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Sources: NFLPA Wants Draft Boycott


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As the NFL lockout continues the players and owners are making blogging about the NFL a very painful experience.  The old saying, “no news is good news” simply just does not make us feel better.  In this case, no news means no NFL.  Not a situation that any of us ever wanted to be in.

There is still plenty of time since the NFL Draft isn’t scheduled to take place for another month.  One side note, the NFL draft will take place regardless of the status of the new collective bargaining agreement.   That brings us to our point though, ESPN.com has a story about the NFLPA having draft prospects boycott the actual draft.

The NFL Players Association is putting into place a plan that would prevent each top college prospect from attending next month’s draft in New York, according to multiple league sources. The NFLPA already has contacted 17 top prospects who ordinarily would have received an invitation to attend the draft and informed them not to go.

Later Monday, a source said the edict is a recommendation, not an explicit order not to attend the draft. The source said the union plans to give the prospects the “same experience down the street.”

If the draftees do not attend, when NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announces the name of the first player selected, the player will not walk onto the stage at Radio City Music Hall as has been the custom. And the player will not be there to do interviews with ESPN or NFL Network. The draft will go on, but not in the manner in which it has been conducted before.

“As of right now, this is 100 percent happening,” one source familiar with the NFL Players Association’s thinking said earlier Monday. “This is going down.”

Is this a petty move by the NFLPA or a shrewd negotiating tactic?  Tell us what you think in your NFL Forum.



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This really is a petty move by the union, which shouldn't exist anymore anyway. This will not help their cause, and really won't impact the draft either. All it will do is rob some kids of a once in a lifetime experience. These kids have worked and sacrificed a lot for this opportunity, just because it comes in the year where the players and coaches want to be d:cks is not the kids fault. Really a lowbrow move to rob these guys of this when they haven't even made a dollar in the NFL yet and won't for a while because some guys who have already made some fat paychecks can't get a deal done.

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This really is a petty move by the union, which shouldn't exist anymore anyway. This will not help their cause, and really won't impact the draft either. All it will do is rob some kids of a once in a lifetime experience. These kids have worked and sacrificed a lot for this opportunity, just because it comes in the year where the players and coaches want to be d:cks is not the kids fault. Really a lowbrow move to rob these guys of this when they haven't even made a dollar in the NFL yet and won't for a while because some guys who have already made some fat paychecks can't get a deal done.

The ironic part about this is the NFLPA has wanted a rookie cap. Why would any of the rookies want to help out the NFLPA when they are selling them up the river?

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The pettiness on both sides is amazing. Hard for any average person trying to make ends meet to have any sympathy for anyone here- myself just the health benefits in retirement for ex playwers

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This really is a petty move by the union, which shouldn't exist anymore anyway. This will not help their cause, and really won't impact the draft either. All it will do is rob some kids of a once in a lifetime experience. These kids have worked and sacrificed a lot for this opportunity, just because it comes in the year where the players and coaches want to be d:cks is not the kids fault. Really a lowbrow move to rob these guys of this when they haven't even made a dollar in the NFL yet and won't for a while because some guys who have already made some fat paychecks can't get a deal done.

Herman Edwards said the exact same thing on TV last night. It just takes the one on a lifetime experience from these kids.

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Herman Edwards said the exact same thing on TV last night. It just takes the one on a lifetime experience from these kids.

Except when that once in a lifetime moment involves shaking hands with the guy who thinks you deserve less money to take more of a beating that will pretty much guarantee that you're crippled by the time you're forty despite the fact that those efforts are currently resulting in record revenues.

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Except when that once in a lifetime moment involves shaking hands with the guy who thinks you deserve less money to take more of a beating that will pretty much guarantee that you're crippled by the time you're forty despite the fact that those efforts are currently resulting in record revenues.

No one forces them at gun point to play.

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Except when that once in a lifetime moment involves shaking hands with the guy who thinks you deserve less money to take more of a beating that will pretty much guarantee that you're crippled by the time you're forty despite the fact that those efforts are currently resulting in record revenues.

But at least you get to shake Roger Goodall's hand

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In the grand scheme of things, is it really that big of a deal?

Sanchez didnt care. Joe Thomas was fishing if memory serves.

Here's the thing-The NFLPA (which is only a trade association now), is telling people that are not even a member of their organization yet, to do things that they say, all the while as they negotiate down salaries for those incoming players.

Pretty neat stuff.

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The ironic part about this is the NFLPA has wanted a rookie cap. Why would any of the rookies want to help out the NFLPA when they are selling them up the river?

That's not true. The NFLPA is willing to negotiate rookie cap in conjunction with other benefits to veteran players, but they're the ones who liked things the way they were. It's management who scrapped the existing deal and is now locking the players the out.

High rookie salaries drive higher salaries for veteran stars, and that's what the union seems to like - even though the real goal of the union should be to increase minimum salaries and maximize retirement benefits. But contracts like the one Sam Bradford got are the stuff that drives the deal that Peyton Manning gets.

All that said, I agree that this is pettiness. It's not going to discourage people from watching the draft on TV (or hurt NFL revenue), it's only going to hurt the kids who hoped to get up on that podium.

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When i first read that teams can not have any contact with their players I figured that included the draft as well. not sure why the draft would get an exemption. As soon as a team selects someone they have to break off all communication so not even a photo op.

FWIW i'm not even sure why that can't communicate and who even enforces the no contact (between team and player) rule.

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I've been in the owners corner on this, but if the players are locked out, they are locked out

the only reason the NFL wants the kids there is to help ratings

if I was one of the top 15 prospects I'd hang with the NFLPA guys and boycott the draft

crossing picket lines got ugly in 87

don't want to be that guy

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I've been in the owners corner on this, but if the players are locked out, they are locked out

the only reason the NFL wants the kids there is to help ratings

if I was one of the top 15 prospects I'd hang with the NFLPA guys and boycott the draft

crossing picket lines got ugly in 87

don't want to be that guy

These guys weren't part of the union that voted to decertify, and wont technically be NFL players until they sign contracts weeks or months after the draft. And I can't imagine any vet having any real animosity toward these kids going to the draft.

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Define fair?

And I hope your post was just in jest.

Scott they are modern day slaves. :rolleyes:

Adrian Peterson is a dumb a$$. DeMaurice should really get his players and tell them with their 10-15% graduation rates to STFU.

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These guys weren't part of the union that voted to decertify, and wont technically be NFL players until they sign contracts weeks or months after the draft. And I can't imagine any vet having any real animosity toward these kids going to the draft.

then the vets have to tell mr. smith to let the kids go

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The pettiness on both sides is amazing. Hard for any average person trying to make ends meet to have any sympathy for anyone here- myself just the health benefits in retirement for ex playwers

exactly, which is why when petterson busts out he feels like he's a slave, it makes me not want to watch ever.

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