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Hello from Nanjing China


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Hey fellas

My school has this partnership with a school in Nanjing and I was offered 2 weeks air/hotel/food to participate in a 10 day english language camp. So, I took it. Even got the wife to go as well since she is a teacher and there was an extra ticket.....

So, its my first day. wont start teaching untilk tuesday. Its an interesting place to say the least. For you history buffs, Nanjing was the site of perhaps the most brutal wanton (wonton? lol) murdering spree by the jAPS IN ww2. i read a good book on the plane, THE RAPE OF NANJING, and in my honest opinion I dont think there was ever a more brutal mass killing of an entire city in history. The Japs m,ade the ****s look compassionate.......

So now armed with my new knowlege im gonna see the specific sites knowing exactly what happened.... Ok see ya

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a few observations:

1. the chinese seem extremely polite

2. the chinese absolutely swarm for their baggage the second the jets thrusters slow the plane down during landing and line up to exit way before coming anywhere near the gate

3. a 6 pack cost $1.75

more to come from your round eye friend in the east......

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There was definitely a pretty big thread on the Rape of Nanjing somewhere in the Lounge.

really? thats strange.....

well heres my day 1 bummer: supposed to be a day off, but the chinese in their desire to have ceremonies and entertain, told us they would meet us for 830 breakfast, then have a 1200 meeting at the school and finally they will take us out to dinner at 430. what the hell man thats nice and all but i should be at purple mountain seeing the old stuff

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really? thats strange.....

well heres my day 1 bummer: supposed to be a day off, but the chinese in their desire to have ceremonies and entertain, told us they would meet us for 830 breakfast, then have a 1200 meeting at the school and finally they will take us out to dinner at 430. what the hell man thats nice and all but i should be at purple mountain seeing the old stuff

Unless there are two cities in China, Nanjing and Nanking, that both got historically raped, this is it:


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Hey fellas

My school has this partnership with a school in Nanjing and I was offered 2 weeks air/hotel/food to participate in a 10 day english language camp. So, I took it. Even got the wife to go as well since she is a teacher and there was an extra ticket.....

So, its my first day. wont start teaching untilk tuesday. Its an interesting place to say the least. For you history buffs, Nanjing was the site of perhaps the most brutal wanton (wonton? lol) murdering spree by the jAPS IN ww2. i read a good book on the plane, THE RAPE OF NANJING, and in my honest opinion I dont think there was ever a more brutal mass killing of an entire city in history. The Japs m,ade the ****s look compassionate.......

So now armed with my new knowlege im gonna see the specific sites knowing exactly what happened.... Ok see ya

What the butchering Japs did during the rape of Nanking was beyond believe. I've scene the History Channel's special several times. Very graphic. Hope you can find the specific sites. Have a nice time thre. I envy you.
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Yes nanjing and nanking are the same

interestingly, peking and bejing are also the same

a pack of marlboro is 3 bucks, local packs are 85 cents.....

interesting videos for sale.....porno, graphic nanjing massacres, ronald reagan, ronaldihno seem to be extremely popular.

I was in a supermarket and this cute 8 year runs up to me and says hello,

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Unless there are two cities in China, Nanjing and Nanking, that both got historically raped, this is it:


That's a pretty good thread. It's funny where Arsis describes JN as the "real world". JetMo being on "hiatus" will probably keep us from seeing that kind of thing again for a bit.

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Yes nanjing and nanking are the same

interestingly, peking and bejing are also the same

a pack of marlboro is 3 bucks, local packs are 85 cents.....

interesting videos for sale.....porno, graphic nanjing massacres, ronald reagan, ronaldihno seem to be extremely popular.

I was in a supermarket and this cute 8 year runs up to me and says hello,

Sounds like the trip is going well. Have a great time and be safe.

