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Randall Cobb and Family are lucky to be alive(House Fire)

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16 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Never argued otherwise, brother. Before this gets locked or moved, last thing I'll say on it is that we have been told since Algores stupid movie that Climate Change is an exigent threat, that global warming due to climate change is a true and imminent existential threat to all higher life on this planet and if drastic steps aren't taken RIGHT NOW, we will all be dead in... well, Greta said within 5 years... 6 years ago... but most actual credible sources say possibly within 100 years. So, why AREN'T we talking about Nuclear Power? Its emission-free power that has a very small "Carbon Footprint" once its built, and while the issue of storing Nuclear Waste IS a problem, it is neither exigent nor is it an extinction-level issue in any conceivable way. Had people not had the overreactive knee-jerk reaction to 3 Mile Island (Looking at YOU, China Syndrome), we might not even BE in this mess. And once again, THANKS Russia... 


I simply can't take the pundits and bigmouths seriously about this until they say, "You know what, I'm not personally for Nuclear Power, BUT it could help save the planet and still provide reliable energy without sending parts of the world back to the 1870's. If it helps with the climate issue, we should do it and figure out better ways of storing the tiny amount of waste it generates in comparison to the issues we face in degrading our atmosphere and destabilizing our planets climate". 


So... what were we talking about? Oh, right....



Glad Randall Cobb and family are OK. Fires like that are scary for people.


smokey the bear 90s GIF


I agree that a shift to nuclear energy should be further researched and explored.  I also don't blame people for being weary of it, given the ways that humans massively ****ed up its proper usage during the 20th century...

To your first point - the last thing *I* will say about climate change is that I think the exigency was appropriate.  For years it's been presented to us as this looming Boogie Man, that was going to wreak havoc before long if measures were not taken.  Problem is, the Boogie Man is already here.

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3 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

My whole family was LEO (Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Dad, and 6 uncles) going back to Pre-1900 in New York. All of them that were alive 25 years ago gave me the same advice... "Go to the FD". 

They're Not Wrong!!!!!!!!  My dad, my sister and I all tell my kids that. Sis just retired.  I can retire but might stick it out through a DROP a few more years. Can't wait to be done. 

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3 hours ago, Warfish said:


In truth tho, their fast response saved not only alot of my "stuff", but more importantly to me and the wife, the lives of all five of my cats.  I will be forever appreciative.

Lesson #1:  A well funded fire department is a great thing.

Lesson #2:  Don't live next to an ignorant dooshbag who smokes alot and likes to throw his butts into his neighbors mulch.    

You ae correct and most importantly I'm happy to hear your cars and a lot of your stuff was okay. All kidding aside I love my brothers and sisters in the fire service - it's my own fault I checked the wrong box. LOL

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22 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Bullsh*t.  EVs just burn the same old Hydrocarbons or coal, just out of sight at powerplants. Barring a massive leap in tech, Wind/Solar is 100 years away from being an efficient source, it's all just PR. 


For "clean" vehicles, Hydrogen Cell is the way to go... and until lefty Green-Marxists embrace Nuclear Power for our energy needs (the ******* obvious CLEAN answer), they have ZERO CREDIBILITY. Chernobyl was 40 years ago, and the RBMK Reactor was obsolete then... and 3 Mile Island was overblown to absurd levels. Don't even scream about Fukishima, dudes put a Nuke Power site in a damn Tsunami zone...


Until then, keep strip mining for REE and lithium using child labor, creating new and fun categories of hazmat and keep patting yourselves on the back because you bought a $70k EV that has a really good chance of being engulfed in a fire that current firefighting tactics and equipment can't mitigate .

We don't have to pretend like there are not overlapping problems or different problems created by EV or hydrogen cell vehicles. Reducing our reliance on car culture and private cars as the primary mode of transport (across sprawl) are the solutions that curtails or eliminates these issues. 

EVs are different from burning hydrocarbons in an ICE car. The energy grid includes other sources of energy that are non-pollutive to less pollutive. Although there is certainly a large amount of hydrocarbon burning in the power grid, large power plants are more efficient than ICE cars at producing energy for the amount of pollution produced. 


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8 minutes ago, ARodJetsFan said:

Was just thinking the same exact thing.......this thread took one hell of a left turn somewhere.

A story about an Electric Car battery spontaneously combusting --> Electric Cars are Bad -->  Climate Change isn't real.

Seems like a pretty strait and typical JN thread road to me.....surprised it took as long as it did tbqh.

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

A story about an Electric Car battery spontaneously combusting --> Electric Cars are Bad -->  Climate Change isn't real.

Seems like a pretty strait and typical JN thread road to me.....surprised it took as long as it did tbqh.

Explosion Reaction GIF

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From a firefighter's pov I can see EV's being bad. But other than that why would anyone consider them bad? I mean they still require fossil fuel to make them run (can you charge an EV battery via solar?) but that makes them no better or worse than a ICE vehicle.

I want to buy one but it has to have decent range. My truck has a range of 700+ miles and it runs on gas. I don't want something I'm afraid will leave me stranded when I drive to my in-laws in Rhode Island.

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

How many fires have you seen from home solar?

Not many, tbh. The biggest danger with home solar is that you can't de-energize the system (collectors and capacitor) in case of any other issue or incident. The other problem with Solar in Florida is that in the event of a hurricane the panels have a tendency to act as a sail and take the roof section with them. 

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12 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Not many, tbh. The biggest danger with home solar is that you can't de-energize the system (collectors and capacitor) in case of any other issue or incident. The other problem with Solar in Florida is that in the event of a hurricane the panels have a tendency to act as a sail and take the roof section with them. 

I'd file that one under: Things I never would've thought of until it actually happened to me.

Then again I don't have solar panels & don't live down there, so it seems that combo would probably reduce the likelihood lol.

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thanks to the taxpayers my gf bought a tesla to replace her ten year old car.  she drive in excess of 70 miles each day and the tesla is pretty economical to operate since it's charged in the garage.  but the real incentive to buy the car was the fact that tesla had lowered the prices and she got a $7500 tax credit from uncle sugar.  the total cost of the car was about the same as she paid for the ten year old car she replaced.

i don't have much of an issue with electric cars or even windmills or solar.  the problem is the simple fact that all of these can only compete with oil or gas if they are hugely subsidized.  and for all of the solar zealots please understand that the sun doesn't shine half the time and the wind can be very spotty so 100% reliable and abundant power is not available through solar power alone.  in fact many solar installations need to have peak load gas turbine units to make up the short fall when it's cloudy or the wind not blowing.

also consider too that the big excuse for this supply shift is due to the nebulous claim about climate change.  i don't disagree that climate can change but i do disagree that whatever these zealots are contemplating will do little or nothing to stop it, if it is due to fossil fuel consumption. developing countries will opt for the cheapest energy source and that may very well turn out to be coal, gas, or oil.  and there are lots of people who need energy.  and this ignores whatever environmental issues arise as rare earth metals are mined and refined or the very energy needed to built EV's. 

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