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Merged: The Wayne Hunter Thread


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Yeah they're actually not too far off. FO had the Jets better in almost every way, but PFF had Green Bay only slightly better in both the run and pass. Their end of year rankings the Jets were 12th and GB was 11th. Also, Hunter actually wasn't the worst RT last year to see at least 600 pass snaps. One guy actually beat him out in the efficiency category. McKenzie.

Yeah, but those are just numbers.

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Hahahaha. I love this thread. JetsNation in a nutshell. Let's all overreact. It's been two preseason games and Hunter, who we knew isn't that good to begin with is coming off an injury. He hasn't been playing or practicing. Give it a chance. I'm not a fan of the Sparano move, but anybody would deserve more than 2 weeks for us to all blow a gasket.

hmmm, I'm just calling it dealing with reality. Don't see how this team goes anywhere with a turnstile at RT.

If Hunter and Sanchez for that matter don't improve it's gonna be a long season.

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go to youtube and look up wayne hunter vs von miller and u will see Hunter thrown like a rag doll allowing Sanchez to get drilled. Hunter supposedly outweighs Miller and he was pushed aside like nothing.

first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

secondly look at that clip and I see a QB with enough time to throw. he gets his 3 seconds.

he's gonna get planted but seriously look close. Mark gets 1, 2, 3 one-thousand, steps up and then basically doesn't decide to do anything. Gets planted.

people see that and say "that's proof Wayne Hunter sucks" and certainly he's not great. But there's an outcome where he throws it or rolls out and dodges Miller. This sounds crazy but not every NFL QB would have been sacked in that situation.

Lack of Awareness from Mark and Tim make the oL seem worse than it is. Both QBs hold the ball 2 long that's the simplest explanation. The Bills had hardly any sacks last year but it's not because their OL is awesome. It's cause Ryan Fitz gets the ball out of there.

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first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

Jets fan circa 2011:

Week 1:

"Hey, he's not going to face Ware every week."

Week 3:

"Hey, he's not going to face Moss every week."

Week 4:

"Hey, he's not going to face Suggs every week."

And so on, and so on, and so on...

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first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

secondly look at that clip and I see a QB with enough time to throw. he gets his 3 seconds.

he's gonna get planted but seriously look close. Mark gets 1, 2, 3 one-thousand, steps up and then basically doesn't decide to do anything. Gets planted.

people see that and say "that's proof Wayne Hunter sucks" and certainly he's not great. But there's an outcome where he throws it or rolls out and dodges Miller. This sounds crazy but not every NFL QB would have been sacked in that situation.

Lack of Awareness from Mark and Tim make the oL seem worse than it is. Both QBs hold the ball 2 long that's the simplest explanation. The Bills had hardly any sacks last year but it's not because their OL is awesome. It's cause Ryan Fitz gets the ball out of there.

Sanchez's lack of awareness is awful but Wayne Hunter getting bulldozed is not the clip you want to use to make your point. Ive never seen an NFL linemen get undressed like that before.

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Jets definately sucked hard last 2 games no doubt and it was 90% the OL fault IMO. Even in the Cincy Game, I tho Slauson Sucked as well, yeah he didnt make a mistake not blocking that LB but whatever he is JAG. Hunter is useless, nuff said. Yeah thats that bad news for you homos to harp on and on about.

good news is, if you fix the OL you have a really good team (who btw was in AFC Chmpionshp 2yrs in row), granted easier said than done but not impossible.

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But see, you are wrong, partly. The saints have a great oline and the patsies have a good one, that i'll give you. But the packers were worse in just about every way. The only thing the giants were good in, was Pass-pro and that has a lot to do with eli.

If you go ahead and look at the actual numbers, Sanchez is not playing with anything close to a bottom-half of the league offensive line. We were easily a top 10 rush-offensive line last year, with the 7th best adjusted line yards. If you dive deeper into the numbers, our line was 4th best in the league as far as not allowing our running backs to get stuffed, yet we were 28th in second level yards, which just shows that our running backs cannot get anything more than our line gives them. The super bowl winning giants were 28th, green bay was 16th, san fran was 21st.

FO pass- protection just looks at sack rates per play, but even then we were only the 16th worst, whereas teams like GB, San fran, houston, carolina, chicago etc. were all well lower.

I'm not saying our line is a world beater, but it's far from being terrible and much better quarterbacks play with much worse and perform far better. What it does show is that our running backs are mediocre and our quarterback cannot play competitive football without anything but a top 5 offensive line.

This goes back to what I said earlier.

