single street lamp, casting an eerie light over the four figures that stood there. Two had their guns drawn and ready. The other two were another bad guy, and a medicinal marijuana doctor. The bad guy had been sent to track down the hippie CTM, and he had been tipped off that the doctor had information. He leveled his gun at the doctor, his finger tightening on the trigger. "Where is he?" he demanded. The doctor remained silent, though his eyes were wide with fear. He knew he didn't have a chance. The bad guy was growing impatient, and he finally snapped. He fired a single shot, and the doctor crumpled to the ground.




The others rushed forward, but it was too late. The bad guy had already fled the scene, leaving behind a dead doctor and a trail of unanswered questions.

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Once upon a time there was a small village nestled in the hills of the countryside. The people of the village were peaceful and lived a simple life.

One day, a strange smell began to waft through the air. It was a sweet, earthy scent that seemed to linger around the village. People began to notice the smell and soon discovered that it was coming from a small patchouli oil plant that had recently been planted in the village.




The oil was highly sought after by the hippie community. They would come to the village and buy up all the oil they could find. The villagers were delighted to have a new source of income and happily sold the oil to the hippies.

But soon the villagers began to notice something strange. Whenever someone came into contact with the oil, they would be covered in a strange, earthy smell that seemed to linger on their skin and clothes.




At first, the villagers were a bit confused, but soon they realized that the oil was attracting more and more hippies to their village. They soon realized that the oil was a blessing and a curse. The hippies brought a lot of business, but they also brought a lot of trouble, as they were often rowdy and messy.

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The search party was closing in on their target, CTM, when they suddenly noticed a strange smell.

It was a pungent, musky smell, with a hint of sweetness underneath. It was patchouli oil.

The group was taken aback, unsure of how to proceed.

Suddenly, they heard a deep, rumbling voice that seemed to be coming from the patchouli oil itself. "You will not find CTM!" the voice declared. "I am here to make sure of that!"

The patchouli oil was alive and had taken possession of the area, using its powerful aroma to manipulate its victims. It had already tried to take control of some of the people in the search party in an effort to force them to do its bidding.

The group was horrified and realized that they had to do something to stop the patchouli oil.

One of the members suggested that they light a fire and burn the patchouli oil until it was destroyed. The group complied and, with a collective effort, they managed to create a massive fire that engulfed the patchouli oil.





The fire burned with a white-hot intensity, quickly destroying the patchouli oil and freeing its victims from its grip. With the patchouli oil gone, the search party was able to continue their search for CTM. They were victorious.

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