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Pats vs. Denver and Tebow


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Maybe its because the Patriots are the biggest media darlings in all of sports. They suck off BB and Mr. Bundchen every chance they get. And since its a bigger market, its a bigger story and they actually think that someone outside of the sh*thole gives a **** about anything Boston related. Maybe its because Rodgers is a low profile guy who doesnt eat up any chance he has to be put in the spot light. Maybe because he doesnt have hair flowing from his helmet and uggs as cleats.

As for Tebow - I'm not sure why's getting more coverage than Green Bay. Maybe its because most people had Green Bay repeating anyway and everyone had written Tebow off as the worst QB in the league? Dont know that one.

But the Patriots vs. Green Bay is pretty obvious.

No true Jets fan ever roots for the Pats. I cant believe how many times I've read this. Disgusting really.

You're such a hater....

I laugh at the media darling angle, really. But you did hit some of that nail straight on. Green Bay isn't the East Coast. Therefore, Aaron Rodgers - for all the accolades he gets - isn't splattered all over the tv (except for those awful commercials). There is East Coast Bias at ESPN. Then again, hometown NY/NJ newspapers have Giants bias. Really. You ought to be grateful. Flying under the radar and using it as "motivation" should prove helpful.

The idea that Brady eats up the chance to be in the spot light is funny. He agrees to interviews he finds tasteful. I don't see him in stupid commercials. Maybe he should shill Pepsi Max? :) You want milking the spotlight? See Peyton Manning when he's actually playing.

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Hey JiF, I am rooting more against Tebow then I am for the patsies*.

Jetsfandom revoked!

You're such a hater....

I laugh at the media darling angle, really. But you did hit some of that nail straight on. Green Bay isn't the East Coast. Therefore, Aaron Rodgers - for all the accolades he gets - isn't splattered all over the tv (except for those awful commercials). There is East Coast Bias at ESPN. Then again, hometown NY/NJ newspapers have Giants bias. Really. You ought to be grateful. Flying under the radar and using it as "motivation" should prove helpful.

The idea that Brady eats up the chance to be in the spot light is funny. He agrees to interviews he finds tasteful. I don't see him in stupid commercials. Maybe he should shill Pepsi Max? :) You want milking the spotlight? See Peyton Manning when he's actually playing.

Please - just because someone tries to give off this perception that he doesnt need the spot light doesnt mean he doesnt thrive at any given chance. From his tear filled interviews about how bad he felt for his parent the day he got drafted, to his look at me transformation stories from college to pros, from his Uggs commercials, to his red carpet appereances with Giselle, to his antics on the playing field, to his shots at teams like the Jets to the media - the ******* guy lives for it. He's just as much of a ham as the next guy. Your denial is laughable.

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Don't bet on the Pats losing their last 3 games (I know they haven't played well in Denver in the past); but lets be realistic. The Pats are the overall better team. And the Broncos don't exactly have an offense that lights up the scoreboard to take advantage of the Pats' bad D. And the Pats don't want to fall any further behind in the seeding race (they are currently the #3 seed; they have a chance to get the #1 or #2). A loss to Denver would drop them to #4. The Pats have EVERY reason to play well.

And, the Jets still have to play the Philadelphia Eagles this week. The Eagles are playing better now, have a lot of talent, and Michael Vick is back. After that, it's the Giants, who are themselves fighting for a playoff spot (the Giants luck out this season by having a "road" game at home). Then, the dreaded Miami Dolphins.

Point is, the Jets are NOT going to win the AFC East. They just need to worry about winning one more game at a time. Remember, if the Raiders make it as a wild card (and Denver wins the AFC West); or the Broncos make it as the wildcard (and the Raiders win the AFC West); the Jets lose the wildcard tiebreaker to either. Then there is still the Tennessee Titans to think about. The Jets likely have to win at least two of the last 3 games to keep the #6 playoff seed.

Don't look at catching the Pats (not going to happen); look at continuing to win to get in as a wildcard. Then, as we have seen in the past two seasons, anything can happen.

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Jetsfandom revoked!

Please - just because someone tries to give off this perception that he doesnt need the spot light doesnt mean he doesnt thrive at any given chance. From his tear filled interviews about how bad he felt for his parent the day he got drafted, to his look at me transformation stories from college to pros, from his Uggs commercials, to his red carpet appereances with Giselle, to his antics on the playing field, to his shots at teams like the Jets to the media - the ******* guy lives for it. He's just as much of a ham as the next guy. Your denial is laughable.

He genuinely dislikes the Jets organization...he loves some of the players (It's a fraternity afterall)....but he hates the Jets Lot's of people do.

He's married to the highest earning supermodel in the world, he gets attention. Oh well. Maybe he should dump G and start going to Broadway shows and hang out with High school girls or Lance Bass ;)

He's really not the shill you make him out to be. There are worse shills out there. But, I can't blame a man for promoting his "brand" and making an extra buck or two. His ability and his looks help a lot.

