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The Jets should outright BAN the media


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Your outrage at the media is just as silly as the Jets' attempts to keep their "Tebow-Cat" secret. Teams have film from Miami's WC, and they have film from Tebow running the Donkeys' offense last season. It's NOT going to surprise anybody, especially the Bills who probably can run as good or better WC than the Jets -- with more wrinkles, too, since they NOT only have a better QB to run it, Brad Smith, they also have the guy who designed it for Miami, David Lee, as their QB coach.

Maybe Ryan and the Jets should worry about the Bills running their version of the Wild Cat.

We don't need an offense that "surprises" other teams. We tried that the last six years with Schotty. We need an offense that knocks opponents backwards, over and over again, that puts points on the board and drains time off the clock.


Everything else you are saying is ridiculous. You want to compare wildcat packages in theory in August? Really?

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If you beg the rats to come into your house, you can't get mad when they start eating your bread. Putting that gag order on them yesterday is going to open the floodgates for the foreseeable future. The gloves are off now.

They can put restrictions on what is allowed to be reported. It's a league rule. They didn't do anything that other teams haven't done. But it's the Jets so it gets blown up out of proportion.

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We don't need an offense that "surprises" other teams. We tried that the last six years with Schotty. We need an offense that knocks opponents backwards, over and over again, that puts points on the board and drains time off the clock.


Everything else you are saying is ridiculous. You want to compare wildcat packages in theory in August? Really?

We were that in 2009.

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What struck me about the article what Chris Snee's comments. There go the Giants again, talking sh*t while simultaneously telling us how classy they are.

It's a testament to how much the media <3s the Giants more than the Jets that nobody calls them on that. I mean, I'm not actively upset by it (why waste my time/energy?), but it's really noticable that the Giants get this ultimate pass on everything when they (the Giants and media) slam the Jets for doing the exact same thing.

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We definitely should, however that is impossible. Woody couldn't even begin to fathom the thought of the Jets not being in the media's eye.

“We’re in a media business” ...-W.J.

Though this may be taken out of context. It's not a secret that the Jets have a ridiculous amount of media coverage.

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