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To the Wilsonites

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9 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

You know who you are... No, I'm not talking about Die Hard Jets Fans that have lived and died with this team on Sundays for years (or Decades)... guys like Dunnie and Voice of Reason and others who we know are actually Fans of the New York Jets,  are totally entitled to have their own opinions on any damn player on the roster that they want, regardless of empirical evidence, stats, or whatever they base it on.


I'm talking to YOU, the guy that decided to jump into a Jets Forum between May and September of 2021 or so, the guys who ONLY White Knight and defend Zach Wilson from ANY perceived criticism, no matter how warranted it is. I don't know what your intent is, but when you scream and whine at any poster that has ANY observation, criticism, or opinion on Zach Wilson that even slightly casts any critical light on his performance or presents opinions based on statistics, observation, or data complied from third party sources (PFF et al) ... it makes things WORSE.

YOU are literally making us dislike the QB even more than the poor pocket presence, the dirtballs, the failure to get off of his primary read or score in the EZ has already made us question his ability. 


Discussing Jets Football is why we are here, the good, bad, and ugly. We've been watching this team and the Pro Game for YEARS. And we know crap when we see it. Calling people who have been in this fandom for 30 years "Casuals" or defending, rationalizing, and shilling for a guy that has objectively been below average to terrible his entire pro career with insults and foul language just makes us dislike the player you are overzealous in defending even more so. And we have seen this crap before... we had USC Shills descend upon the board after Sam Darnold was drafted, weighed, measured, and traded away (A guy that was physically more suited to the game, and was statistically and observationally far better than Wilson, btw)... and NOT ONE of that group is still an active member here. 


I expect nothing will change with YOU. When they inevitably move on from Mr. Wilson and he is cut/traded, you will all disappear. 


SO. My suggestions would be:

A. Cool down with the rhetoric and insults in a place where you are essentially a visitor

B. Embrace The NEW YORK JETS FRANCHISE, not just one player (You know, get to know the history of the team, the players, key moments, etc. - maybe discuss something other than how Zach Wilson of BYU is the bestest QB in the world, and everything is everyone else's fault... let's talk about our awesome Defense, Garrett Wilson, Breece, etc

C. Go back to a BYU Cougars board


There you go. Boiled down to a quick post. 


Thank you, great post.

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2 minutes ago, fastmover said:

Just gonna state obvious points here…

1-not a quick post. 

2-The only purpose of this is to stir up crap. 

3- Who are you to tell anyone what to do or say? 

that’s is all


Semper Fi

Shouldn't you be Sharpening your sword and baking a cake?



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1 minute ago, Integrity28 said:

Call out threads always have a nice ROI.

This board has devolved into a sh*t slinging mud pit. And the only people I mentioned are guys I like and have been awesome contributors for years. "Calling out" people who are here for 1 particular player, make every thread miserable nonsense, and insult dudes that have been here for 25 years? Yeah...


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2 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

This board has devolved into a sh*t slinging mud pit. And the only people I mentioned are guys I like and have been awesome contributors for years. "Calling out" people who are here for 1 particular player, make every thread miserable nonsense, and insult dudes that have been here for 25 years? Yeah...


Who Cares James Harden GIF by NBPA

Oh, that’s all you did? Well, in that case…

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