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Ten Reasons I'm Happy to Have Sanchez


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In no particular order..

1. Offense is #1 overall in red zone efficiency (as mentioned)

2. When Pennington was Sanchez's age, he had yet to play a snap. Meanwhile, Sanchez has 30 wins. 6th in history to do so.

3. 11 come back drives, he is clutch.

4. 96,8 Passer Rating in 4th quarter, 8th overall in league.

5. Had a 102.2 passer rating in AFC champ game (big game player)

6. Tied with Tebow for 2nd most rushing touchdowns by a QB in league.

7. 4-2 ROAD PLAYOFF record

8. Will set record for most TDs thrown under Schotty (22)

9. Demonstrated ability to handle NYC pressure (intangible)

10. Good attitude, high character player.

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In no particular order..

1. Offense is #1 overall in red zone efficiency (as mentioned)

2. When Pennington was Sanchez's age, he had yet to play a snap. Meanwhile, Sanchez has 30 wins. 6th in history to do so.

3. 11 come back drives, he is clutch.

4. 96,8 Passer Rating in 4th quarter, 8th overall in league.

5. Had a 102.2 passer rating in AFC champ game (big game player)

6. Tied with Tebow for 2nd most rushing touchdowns by a QB in league.

7. 4-2 ROAD PLAYOFF record

8. Will set record for most TDs thrown under Schotty (22)

9. Demonstrated ability to handle NYC pressure (intangible)

10. Good attitude, high character player.

good post :)
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I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe in him these days. For most of the game he looks absolutely unqualified to be an NFL QB. Then he has a 4th quarter come back. I seriously don't know what to think anymore. I'm beat. He's the Qb for the NY Jets. I will root for him, but I am tiring of saying " This guys SUCKS!! " 25-50 times every game I'll tell ya that.

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I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe in him these days. For most of the game he looks absolutely unqualified to be an NFL QB. Then he has a 4th quarter come back. I seriously don't know what to think anymore. I'm beat. He's the Qb for the NY Jets. I will root for him, but I am tiring of saying " This guys SUCKS!! " 25-50 times every game I'll tell ya that.

So he looks bad until Schotty gets taken out of the equation, gee, wonder why?

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So he looks bad until Schotty gets taken out of the equation, gee, wonder why?

More like he looks bad until the Jets are forced to open everything up, Rex is to blame as much as Schotty is for this, its his team they play his offensive philosphy, not defending Schotty cause he is the pits, and I want him gone, but Rex does not go with out blame.

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More like he looks bad until the Jets are forced to open everything up, Rex is to blame as much as Schotty is for this, its his team they play his offensive philosphy, not defending Schotty cause he is the pits, and I want him gone, but Rex does not go with out blame.

Your right, he lets the crappy plays happen. As the Head Coach, it is up to him to put a stop to the ultra conservative, ultra predictable play calling and let Sanchez regularly throw past the first down marker.

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In no particular order..

1. Offense is #1 overall in red zone efficiency (as mentioned)

2. When Pennington was Sanchez's age, he had yet to play a snap. Meanwhile, Sanchez has 30 wins. 6th in history to do so.

3. 11 come back drives, he is clutch.

4. 96,8 Passer Rating in 4th quarter, 8th overall in league.

5. Had a 102.2 passer rating in AFC champ game (big game player)

6. Tied with Tebow for 2nd most rushing touchdowns by a QB in league.

7. 4-2 ROAD PLAYOFF record

8. Will set record for most TDs thrown under Schotty (22)

9. Demonstrated ability to handle NYC pressure (intangible)

10. Good attitude, high character player.

Are you the guy with this account on twitter?

Funny stuff...thanks for signing up here.

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In no particular order..

1. Offense is #1 overall in red zone efficiency (as mentioned)

Thats a nice stat.

2. When Pennington was Sanchez's age, he had yet to play a snap. Meanwhile, Sanchez has 30 wins. 6th in history to do so.


3. 11 come back drives, he is clutch.

I hate the stupid "tied or take the lead in 4th" stats. They dont tell the whole picture. BUT! The kid sure has a knack for coming up big when it matters. And to me... thats what tells me his biggest problem is coaching.

4. 96,8 Passer Rating in 4th quarter, 8th overall in league.

