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According to Mike&Mike


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The NFL is close to reaching an agreement with Walsh and his lawyer in regards to the release of ALL of the physical material in his possession, so that it can reviewed and properly DESTROYED.

They also feel that Walsh's bag of tricks does include tapes of the walkthroughs of the Rams SB as well as other damaging material.

What they cannot understand is why the NFL would proceed to destroy additional evidence event though it has caused such a problem for them to date.

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The NFL is close to reaching an agreement with Walsh and his lawyer in regards to the release of ALL of the physical material in his possession, so that it can reviewed and properly DESTROYED.

They also feel that Walsh's bag of tricks does include tapes of the walkthroughs of the Rams SB as well as other damaging material.

What they cannot understand is why the NFL would proceed to destroy additional evidence event though it has caused such a problem for them to date.

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Iwish people would just let this die. It's so old, who cares.

I care.

I thought that I was watching real football. If what they are saying is true....I will be more than happy to E-bay any NFL collectibles and move on to watching my lawn grow in a few months. At least I am aware that my lawn is using performance enhancers and has an unfair advantage over all of my neighbors. But in this contest, I get to win.

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Iwish people would just let this die. It's so old, who cares.

I care.

I thought that I was watching real football. If what they are saying is true....I will be more than happy to E-bay any NFL collectibles and move on to watching my lawn grow in a few months. At least I am aware that my lawn is using performance enhancers and has an unfair advantage over all of my neighbors. But in this contest, I get to win.

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Just release the God damn information already. This story should have been over a month ago.

Its getting sickening having to read the almost daily updates on spygate.

they taped.

they got caught.

they lied.

they got punished (not to people's satisfaction, but it aint our league).

continued to lie.

a dirty politician wants to keep discussing this so one of his donors gets better treatment.

the entire NFL including our Jets want to cover this up and move on because it will hurt business.

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Just release the God damn information already. This story should have been over a month ago.

Its getting sickening having to read the almost daily updates on spygate.

they taped.

they got caught.

they lied.

they got punished (not to people's satisfaction, but it aint our league).

continued to lie.

a dirty politician wants to keep discussing this so one of his donors gets better treatment.

the entire NFL including our Jets want to cover this up and move on because it will hurt business.

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Do I really care? Probably not.

It should make for some interesting theater during the very boring months after the draft.

Who knows, could lead to an exciting photo of Lil Bill flashing the peace sign as he boards a plane to oblivion

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Do I really care? Probably not.

It should make for some interesting theater during the very boring months after the draft.

Who knows, could lead to an exciting photo of Lil Bill flashing the peace sign as he boards a plane to oblivion

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Iwish people would just let this die. It's so old, who cares.

Bro not for nothing but you are one weird dude. I agree though, let's continue to debate the term zip and just skip over the whole cheating scandal.

Sounds like a plan!

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Iwish people would just let this die. It's so old, who cares.

Bro not for nothing but you are one weird dude. I agree though, let's continue to debate the term zip and just skip over the whole cheating scandal.

Sounds like a plan!

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Do I really care? Probably not.

It should make for some interesting theater during the very boring months after the draft.

Who knows, could lead to an exciting photo of Lil Bill flashing the peace sign as he boards a plane to oblivion

I still wish VBookie would open on Belicheat coaching next year. The evidence is mounting...and the Ides of March are near.


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It's more ESPN/Media driven drivel. It will be his word against the Pats. Guess it will all depend on who you beleive. 'lemme guess, you will all beleive in the known liar (Walsh) versus the team you all hate the most, Patriots. :yawn:

And before you all get on my back - BB has never lied. He "cheated" - by filiming in an area you can't film from. That's right - everyone films - BB filmed from the sidleline. A big no-no. But, he's never lied about it. He's never lied (maybe to his wife) to the football audience that I've ever seen or heard. He may not answer a question, he may answer with a non-answer, but he has never blantantly lied. Walsh, on the other hand, has a history of lying. But do go ahead and continue your blind hatred of all things Pats. It makes you all feel better and who doesn't want to feel better? :)

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It's more ESPN/Media driven drivel. It will be his word against the Pats. Guess it will all depend on who you beleive. 'lemme guess, you will all beleive in the known liar (Walsh) versus the team you all hate the most, Patriots. :yawn:

And before you all get on my back - BB has never lied. He "cheated" - by filiming in an area you can't film from. That's right - everyone films - BB filmed from the sidleline. A big no-no. But, he's never lied about it. He's never lied (maybe to his wife) to the football audience that I've ever seen or heard. He may not answer a question, he may answer with a non-answer, but he has never blantantly lied. Walsh, on the other hand, has a history of lying. But do go ahead and continue your blind hatred of all things Pats. It makes you all feel better and who doesn't want to feel better? :)

Brian MacNamee is a known liar as well, but that doesn't seem to help Roger Clemens. ;)

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It's more ESPN/Media driven drivel. It will be his word against the Pats. Guess it will all depend on who you beleive. 'lemme guess, you will all beleive in the known liar (Walsh) versus the team you all hate the most, Patriots. :yawn:

And before you all get on my back - BB has never lied. He "cheated" - by filiming in an area you can't film from. That's right - everyone films - BB filmed from the sidleline. A big no-no. But, he's never lied about it. He's never lied (maybe to his wife) to the football audience that I've ever seen or heard. He may not answer a question, he may answer with a non-answer, but he has never blantantly lied. Walsh, on the other hand, has a history of lying. But do go ahead and continue your blind hatred of all things Pats. It makes you all feel better and who doesn't want to feel better? :)

Got to disagree with you on this one Garb.

The NFL has already messed up in destroying the tapes. Whether it was just stupid, or is a cover up is hard to say, but it put the Fans on notice. Makes Goodell look real bad.

If there is a tape of the walk thru, heads will roll. People aren't going to accept the "Patriots wouldn't lie" line. The NFL is most concerned about TV contracts, to cast a cloud over the league, to protect Lil Bill is unacceptable.

If no tape, it blows over.

If there is a tape, big trouble.

If there is a tape Lil Bill is in deep. It would be very funny and fitting if Lil Bill really didn't do it, but is run out of the NFL because he is a proven sleaze

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It's more ESPN/Media driven drivel. It will be his word against the Pats. Guess it will all depend on who you beleive. 'lemme guess, you will all beleive in the known liar (Walsh) versus the team you all hate the most, Patriots. :yawn:

And before you all get on my back - BB has never lied. He "cheated" - by filiming in an area you can't film from. That's right - everyone films - BB filmed from the sidleline. A big no-no. But, he's never lied about it. He's never lied (maybe to his wife) to the football audience that I've ever seen or heard. He may not answer a question, he may answer with a non-answer, but he has never blantantly lied. Walsh, on the other hand, has a history of lying. But do go ahead and continue your blind hatred of all things Pats. It makes you all feel better and who doesn't want to feel better? :)

Actually it is not. Goddell thought it in the best interest to quickly sweep the whole situation under the rug feeling that the signal call taping was the entirety of the issue. But if it is not, and NE was taping a walkthrough of the Super Bowl, whether or not it gave any competitive advantage, then what Goddell did will look like a cover-up and the integrity of the game will be comprimised.

At this point, Goddell does not want the truth. He WANTS to cover this up at this point and that is why he is running afoul of a politician, must of whom can smell a cover up from a mile away because they are so familiar with them.

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