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Thank You Tom Shane


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Just wanted to let everyone know that TomShane is no longer with us. No he did not pass away, he wouldn't let us off that easy.

He just has a bunch of things going on. Work, School (finishing up his Masters). And he can no longer make the committment necessary to this site. Apparently not updating Post Of The Day takes up more time than any of us knew. He has decided that he needs to take care of these other things. Unfortunately he felt the need to delete his user last night which is a move I did not agree with. I am working on restoring that but for now he does not show up in the member list.

Tom became a very good friend of mine because of this site. I won't try to minimize how much this site will miss him. Nor will I try to minimize how much I will miss him on a personal note. When this site started Tom and I didn't know each other all that well. Over the course of the last year that certainly changed as he became one of the best friends that I have.

I wish him well and hope that he gets everything in order. Good Luck Tom and God Bless! Thank you for making Jetnation.com the great site that it is today. All of the work you did here is appreciated and will not be forgotten.

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I'm sorry to hear that. Hope he can still post when he has the time.Gotta think the fact that this season has turned into a death march and many of the posts have become redundant(but no less true and accurate) must also wear on him, as it does on all of us. If the jets were still in contention...It's like watching a friend or relative die slowly, if not on that scale of personal tragedy.

And I wish him all the best.

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Well, being that it's not April 1st, I know this is for real. He hasn't been here in a while, plus he's asked people to contribute to writing articles for him.

Tom, you're a funny dude. Hope to see you at the tailgate!

Max, any names you're throwing around to replace him? :wink:

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Guys I know we will be hearing that this is B.S. for along time. And that is completely understandable. The whole Boy Who Cried Wolf thing is going to make this hard to believe. We have pulled stunts like this in the past.

But he is gone. He hasn't written an article here nor has he posted in awhile. And he did delete himself last night after I logged off. I guess that was his parting gift to me. I was hoping for a watch.

Don't let the fact that I am speaking about this matter of factly take away from the fact that I am hurting big time. I know that Jetnation will miss him. But his friendship means more to me then this site ever could.

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Guys I know we will be hearing that this is B.S. for along time. And that is completely understandable. The whole Boy Who Cried Wolf thing is going to make this hard to believe. We have pulled stunts like this in the past.

But he is gone. He hasn't written an article here nor has he posted in awhile. And he did delete himself last night after I logged off. I guess that was his parting gift to me. I was hoping for a watch.

Don't let the fact that I am speaking about this matter of factly take away from the fact that I am hurting big time. I know that Jetnation will miss him. But his friendship means more to me then this site ever could.

Wow, sorry to hear.

Will he be at the tailgate? Did JI give him a fat contract, now that they are turning a profit?

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who is TOM SHANE ??????
I always thought it was Max?

Will he let GGG out of the chains to post once in a while?

So that's it? He's gonna just slink into oblivion? Well I almost regret not attending that Yankme game to meet the dude. OK, I'm with Bob, what's the joke?

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Why is this so dramatic? Deleting himself? That doesn't make any sense, I mean, it is a website, you don't have to "quit" it, you just can bow out.

Is there something I am not getting?


i agree...sumtin fishy...

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Tom was always about the drama. Would have been too simple to just stop posting and walk away.

Nah, Tom deletes himself so that Max has to spend the next 4 nights reading about MYSQL Queries to restore him!

That is what we call doing it TomShane style!

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Guys I know we will be hearing that this is B.S. for along time. And that is completely understandable. The whole Boy Who Cried Wolf thing is going to make this hard to believe. We have pulled stunts like this in the past.

But he is gone. He hasn't written an article here nor has he posted in awhile. And he did delete himself last night after I logged off. I guess that was his parting gift to me. I was hoping for a watch.

Don't let the fact that I am speaking about this matter of factly take away from the fact that I am hurting big time. I know that Jetnation will miss him. But his friendship means more to me then this site ever could.

not sure whats up max & I hope you guys are still good friends. i'm really sorry to hear toms gone. I don't see how anyone could fall out or have any ill feelings with you though. you are the master diplomat on this site & i'm impressed at how you diffuse any heated threads. it'd be cool if you could type something even remotely funny every once in a while though


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word up this makes NO sense.

First of all, i thought that moron was working on his dissertation. now you tell me he is working on his masters?

Now, he needed to take a break, so he QUITS? thats insane, he could just chime in every 2 weeks until his diss...errr i mean masters is done. schools do have breaks every few months , btw

Me thinks that there is either a scam going on OR a bigger story is being squashed like a fight between tom and max that good old maxie is trying to keep hush hush.

well i wish the lanky faggot a good life either way

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Looks what happens when I don't post for a few weeks.


Kotite is correct. Tom and I were so torn over the Signature Blocking issue that we couldn't agree. I wanted sig blocking.

Tom felt that we have a beefy bandwidth allowance and that we shouldn't limit it. We talked about it for hours.

Eventually we agreed to disagree and he left. You guys are too smart for me. I tried hiding it. I couldn't.

I should have been honest with you from the beginning.

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Kotite is correct. Tom and I were so torn over the Signature Blocking issue that we couldn't agree. I wanted sig blocking.

Tom felt that we have a beefy bandwidth allowance and that we shouldn't limit it. We talked about it for hours.

Eventually we agreed to disagree and he left. You guys are too smart for me. I tried hiding it. I couldn't.

I should have been honest with you from the beginning.

Scott Dierking's editorial was about the Jets cleaning house, not this website. Whos Next??? Tx, Jetstone, Guns, na it won't Guns. Never F with someone who packs.

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Very fishy. My theory is that one or more of the following happened or will happen:

The Jets threatened to have Tom killed if he kept spewing his negative venom here.

Max and Tom had philisophical differences leading to Tom leaving. Tom will now start a new Jets site called JetsWorld, JetsLand, JetsCountry or JetsUniverse. Expect to be PM'd to come and check it out.

A new poster called ShomTane will suddenly pop up around here.

Max and Tom had a lovers quarrel and after Tom stops pouting they will make up and be all kissy face and Tom will be back telling us he earned some kind of advanced degree.

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Very fishy. My theory is that one or more of the following happened or will happen:

The Jets threatened to have Tom killed if he kept spewing his negative venom here.

Max and Tom had philisophical differences leading to Tom leaving. Tom will now start a new Jets site called JetsWorld, JetsLand, JetsCountry or JetsUniverse. Expect to be PM'd to come and check it out.

A new poster called ShomTane will suddenly pop up around here.

Max and Tom had a lovers quarrel and after Tom stops pouting they will make up and be all kissy face and Tom will be back telling us he earned some kind of advanced degree.

That was friggn' hilarious DNA!


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Very fishy. My theory is that one or more of the following happened or will happen:

The Jets threatened to have Tom killed if he kept spewing his negative venom here.

Max and Tom had philisophical differences leading to Tom leaving. Tom will now start a new Jets site called JetsWorld, JetsLand, JetsCountry or JetsUniverse. Expect to be PM'd to come and check it out.

A new poster called ShomTane will suddenly pop up around here.

Max and Tom had a lovers quarrel and after Tom stops pouting they will make up and be all kissy face and Tom will be back telling us he earned some kind of advanced degree.

To show that Tom is really gone that is the new POST OF THE DAY.


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