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sanchez' biggest flaw so far....


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well, the o-line is usually more effective in that regard anyway

yeah....i was just pointing it out as something he could do a little work on. like i said...i'm sure part of it is he still has to get used to the speed of the game. i should look at some of his work at usc and see if he was doing the same thing.

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yeah....i was just pointing it out as something he could do a little work on. like i said...i'm sure part of it is he still has to get used to the speed of the game. i should look at some of his work at usc and see if he was doing the same thing.

I've noticed it as well, sometimes he gives it a quick "flick" movement, sometimes he seems to even do it to the wrong side.

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Peyton Manning does a similar "flick" like play fake. The reason for it...I think...is because typically the first option is some type of quick slant to the middle of the field which takes a quick delivery and to get the ball off early. Or its a timing route to the sidelines which you also need to get rid of the ball quick even though you are buying sometime using the fake. Typically, they are down field quick strikes with hopes for YAC.

I say this because they both do something similar but then I've also seen some really nice fakes where the hold it long and hide it well.

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His ethnicity?


White people really can't get over this inferiority complex they feel about other races. It's not our fault you guys don't have dominant genes. You think that if you guys were really the master race your genes wouldn't be so recessive.

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White people really can't get over this inferiority complex they feel about other races. It's not our fault you guys don't have dominant genes. You think that if you guys were really the master race your genes wouldn't be so recessive.

I wish I had that extra muscle. Id be in the league.

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Yeah I noticed the problem with getting balls deflected at the line as well. I don't know what the NFL average is, I believe 10-13 is the high in a season however, I suspect the average is only about 5 a season. Even if he's on the high end, it shouldn't be too bad if he stays within the numbers.

I like watching Ben, Cutler and Brees play precisely for the reason that all 3 guys move around the pocket and get optimal lanes to throw with. None of them gets many if any passes batted down. I gotta see more of Sanchez but he might be able to follow that route. That's probably the best thing to do to avoid passed deflected at the line. As far as I can tell, these guys are the only 3 that really roll with the movement of their WRs. Ben does it weirdly though sometimes, he goes the opposite direction, this is also one reason why he takes a lot of sacks. I think Cutler and Brees are better to emulate for a young QB, but they'd be hard to copy too. Ben would be insane to emulate since he extends plays so much, avoids the rush a lot, and keeps looking downfield, while pump faking to pressure the defense. But I guess the pocket movement can be imitated a little.

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I've definitely noticed the play action issue as well. Obviously its a fairly minor thing, and if that's the biggest problem so far for our rookie QB, then we are certainly very blessed. I do find it surprising how little he actually sells it though. I'm sure if its something the coaches feel is an issue, they'll address it. I doubt its something Sanchez would find hard to pick up and it seems like the Jets have had success teaching it to QBs in the past. I distinctly remember being impressed at how well Ainge faked during his play in the preseason, which is not something I remembered from him in the past, even in the limited time we saw him.

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In terms of balls getting batted at the line, there's a lot more to that than just height. There have been taller QBs with crappy mechanics and low release points who constantly get balls batted, and QBs shorter than Sanchez who never seem to have that problem. Brees is one of the shortest QBs in the league and is the centerpiece to one of the best offenses in the league. He certainly doesn't seem to have a problem with batted balls. If Sanchez turns out to be as good as he looks like he can be, I have no doubt that he'll be able to avoid this issue the same way other QBs have before him in the past.

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This is just silly. No-one expected Mark Sanchez to do what he's doing in the first place. Just enjoy the ride no matter how the season pans out. I've never been this excited about a Jets QB since Namath in my entire life.

After the Texans game and also at 0:00 vs. the Cheats Sanchez still had no clue that he's a rookie. Stay clueless, Mark, thanks. I can't worry about his 'shortcomings'. Haha, c'mon. He has 'it'. That's all I care about.

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the one thing i've noticed that i think sanchez really needs to work on is his play-action fakes. yeah i'm sure the game is still a bit fast for him and that's affecting it...but he needs to sell the fake a bit more.

In comparison to the way Chad Pennington Play Action faked...I can agree. Chad IMO was the best in the NFL at faking the run.

But to respond to the thread though, I honestly dont think that Sanchez has a flaw.

I dont want to sound like "That Guy" but I think that Sanchez is a freak of nature and he's going to really GO OFF in the NFL. He doesnt do anything wrong at all. I dont count INT's because thats part of the game. Im talking about everything that begins and ends with Mark Sanchez. In this respect I cant say that there is a huge flaw. This guy is a BEAST! and will soon be considered the best QB in the NFL once Peyton, Brady and Breez make their respective exits. Im scared to even say that this guy is rare but he is. He can literally forget bad plays on the dime and immediately regroup and make that one bad play mean nothing by the time you see the final score.

He's a beast, period.

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This is just silly. No-one expected Mark Sanchez to do what he's doing in the first place. Just enjoy the ride no matter how the season pans out. I've never been this excited about a Jets QB since Namath in my entire life.

After the Texans game and also at 0:00 vs. the Cheats Sanchez still had no clue that he's a rookie. Stay clueless, Mark, thanks. I can't worry about his 'shortcomings'. Haha, c'mon. He has 'it'. That's all I care about.

Best thing I've seen you write on this forum. Completely agree.

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the one thing i've noticed that i think sanchez really needs to work on is his play-action fakes. yeah i'm sure the game is still a bit fast for him and that's affecting it...but he needs to sell the fake a bit more.

Neckdemon, it's the only thing that shows that it's his rookie year.

Give him time & by next season, he'll be just as fast if not faster than a great NFL Quarterback!

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Neckdemon, it's the only thing that shows that it's his rookie year.

Give him time & by next season, he'll be just as fast if not faster than a great NFL Quarterback!

belive me...if this is the only thing we wind up having to worry about with him....then we got ourselves a real qb.

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This is just silly. No-one expected Mark Sanchez to do what he's doing in the first place. Just enjoy the ride no matter how the season pans out. I've never been this excited about a Jets QB since Namath in my entire life.

After the Texans game and also at 0:00 vs. the Cheats Sanchez still had no clue that he's a rookie. Stay clueless, Mark, thanks. I can't worry about his 'shortcomings'. Haha, c'mon. He has 'it'. That's all I care about.

Perfectly stated.

The guy is 6'2".

Anyone telling me he is short must be 7' tall.

Brees is 2" shorter. (best in the league right now)

Passes get deflected.

Mark will have his share like any other QB.

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Throwing memium range passes to his left...He's been picked off a few times and had a few almost picked off. I wonder why that's tough for him..

He was trying to slip some through, he wasn't throwing bullets and the "D" read him. He still is a rookie and will learn to look these guys off as well as put the necessary zip on the ball.

Chad's arm he does not have-

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It's his first two career games.

Did you expect him to be Drew Brees from jump-street?

The hype is deserved.

Without a doubt. Seriously, for those who have watched NFL longer than me - Has a rookie QB ever started the season and looked so good in his first two starts? Flacco and Ryan were great last season but struggled somewhat early on. This kid has stepped in and looks like he's been doing it his whole life.

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