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Tebow Suporters.

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I am almost positive that the culprits are not on this board. But I will make my plea anyway. Please Please Please , enough of the " we want Tebow" chants.

I hope its only because its the pre-season but for the 2 games I sit in my seats, and i hear these stupid chants. Dont you people realize that if you get what you want we will be a terrible mess of a team?

Sanchez is the starting QB. Sanchez is the best QB on this team. If Sanchez doesnt turn out to be "the guy" then his replacement is either in college right now, or on another roster. Watch him, cheer for him, and support him because he is the best chance for a deep playoff run, not Tebow.

It is a very strange dynamic in Met Life Stadium so far. I see morons cheering for Tebow, then he comes in and skips a pass to a open receiver, then I see the other fans mock cheering Tebow. It feels like I am watching 2 different teams.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I making too much of it since its pre-season?

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Sorry about the bad format, not sure why that happened. But to say you cant read it was a bit much dont you think war ensemble? @ Jif, you must have been the guy behind me cheering we want Tebow. I am embarased for you. Do you not realize the guy cant throw?

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Sorry about the bad format, not sure why that happened. But to say you cant read it was a bit much dont you think war ensemble? @ Jif, you must have been the guy behind me cheering we want Tebow. I am embarased for you. Do you not realize the guy cant throw?

I know he can't throw. The thing that boggles my mind and keeps boggling it is that he threw for the same YPA as Sanchez. I assume you think that Sanchez CAN throw. I also assume you're aware of the giant gap between CAN and CAN'T.

I'm rooting for Sanchez, I really am. Even if it makes me look like an idiot for believing results and numbers instead of aesthetics.

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I am almost positive that the culprits are not on this board. But I will make my plea anyway. Please Please Please , enough of the " we want Tebow" chants.

I hope its only because its the pre-season but for the 2 games I sit in my seats, and i hear these stupid chants. Dont you people realize that if you get what you want we will be a terrible mess of a team?

Sanchez is the starting QB. Sanchez is the best QB on this team. If Sanchez doesnt turn out to be "the guy" then his replacement is either in college right now, or on another roster. Watch him, cheer for him, and support him because he is the best chance for a deep playoff run, not Tebow.

It is a very strange dynamic in Met Life Stadium so far. I see morons cheering for Tebow, then he comes in and skips a pass to a open receiver, then I see the other fans mock cheering Tebow. It feels like I am watching 2 different teams.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I making too much of it since its pre-season?

Couldnt agree more thats why after over 30 years as a season tix holder i put my tix on stubhub! As for the FKN Tebow fanatics that keep bringing up last year it was the defense,kicker, raiders losing last 3 games and barber running out of bounds for the broncos to advance to the playoffs! I can hear all the Teblow fans saying what about the steeler game and i will give you that BUT what did he do twice against the patriots!!! By the way for you newbies Patriots play in our division
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Don't you think that most of the pro Tebow chants are actually anti Sanchez chants? I can't imagine anyone thinks Tebow is good, just that he is better than Sanchez.

You make a great point, but my point is why be anti Sanchez? He is the best QB on the roster. He isnt going anywhere any time soon.So lets all get behind him. Its not like we have Orton backing him up. Then I could see it.

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Do you not realize the guy (tebow) cant throw?

Heck that's easy to answer, cause EVERYBODY KNOWS that he can't throw a football.

"It's not that people are ignorant that's the problem,

it's just that they KNOW so many things that are just not true...." -- Will Rogers

For example:

Tebow's every disadvantage Bronco 16 starts split by a lockout stats:

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 - 9-7 W/L record.


P.Manning 28 Ints while going 3-13

T.Tebow's 44 sacks with 3 & out punts instead, while going 9-7

(protect the ball and win, right?)

Can't Throw Tebow's TD/Int Ratio (20 to 9) is only a paltry 2.22 to 1.

P.Manning's Career TD/Int Ratio is (399 to 198) a 2.02 to 1.

Saint John El' Dim-Way's 7 TD's to 14 Ints, 47.5% with a 54.9 PER

Can't Throw Tebow 20 TD's to 9 Ints, 46.5% with a 77.7 PER

Bored-Way Joe with a sterling career TD/Int Ratio (76 to 116) of .65 to 1. (Career PER 59.9)

Bored-Way Joe NEVER had a single NFL season where he threw for more TD's than Ints.

His yearly Completion percentages ran from 46.7% to his best of 51.1% over his 8 year NFL career.

