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James Harrison goes off, again.


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So we're going this route now?

The race angle was stupid, but if that's how he feels, whatever. It doesn't change the fact the guy is a passionate football player. I didnt read this piece as him whining. He's speaking his mind. And in the age if the Derek Jeter quote- its refreshing.

To be a successful defensive player at that level you need some James Harrison in you.

I don't disagree you need some of that passion and emotion but as I was saying in my response to TS, I just have absolutely no respect for people who act the way Harrison has (and this isn't the first time he's acted like this by far). Turning and pointing fingers at everyone else when you are part of a failure is spineless, and he and his defense deserve plenty of blame for their failures in the Super Bowl. Plus, regardless of the truth, he is in no place to call out Cushing like as it's absolutely ridiculous unless he wants to start coming clean on the steroidal habits of him and his teammates. I think you get the point. There's a difference between just acting stupid and making some mistakes, which is the category I think a lot of NFL players who get themselves into trouble fall into, and then there's just being a sh*tty person. I happen to think Harrison falls firmly into the latter category.

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I love Harrison. At least he has the balls to say what the rest of the players are thinking. How can you fault him for speaking out against Goodell? He's a garbage commissioner. Do ya'll seriously support the BS watering down of the game that he's been advocating for the past year and change? The fines were inconsistent throughout the year. I saw plenty of teams get away with far worse than Harrison's few questionable hits, yet when you view most of his replays you can tell it wasn't intentional, and some weren't even helmet to helmet, but he still got fined. Screw Goodell, he's ruining football. These guys make millions because they put their bodies on the line. Where do these fines go? Straight into Goodell's pocket?

Id take James Harrison on the NYJETS any day of the week.


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He's whining about getting fined playing football, but you left out the part where it's because the NFL is apparently racist against him. Even if you somehow agree with that absurdity, that still doesn't explain his need to sh*t talk teammates, players on other teams, and commentators to name a few. The guy is a giant douchebag and a whiny little spoiled brat of a child to boot. It's times like this that I think it's unfortunate professional sports leagues are the way they are, because in any other profession in the world right now he'd be unemployed and deservedly so.

There are very few professions in the world where a man who is one of the three best at his job in the world would be unemployed for making some silly comments to a reporter. If he were in show business he'd be getting a raise.

Fight the power!

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There are very few professions in the world where a man who is one of the three best at his job in the world would be unemployed for making some silly comments to a reporter. If he were in show business he'd be getting a raise.

Fight the power!

You really believe this? Keep in mind that in a public interview he made racist remarks, used gay slurs, was crapping all over his boss and tried to throw two of his co-workers under the bus (one of whom is arguably more important than him). And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's few professions where he wouldn't be blackballed for life for that crap, not to mention probably the target of a whole series of lawsuits.

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Everything he said is spot on. Roger Goodell hates the black man and small white boys too. Goodell had to hide the evidence for the greater good of the league. 500,000 fines aren't givin out for no reason. Those tapes would not have burned if they had episodes of Chico and the Man on them. It's ok, only your team is evil not you.

Everyone saw what was on the tapes, thanks to Jay Glazer. It's what everyone else has too. fty be

The fine was so hefty because Bwelichick dare defy him.

This lockout should serve as an awfully humble experience for this doofus of a commisioner. Still, I douse him with water if he was on fire. I suspect Harris will get many, many fines this year and his teammates will - um - not be coming to his defense. Payback is a b*tch, they say.

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Do you ever get tired of being wrong about this?





You will not find a single mention of where the taping occurred from in any of those articles, or any other articles you might find from legitimate news sources anywhere. You've made this fallacy up in your head to justify the Pats illegitmately achieved titles.

When I have the time, Zippy, I will post links that tell the truth.

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ANd the backtracking begins:

The James Harrison backtracking begins

Posted by Mike Florio on July 13, 2011, 2:27 PM EDT

Earlier today, we wondered aloud when Steelers linebacker James Harrison would begin to offer up excuses for his inflammatory comments about Commissioner Roger Goodell and teammates Ben Roethlisberger and Rashard Mendenhall.

The options, as best we could determine with the help of PFT Planet, were that: (1) Harrison was misquoted; (2) his words were taken out of context; (3) his comments were not made “on the record”; (4) his Twitter account had been hacked; and/or (5) his brain had been hacked.

Harrison is, for now, going with No. 1 and/or No. 2.

