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Bart Scott


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While I agree with those saying Scott is done, he seems a little young to be shot. I wonder if the Lockout and lack of offseason did him in.

Dude! Not for nothing...but I finally noticed that lady in the pic, and let me tell you, she looks exactly like a girl I once dated! No sh*t. Problem was, the maintenance costs was bleeding me dry....

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And I remember when arguing for pursuing Lewis instead everyone pointed to Scott's age as the biggest plus

Isn't this point sort of self-defeating? We sign Ray instead and Harris is the one taking on guards all day and he breaks down early just like Scott and Hartwell and everybody else who's had that job.

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I think we are all very aware, but lately its been watching from the sidelines.

That's because Rex doesn't trust our safeties in coverage so he pulls out Scott and brings in extra DBs. He's a huge part of our defense, and you don't have anyone half as good to replace him lol

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That's because Rex doesn't trust our safeties in coverage so he pulls out Scott and brings in extra DBs. He's a huge part of our defense, and you don't have anyone half as good to replace him lol

You reailze what you're saying right? That our 12 million dollar ILB doesnt fit our defense. Harris doesnt come out of the game. Bart does. Thats an issue. He's slow and old and cant play in passing situations unless he's used a blitzer. Thats not a good thing.

His money would then be better suited for a safety who can cover.

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You reailze what you're saying right? That our 12 million dollar ILB doesnt fit our defense. Harris doesnt come out of the game. Bart does. Thats an issue. He's slow and old and cant play in passing situations unless he's used a blitzer. Thats not a good thing.

His money would then be better suited for a safety who can cover.

^ This

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Isn't this point sort of self-defeating? We sign Ray instead and Harris is the one taking on guards all day and he breaks down early just like Scott and Hartwell and everybody else who's had that job.

I can live with that. Harris is better suited to that kind of work anyway

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You reailze what you're saying right? That our 12 million dollar ILB doesnt fit our defense. Harris doesnt come out of the game. Bart does. Thats an issue. He's slow and old and cant play in passing situations unless he's used a blitzer. Thats not a good thing.

His money would then be better suited for a safety who can cover.

What do you mean he doesn't fit our defense? He's the reason we've dominated against the run these past two years lol. Harris is a better LB in pass coverage than Bart, so he stays in.

We have plenty of cap space, no need to get rid of Bart lol....

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What do you mean he doesn't fit our defense? He's the reason we've dominated against the run these past two years lol. Harris is a better LB in pass coverage than Bart, so he stays in.

We have plenty of cap space, no need to get rid of Bart lol....

I'm just repeating what you said. If hes constantly pulled because we need better coverage guys, then he doesnt fit. Thats just a simple equation. I love Bart and think he's been instrumental in changing the culture and getting the buy in from the team with Rex's system but to say he's "the reason" we dominate vs. the run is completely overlooking how good our DL play has been. Pouha and DeVito imparticular are 2 of the best rated run stuffers in Football.

Bart is good at stopping anything up the middle, he cant guard a RB that wants to hit the edge anymore and now that he cant cover either...I'm starting to doubt his role in this defense. Which is sad, because I <3 him.

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I recall Jason saying his contract is guaranteed next season. It was part of the deal with him taking a pay cut for 2011 so we could go shopping for another $11-12M/year CB. Or something like that.

Overrated bum wasn't worth that much anyway.

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I'm just repeating what you said. If hes constantly pulled because we need better coverage guys, then he doesnt fit. Thats just a simple equation. I love Bart and think he's been instrumental in changing the culture and getting the buy in from the team with Rex's system but to say he's "the reason" we dominate vs. the run is completely overlooking how good our DL play has been. Pouha and DeVito imparticular are 2 of the best rated run stuffers in Football.

Bart is good at stopping anything up the middle, he cant guard a RB that wants to hit the edge anymore and now that he cant cover either...I'm starting to doubt his role in this defense. Which is sad, because I <3 him.

Did you see him save the game today in pass coverage?

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I'm just repeating what you said. If hes constantly pulled because we need better coverage guys, then he doesnt fit. Thats just a simple equation. I love Bart and think he's been instrumental in changing the culture and getting the buy in from the team with Rex's system but to say he's "the reason" we dominate vs. the run is completely overlooking how good our DL play has been. Pouha and DeVito imparticular are 2 of the best rated run stuffers in Football.

Bart is good at stopping anything up the middle, he cant guard a RB that wants to hit the edge anymore and now that he cant cover either...I'm starting to doubt his role in this defense. Which is sad, because I <3 him.

Not being an every down player does not make him a bad fit. Maybin is a pretty good fit and he's only on the field 15 times a game. His contract is a little unruly, but he still does what he does very well.

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Not being an every down player does not make him a bad fit. Maybin is a pretty good fit and he's only on the field 15 times a game. His contract is a little unruly, but he still does what he does very well.

A little bit different of a difference...and I highly doubt Maybin is getting paid what Bart is.

Bart had a good game today.

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Bills had 70 offensive snaps.

The numbers don't lie. Bart Scott-

0 sacks

0 assists

0 tackles.

1 obnoxious postgame rant.

Instead of running his mouth, perhaps he could've made a play or 2 on that last Bills' drive, or any Bills' drive.

Couldn't agree more my friend. I have requested drafting an upgrade for quite awhile, yet always get ripped for saying so. Get another tackling machine beside Harris and we could be a steeler type of defense. It can be done and should be. The problem is, Rex's gay love for Leonhard and Bart keep us average at times.

