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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Ima about? Aren't you an author/

Im about or Ima bout. Pick one and stick with it.

Hey, also, you got it all wrong. It's either:

Ima get frizzle in tha HIZ-ahhhhlllll


I say old chap, I'm contemplating committing much ballyhoo! Such as the way today's youth might describe as a "freak out!" *snort*

Pirate out *drops mic*

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Like it or not, Sakaea, Nolder was in effect our D1 lynch. Therefore discussing his actions and peoples' reactions to them in light of his alignment is exactly what we should do tomorrow.

No, I know that Womby. I meant discussing how it was handled, ie modkilled but not banned. His behaviour and people's reactions we obviously have to discuss.

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My first game on DM... DPR modding a zombie game.. CTM, Crush, JVoR and Smash there... Somewhere around day 3 I had what I was told was a superficial clot in my leg so no biggie.. turns out it wasn't superficial so the meds I was supposed to be taking weren't prescribed. The little guy decided (aka the clot) decided to enter my deep vein system and make its way to my lungs giving me a pulmonary embolism.. drove myself to the doc with what felt like a heart attack... refused to call family and LF at first because I think I'm a tough guy.. so yeah.. intensive care for a night spitting up blood... week in the hospital and 2 weeks off work.

the day in 09' when the jets finally beat the pats at home (rex's first year) I was in and out of consiousness in a hospital hopped on on god knows what they gave me.

but I finished the flipping game of mafia... DPR messed up and had to revive Nae who had been lynched earlier in the game. Crush and Nae wound up being a sick bro and sis zombie team which is why they refer to each other as bro and sis to this day.

moral of the story? CTM sucks.

Holy crap.... had no idea.

Glad to hear you're alright... and back to the prick-like ways.

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Let's just lynch Nolder and move on.


Vote Nolder

Confirmed innocent leads a lynch.

Wait - did you just talk to Crushlove that way? And the ladies before that?


Vote Nolder

Opportunistic vulture scum hops on now that the Nolder train is safe.

The fact that people keep trying to pair me up with this creepy sexist pokepedobearf***er disgusts me. I have a <3 for Hess and an alma mater rivalry with AVM. Otherwise I couldn't care less about anyone but myself.

Only one solution. He must die.

Unvote vote Nolder

See above

Damn. I actually liked Nolder. Maybe he just needs to cool down. Anyways, no need to replace.

Unvote, Vote Nolder

Given that he was leading a "lynch JiF" chant and this is right after Nolder taking his pokemanz and going home, I think this is ok.


Vote Nolder's dead carcass

Let's just lynch him and move on. BG put time into the game and it's annoying to have to deal with this sh*t.

Almost verbatim what Vic said.


unvote, vote: Nolder


In conclusion, the votes after Nolder's "taking my pokemanz and going home" post are ok. The ones before it are not as they are likely just scum sheeping Vic.

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Epic fail Day one. Ape is spot on about everything btw. Lily and JiF are scum staring us straight in the face. We should have lynched one of them. Nolder definitely had an etiquette failure, but I don't think he deserved modkill. BG probably should have let him be lynched, but whatever. I find Crusher's behavior regarding Nolder to be chauvinistic and tyrannical, but ultimately understandable. Nae can verbally protect herself just fine imo. Nolder probably thought that since you guys insult each other so much it was ok to peripherally insult anyone. I think, being young (not that I am much older), he was oblivious to the selective sense of chivalry that many of you have. Bad way for day one to go down, but at least we have Lily and JiF to go with. There also may be something in the reactions to Nolder. As soon as he said what he did, he became an easy lynch. Vic might wanna check and see if any of his mock outrage is missing.





Town reads:



Good post.

I said straight up Nolder was hitting on his town tells, AVM too. I think it'll be interesting to go back and see who was saying to lynch Nolder and get D1 over with early in the game, as well as later. Recall there were two trains on him, both filled with people making easy votes.

Lily's post after she voted you about how her town read on Nolder was decreasing by the post REEKED. Essentially Nolder was having a non-game related meltdown, and Lily was spinning it as her changing her read on him to scum. Just to breadcrumb it for when she jumped from your train to his. BLATANT scum post. She was also voting you for "self-preservation" when she only had 1 vote on her. Ridiculous.

My town reads, so far: AVM, Brett, Wombat, and to a lesser extent CTM

My scum reads, so far: Lily, JIF

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