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Laveranues Coles might sit out


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Jets sign TE Bubba Franks as Laveranues Coles might sit out

by Rich Cimini

daily news sports writer

Monday, March 17th 2008, 4:00 AM


The Jets will open their offseason program Monday with several new faces, including former Packers TE Bubba Franks. The former Pro Bowler agreed to terms Sunday on a one-year, $1.65 million contract, according to an NFL source. But the Jets could be without at least two mainstays.

WR Laveranues Coles, embroiled in a contract dispute, may not show at Hofstra. Last month, he said he wasn't going to participate unless the team tears up the final two years of his deal and gives him a long-term extension. DT Dewayne Robertson could skip the program because his status is uncertain. The Jets are trying to trade him to the Broncos, and a deal could be done any day.

QB Chad Pennington will participate in the program, he said through a team spokesman. There had been rumors that Pennington, unhappy about last season's demotion, was going to be a no-show.

Franks, 30, who played in only eight games last season because of a torn knee ligament that didn't require surgery, caught a career-low 18 passes as a backup in 2007.

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Cole's is the biggest Pre-madonna faggit in the NFL. He's going to sit out because we are only willing to guarantee a 30 year old injury prone receiver his 11 million over the next 2 years. When we should be giving him his 30th ****ing signing bonus and a contract extension, if we have any respect for him that is.

**** Coles I really hope we can send him packing before the begining of the season.

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Cole's is the biggest Pre-madonna faggit in the NFL. He's going to sit out because we are only willing to guarantee a 30 year old injury prone receiver his 11 million over the next 2 years. When we should be giving him his 30th ****ing signing bonus and a contract extension, if we have any respect for him that is.

**** Coles I really hope we can send him packing before the begining of the season.

Why give him what he wants by sending him packing and getting more cash ,HOW ABOUT MAKING HIM HONOR A FULL CONTRACT FOR A CHANGE & if he won`t then fine him from the first practice he doesn`t show up for and take the $11,000,000 guarantee for the last 2 years of his contract the JETS were willing to guarantee for him...

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Why give him what he wants by sending him packing and getting more cash ,HOW ABOUT MAKING HIM HONOR A FULL CONTRACT FOR A CHANGE & if he won`t then fine him from the first practice he doesn`t show up for and take the $11,000,000 guarantee for the last 2 years of his contract the JETS were willing to guarantee for him...

I agree JJ...I'm all for playing hardball with these guys-I like the franchise tag-I LIKE when prima donnas are pissed off-from what I have seen they PLAY BETTER when you screw with them a little sometimes-Coles (if he can't be moved for a worth it price) should be made to honor his contract

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Why give him what he wants by sending him packing and getting more cash ,HOW ABOUT MAKING HIM HONOR A FULL CONTRACT FOR A CHANGE & if he won`t then fine him from the first practice he doesn`t show up for and take the $11,000,000 guarantee for the last 2 years of his contract the JETS were willing to guarantee for him...

I don't even want to see them guarantee him the 11 million, he's a concussion away from being Wayne Chrebet. I would like to see them trade him, but I'm so tired of his **** I don't even care if they cut him and pass the headache onto someone else. They need to pick up another receiver though first, or have a plan going into the draft. You aren't going to whan't this crybaby in the lockeroom this year, he's a pain in the ass. He's quickly becoming my least favioret Jet.

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Cole's is the biggest Pre-madonna faggit in the NFL. He's going to sit out because we are only willing to guarantee a 30 year old injury prone receiver his 11 million over the next 2 years. When we should be giving him his 30th ****ing signing bonus and a contract extension, if we have any respect for him that is.

**** Coles I really hope we can send him packing before the begining of the season.

Been saying this since he was signed by the Skins. I was HAPPY to see him go then, and I was NOT happy to see him come back. Now, Moss has proven to be injury prone, so I was wrong there, but with Coles, this is the baggage you get. He's a good player, but is this baggage worth it? The guy is never happy. He's also the slowest 4.2 guy I've ever seen. He's a possession receiver. Good player, who if he kept his mouth shut I'd be happy to have on the team, but when it keeps running, it's time for him to go. We can do better.....