So Joe had one of the quickest releases in NFL history, trouble is most went to the wrong guy.

And when Tebow actually can't throw, even running behind a crappy OL:

produced 13 rushing TD's, 950 yds, 5.3 ypc,with only 6 LP-Fumbles on 580 plays.

I just can't understand why Rex/Sap haven't already just cut this no-talent chump......

(maybe eventually some of those FACTS will actually sink into the granite hard heads) :sign0182:

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Couldnt agree more thats why after over 30 years as a season tix holder i put my tix on stubhub! As for the FKN Tebow fanatics that keep bringing up last year it was the defense,kicker, raiders losing last 3 games and barber running out of bounds for the broncos to advance to the playoffs! I can hear all the Teblow fans saying what about the steeler game and i will give you that BUT what did he do twice against the patriots!!! By the way for you newbies Patriots play in our division

Well said. I dont however condone you putting your tix on stub hub!! you may be selling your tix to the afore mentioned pats fan.

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You make a great point, but my point is why be anti Sanchez? He is the best QB on the roster. He isnt going anywhere any time soon.So lets all get behind him. Its not like we have Orton backing him up. Then I could see it.

I'm with you, but for many, the first step to getting a new starting QB is for Sanchez to be deposed.

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Couldnt agree more thats why after over 30 years as a season tix holder i put my tix on stubhub! As for the FKN Tebow fanatics that keep bringing up last year it was the defense,kicker, raiders losing last 3 games and barber running out of bounds for the broncos to advance to the playoffs! I can hear all the Teblow fans saying what about the steeler game and i will give you that BUT what did he do twice against the patriots!!! By the way for you newbies Patriots play in our division

I doubt that any or the 'real' in house Jets fan will miss you bubba.

As to your tripe on why the donkeys won with Tebow at QB:

Yap - Yap - Yap - Tebow Sucks - Yap - Yap - Yap

But they still can't get around the actual 'On The Field' NFL Facts/Stats can they? (rhetorical)

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 for a 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + WR B.Lloyd + WR J.Gaffney + RB N.Moreno.

(none of those were there when Tebow started in game 6 going 7-4 + 1-1 - 8-5 for a Top Quality 1-4 team)

Or the fact that the Broncos were 24th in the NFL on both Offense and Defense when Tebow went in,

'cold off the bench' for a 1-4 team in 2011.

Where was the winning defense while 7-8 year Vet QB Orton was going 4-14 in 2010/11?

They were also 27th in the league rushing and he took them to the #1 Rushing Team in the NFL also.

His OC McCoy admitted that he'd never run an option offense in his entire career.

Tebow is the one that taught them the 'Read/Option' plays that turned around their season, not defense Fox or OC McCoy.

Sorry, but you Ignoring the actual FACTS won't make them go away....

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Sorry about the bad format, not sure why that happened. But to say you cant read it was a bit much dont you think war ensemble? @ Jif, you must have been the guy behind me cheering we want Tebow. I am embarased for you. Do you not realize the guy cant throw?

Football Fans chants are only second to election season in reminding us how stupid the average American is. It's on you for caring.

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I doubt that any or the 'real' in house Jets fan will miss you bubba.

As to your tripe on why the donkeys won with Tebow at QB:

Yap - Yap - Yap - Tebow Sucks - Yap - Yap - Yap

But they still can't get around the actual 'On The Field' NFL Facts/Stats can they? (rhetorical)

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 for a 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + WR B.Lloyd + WR J.Gaffney + RB N.Moreno.

(none of those were there when Tebow started in game 6 going 7-4 + 1-1 - 8-5 for a Top Quality 1-4 team)

Or the fact that the Broncos were 24th in the NFL on both Offense and Defense when Tebow went in,

'cold off the bench' for a 1-4 team in 2011.

Where was the winning defense while 7-8 year Vet QB Orton was going 4-14 in 2010/11?

They were also 27th in the league rushing and he took them to the #1 Rushing Team in the NFL also.

His OC McCoy admitted that he'd never run an option offense in his entire career.

Tebow is the one that taught them the 'Read/Option' plays that turned around their season, not defense Fox or OC McCoy.

Sorry, but you Ignoring the actual FACTS won't make them go away....

Dude, Tebow sucks. Sanchez sucks. If given the chance, McElroy will probably suck too. Yawn.

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I am almost positive that the culprits are not on this board. But I will make my plea anyway. Please Please Please , enough of the " we want Tebow" chants.