Adam Schefter of ESPN reports, citing former Steeler Merril Hoge, that Harrison told Roethlisberger that the writer of the Men’s Journal article “twisted” many of Harrison’s comments, and that Harrison did not intend to criticize Roethlisberger. Roethlisberger told Hoge that the quarterback will take Harrison at his word.

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James Harrison really is a thug clown. How do you backtrack from that?

Anyway, Brian Cushing had the best response IMO. He told his local sports radio station: "I'll pray for him."

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You really believe this? Keep in mind that in a public interview he made racist remarks, used gay slurs, was crapping all over his boss and tried to throw two of his co-workers under the bus (one of whom is arguably more important than him). And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's few professions where he wouldn't be blackballed for life for that crap, not to mention probably the target of a whole series of lawsuits.

Yep. I believe it. Mel Gibson was way worse. I have heard plenty of openly racist remarks from effective trial attorneys and they keep getting paid. Sure they don't make them to reporters, but in front of other attorneys and judges which is just as bad. Hell, I've heard them make racist arguments in court all the time. The guys job is to hit people, why do you expect him to provide sane, rational sound bites?

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You really believe this? Keep in mind that in a public interview he made racist remarks, used gay slurs, was crapping all over his boss and tried to throw two of his co-workers under the bus (one of whom is arguably more important than him). And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's few professions where he wouldn't be blackballed for life for that crap, not to mention probably the target of a whole series of lawsuits.

He's a contractor, however, not an employee. Goodell is not his boss and his teammates are not technically co-workers, and with the negotiations going on, he is actually not even a contractor right now. Harrison is allowed to say whatever the hell he wants. I hate when people get all bent out of shape because of controversial comments. Don't you think he might be saying that on purpose to get silly reactions like people claiming he should be fired for speaking his mind. I don't agree with it all, but I really don't care. Actions speak louder than words. It's just drama and it's funny watching all the little sheep follow it like it matters.

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B Here is James Harrison's entire statement which offers an apology:

I’ll start by offering my apologies for some of the words that I said during the four days in May that Men’s Journal was invited to my house to discuss what the NFL has recently been portraying as their attempts at ‘player safety’ rules and regulations, and to cover my everyday workout routine.

I did make comments about my teammates when I was talking about the emotional Super Bowl loss, but the handful of words that were used and heavily publicized yesterday were pulled out of a long conversation and the context was lost. Obviously, I would never say that it was all Ben’s or Rashard’s fault that we lost the Super Bowl. That would be ridiculous. Both Ben and Rashard are great players and great teammates. Clearly the entire team bears responsibility for the loss, me included. It was a team effort and a team loss. My teammates know me well, and hopefully understand the things I said were not meant to accuse them of the loss. We all have discussed several things that went wrong in the Super Bowl since that day. What I do apologize for and take full responsibility for is for speaking in such a candid manner to someone outside the team.

I also need to make clear that the comment about Roger Goodell was not intended to be derogatory against gay people in any way. It was careless use of a slang word and I apologize to all who were offended by the remark. I am not a homophobic bigot, and I would never advocate intolerance of gay people.

As far as the photo that was shown on air yesterday, collecting guns is a hobby of mine, and I advocate the responsible use of firearms. I believe in the right to bear arms. I like to go to the shooting range. I like to hunt. I like to fish. I could just as easily have posed with my fishing poles but it obviously wouldn’t be an interesting picture for the magazine. I am not promoting gun violence by posing for that photo. There are also other photos in the magazine story that were not shown on air yesterday – including me with my sons, with my mom and as a kid.

Unfortunately, the above items and other comments have detracted from the original purpose of the story – a position I have been advocating for some time now. If player safety is the NFL’s main concern, as they say it is, they are not going about it in an effective manner. There’s nothing about extending the season or issuing exorbitant fines on defensive players that makes any shift toward the prevention of injury to players.

I believe that the league may have been feeling increasing pressure about injuries and concussions last year, and that they panicked and put rules in place that weren’t fully thought out. I’m not advocating more flags and fines, I’m just saying that the current rules are not completely fair, and I don’t believe in the way that the league is handling their position as overseer of the NFL and the well-being of its players.

As far as the character and reputation hits I may suffer as a result of my comments in the article, I’ll take those hits and more if it brings increased attention to the re-examination and installation of rules and regulations that would create a real impact on player safety.

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B Here is James Harrison's entire statement which offers an apology:

I’ll start by offering my apologies for some of the words that I said during the four days in May that Men’s Journal was invited to my house to discuss what the NFL has recently been portraying as their attempts at ‘player safety’ rules and regulations, and to cover my everyday workout routine.