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Look at the Pats fan with the readymade excuse for getting Tebowed!!!! :rl:

Where's the excuse? I'm just stating facts about the media sh*t storm that is Tebow.

Oh, wait......

Where's the excuse, Zippy? If I wanted an excuse, I could easily talk about that putrid pass D and the most pathetic safeties in the entire NFL. Better, Zippy?


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I am rooting for the pats*. I am sick of all the Tebow crap..The ponies r averaging like 10-13 points a game, they don't score but Tebow gets credit because of late game comebacks? Gonna need alot more then a 58 yd fg to tie this game up in the end.

since they've switch philosphy to accomodate teblow, they've averaged about 23 ppg?? Which is pretty average

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I am rooting for the pats*. I am sick of all the Tebow crap..The ponies r averaging like 10-13 points a game, they don't score but Tebow gets credit because of late game comebacks? Gonna need alot more then a 58 yd fg to tie this game up in the end.

And anyone that thinks the pats* r gonna lose 3 stright while the Jets win 3 straight needs to share whatever hallucingen they r on...

This pretty much sums it up for me (although I can't say I'm rooting for the Pats, just want to see the Broncos win 2-0 and everyone STFU about Tebow). I actually have nothing against Tebow, but this media garbage is beyond annoying and absolutely moronic and shows how little these dipsh*ts know about what they're watching. The guy is essentially getting praised endlessly because he sucks for 3 and 1/2+ quarters while his defense is shutting down the opposition all game long. He's lucky as hell that his defense keeps him and his offense in games that they have contributed nothing to all game long. Not to mention the opposing RB doing everything in his power to hand your team a game they had no business winning.

God forbid the Jets opponent isn't absolutely perfect in a loss, we get to endlessly hear how lucky the Jets were and they didn't deserve to win, yet when Tebow plays horrendously all game long and his defense combined with his opponents ineptitude keeps them in the game, it's all because of his never-ending amazing ability to influence the entire game even from the spot where his a$$ is firmly implanted on the bench after yet another 3 and out. The media could not be more absolutely clueless about what they're talking about with this one.

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since they've switch philosphy to accomodate teblow, they've averaged about 23 ppg?? Which is pretty average

The Broncos have scored 18 or less points in 6 of 8 games Tebow has QBed. Hardly impressive. The truth is their entire game plan is based around the offense sitting on their thumbs and doing nothing all game while the defense keeps it close and letting the offense rally late to pull off a close victory. That's all well and good, and a win is a win, but the point is it's ridiculous to act like Tebow is some sort of miracle worker because his defense keeps him in games that, thanks to his own horrendous early-game performances, they very easily could have been getting blown out in. Sanchez has had games that weren't half as bad as the some of the garbage we've seen out of Tebow this season and rallied to comebacks and still gotten torn a new one in the process, but if it's Tebow he can put 0 points on the board all game, complete 1 of 20 passes and then on the last drive hand the ball off 10 times on a game-winning drive and be praised as the God's gift to the NFL. It's ******* nauseating.

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This pretty much sums it up for me (although I can't say I'm rooting for the Pats, just want to see the Broncos win 2-0 and everyone STFU about Tebow). I actually have nothing against Tebow, but this media garbage is beyond annoying and absolutely moronic and shows how little these dipsh*ts know about what they're watching. The guy is essentially getting praised endlessly because he sucks for 3 and 1/2+ quarters while his defense is shutting down the opposition all game long. He's lucky as hell that his defense keeps him and his offense in games that they have contributed nothing to all game long. Not to mention the opposing RB doing everything in his power to hand your team a game they had no business winning.

God forbid the Jets opponent isn't absolutely perfect in a loss, we get to endlessly hear how lucky the Jets were and they didn't deserve to win, yet when Tebow plays horrendously all game long and his defense combined with his opponents ineptitude keeps them in the game, it's all because of his never-ending amazing ability to influence the entire game even from the spot where his a$$ is firmly implanted on the bench after yet another 3 and out. The media could not be more absolutely clueless about what they're talking about with this one.

Thats weird...because I see it just the opposite. When Tebow does it, he's lucky and it was the kicker or the defense. When Sanchez does it under similar circumstances, he's clutch and a winner.

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You people are cold-blooded. What's wrong with the Tebow story, exactly? He's too nice? He digs God?

This. Why doesnt everyone hate the media instead? They are the one creating Tebow. All Tebow is doing is playing Football and thanking god and his teammates. He's not the one creating this hysteria...its purely media driven but everyone hates Tebow who is a class act.

Very strange.

