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PREDATOR Mafia Sign-ups:


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"When I was little, we found a man. He looked like - like, butchered. The old woman in the village crossed themselves... and whispered crazy things, strange things. "El Diablo cazador de hombres." Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year, it grows hot. We begin finding our men. We found them sometimes without their skins... and sometimes much, much worse. "El cazador trofeo de los hombres" means the demon who makes trophies of men."

Her voice whispers in your head, even as you dream. It always begins that way. A collage of faces, orders, and missions sweep through your memory, only to leave you standing on a beach surrounded by jungle, and you know inside that everything is wrong.

The screams begin. You struggle through a jungle so thick that you can barely move, vines wrapped around your arms, your legs, pulling you, trapping you, and you know that it comes. More screams, and they all melt together now, like they were torn from your men's throats by force, all at the same time.

You see their bodies, hanging above you, screaming, reaching for you, but the vines hold you back from reaching for them...and the one that is hunting you is closing in, inches behind you, claws raised to plunge through the skin across your back...

It lunges, taking hold of your shoulder, shaking you violently. You spin in it's grip, throwing yourself down, grabbing for it's throat...

Everything is a blur. The nurse is screaming silently, you know, because her mouth is wide open and you can feel the vibration through your hand wrapped around her throat. Your fingers instantly unflex and she falls back. You look into her eyes, wide with terror, and her mouth deosn't move, but a deep voice comes anyway.

"It's happening again, Dutch. They're back."

You stare at her as she crawls away from you...


You spin around on the floor and lock eyes with the General.

"Major, it's happening again. We need your help."


It's been 23 years. Images of the blast site where you were rescued flash onto the screen, the only evidence of the story you told them. Another slide shows the crater from an aeriel view. There was nothing left of the creature.

"Look familiar, Major?" The General has been joined by other staff, some military, some not. "1987. This is where we found you." Another click. Another slide.

"We intercepted the woman here..." A single pinpoint of red light marks the area that the General is talking about. Your heartrate spikes, but it is only a single laser light. Not three...

"Major? Are you alright?"

The entire room is staring at you. You speak without thinking.

"Where is Anna?"

They whisper among themselves for a moment before the General begins to speak again, this time to the group.

"Anna is the woman that his team took as a prisoner, but she managed to escape. She found our chopper at the pick-up point, and in an uncharacteristic move for a prisoner, begged the pilots to go back for the Major." The General turns to face you. "Anna is missing from the facility she was living in."

You roll your eyes and smile. "I get it. Make the storytellers disappear, and the story goes with them. Shouldn't I be packing a bag?"

"It wasn't us, Dutch."

The way that he says it gives you reason to pause, and a grim realization settles over you.

"Tell me what happened."

The General nods.


"Anna has been kept under observation at a secure facility, just as you have. Her story has always been identical to yours. The post-traumatic disorders she has developed are identical to yours. And, just as you, she has been kept from the outside world. I don't need to tell you why..." He pulls a cigar case from the inside of his jacket, removes one, and places it in the corner of his mouth. He offers you the other. It's the first one you've had in 23 years. You twist it slowly as he holds the flame.

"Seven nights ago, Anna was reported missing from her facility. There was no sign of a struggle, and no sign of escape. She was just gone. A search of the grounds revealed nothing, and it did look like one of our own had spirited her away." He lit his own cigar, waiting until the end glowed like an ember. "Then we found the body."

You don't have to be told to know what they found.

A woman, CIA by the looks of her, speaks up, "Major, we've studied your file. We've read through your account of the events that took place, looked at the sketches that the artist drew of your creature, and frankly, have given this entire case more validity and credit than it ever deserved..."

You look at her. You see doubt slide behind her eyes, uncertainty pulling their corners tighter.

"This isn't about Anna, is it? You wouldn't waste your precious time on her. Something else happened.."

The General steps forward, "We've lost another unit, Dutch. Green Berets oou of Bragg, gone without a trace. No warning, no communication."

"Just like Jim Hopper."

The General nods. "I have another team assembled, Dutch. The best of the best, and I've given them the file to study, but I need you to talk to them. They can read everything ever written about these Predators, but that won't take the place of one of their own telling them what they're up against. They'll listen to you. They need your help.

