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Is it better to buy beer at.....


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The beverage store or the supermarket?


To be honest I never paid any attention to the difference in price. If anything I suppose the supermarket might be a little cheaper since alot of states make them sell 3.2

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Depends... we have a big discount liquor store in town... they also own a grocery store... everything in the liquor store is cheaper... they have some great sales too... I have been drinking Heineken Light bottles (14.99 for a 12 pack) but when they have a sale on Miller Light bottles (15.99 for a 24 pack) I buy that.

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dumbass PA doesn't allow beer to be sold in the supermarket.

god bless the federal system! :)

Some supermarkets in NJ have liquor stores attached to them, but you can't walk down aisle 10 and get beer next to the chips aisle.

And what's with the PA laws... There was always the "Spirits" store and beer outlets...never shall the two mix. And no liquor sales on Sundays? Is that still enforced? I remember back in the day (like mid-90's) we'd always scramble on Saturday night buying up what we could so we got what we needed for Sunday. You could get 6-packs at the bars and cheap white zin, but everything else was closed. That sucked for impromptu Sunday partying.


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Just got back from the liquor store...

12.99 for a 12 pack of Heineken Light

You can buy a 30-pack of Bud/Bud Light in New Hampshire for $16 at any Gas Station, Supermarket or convenience store.

Live Free or Die!

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You can buy a 30-pack of Bud/Bud Light in New Hampshire for $16 at any Gas Station, Supermarket or convenience store.

Live Free or Die!


There was a store around here that used to sell BUD 30 packs for 11.99.... I hate cans though

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Some supermarkets in NJ have liquor stores attached to them, but you can't walk down aisle 10 and get beer next to the chips aisle.

And what's with the PA laws... There was always the "Spirits" store and beer outlets...never shall the two mix. And no liquor sales on Sundays? Is that still enforced? I remember back in the day (like mid-90's) we'd always scramble on Saturday night buying up what we could so we got what we needed for Sunday. You could get 6-packs at the bars and cheap white zin, but everything else was closed. That sucked for impromptu Sunday partying.


we have to buy beer to go in bars on sunday-- at obscene prices. what a racket. the wine and liquor store a block from my house (society hill) is open for a few hours on sunday, thankfully. it's one of the few.

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Thats what you get for living in the only state that doesn't allow you to pump your own gas!

I think Oregon is the other state. Yes, I am spoiled when it comes to getting gas. For these prices, they better whistle dixie for me too.

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we have to buy beer to go in bars on sunday-- at obscene prices. what a racket. the wine and liquor store a block from my house (society hill) is open for a few hours on sunday, thankfully. it's one of the few.

Pennsylvania is weird when it comes to buying beer.

I live 10 miles north of Boston in a town with about 20,000 people. We have 6 bottle shops. 5 of those are open on Sunday from noon until 6PM. The other one is open from noon until 10PM.

You can buy beer at some Convenience Stores and Supermarkets up here but usually you just hit the local liquor store for your beer, wine or spirit needs.

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Ditto in NY. We rock.

Bud/Bud Light sucks, though.

Bud light is like drinking glorified water.

Liquor stores usually have a wider selection of good beers than supermarkets. My mottos always been its better to spend a couple extra bucks on good beer than buy cheap, sh***y beer. I couldn't begin to explain how many people I knew in Tally who if I told them to pick up a pack of beer, they come walking in with a 12 pack of Natural Light.

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Bud light is like drinking glorified water.

Liquor stores usually have a wider selection of good beers than supermarkets. My mottos always been its better to spend a couple extra bucks on good beer than buy cheap, sh***y beer. I couldn't begin to explain how many people I knew in Tally who if I told them to pick up a pack of beer, they come walking in with a 12 pack of Natural Light.


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I usually go the beverage store to pick up my supply of beer-lots more variety than what you can get at the supermarket.

same here, for me it is about variety.

But I have noticed the 7Eleven has been selling those mini heinie kegs and the prices aren't bad, very convienent.

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same here, for me it is about variety.

But I have noticed the 7Eleven has been selling those mini heinie kegs and the prices aren't bad, very convienent.

I wish they would make those for the light beer...

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Heineken sucks and light beer sucks worse. Heinie light is the worst of both worlds.

Do i think it is great, no, do i order it at a bar, no, but it is better then a lot of other beers and convienent, you could drink a lot worse.

Here is my list


Chimay Blue

paulaner hefeweiss

spatan dunkalweiss

seadog blueberry

sam adams summer

most other german weiss beers


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Thats what you get for living in the only state that doesn't allow you to pump your own gas!

I've pumped gas few times in my life. Once on an Indian reservation out west... it was an old, old, old pump not the kind that automatically clicks off. My boyfriend walked off for a few minutes and I didn't know how to stop the f'ing thing. Eek.

Lived in Joisey my entire life (as sad as that is) and don't need to even get out of the car! Nice on rainy days. Spoiled, I know. ;)

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