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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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brown bunny has that chick chloe sevigny (sp?) from that hbo show about polygamy blowing some dude

9 songs has a bunch of real pron

intimacy has a BJ and some other stuff

room in rome isn't porn, but great long lesbian scenes

there's more, i can't remember exactly now

It's that terrible feeling when you realize that you've been online with 13 year-olds the entire time...

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If day starts before my movie is over... I want to rip JIF's spaghetti arms off and bash Lily's skull with them... after she cooks me a diet banana cream pie with 6.5% beer reduction drizzle on it... oh yeah.

I will share my Lily pie with Crusher. We will dip our balls in it while naked ladies tickle us with their boobie tassles... and we laugh hearty laughs like Greek Gods...

*CTM wishes he was a diet banana cream pie*

I don't know how to cook diet anything. You'll have to settle for the real thing, honey.

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In the end, it all just winds up mimicking itself anyway. We don't eat what we want, but we're happier because the person who doesn't even like what gives us pleasure controls how much pleasure we have, and then they don't give us trouble. And that would be alarming until we realize that we do the same thing to them, and to each other, and it all just feeds on itself, because in the end, that's what we really want. That's why I write about the scary stuff. Romance only takes a couple of minutes. Horror lasts forever.

Wow! I think I just found another reason to stay single.

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After some failed attempts at the lulz by the Ape, I caught up since the lynch. And you two are idiots.

Epic fail Day one. Ape is spot on about everything btw. Lily and JiF are scum staring us straight in the face. We should have lynched one of them. Nolder definitely had an etiquette failure, but I don't think he deserved modkill. BG probably should have let him be lynched, but whatever. I find Crusher's behavior regarding Nolder to be chauvinistic and tyrannical, but ultimately understandable. Nae can verbally protect herself just fine imo. Nolder probably thought that since you guys insult each other so much it was ok to peripherally insult anyone. I think, being young (not that I am much older), he was oblivious to the selective sense of chivalry that many of you have. Bad way for day one to go down, but at least we have Lily and JiF to go with. There also may be something in the reactions to Nolder. As soon as he said what he did, he became an easy lynch. Vic might wanna check and see if any of his mock outrage is missing.





Town reads:



JiF, Lily, 80

At least 2 are scum.

Good post.

I said straight up Nolder was hitting on his town tells, AVM too. I think it'll be interesting to go back and see who was saying to lynch Nolder and get D1 over with early in the game, as well as later. Recall there were two trains on him, both filled with people making easy votes.

Lily's post after she voted you about how her town read on Nolder was decreasing by the post REEKED. Essentially Nolder was having a non-game related meltdown, and Lily was spinning it as her changing her read on him to scum. Just to breadcrumb it for when she jumped from your train to his. BLATANT scum post. She was also voting you for "self-preservation" when she only had 1 vote on her. Ridiculous.

My town reads, so far: AVM, Brett, Wombat, and to a lesser extent CTM

My scum reads, so far: Lily, JIF

The entire day I was saying I'd vote 80 or Nolder to rid the game of spam or wbat because he's a chowd. When Nolderp went all lipy with Crushlove, I switched. His train was smaller than 80's, the train I was on. lmfao.

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In the interest of not starting all of the drama again, I will jsut say that that situation got out of hand too quickly and I don’t think offense was intended. Guys his age are just hot heads.

So ok. We’ve lost our watcher. I’m surprised there aren’t more people making light of the fact that he was Leia.

Now to respond to some of the spam....

@CTM--I say “oh dear” and am under age of 50

@Ape--I hope everything goes well for you healthwise, and that was a really funny catch up

And I figured out how to use the multipost button right around here.

Haha but I knew you'd put the poison in that drink! Now, a clever woman would put the poison into her own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

Unless she was so clever that she knew you'd think that a clever woman would put the poison in her own goblet, thus deciding that she would be the victor in this game of wit only if, by knowing you are not a great fool, she put the poison in your cup.


The both of you have a special place in my heart now.

Not as much as whoever invented this though:


Who thought of Bacon Roses? I think I'm in love

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This is quite the night we've had. And excitingly enough... it gets to continue! I'm going to bed soon, so it looks like best case scenario we'll be looking at a new day sometime early tomorrow. Finish submitting those NAs people!!!

And since it came up a bunch more times while I was gone, just a quick thing on the whole Nolder situation. The whole MK decision wasn't anything personal, but thinking it over at the time it just made most sense. Here's why:

1. Nolder said he quit the game.

2. There was absolutely nobody to replace him, everyone imaginable was already playing.

3. Crusher had PMed me before that saying he wasn't doing anything only to keep from messing up my game.

So I wasn't going to let the game interfere with whatever was going on, but I also wasn't going to let the game come to a screeching halt because of it. Plenty of people seemed on board with killing him anyway, but the point was I could have allowed another few hours of debate over it with arguing and different hypothesis on what everyone thought should be done in hopes there would eventually be enough votes, which was never going to happen quickly regardless, or I could just drop the hammer myself and let this game move on. Granted it wasn't the ideal scenario, but at the point that ship had sailed and after thinking it over, I felt it was the best decision for everyone in the game. Hopefully we can now just put all of this nonsense behind is and move along from here on out.