These comparisons of QB's are frivolous. Eli, Rogers, Brees, Shaub, Cutler are all past their 4th year and many of them came into their own entering their 6th year in the league. Sanchez is a 3 year veteran. The numbers are the numbers and the numbers dont lie, however, "MUCH BETTER" quarterbacks play with much worse is absolutely correct. Outside of your mention of Carolina (Cam) all of these guys are seasoned veterans that had a chance to actually come into their own. No one cared about Matt Shaub in his 4th year, no one cared about Rogers in his 4th year, teams were literally passing on Brees after his 5th year with the chargers, Alex Smith was a 1 bad head coach away from being ran out of San Francisco after being with the team 7 years, Jay Cutler got sent from Denver to Chicago after putting together his best season and hasnt replicated it since and his stats (behind a suspect o-line in chicago) has dropped since he got to chicago 3 years ago. He's played in less games than the year prior, completed/attempted less throws, completion percentage went down, along with his TD's, total yards and average per completion than the year before....all while being a 7 year veteran.

Sanchez is going into his 4th year, a year where some of these 1st tier QB's come into their own, however, MOST of them came into their own in their 6th year....something that by simply visiting this forum Jetfans wouldnt have the patience to endure.

I'll say this, the next 2 NFL drafts for the Jets should be full of Offensive Linemen in the top part of the draft along with Safeties, RB's and TE's in at the middle to bottom half.

If the Jets front office can muster that then Sanchez IMO could have a chance of being an elite QB entering his 6th season in the league. All the comparisons with QB's who are already established, or with Alex smith (which no one in their right mind seen coming) or Killa Cam (which many were down on that pick and could still be simply a flash in the pan) needs to stop. This is what happens when you develop a player, and the bottomline is that the kid needs an offensive line, not Tim Tebow.

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first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

secondly look at that clip and I see a QB with enough time to throw. he gets his 3 seconds.

he's gonna get planted but seriously look close. Mark gets 1, 2, 3 one-thousand, steps up and then basically doesn't decide to do anything. Gets planted.

people see that and say "that's proof Wayne Hunter sucks" and certainly he's not great. But there's an outcome where he throws it or rolls out and dodges Miller. This sounds crazy but not every NFL QB would have been sacked in that situation.

Lack of Awareness from Mark and Tim make the oL seem worse than it is. Both QBs hold the ball 2 long that's the simplest explanation. The Bills had hardly any sacks last year but it's not because their OL is awesome. It's cause Ryan Fitz gets the ball out of there.

LOL you're ****ing nuts.

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Aaron Rodgers was sacked 50 times in 2009 and put up 64.7%, 4434 yards, 30 TD, 7 INT. That's not even getting into the number of would-be sacks that turn into completions because he (and Brady, and Brees, and Eli, et al.) can actually feel and avoid pressure. You're just completely, categorically wrong on this. The line is plenty good. Sanchez is terrible.

But that's because of play design rather than the Packers' Oline sucking. There was an article on this around the time IIRC. Rodgers held onto the ball longer by design to give receivers more time to run deeper routes for bigger passing plays. It wasn't that the Packers Oline didn't give him enough time to throw. They did, but he'd hold onto it longer for the big play. Plus, the sack wouldn't matter as much because he'd do the same thing the next play to get the yardage back and more.

Sanchez is terrible, but Hunter is awful. There's no way around that. Hunter should not be a starting tackle in the NFL. To put Hunter's suckage on Sanchez is absurd.

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first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

secondly look at that clip and I see a QB with enough time to throw. he gets his 3 seconds.

he's gonna get planted but seriously look close. Mark gets 1, 2, 3 one-thousand, steps up and then basically doesn't decide to do anything. Gets planted.

people see that and say "that's proof Wayne Hunter sucks" and certainly he's not great. But there's an outcome where he throws it or rolls out and dodges Miller. This sounds crazy but not every NFL QB would have been sacked in that situation.

Lack of Awareness from Mark and Tim make the oL seem worse than it is. Both QBs hold the ball 2 long that's the simplest explanation. The Bills had hardly any sacks last year but it's not because their OL is awesome. It's cause Ryan Fitz gets the ball out of there.

This is the worst possible video you can post to attempt to support your argument.

Seriously. Look at the video. Hunter gets bumrushed and the receivers haven't even gone into their cuts by the time the sack happens. Also, the receivers are all tightly covered.

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But that's because of play design rather than the Packers' Oline sucking. There was an article on this around the time IIRC. Rodgers held onto the ball longer by design to give receivers more time to run deeper routes for bigger passing plays. It wasn't that the Packers Oline didn't give him enough time to throw. They did, but he'd hold onto it longer for the big play. Plus, the sack wouldn't matter as much because he'd do the same thing the next play to get the yardage back and more.

Sanchez is terrible, but Hunter is awful. There's no way around that. Hunter should not be a starting tackle in the NFL. To put Hunter's suckage on Sanchez is absurd.

I am glad there are people that agree with me

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first off Von Miller is a friggin stud. seriously like one of the best linebackers in the draft for a generation. He's got mulitple pro bowl type of potential and was drafted as such at 2 overall. TO say Hunter getting beat by Miller is proof he's worthless... or because Hunter has 60 pounds on him... alot of people will be beat by Von Miller that's my point. He's a bad ass.

secondly look at that clip and I see a QB with enough time to throw. he gets his 3 seconds.

he's gonna get planted but seriously look close. Mark gets 1, 2, 3 one-thousand, steps up and then basically doesn't decide to do anything. Gets planted.

people see that and say "that's proof Wayne Hunter sucks" and certainly he's not great. But there's an outcome where he throws it or rolls out and dodges Miller. This sounds crazy but not every NFL QB would have been sacked in that situation.