I hope its only because its the pre-season but for the 2 games I sit in my seats, and i hear these stupid chants. Dont you people realize that if you get what you want we will be a terrible mess of a team?

Sanchez is the starting QB. Sanchez is the best QB on this team. If Sanchez doesnt turn out to be "the guy" then his replacement is either in college right now, or on another roster. Watch him, cheer for him, and support him because he is the best chance for a deep playoff run, not Tebow.

It is a very strange dynamic in Met Life Stadium so far. I see morons cheering for Tebow, then he comes in and skips a pass to a open receiver, then I see the other fans mock cheering Tebow. It feels like I am watching 2 different teams.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I making too much of it since its pre-season?

Everyone just has to remember that Tebow fans are not necessarily Jets fans. Tebow fans don't care about the Jets franchise. They care about Tebow. They would want to see Tebow starting over Brady, Brees or Rodgers, regardless of how that would impact the franchise. Tebow fans aren't even football fans, so anything they say is automatically invalid.
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Stupid trash jerk comments when you have ZERO facts/stats to back up your media-moron / idiot-commentator parroted crap.

I don't even go to church. I also don't contribute to any of Tebow's foundations. And I don't go to any of his websites.

What he does off the field is of no concern to me, as long as he stays eligible to play.

I don't own any Gator/Tebow stuff, nor any Bronco/Tebow stuff, nor am I very likely to ever own any Jets/Tebow stuff.

I've been a football fan (Gator and a lesser NFL) for 47 years and football is all I'm talking here.

You twits can't support anything you say with any actual NCAA or NFL stats,

so you instead just continue to spew your unfounded and baseless crap.

Gongrats on that, you're the typical know-nothing fans that always make a successful season so pleasurable..... :sign0182:

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Stupid trash jerk comments when you have ZERO facts/stats to back up your media-moron / idiot-commentator parroted crap.

I don't even go to church. I also don't contribute to any of Tebow's foundations. And I don't go to any of his websites.

What he does off the field is of no concern to me, as long as he stays eligible to play.

I don't own any Gator/Tebow stuff, nor any Bronco/Tebow stuff, nor am I very likely to ever own any Jets/Tebow stuff.

I've been a football fan (Gator and a lesser NFL) for 47 years and football is all I'm talking here.

You twits can't support anything you say with any actual NCAA or NFL stats,

so you instead just continue to spew your unfounded and baseless crap.

Gongrats on that, you're the typical know-nothing fans that always make a successful season so pleasurable..... :sign0182:

You type well for a guy with Tebow's jock over your face.

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I am almost positive that the culprits are not on this board. But I will make my plea anyway. Please Please Please , enough of the " we want Tebow" chants.

I hope its only because its the pre-season but for the 2 games I sit in my seats, and i hear these stupid chants. Dont you people realize that if you get what you want we will be a terrible mess of a team?

Sanchez is the starting QB. Sanchez is the best QB on this team. If Sanchez doesnt turn out to be "the guy" then his replacement is either in college right now, or on another roster. Watch him, cheer for him, and support him because he is the best chance for a deep playoff run, not Tebow.

It is a very strange dynamic in Met Life Stadium so far. I see morons cheering for Tebow, then he comes in and skips a pass to a open receiver, then I see the other fans mock cheering Tebow. It feels like I am watching 2 different teams.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I making too much of it since its pre-season?

Why dont you cheer for both of them.....

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Stupid trash jerk comments when you have ZERO facts/stats to back up your media-moron / idiot-commentator parroted crap.

I don't even go to church. I also don't contribute to any of Tebow's foundations. And I don't go to any of his websites.

What he does off the field is of no concern to me, as long as he stays eligible to play.

I don't own any Gator/Tebow stuff, nor any Bronco/Tebow stuff, nor am I very likely to ever own any Jets/Tebow stuff.

I've been a football fan (Gator and a lesser NFL) for 47 years and football is all I'm talking here.

You twits can't support anything you say with any actual NCAA or NFL stats,

so you instead just continue to spew your unfounded and baseless crap.

Gongrats on that, you're the typical know-nothing fans that always make a successful season so pleasurable..... :sign0182:

IMO the basic problem that most Jets fans have with Tebow supporters is the hypocrisy. When Sanchez has a bad game, Tebow fans say "Well that's because Sanchez sucks."

When Tebow has a bad game, Tebow fans say "OMG, the OC sucks, the O line sucks, the WRs suck and the running game sucks. Tebow would be the best QB in the league if we fixed all that"

It's a total double standard and doesn't sit well with most people.

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