7-5. Out of playoffs. Only stat that matters. QB rating is stupid. Gives too many guys with high completion % a good rating for no reason.

5. Had a 102.2 passer rating in AFC champ game (big game player)

0-2 in AFC Championships. 0.0% passer rating in Super Bowl.

6. Tied with Tebow for 2nd most rushing touchdowns by a QB in league.

LOL! Now you're comparing him to Teblow? LOL! Yay! He ran a few in for TD's!! CROWN HIM KING OF QB LAND!

7. 4-2 ROAD PLAYOFF record

0-2 in AFC CHampionships. 0-0 in Super Bowls.

8. Will set record for most TDs thrown under Schotty (22)

And? Useless stat.

9. Demonstrated ability to handle NYC pressure (intangible)

By banging 16yr olds?

10. Good attitude, high character player.

Wipes snot on backup QB.

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More like he looks bad until the Jets are forced to open everything up, Rex is to blame as much as Schotty is for this, its his team they play his offensive philosphy, not defending Schotty cause he is the pits, and I want him gone, but Rex does not go with out blame.

sorry, i used to think this too until the 2012 season started. Remember? we were going to open it up? a couple of months later we shut her down to save our season.

I too try to back our QB. He just is so dang inconsistent...He was trending up until this year but this year he seems to have regressed in the consistency category.

Anywho, when I am diagnosed with an ulcer in a few years I will name it Sanchize and if there is a second one Shottie...

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I compare him to Pennington because our fan base had high hopes in Pennington when he first started getting snaps. I believe there is some perspective to be gained from acknowledging that Sanchez has played in two AFC Championship games at an age where Pennington was still holding a clipboard.

The real question is what Sanchez will have accomplished when he reaches an age where Pennington was waiving a towel.

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sorry, i used to think this too until the 2012 season started. Remember? we were going to open it up? a couple of months later we shut her down to save our season.

I too try to back our QB. He just is so dang inconsistent...He was trending up until this year but this year he seems to have regressed in the consistency category.

Anywho, when I am diagnosed with an ulcer in a few years I will name it Sanchize and if there is a second one Shottie...

To be fair, the timing on when we opened it up sucked. The pass protection was really poor and he was getting pummeled. The protection is much better now so it could easily change the effectiveness of the new open offense.

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I hope you are right tparich. Most important thing is winning so I dont mind the ground and pound or the pump and dump, whatever gets the win. I hope that the Sanchize can improve, that is all I ask of him, continue to get better. From what I see in interviews, his teammates like his ability so hopefully he can improve and get better.

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I also find it significant that he will torch the "Schotty TD record" because we've seen other big names QB's become so hindered in this system. Sanchez is overcoming.

None of it is good enough to overcome the irrational hatred some around here have for Sanchez.
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I compare him to Pennington because our fan base had high hopes in Pennington when he first started getting snaps. I believe there is some perspective to be gained from acknowledging that Sanchez has played in two AFC Championship games at an age where Pennington was still holding a clipboard.

Didnt you know some people here knew Pennington was going to suck before he was born ?

Nice thread @Sanchez :)

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In no particular order..

1. Offense is #1 overall in red zone efficiency (as mentioned)

2. When Pennington was Sanchez's age, he had yet to play a snap. Meanwhile, Sanchez has 30 wins. 6th in history to do so.

3. 11 come back drives, he is clutch.

4. 96,8 Passer Rating in 4th quarter, 8th overall in league.

5. Had a 102.2 passer rating in AFC champ game (big game player)

6. Tied with Tebow for 2nd most rushing touchdowns by a QB in league.

7. 4-2 ROAD PLAYOFF record

8. Will set record for most TDs thrown under Schotty (22)

9. Demonstrated ability to handle NYC pressure (intangible)

10. Good attitude, high character player.

oh.. forgot to say... WELCOME TO JN!!!!

The site that cares.

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I compare him to Pennington because our fan base had high hopes in Pennington when he first started getting snaps. I believe there is some perspective to be gained from acknowledging that Sanchez has played in two AFC Championship games at an age where Pennington was still holding a clipboard.

Dumbasses had high hopes for Penny.

And while its nice we have made it to 2 AFC championships, we have lost both of them.

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