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Joe Douglas vs Robert Saleh…Who is Under More Pressure in 2023?

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The two are closely tied, obviously.  If the 2023 season is a disaster, they both could be shown the door, but I don't think that's happening.  I truly think that Douglas is the safer of the two.  A losing W-L record might be enough to eject Saleh while giving JD more time.  

I think we have a winning season ahead, so I'm not all that concerned either way.

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2 hours ago, FidelioJet said:

They should both be under immense pressure...

But Joe Douglas should really go if they don't make it to the playoffs this year.  

In fact, Joe would have to be up there as one of the worst GM's in the Jets history.  

Agreed.  Things always change season to season and sh*t never goes as expected but I think it's a safe to say the AFCE is one of the best, if not the best, division in Football.  So you'd have to assume every team will be in the playoff hunt.  So if the Jets miss, that means they're probably hovering around .500, which at this point in their tenure w/ Rodgers is unacceptable.  After finishing last in the AFCE every year under JD, moving from 4 to 3, is not enough and results wise, would absolutely be the worst tenure of any Jets GM.




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5 hours ago, Dcat said:

The two are closely tied, obviously.  If the 2023 season is a disaster, they both could be shown the door, but I don't think that's happening.  I truly think that Douglas is the safer of the two.  A losing W-L record might be enough to eject Saleh while giving JD more time.  

I think we have a winning season ahead, so I'm not all that concerned either way.

Saleh has done very little to show he can run a complete team. Cheer? He’s great. JD has done a lot of poor drafting from Mims, Becton and Zach. But has shown signs of he can do the job.   BOTH in my opinion have done little to not be criticized. 

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On 6/23/2023 at 8:54 AM, Skeptable said:

Neither are on the hot seat this year outside of a diasterous year. The thought that they are is a fan and media based theory. The team talent is vastly better than when they took over. Woody Johnson can see that and he is the only person that matters. 


If the talent is so good why is the jets record under both so bad?

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1 hour ago, Bless you....Thank you said:

There should be no scenario where they retain one and fire one.  Neither one has shown enough to outlast the other.  

Pretty much, yeah.  If things go badly, it should be a full-on house cleaning.

The only possible exception would be if they fired JD, hired a new GM who the HC would report to, and let that person decide if he has any interest in retaining any of the couches.  However, I doubt that would happen, as a new GM would almost certainly want to start things over their way.

There's literally zero reason JD should get himself a third coach, unless we're talking many years from now after a stretch of team success.

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50 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

Pretty much, yeah.  If things go badly, it should be a full-on house cleaning.

The only possible exception would be if they fired JD, hired a new GM who the HC would report to, and let that person decide if he has any interest in retaining any of the couches.  However, I doubt that would happen, as a new GM would almost certainly want to start things over their way.

There's literally zero reason JD should get himself a third coach, unless we're talking many years from now after a stretch of team success.

If the D performs well but the offense goes down behind Zach Wilson, Saleh should stay and JD should never work in football again.

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5 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

What would that have to do with MiLF?  He’s not calling plays.  It’s not his offense.  

What a convenient out you’ve left yourself. But if Rams O does poorly you won’t hesitate to slams MILF. Because Zach defense is synonymous with intellectual dishonesty.

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1 hour ago, jgb said:

So you won’t say bupkiss about MILF if the Rams O underperforms, then? Let’s see if you’ve got the courage of your convictions.


Well without MiLF it runs great.   MiLF shouldn’t have a huge impact because it’s McVay’s system and his play calling.   I’d assume McVay’s attention to detail will force MiLF to do the same.  

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11 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

Well without MiLF it runs great.   MiLF shouldn’t have a huge impact because it’s McVay’s system and his play calling.   I’d assume McVay’s attention to detail will force MiLF to do the same.  

So McVay is great but is unable to recognize whether another is a good OC and hired — in your view — a garbage one.

Consistency was never the strong suit of the Zachophants.

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2 hours ago, Hal N of Provo said:

Or maybe it’s all going to be fine and we should enjoy it? 

You would think there would be some optimism… I mean there is, I guess the negativity gets more views… I’m thinking positively, and if we bomb, we have to evaluate why, doesn’t mean people getting fired

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19 minutes ago, jgb said:

So McVay is great but is unable to recognize whether another is a good OC and hired — in your view — a garbage one.

Consistency was never the strong suit of the Zachophants.

Uhhhhh. No good OC was going to take that job.   They would want to run an offense.   MiLF is looking to learn and reboot his career.   

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On 6/24/2023 at 5:04 PM, Mason Storm said:

If the talent is so good why is the jets record under both so bad?

Come on, I believe you have the ability to be a smart guy. You understand where the team was with Mac and Gase.  The team was good last year outside of the QB play and terrible play calling. So yeah, their record is horrible, but if you think its going to stay that way you haven't been paying attention and just sitting behind a screen reading box scores.

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