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Jeff Fisher Rams Head Coach


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MikeSilverMichael Silver

by AdamSchefter

Fisher was willing to meet halfway on personnel control, but Ross wouldn't budge. He's an Ireland man. And now Fisher is headed for The Lou

8 minutes ago

You never, ever, ever, ever, ever, never ever let your head coach be the GM, too. It hasn't worked for Belichick, it didn't work for Parcells, and it won't work for Fisher.

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lol I just prefer to start fresh. A young head coach that can maybe build a legacy with Miami dolphins. Nothing guaranteed, I understand that.

No I get it. However I would like to point to a recent statistic that coaches on their second head coaching gig have had a higher success rate of reaching the super bowl.

Coughlin, Dungy, Gruden, Belichick.

However I can counter my own argument by saying even more recent history suggests first time head coaches can do it too. Payton, Caldwell, Wisenhunt, Tomlin, McCarthy, L. Smith.

so who knows. I think at the end of the day you just need to find the coach that meshes with the organization and finds players who want to succeed under that coach

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