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Rex Ryan is still fat

Jets Babe

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He only lost 30lbs... hell, for all we know 29 of those 30 pounds was the chicken parm he had slushing around in his arteries.

Joking aside, losing weight from the "middle" is the toughest... and Rex looks like he's got a small child curled up inside his stomach.

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I'm 6'6", 290, and 30 lbs on me wouldn't show much

heck, I lost 10 lbs over the last 2 months and my pants fit better, but as they say it's just a few deck chairs on the titanic

Do you have your own zip code ? ;) j/k

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I'm 6'6", 290, and 30 lbs on me wouldn't show much

heck, I lost 10 lbs over the last 2 months and my pants fit better, but as they say it's just a few deck chairs on the titanic

What is your forty and vertical leap? ;)

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