You shake your head, "You're sending them into another meat grinder."

He just stares at you. "I have no choice. Will you help us?"

You take a deep puff on your cigar. It's happening all over again. More men are going to die, and if those things went after Anna, they'll be coming after you next. But maybe, just maybe, you can tell this new team something that will save them, give them an edge. And, if you can help them kill one of those ugly motherf***ers, then there really is no choice to be made at all.

"I'm in."



Sign-ups are open. I'm completely open as to when to start.

There is no player limit. The more the merrier.

1. Vic

2. Brett

3. JiF

4. SMC

5. Lily

6. Pac

7. Smash

8. Slats

9. I28

10. Crusher

11. Bleedin

12. Runin

13. Sharrow

14. Adella

15. Hess

16. Nae

17. AVM

18. JVoR

19. CTM

20. DanX

21. Barms

22. Shutout

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I'm in. I need to see a DPR game first hand.

I'm going to actually try to be less active this game. At least the first couple weeks. I have a show a week from Friday, and I should really spend some time at home trying not to suck at guitar.

If I actually succeed at being less active and get called on it, I will refer the accuser to this post. :box:

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I'm in... got the migraines and neck pain much more under control.

Wanna give this a whirl again, but I am going to throw out the disclaimer that I am in the process of interviewing for a couple jobs. Like... job of a lifetime jobs. So those are my biggest priority... in addition I have to make sure I limit my screen time due to my headaches.

So, I'll just have to be more succinct in my complete ownership of Slats' blood pressure.

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I'm in... got the migraines and neck pain much more under control.

Wanna give this a whirl again, but I am going to throw out the disclaimer that I am in the process of interviewing for a couple jobs. Like... job of a lifetime jobs. So those are my biggest priority... in addition I have to make sure I limit my screen time due to my headaches.

So, I'll just have to be more succinct in my complete ownership of Slats' blood pressure.

And we'll have to go for quality rather than quantity on the getting to know each other portion of our program. ::whip:

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I'm in. I need to see a DPR game first hand.

I'm going to actually try to be less active this game. At least the first couple weeks. I have a show a week from Friday, and I should really spend some time at home trying not to suck at guitar.

If I actually succeed at being less active and get called on it, I will refer the accuser to this post. :box:

This.. I have an install coming next week.. will be hit or miss unless i get caught up

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Ugh. It already went up. :P

No worries.

Your pre-occupation with trying to convince everyone that I can't possibly be both funnier and better at this game than you... will have you lynched in the first day.


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I'm in. I need to see a DPR game first hand.

I'm going to actually try to be less active this game. At least the first couple weeks. I have a show a week from Friday, and I should really spend some time at home trying not to suck at guitar.

If I actually succeed at being less active and get called on it, I will refer the accuser to this post. :box:

I'm in... got the migraines and neck pain much more under control.

Wanna give this a whirl again, but I am going to throw out the disclaimer that I am in the process of interviewing for a couple jobs. Like... job of a lifetime jobs. So those are my biggest priority... in addition I have to make sure I limit my screen time due to my headaches.

So, I'll just have to be more succinct in my complete ownership of Slats' blood pressure.

Welcome to Disclaimer Mafia

1. Im fat so I won't be making long post because I've used up my chair money for the year

2. My wife has awful eyesight so I might not be around too much cause the chance for sex is great

3. Work has been busy so I will only post during bathroom breaks unless I drop my I pad in the toilet.

4. I will have to post during the day from my I phone because I have a friend who has a child who has class during the day and may have to text him and ask how's it going

5. I may not be on too much at night becasue Taco Bell is open 24 hours and well.. you know the rest

6. When I do post they will not make much sense and have very little relevance to the game because I have not had bacon in three weeks and my brain is dumb

7. I will have at least two episodes of drunk posting and I will apologies now for spamming the thread and I would try not to but somethings are better left alone

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You know I'm there! You guys have NO idea what you are in for. I've played in several of his games, and I won't have any idea. ;-)

Vote: Lily

Nothing personal. Just business.

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Really? I'm surprised. Especially with the great depth in the storyline and writing of the movie that there is for you to really delve into.

I'll include a good deal of it - but I'll explain everythign as we go along.

I'll post details in a bit.

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