Lack of Awareness from Mark and Tim make the oL seem worse than it is. Both QBs hold the ball 2 long that's the simplest explanation. The Bills had hardly any sacks last year but it's not because their OL is awesome. It's cause Ryan Fitz gets the ball out of there.

Dude are you serious with this clip? He had his "3 seconds"? Firstly he couldnt even step into the pocket in order to make a throw because no matter what the sack was coming because Hunter was simply removed from from the play. And as for your Ryan Fitz comment, yeah, he may get the ball out faster but he ended up with 23 picks on the year bro and had a worse record than the Jets at 6-10 though they started off the season 4-1.

This is nothing more than hate for sanchez. Sanchez isnt a very good QB, he's mediocre, but this kid doesnt have time to grow because this offensive line cannot protect him and even when they do he's unable to "trust" his o-line. That plays a major part in performance for a young QB.

f'ing ridiculous.

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Sanchez is terrible, but Hunter is awful. There's no way around that. Hunter should not be a starting tackle in the NFL. To put Hunter's suckage on Sanchez is absurd.

I'm not denying that Hunter sucks and I'm certainly not attributing his suckiness to Sanchez. I'm saying that all the problems with the offense wouldn't seem so insurmountably apocalyptic if we had a QB who didn't need a change of underwear after every drive.

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But that's because of play design rather than the Packers' Oline sucking. There was an article on this around the time IIRC. Rodgers held onto the ball longer by design to give receivers more time to run deeper routes for bigger passing plays. It wasn't that the Packers Oline didn't give him enough time to throw. They did, but he'd hold onto it longer for the big play. Plus, the sack wouldn't matter as much because he'd do the same thing the next play to get the yardage back and more.

Sanchez is terrible, but Hunter is awful. There's no way around that. Hunter should not be a starting tackle in the NFL. To put Hunter's suckage on Sanchez is absurd.

worst part is even a casual fan got that last year. yet all we heard this offseason was Hunter will be the starter, Jets are not interested in a RT.
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I'm not denying that Hunter sucks and I'm certainly not attributing his suckiness to Sanchez. I'm saying that all the problems with the offense wouldn't seem so insurmountably apocalyptic if we had a QB who didn't need a change of underwear after every drive.

Thanks for the clarification. Ignore my post in the other thread because I thought you were blaming Hunter's abysmalness on Sanchez' suckitude. ;)

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Scott Kooistra UFA Minnesota

Mark LeVoir UFA St. Louis

Kareem McKenzie UFA New York Giants

Ryan O'Callaghan UFA Kansas City

Jeff Otah cut Carolina

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Hahahaha. I love this thread. JetsNation in a nutshell. Let's all overreact. It's been two preseason games and Hunter, who we knew isn't that good to begin with is coming off an injury. He hasn't been playing or practicing. Give it a chance. I'm not a fan of the Sparano move, but anybody would deserve more than 2 weeks for us to all blow a gasket.

Dom if this was any other game other than the giants I would not be as alarmed at what I saw. You know these teams have no love lost and you know the Jets Coaches and players wanted to go out there and make a statement. Thats whats really bothering me and I think its warranted. On the other hand I have seen teams totally sh*t the bed in preseason before and come out and tear it up. I hope its the latter statement but ......

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Hahahaha. I love this thread. JetsNation in a nutshell. Let's all overreact. It's been two preseason games and Hunter, who we knew isn't that good to begin with is coming off an injury. He hasn't been playing or practicing. Give it a chance. I'm not a fan of the Sparano move, but anybody would deserve more than 2 weeks for us to all blow a gasket.

If we knew that he isn't that good to begin with why aren't we allowed to complain that a man who hasn't been practicing due to injury and wasn't that good to begin with is being allowed to play with the first team offense to protect our multimillion dollar investment?? pull your head out of the sand. There is a difference between overreacting and having a legitimate argument for getting rid of a guy who sucks donkey balls.

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Dom if this was any other game other than the giants I would not be as alarmed at what I saw. You know these teams have no love lost and you know the Jets Coaches and players wanted to go out there and make a statement. Thats whats really bothering me and I think its warranted. On the other hand I have seen teams totally sh*t the bed in preseason before and come out and tear it up. I hope its the latter statement but ......

Except it's the 2nd game, not the 3rd and Hunter has been out for most of camp and is just coming back.

If we knew that he isn't that good to begin with why aren't we allowed to complain that a man who hasn't been practicing due to injury and wasn't that good to begin with is being allowed to play with the first team offense to protect our multimillion dollar investment?? pull your head out of the sand. There is a difference between overreacting and having a legitimate argument for getting rid of a guy who sucks donkey balls.

Complain your socks off. The guy sucked. Big deal. They can still win with him. Our "multimillion dollar investment" sucks donkey balls too.

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