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It's that terrible feeling when you realize that you've been online with 13 year-olds the entire time...

lol..well played...

the interesting thing is that my current self has a lot in common with the 13 year old version when it comes to getting any

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This is quite the night we've had. And excitingly enough... it gets to continue! I'm going to bed soon, so it looks like best case scenario we'll be looking at a new day sometime early tomorrow. Finish submitting those NAs people!!!

And since it came up a bunch more times while I was gone, just a quick thing on the whole Nolder situation. The whole MK decision wasn't anything personal, but thinking it over at the time it just made most sense. Here's why:

1. Nolder said he quit the game.

2. There was absolutely nobody to replace him, everyone imaginable was already playing.

3. Crusher had PMed me before that saying he wasn't doing anything only to keep from messing up my game.

So I wasn't going to let the game interfere with whatever was going on, but I also wasn't going to let the game come to a screeching halt because of it. Plenty of people seemed on board with killing him anyway, but the point was I could have allowed another few hours of debate over it with arguing and different hypothesis on what everyone thought should be done in hopes there would eventually be enough votes, which was never going to happen quickly regardless, or I could just drop the hammer myself and let this game move on. Granted it wasn't the ideal scenario, but at the point that ship had sailed and after thinking it over, I felt it was the best decision for everyone in the game. Hopefully we can now just put all of this nonsense behind is and move along from here on out.

You and Crusher both handled it well.

Oh, and tl;dr

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After some failed attempts at the lulz by the Ape, I caught up since the lynch. And you two are idiots.

The entire day I was saying I'd vote 80 or Nolder to rid the game of spam or wbat because he's a chowd. When Nolderp went all lipy with Crushlove, I switched. His train was smaller than 80's, the train I was on. lmfao.

Right, you embraced the idea of carelessly lynching and getting through D1. Which was the first point I made about you. However, towards the end of D1 (after I made a push on you and Lily) you said you'd vote Nolder and me. You took 80 off your list. For anyone else that doesn't remember this, I'll be happy to bump the posts after my first re-read when day starts.

Oh yeah, you left out the part where you defended Lily. That was sort of a big deal.

Ape... Spartacus is on netflix... lots of porn like scenes, blood, gore, violence, etc..

Seen it... gives me half a chub knowing you watch it too... for the hawt gladiator sexy times...

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This is quite the night we've had. And excitingly enough... it gets to continue! I'm going to bed soon, so it looks like best case scenario we'll be looking at a new day sometime early tomorrow. Finish submitting those NAs people!!!

And since it came up a bunch more times while I was gone, just a quick thing on the whole Nolder situation. The whole MK decision wasn't anything personal, but thinking it over at the time it just made most sense. Here's why:

1. Nolder said he quit the game.

2. There was absolutely nobody to replace him, everyone imaginable was already playing.

3. Crusher had PMed me before that saying he wasn't doing anything only to keep from messing up my game.

So I wasn't going to let the game interfere with whatever was going on, but I also wasn't going to let the game come to a screeching halt because of it. Plenty of people seemed on board with killing him anyway, but the point was I could have allowed another few hours of debate over it with arguing and different hypothesis on what everyone thought should be done in hopes there would eventually be enough votes, which was never going to happen quickly regardless, or I could just drop the hammer myself and let this game move on. Granted it wasn't the ideal scenario, but at the point that ship had sailed and after thinking it over, I felt it was the best decision for everyone in the game. Hopefully we can now just put all of this nonsense behind is and move along from here on out.

... and tl;dr

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You and Crusher both handled it well.

Oh, and tl;dr

I disagree. I overreacted. Bleedin did what he had to to keep the game going. I actually went to DM this morning and apologized to Nolder and envited him back. I should have let Nae dictate how she took it. Can't help it, Im old fatshioned.

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Right, you embraced the idea of carelessly lynching and getting through D1. Which was the first point I made about you. However, towards the end of D1 (after I made a push on you and Lily) you said you'd vote Nolder and me. You took 80 off your list. For anyone else that doesn't remember this, I'll be happy to bump the posts after my first re-read when day starts.

Oh yeah, you left out the part where you defended Lily. That was sort of a big deal.

Seen it... gives me half a chub knowing you watch it too... for the hawt gladiator sexy times...

I had a friend long time ago recommend I watch Caligula. Horrible.

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