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JN feature request


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Ok, whether or not we like to admit it, 99.5 percent of the posters here love the drama that pops up on a lot of these threads while we are treading water in the off season. And it is good for postcounts because nothing stirs up a thread like some good drama. The only problem is, a lot of time this drama happens when a post goes off its original topic, so a ot of people miss the action. For example, i have never even stepped in the lounge topic "the last to post wins" and if drama broke out there, i would never know. What i suggest is a kind of red alert or beacon, so that everyone knows to get their ass into a certain thread to watch and maybe partake in the discussion/catfight brewing. It would maybe highlight a thread in red on the thread list page. It would probably be best to give the alert activation control to the mods and a few select posters.

Think about it Maxxxi, great way to bump those threadcounts, hahaha, lolSC

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Ok, whether or not we like to admit it, 99.5 percent of the posters here love the drama that pops up on a lot of these threads while we are treading water in the off season. And it is good for postcounts because nothing stirs up a thread like some good drama. The only problem is, a lot of time this drama happens when a post goes off its original topic, so a ot of people miss the action. For example, i have never even stepped in the lounge topic "the last to post wins" and if drama broke out there, i would never know. What i suggest is a kind of red alert or beacon, so that everyone knows to get their ass into a certain thread to watch and maybe partake in the discussion/catfight brewing. It would maybe highlight a thread in red on the thread list page. It would probably be best to give the alert activation control to the mods and a few select posters.

Think about it Maxxxi, great way to bump those threadcounts, hahaha, lolSC

don't need an alert, just look for the thread with garb's high horse hitched next to it to know there is something goin down inside. :)

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don't need an alert, just look for the thread with garb's high horse hitched next to it to know there is something goin down inside. :)

That isn't a bad idea either i gues, can we get one of those thread icons of a horse, and allow posters to add that to a thread that is already started, lolSC

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2 more--

(for joebaby's edification) How about a smut button? (We can call it the smutton!) Whenever some good sleaze is being posted, the thread can "pitch a tent" and we can all check it out

Also, how about some bells and sirens when assmop posts in a thread, so we know to throw our computers out the second floor window

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That isn't a bad idea either i gues, can we get one of those thread icons of a horse, and allow posters to add that to a thread that is already started, lolSC

there is never gonna be any drama in the "last to post" thread. Even if any drama starts to brew ecurb will kill it with his 15 separate ":Just Joined:" posts.

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(for joebaby's edification) How about a smut button? (We can call it the smutton!) Whenever some good sleaze is being posted, the thread can "pitch a tent" and we can all check it out

Also, how about some bells and sirens when assmop posts in a thread, so we know to throw our computers out the second floor window

Well, i don't want to turn this into a thread or a feature bashing any one particular poster, although another poster suggested the horse thing. I wouldn't mind the parental rating post thing though, but no way that happens. Who am i kidding, no way any of this happens, but it would be a great idea to stir things up here, lol.

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lumbergh is one of the best characters ever but he can not save you from ASSMOP THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS.

assmop is the biggest clown in the history of the world and i don't need billy for that one

ya, all you nova fans are fair weather anyway.

and no, there is simply just not a rivalry between villanova and north carolina..

what's the matter jgb, did you drink the extra-annoying coffee this morning??

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2 more--

(for joebaby's edification) How about a smut button? (We can call it the smutton!) Whenever some good sleaze is being posted, the thread can "pitch a tent" and we can all check it out

Also, how about some bells and sirens when assmop posts in a thread, so we know to throw our computers out the second floor window


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We just started the ground work for a new site layout. Keep the ideas coming. I would like to incorporate a poker room. If we could tie it into vcash that would be sweet! I will look into that.

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We just started the ground work for a new site layout. Keep the ideas coming. I would like to incorporate a poker room. If we could tie it into vcash that would be sweet! I will look into that.

I assume for the Mods only game it would be Strip Poker

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We just started the ground work for a new site layout. Keep the ideas coming. I would like to incorporate a poker room. If we could tie it into vcash that would be sweet! I will look into that.

That would be amazing. Like I said you could just have a "buy-in" with the Vcash (take that amount out of the participants) into a tournament. Then after it's over you give the appropriate payouts accordingly. As opposed to trying to make the vcash as currency for a cash game

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No that is not true.

Greenbeans cries if we don't let him play. \:D/

Well I know GreenBeans and he is a 'prefers no surprise packages under the beltline' type of guy, so to speak. Unless you have converted him to the dark and fudgy side :confused:

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We just started the ground work for a new site layout. Keep the ideas coming. I would like to incorporate a poker room. If we could tie it into vcash that would be sweet! I will look into that.

I think it should be a Green color scheme... just a thought...

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don't need an alert, just look for the thread with garb's high horse hitched next to it to know there is something goin down inside. :)

That's why Max pays be the big bucks, suckers! ;)

'gotta be honest with you fellas.....some of you bring the term "nerd" and "fag" to a whole other level. LOL!

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