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I'm just repeating what you said. If hes constantly pulled because we need better coverage guys, then he doesnt fit. Thats just a simple equation. I love Bart and think he's been instrumental in changing the culture and getting the buy in from the team with Rex's system but to say he's "the reason" we dominate vs. the run is completely overlooking how good our DL play has been. Pouha and DeVito imparticular are 2 of the best rated run stuffers in Football.

Bart is good at stopping anything up the middle, he cant guard a RB that wants to hit the edge anymore and now that he cant cover either...I'm starting to doubt his role in this defense. Which is sad, because I <3 him.

I am a little down on Bart this year but I do stand by what I have always said...he is asked to do so much grunt work that he doesn't get the glory. There is no stat for blowing up the pulling guard so someone else can make a tackle for a loss but that is his game.

That said, this does seem to be an off year for Bart. Is it age or an injury? Time will tell but maybe he is still suffering from the ghosts of Can't Wait past.

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Bart Scott has a good 3/4s of the game after playing one of the worst 1st quarters ever. This guy looked lost shooting up the wrong gaps nearly every time. He did rebound, though.

There were a few plays that I would have to watch again but on first glance it did seem that Bart was bad, really bad in the 1st quarter. The one big run stands out.

I wish we could see how they grade out internally after the coaches watch the film. :)

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I can live with that. Harris is better suited to that kind of work anyway

Not sure where you'd get this from. PFF had Scott as one of the highest rated ILB's in the league in '09 and '10 and it's specifically because he was that awesome at taking on blockers. No chance Harris would have filled that role better, especially taking into account the degrees to which he's struggled against the run.

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Not sure where you'd get this from. PFF had Scott as one of the highest rated ILB's in the league in '09 and '10 and it's specifically because he was that awesome at taking on blockers. No chance Harris would have filled that role better, especially taking into account the degrees to which he's struggled against the run.

You may have pulled this out of thin air, that sounds very made up....need to rush to the PFF stat sheet to have an opinion. ;)

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There were a few plays that I would have to watch again but on first glance it did seem that Bart was bad, really bad in the 1st quarter. The one big run stands out.

I wish we could see how they grade out internally after the coaches watch the film. :)

I would love to watch film and to see what goes on.

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I am a little down on Bart this year but I do stand by what I have always said...he is asked to do so much grunt work that he doesn't get the glory. There is no stat for blowing up the pulling guard so someone else can make a tackle for a loss but that is his game.

That said, this does seem to be an off year for Bart. Is it age or an injury? Time will tell but maybe he is still suffering from the ghosts of Can't Wait past.

Dont get me wrong...Bart has been a monster for this defense. 09/10 - were outstanding years - even stastically which when you consider his role, is impressive. Thats why I was killing who ever mentioned upgarding him in the draft. But, maybe the dude was right...he seems to have lost a step. Funny thing is, I said that all week long and he had his best game in a while yesterday or at least it seemed it. Because I really couldnt put my finger on the Helu success. We were blowing plays up and he was still finding a crack and gaining good yards.

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Dont get me wrong...Bart has been a monster for this defense. 09/10 - were outstanding years - even stastically which when you consider his role, is impressive. Thats why I was killing who ever mentioned upgarding him in the draft. But, maybe the dude was right...he seems to have lost a step. Funny thing is, I said that all week long and he had his best game in a while yesterday or at least it seemed it. Because I really couldnt put my finger on the Helu success. We were blowing plays up and he was still finding a crack and gaining good yards.

Helu's success was because of the fact that he breaks so many arm tackles. We wrapped him up a sh*t load of times, it's just we couldn't finish our tackles. Mainly the D-Line.

Ellis didn't do much yesterday.

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Helu's success was because of the fact that he breaks so many arm tackles. We wrapped him up a sh*t load of times, it's just we couldn't finish our tackles. Mainly the D-Line.

Ellis didn't do much yesterday.

I think everyone played a part during that first drive.

As much as I loved Bart breaking up that 3rd down play, I think the play I appreciated even more was how he sniffed out that screen to Helu and stuck him for a loss. Thats the Bart Scot I've grown to love. Recognition, quick reaction, sure tackler.

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I think everyone played a part during that first drive.

As much as I loved Bart breaking up that 3rd down play, I think the play I appreciated even more was how he sniffed out that screen to Helu and stuck him for a loss. Thats the Bart Scot I've grown to love. Recognition, quick reaction, sure tackler.

He's a very smart player, so is Harris. They aren't a physically gifted as guys like Lewis and Willis but they're VERY smart. Scott is always a sure tackle, he was top 10 in tackling success rate last year and is always making sure tackles. That play yesterday with the pass deflection was pure recognition and athleticism though. It was a crazy play.

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Dont get me wrong...Bart has been a monster for this defense. 09/10 - were outstanding years - even stastically which when you consider his role, is impressive. Thats why I was killing who ever mentioned upgarding him in the draft. But, maybe the dude was right...he seems to have lost a step. Funny thing is, I said that all week long and he had his best game in a while yesterday or at least it seemed it. Because I really couldnt put my finger on the Helu success. We were blowing plays up and he was still finding a crack and gaining good yards.

Its a clear position that the Jets should be drafting. They could have done it last year and most certainly have to next year. Its as much of a cant miss draft position as there is in the NFL which makes it a safer investment too. I dont think the Jets would draft for immediate use either had they taken one last year and maybe not even next year. I think what the Jets now will do is draft one, stick him behind Bart for half the year and then let him take over either due to injury or ineffectiveness (injury is how they got Vilma and Harris in). Eventually this guy becomes the Harris replacement when his deal finishes in a few years. I think that needs to be the plan and they need to avoid two high priced ILBs for the team just like how they should avoid two high priced corners.

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