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Dickie...sounds like great trip.....always wanted to go, maybe someday

Nevertheless, when I found out that you were going, my immediate though was that you'd be the first one on line at the goat's penis dinner buffet....lol

My boy Bourdain says it's great......let us know how the testicals are

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Hey fellas

My school has this partnership with a school in Nanjing and I was offered 2 weeks air/hotel/food to participate in a 10 day english language camp. So, I took it. Even got the wife to go as well since she is a teacher and there was an extra ticket.....

So, its my first day. wont start teaching untilk tuesday. Its an interesting place to say the least. For you history buffs, Nanjing was the site of perhaps the most brutal wanton (wonton? lol) murdering spree by the jAPS IN ww2. i read a good book on the plane, THE RAPE OF NANJING, and in my honest opinion I dont think there was ever a more brutal mass killing of an entire city in history. The Japs m,ade the ****s look compassionate.......

So now armed with my new knowlege im gonna see the specific sites knowing exactly what happened.... Ok see ya

Take some pics, man.

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My nephew just graduated from College is heading in two weeks to teach English for the coming school year in China. He thought it would be good experience for international law/relations he wants to get into.

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wow this is just a crazy experience.....

in a nutshell, we are rock stars over here. everywhere we go people watch us and say hello. we had this huge meeting in a mini-UN type roundtable discussion with newspapers snapping shots and a ton of kissing butt.

we had a dinner with the principal and some staff. mr. zang insisted i sit next to him. they have this tradition where they get up and request the honor to share a shot with you. they bow down and ask to be honored in that way. so friggin bizzare. they made it clear that the chinese offer drinks to new friends to "get to know them" so we were all drunk. then they end it by saying, "now that our party has ended and thats it. the food is DELICOUS but at this point its getting to be too much im going to get fatter. that night, we had a 22 course meal!

In the hotel....picture this..... you get called for dinner. you comwe down as a group and you get shuffled into a private room. for the six of us, we have two servers . they stand right behind you with their heads bowed and their hands crossed. the second you take a sip, they fill it. the dishes come out one at a time "EXCUSE me...this is roast duck in garwic sauce" then they bow their head and walk away. so far, it took about 50 dishes until we repeated a dish. the food is great but im starting to get sick of it. a ham sandwich wou;ld be nice at this point. the scary part is that there is no other food anywhere. it is ALL chinese food. What i wouldnt give for some gnoke gorgonzola by now....

another wierd thing is that if we mention anything, it suddenly appears the next day. on the first day we made a comment to ourselves that some bread would be nice and the next day there is 4 varieties of bread. another day we mentioned something about going to the store and getting bottled water for our rooms and the next day each room has 12 bottles. one night beer was warm at dinner. we joked about it. the next night the beer is almost frozen.

i have to tip my hat to the chinese hospitality.

oh yea, i just came back from the store. $8 bought me 5 quarts of beer, a pack of cigs, a package of cups and 2 bottles of red wine. china is wery, wery good for wacation.

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wow this is just a crazy experience.....

in a nutshell, we are rock stars over here. everywhere we go people watch us and say hello. we had this huge meeting in a mini-UN type roundtable discussion with newspapers snapping shots and a ton of kissing butt.

we had a dinner with the principal and some staff. mr. zang insisted i sit next to him. they have this tradition where they get up and request the honor to share a shot with you. they bow down and ask to be honored in that way. so friggin bizzare. they made it clear that the chinese offer drinks to new friends to "get to know them" so we were all drunk. then they end it by saying, "now that our party has ended and thats it. the food is DELICOUS but at this point its getting to be too much im going to get fatter. that night, we had a 22 course meal!