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**** it, fine him $5000 every day he doesn't show up. After a while he's going to be just a little ****ing upset when he ends up making no ****ing money. If this pissant little bitch thinks he deserves another signing bonus and another big money contract this selfish little bitch can sit out the next two years and see what kind of minimum contract he gets after that. After all, in two years Hermie wont be in the league anymore to sign him.

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I don't even want to see them guarantee him the 11 million, he's a concussion away from being Wayne Chrebet. I would like to see them trade him, but I'm so tired of his **** I don't even care if they cut him and pass the headache onto someone else. They need to pick up another receiver though first, or have a plan going into the draft. You aren't going to whan't this crybaby in the lockeroom this year, he's a pain in the ass. He's quickly becoming my least favioret Jet.

But don`t you realize what a terrible president the team would be setting ,last year Kendall said give me more cash or trade me ,the JETS said when your contract is up we will talk ,Kendall cried about it ,he got his trade & more cash , now Coles is doing the same if he cries and gets a trade & more cash ,then every player on the team will folow this lead before their contact is up

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**** it, fine him $5000 every day he doesn't show up. After a while he's going to be just a little ****ing upset when he ends up making no ****ing money. If this pissant little bitch thinks he deserves another signing bonus and another big money contract this selfish little bitch can sit out the next two years and see what kind of minimum contract he gets after that. After all, in two years Hermie wont be in the league anymore to sign him.

Essentially, Coles really believes he has taken pay cuts for the good of the team. Here's the way it went down:

Washington gave up that first rounder to get him & gave Coles possibly a worse contract than we gave Pennington. While the word "guaranteed" wasn't in it, if he didn't quit or retire, Coles was basically assured of some $30M in the first 3 years.

In order to trade him and get anything of value, Washington had to redo his deal prior to trading him to the Jets (or anyone). He was due to make only $1.5M in 2005 when we got him. That's all salary, all bonus; the whole cap number. Why did Coles do it? Well he was due $14,000,000 in 2006 if his new team didn't rip up the contract & give him a new one. So the Jets did. Gave him a $5M SB in 2005 and a $3M RB in 2006. It called for salaries of $1M in 2005 and $2M in 2006. We also redid his contract in Nov 2006 to make his $2M salary in '06 into $4M that dropped his '07 salary from $4M to $3M.

But Coles only sees the money he "gave up" and never considers for a moment that no one on this earth was paying it to him. He truly considered these phony numbers in contracts to mean he was going to get it in that form. Like he was going to ever receive $9M in LTBE incentives in 2006 from anyone (in addition to a $3M salary and $2M roster bonus).

He only notices the "sacrifices" he's made for his teams in reworking these deals to "help them" out. Never a thought to how the Redskins & Jets franchises made him a wealthy, wealthy man. Paid him top-3 WR money for playing football at a sub-superstar level.

And we even (stupidly, IMO) guaranteed $11M over the next 2 years for a player with a concussion history. A team should want out of that contract whenever possible. We could save cap space by cutting him NOW. If he signed that guarantee, he's got the team by the balls.

And he is still miserable.

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But don`t you realize what a terrible president the team would be setting ,last year Kendall said give me more cash or trade me ,the JETS said when your contract is up we will talk ,Kendall cried about it ,he got his trade & more cash , now Coles is doing the same if he cries and gets a trade & more cash ,then every player on the team will folow this lead before their contact is up

He's a 30 year old injury prone receiver, who's lost his speed. He thinks he can do better then 11 million guaranteed somewhere else good ****ing luck.

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It's not worth the headache, hell show up and be a miserable **** in the locker room.

IMO, they should be trying to trade him away anyway. The only problem is there is no immediate successor on the roster and that might be the reason why he hasn't been dealt.

Me thinks the Jets could go WR Round 1 in order to trade Coles. :headbang:

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They should right now do nothing until he sits out. After that, they should take back the $11M guarantee offer - or have written in it that any holdouts void the guarantee & drop his salary down to $1M/yr.

If we get him to sign anything there should be a clause in it that he needs to keep his god dam mouth shut. There needs to be shut the **** up clauses built into receiver contracts, they are the most irritating group of athletes in pro sports. Sad thing for us is Coles only thinks hes on the same level as all the other loud mouth receivers in the NFL.