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I'll be gettin my popcorn ready. Popcorn ready for that old school beat down that a true great NFL quarterback (Brady) can do to a Tebow led team. Yes, for the first time in my life, I'll be for the Patriots Sunday. I'm pullin a Broadway Joe: "I guarantee a Patriots victory" over TurdbowL and the Broncos. Infact I can't wait to see it. JiF, does Tebow pray after he gets his a$$ beaten in a football game? Oh no, thats right, he cries instead. *B!tch = tebow. :D

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Thats weird...because I see it just the opposite. When Tebow does it, he's lucky and it was the kicker or the defense. When Sanchez does it under similar circumstances, he's clutch and a winner.

Then apparently all you're doing is reading posts by about 3 people on this board, while ignoring every single media outlet that covers the NFL.

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You people are cold-blooded. What's wrong with the Tebow story, exactly? He's too nice? He digs God?

Again, the problem is not the person, the problem is the coverage. The portrayal of the situation by the media could not possibly be more blatantly incorrect. I really have no issue with Tebow, I'm just getting sick and tired of hearing the never-ending rim-job he gets from the media while a defense that has been playing absolutely ridiculously gets little to no credit for carrying a team with crappy QB play through 58 minutes of the game week after week. Let's be honest, it comes to one simple fact, ESPN has found their new Brett Favre, and now we get to hear endlessly about some other douche they have already made us sick of.

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I'll be gettin my popcorn ready. Popcorn ready for that old school beat down that a true great NFL quarterback (Brady) can do to a Tebow led team. Yes, for the first time in my life, I'll be for the Patriots Sunday. I'm pullin a Broadway Joe: "I guarantee a Patriots victory" over TurdbowL and the Broncos. Infact I can't wait to see it. JiF, does Tebow pray after he gets his a$$ beaten in a football game? Oh no, thats right, he cries instead. *B!tch = tebow. :biggrin:

Athletes cry all the time. He's got a big heart. Great leaders are compassionate and selfless.

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Athletes cry all the time. He's got a big heart. Great leaders are compassionate and selfless.

Ha! gayest qoute ever. I like how if anyone else cries after a "LOSS" like a child its a terrible, soft, unprofessional, unsportman like way to carry themselves. You know, how every child is taught at 7 years old to be humble no matter what and appreciative of the other teams success. Yet if Tebow cries, "he's just got a big heart"...MOST GUYS THAT LAST IN PRO SPORTS DO HAVE BIG HEARTS OR THEY WOULDNT BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, ask Gholston no heart = no career. But not everyone cries when they freakin lose. Its these stupid excuses that Tebow gets by with from the media is what makes fans like me dispise him, he isnt perfect or the second coming of Christ. He's a tough guy that is out to win and for that I applaud him. Now get off his nutzack, he isnt perfect in every way like you and every other Tebowite thinks.

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You people are cold-blooded. What's wrong with the Tebow story, exactly? He's too nice? He digs God?

This. Why doesnt everyone hate the media instead? They are the one creating Tebow. All Tebow is doing is playing Football and thanking god and his teammates. He's not the one creating this hysteria...its purely media driven but everyone hates Tebow who is a class act.

Very strange.

Tebow is making JiF and Tom Shane agree?

He truly is the King of Kings!

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Ha! gayest qoute ever. I like how if anyone else cries after a "LOSS" like a child its a terrible, soft, unprofessional, unsportman like way to carry themselves. You know, how every child is taught at 7 years old to be humble no matter what and appreciative of the other teams success. Yet if Tebow cries, "he's just got a big heart"...MOST GUYS THAT LAST IN PRO SPORTS DO HAVE BIG HEARTS OR THEY WOULDNT BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, ask Gholston no heart = no career. But not everyone cries when they freakin lose. Its these stupid excuses that Tebow gets by with from the media is what makes fans like me dispise him, he isnt perfect or the second coming of Christ. He's a tough guy that is out to win and for that I applaud him. Now get off his nutzack, he isnt perfect in every way like you and every other Tebowite thinks.

I dunno, but I'm pretty sure, that nobody says that nor does anyone believe such a thing.

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Again, the problem is not the person, the problem is the coverage. The portrayal of the situation by the media could not possibly be more blatantly incorrect. I really have no issue with Tebow, I'm just getting sick and tired of hearing the never-ending rim-job he gets from the media while a defense that has been playing absolutely ridiculously gets little to no credit for carrying a team with crappy QB play through 58 minutes of the game week after week. Let's be honest, it comes to one simple fact, ESPN has found their new Brett Favre, and now we get to hear endlessly about some other douche they have already made us sick of.

That Denver squad is a three-win team that Tebow--and I know it's hard to quantify his impact--has taken beyond expectation. There's a lot to be said about for having a QB that the team rallies around. The guy has never been unsuccessful anywhere he's ever been. Common denominator is common denominator.

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She's right! Im sick of hearing about Tebow...totally sick of it.

I dunno. The 24/7 Barry Bonds coverage was sickening. The Sandusky coverage was sickening. McGwire, Big Rape, SpyGate, lockout, etc coverage was sickening. It's kinda nice to have a positive story in the news stream.

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