In the hotel....picture this..... you get called for dinner. you comwe down as a group and you get shuffled into a private room. for the six of us, we have two servers . they stand right behind you with their heads bowed and their hands crossed. the second you take a sip, they fill it. the dishes come out one at a time "EXCUSE me...this is roast duck in garwic sauce" then they bow their head and walk away. so far, it took about 50 dishes until we repeated a dish. the food is great but im starting to get sick of it. a ham sandwich wou;ld be nice at this point. the scary part is that there is no other food anywhere. it is ALL chinese food. What i wouldnt give for some gnoke gorgonzola by now....

another wierd thing is that if we mention anything, it suddenly appears the next day. on the first day we made a comment to ourselves that some bread would be nice and the next day there is 4 varieties of bread. another day we mentioned something about going to the store and getting bottled water for our rooms and the next day each room has 12 bottles. one night beer was warm at dinner. we joked about it. the next night the beer is almost frozen.

i have to tip my hat to the chinese hospitality.

oh yea, i just came back from the store. $8 bought me 5 quarts of beer, a pack of cigs, a package of cups and 2 bottles of red wine. china is wery, wery good for wacation.

Yeah Yeah Yeah

But how much is the Chu Chow?;)

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My nephew just graduated from College is heading in two weeks to teach English for the coming school year in China. He thought it would be good experience for international law/relations he wants to get into.

faba tell him to be prepared for BRUTAL heat. this is the one big downsaide here. By 8 am it is 90 degrees with 95% humidity. By 1 pm it is over 100. if you walk a block your back is drenched. ive been taking 2 showers a day with fresh clothes changes. I told my wife that i have never experienced a hotter day in my entire life. HANDS DOWN. If the room is all a/c and then you CRACK a window to smoke, the room gets warm to the point of sweating within 3 minutes. Im telling you it is 100 times worse than august in florida

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faba tell him to be prepared for BRUTAL heat. this is the one big downsaide here. By 8 am it is 90 degrees with 95% humidity. By 1 pm it is over 100. if you walk a block your back is drenched. ive been taking 2 showers a day with fresh clothes changes. I told my wife that i have never experienced a hotter day in my entire life. HANDS DOWN. If the room is all a/c and then you CRACK a window to smoke, the room gets warm to the point of sweating within 3 minutes. Im telling you it is 100 times worse than august in florida


He leaves July 28 - orientation for about three weeks I think before they start. He is going to one of the provinces not real near to Bejing.

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The whole country is one big sweat shop....

But seriously, from what I have seen so far the chinese have a pretty good lifestyle. Everyone has a home, a moped or a car, a job and life goes on. There isnt too much of a difference except they dont have the excesses that western nations have. I know, I know someone will post the inevitabel "yea but look at tibet blah blah blah they are quiet because they are scared of the police blah blah blah " I havent seen a policeman yet. Im sure there can be some improvement but the chinese are smart, friendly and proud people

I can see why the chinese would not understand all the protesting about the olympics. Its hard to see any sign of human rightrs being violated when everyonbe is happy and drinking beer and laughing. It is FAR from being in some oppressed society. Its really not a bad place to live. It could be a million times worse. they are blessed.

alls i know is come olympics time, im sure you guys will be hearing about the heat. It seems to me that holding summer games in august in the hottest place in the world (that ive ever been to) is wrong. Its almost dangerous. I dont sweat much and im walking around like a wet rag

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The whole country is one big sweat shop....

But seriously, from what I have seen so far the chinese have a pretty good lifestyle. Everyone has a home, a moped or a car, a job and life goes on. There isnt too much of a difference except they dont have the excesses that western nations have. I know, I know someone will post the inevitabel "yea but look at tibet blah blah blah they are quiet because they are scared of the police blah blah blah " I havent seen a policeman yet. Im sure there can be some improvement but the chinese are smart, friendly and proud people

I can see why the chinese would not understand all the protesting about the olympics. Its hard to see any sign of human rightrs being violated when everyonbe is happy and drinking beer and laughing. It is FAR from being in some oppressed society. Its really not a bad place to live. It could be a million times worse. they are blessed.

alls i know is come olympics time, im sure you guys will be hearing about the heat. It seems to me that holding summer games in august in the hottest place in the world (that ive ever been to) is wrong. Its almost dangerous. I dont sweat much and im walking around like a wet rag

IMO if they all don't have or can't get Direct TV and the NFL Network their whole society is bunk. :P

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