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Todd Bowles in playoffs shows the problem isn't coaching or GM its the owner.

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33 minutes ago, doitny said:

the owner is a problem. but Bowles isnt all that. 

and Rodgers just needs to be average for us to make the playoffs. we won 7 games with the worst QB play in the league. 

we have 2 years to figure out the QB of the future. 

Honestly don't think Rogers will help this franchise after seeing what Love did with practically the same roster as last year think Rogers has regressed and next year will prove it. Also never said Bowles was a gem of a coach TB has a owner that leaves GM coach alone the Jets have a owner who likes to force stuff on the coach and GM been a fan for 50 years I watch how Woodysince day he bought this franchise has forced his will on this franchise .  He won't hire established GMs and coaches because he can't control them like he can a rookie coach. Think JD would have turned this thing around if Woody just sat in his office and stop inserting stuff like Rogers Tebow Farve just let the GM and coach build the roster and hire and fire the assistants. 

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

3.  Straight. Division. Titles.  

One with trash a$$ Baker Mayfield as his QB. 

To his credit he played very well this year. That's not from Todd's coaching, he just put the work in and has a decent offensive cast. 

His season this year would be arguably the 2nd best, if not the best season in Jets QB history outside of 2015 Ryan Fitzpatrick. 

Everyone doubted him and his ability. Then he was given the opportunity and took full advantage of it. 

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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Todd Bowles is about to coach his 4th home playoff game with TB.

The Jets have had 2 home playoff games since 1982.

You’re wrong kid, it’s 4  since 1981. 85 patriots, 86 chiefs, 98 jags and 2002 colts. I know because I went to all of them. 

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Todd Bowles who struggled in NY had no problem getting into the playoffs in Tampa Bay. Fans blame the GM the coaches but it's Woody who meddles hindering Any GM or coach in getting the right personnel. Until this owner is gone this team will continue on the path it's on. Doesn't matter who you bring here unless they are allowed full control with no interference from the owner nothing will change.  I'm not going to explain the whole Hackett/ Rogers is only one example of Woody inserting his control over what the GM and the coach had planned. People can keep making excuses it's your owner plain and simple.

Woody was in the UK for half of Bowles tenure

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Woody certainly isn't particularly good, but the team has seen some degrees of success on his watch, something neither the current GM nor coach can come close to being able to claim.

Now while Bowles may be on a different path, before him all of Herm, Mangini, and Rex actually did worse with their second teams than they did with the Jets, while the GMs were all deemed by the rest of the league to have proven themselves not good enough for the job.

So perhaps they weren't all such great innocent victims, but rather Woody's greatest failures being the hiring decisions, which in this case he wasn't actually involved in either of them.

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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Todd Bowles is about to coach his 4th home playoff game with TB.

The Jets have had 2 home playoff games since 1982.

You know what's ever sadder. Since the merger the Jets have won the division guess how many times.

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During my hiatus from here I’ve asked myself, as well as people I’m connected with (both with and away from the team), who would be least surprising to see fare better for another team: Saleh or Douglas?

The overwhelming consensus was Saleh.

I've made my thoughts well known on him this year.  I also did the same with Bowles.  Now Todd is coaching like the guy I was told he was way-back-when, so I find myself wondering if maybe it was more Maccagnan than anyone else.

The players on this roster love this staff.  Not like how the players of 2009-2014 & 2015-2019 loved Rex or Bowles either.  They genuinely believe that they can win something special and that this leadership group is the real deal.  Aaron is a big Saleh guy.

I don’t see it.  I don’t get it.  All I know is that it’s time for Joe Douglas to live up to the hype and give Saleh every tool necessary to end our drought.  If they can’t do it next year, ship em out.

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Bowles had his team wholly unprepared for a win or go home game in ‘15 @BUF.

He’s not going to win anything in Tampa without Tom Brady, and debating the relative merits of him vs Salads is like debating whether Alvaro Espinoza or Sam Militello was the better Yankee.

At the end of the day, they both suck as head coaches and can’t get the job done.

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