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If we get him to sign anything there should be a clause in it that he needs to keep his god dam mouth shut. There needs to be shut the **** up clauses built into receiver contracts, they are the most irritating group of athletes in pro sports. Sad thing for us is Coles only thinks hes on the same level as all the other loud mouth receivers in the NFL.


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He's a 30 year old injury prone receiver, who's lost his speed. He thinks he can do better then 11 million guaranteed somewhere else good ****ing luck.

Sounds to me like your his agent trying to get him his trade so both of you will get more cash , now if we were to let him go ,how much more are we going to have to pay to replace him compared to what he is UNDER CONTRACT FOR ALREADY ,then who cries for more cash (even though there under contracts) next K.C. ,Baker or Cotchery ,Rhodes seems like he`s willing to wait till the end of this season anyway

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The thing that is a shame in all of this is that Coles is guy that you have to admire from a toughness standpoint and in the fact that he always gives 100%. All of that goes out the window however because he is a greedy bastard who is never happy with the money that he is making, even though when adding in all of the bonuses he is way overpaid. Unfortunately, instead of being remembered for his play, he will be remembered as a money grubbing stick up artist.

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Sounds to me like your his agent trying to get him his trade so both of you will get more cash , now if we were to let him go ,how much more are we going to have to pay to replace him compared to what he is UNDER CONTRACT FOR ALREADY ,then who cries for more cash (even though there under contracts) next K.C. ,Baker or Cotchery ,Rhodes seems like he`s willing to wait till the end of this season anyway

If I was his agent I would be laughing all the way to the bank because my client some how suckered the Jet into guaranteeing him 11 million dollars, despite his injury history and declining skills.

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I don't begrudge any NFL player getting every last dime he can from the owners. It's not like the teams are all about honoring these contracts. If they think a player isn't living up to his deal, they cut him. But if a player is overperforming, he's expected to grin and bear it until he's a FA. These guys face the possibility of a career ending injury every time they step onto the field. God knows Coles puts his life on the line every game waiting for Chad's shuttle****s to drop from the sky. Waiting your turn can result in never getting paid.

Now is Coles asking for too much? Maybe. It's up to the team whether they want to pay him, fine him, cut him, trade him, whatever. But it's business. Mostly one-sided. Let them engage.

edit: love the censoring. Good thing this isn't a badminton board. lol...

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I don't begrudge any NFL player getting every last dime he can from the owners. It's not like the teams are all about honoring these contracts. If they think a player isn't living up to his deal, they cut him. But if a player is overperforming, he's expected to grin and bear it until he's a FA. These guys face the possibility of a career ending injury every time they step onto the field. God knows Coles puts his life on the line every game waiting for Chad's shuttle****s to drop from the sky. Waiting your turn can result in never getting paid.

Now is Coles asking for too much? Maybe. It's up to the team whether they want to pay him, fine him, cut him, trade him, whatever. But it's business. Mostly one-sided. Let them engage.

edit: love the censoring. Good thing this isn't a badminton board. lol...

Except that the Jets have offered to guarantee the last 2 years of his deal, so that doesn't apply here.

Coles is an a**hole.

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For a guy his age/skill/injury history he's got one heck of a generous contract. I would love to see him honor a contract for once in his life, but no chance of seeing that.

To hell with him. If Tangini gives him what he wants it would be the single worst decision they've made. It's throwing a lot of money down the drain and setting a horrible example for other players to follow.

And quite frankly, if the comment about Penny being difficult because he lost the starting position is true, to heck with him too. He's gotten a lot of chances to be the starter, it's nobody's fault but his own if he can't hold it down.

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For a guy his age/skill/injury history he's got one heck of a generous contract. I would love to see him honor a contract for once in his life, but no chance of seeing that.

To hell with him. If Tangini gives him what he wants it would be the single worst decision they've made. It's throwing a lot of money down the drain and setting a horrible example for other players to follow.

And quite frankly, if the comment about Penny being difficult because he lost the starting position is true, to heck with him too. He's gotten a lot of chances to be the starter, it's nobody's fault but his own if he can't hold it down.