I did make comments about my teammates when I was talking about the emotional Super Bowl loss, but the handful of words that were used and heavily publicized yesterday were pulled out of a long conversation and the context was lost. Obviously, I would never say that it was all Ben’s or Rashard’s fault that we lost the Super Bowl. That would be ridiculous. Both Ben and Rashard are great players and great teammates. Clearly the entire team bears responsibility for the loss, me included. It was a team effort and a team loss. My teammates know me well, and hopefully understand the things I said were not meant to accuse them of the loss. We all have discussed several things that went wrong in the Super Bowl since that day. What I do apologize for and take full responsibility for is for speaking in such a candid manner to someone outside the team.

I also need to make clear that the comment about Roger Goodell was not intended to be derogatory against gay people in any way. It was careless use of a slang word and I apologize to all who were offended by the remark. I am not a homophobic bigot, and I would never advocate intolerance of gay people.

As far as the photo that was shown on air yesterday, collecting guns is a hobby of mine, and I advocate the responsible use of firearms. I believe in the right to bear arms. I like to go to the shooting range. I like to hunt. I like to fish. I could just as easily have posed with my fishing poles but it obviously wouldn’t be an interesting picture for the magazine. I am not promoting gun violence by posing for that photo. There are also other photos in the magazine story that were not shown on air yesterday – including me with my sons, with my mom and as a kid.

Unfortunately, the above items and other comments have detracted from the original purpose of the story – a position I have been advocating for some time now. If player safety is the NFL’s main concern, as they say it is, they are not going about it in an effective manner. There’s nothing about extending the season or issuing exorbitant fines on defensive players that makes any shift toward the prevention of injury to players.

I believe that the league may have been feeling increasing pressure about injuries and concussions last year, and that they panicked and put rules in place that weren’t fully thought out. I’m not advocating more flags and fines, I’m just saying that the current rules are not completely fair, and I don’t believe in the way that the league is handling their position as overseer of the NFL and the well-being of its players.

As far as the character and reputation hits I may suffer as a result of my comments in the article, I’ll take those hits and more if it brings increased attention to the re-examination and installation of rules and regulations that would create a real impact on player safety.

Ima go out on a limb and guess that the rough draft Harrison actually wrote was probably a little different.

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James Harrison hunts? What does he hunt? Does he dress up like Bobby Bacala and go out in the middle of nowhere with duck calling whistles and deer pee? Has he ever come across any Deliverance dudes? If so, what was their reaction when they got up close and realized they were about to try and rape James Harrison? Does he go on quail hunts with guys like Sack Lodge? Has he ever considered fighting a bear with a spear like Anthony Hopkins in The Edge? Not gonna lie, I think I'd pay good money to watch James Harrison kill animals with his bare hands. As far as I'm concerned a lion could have sex with a grizzly bear and a great white shark, produce a mega carnivore offspring, and James Harrison would still be able to kick its a$$.

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James Harrison hunts? What does he hunt? Does he dress up like Bobby Bacala and go out in the middle of nowhere with duck calling whistles and deer pee? Has he ever come across any Deliverance dudes? If so, what was their reaction when they got up close and realized they were about to try and rape James Harrison? Does he go on quail hunts with guys like Sack Lodge? Has he ever considered fighting a bear with a spear like Anthony Hopkins in The Edge? Not gonna lie, I think I'd pay good money to watch James Harrison kill animals with his bare hands. As far as I'm concerned a lion could have sex with a grizzly bear and a great white shark, produce a mega carnivore offspring, and James Harrison would still be able to kick its a$$.

I think you found divine inspiration in that closet along with your N64. Speechless.

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Do you ever get tired of being wrong about this?





You will not find a single mention of where the taping occurred from in any of those articles, or any other articles you might find from legitimate news sources anywhere. You've made this fallacy up in your head to justify the Pats illegitmately achieved titles.

Yes, but apparently you forgot about the picture below of the guy that had his tapes confiscatedfor recording signals of the Jets' coaches. :rolleyes: Those links all state the rules and/or Goodell's letter that it is illegal to record signals from the sideline, locker room or coaches booth. Goodell admitted that stealing signals is common

As usual Jet Nation, in particular you, are wrong. You can steal signals from anywhere and use any medium to record the signals except for a video recording device on the opponents sideline.

So, Garb is right.


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