Pennington, to his credit, isn't making demands in the press. Nor has there been even a HINT of him bitching to younger guys about his situation.

He wants to start. He thinks he should start. Even if I disagree with that, I respect him feeling that way. He also has the good taste to not rip a franchise that has made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

Coles is different. He wants money. More money. Continuous money. And in 2 years when yet again he sees others getting more, he'll want us to redo his deal again & again.

I'm starting to think he was suspended at FSU for more than just the shopping thing, no matter what he says.

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Pennington, to his credit, isn't making demands in the press. Nor has there been even a HINT of him bitching to younger guys about his situation.

He wants to start. He thinks he should start. Even if I disagree with that, I respect him feeling that way. He also has the good taste to not rip a franchise that has made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

Coles is different. He wants money. More money. Continuous money. And in 2 years when yet again he sees others getting more, he'll want us to redo his deal again & again.

I'm starting to think he was suspended at FSU for more than just the shopping thing, no matter what he says.

Could you imagine how crazy he'd go if he weren't the highest paid WR on the team? I can't see him being happy as a #2.

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Pennington, to his credit, isn't making demands in the press. Nor has there been even a HINT of him bitching to younger guys about his situation.

He wants to start. He thinks he should start. Even if I disagree with that, I respect him feeling that way. He also has the good taste to not rip a franchise that has made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

Oh ofcourse not. Penny has more class than Coles by far. But don't underestimate the damage a disgruntled, former QB and leader, can cause behind the scenes. But at this point there's only rumours, and zero proof. Hopefully it's nothing.

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Oh ofcourse not. Penny has more class than Coles by far. But don't underestimate the damage a disgruntled, former QB and leader, can cause behind the scenes. But at this point there's only rumours, and zero proof. Hopefully it's nothing.

What's he going to say? That he's happy he got benched?

There is zero history of Pennington undermining the coaches or causing unrest behind the scenes. I've had a lot of criticisms of Pennington, but this has not been among them.

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I'm not saying he's not a pain in the ass, and I'm not saying he deserves whatever it is he's looking for. All I'm saying is that I have no problem with him -or any other player- trying to squeeze every last penny out of the team that he can. It's not like management feels any obligation to honor anything not guaranteed.

And say what you want about Coles in these "negotiations," but you know the guy is going to be there on gameday giving everything he's got. Mangini knows that, too, that's why he named Coles a captain.

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I'm not saying he's not a pain in the ass, and I'm not saying he deserves whatever it is he's looking for. All I'm saying is that I have no problem with him -or any other player- trying to squeeze every last penny out of the team that he can. It's not like management feels any obligation to honor anything not guaranteed.

And say what you want about Coles in these "negotiations," but you know the guy is going to be there on gameday giving everything he's got. Mangini knows that, too, that's why he named Coles a captain.

Actually, because of his recent injury history - the concussions in particular - I wouldn't guarantee him sh*t including the $11M through 2009.

Players who have suffered multiple/bad concussions (ones so bad they miss multiple games b/c of them) don't get them less frequently or never again; they get them more frequently. Especially with a guy who sacrifices his body like Coles does.

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I'm not saying he's not a pain in the ass, and I'm not saying he deserves whatever it is he's looking for. All I'm saying is that I have no problem with him -or any other player- trying to squeeze every last penny out of the team that he can. It's not like management feels any obligation to honor anything not guaranteed.

And say what you want about Coles in these "negotiations," but you know the guy is going to be there on gameday giving everything he's got. Mangini knows that, too, that's why he named Coles a captain.

Trying to get the most money when negotiating a contract is one thing, trying to get more money while already under a contract is another. It's not like Coles or any other player asks for a pay cut when they play like crap, or when injuries and age makes them less productive on the field.

I don't like it when teams try to renogotiate contracts either. Not unless they offer the player something that makes it a win-win for both. For example reducing the money, but also the length so that the player can hit free agency earlier.

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The concussions are a serious issue. I'm not saying the Jets should pay him, I'm just saying he has every right -AFAIC- to try to get everything he can. The Jets can decide what they want to do from there. I've got no issue with the Jets holding him to his existing contract, either.

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