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Namath's take on Rex Ryan


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Nothing to do with winning?  OMG.  You should just shut up already because you're showing how ignorant you are.





how many times have you watched super bowl 3 start to finish ?


morrall cost the colts the game, Namath did not win it


hard cold facts

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BS Namath doesn't have to try to become relevant again.  For TRUE Jets fans, Joe Willie Namath will always be relevant. Anyone who thinks he isn't relevant isn't a real Jets fan imo.


Id argue he isnt relevant now. Maybe to the older fans and some jets fans but frankly i dont really care about him (im 19). I dont think most people i know even know who he is save for the few jets fans and die hard football fans who just say he was the guy on the jets.


call me not a true jets fan but i dont care. I can just counter and say your living in the past. Gets us no where

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Jets fans are so self-loathing that the Jets didn't even actually win their Super Bowl.



i'm just saying lets give credit where it is due.  the jets scored 1 touchdown, and it was a rushing touchdown.  Namath made some throws, but his legendary icon status is due to his boozing and being managaged by an RCA man who was a star maker, sonny werblin, not his performance in the SB.  Namath was making tons of money throwing bombs, regardless of if the jets won or not.  he didn't give a rats ass about the team back then, and he only has so many opinions now to promote his radio show


still milking it after all these years


so he can kiss my ass if he has any crap to say about coaching style since he was too busy making money and being a star to be a better QB

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I've come to the conclusion Jets fans mostly love or hate Joe. 


I view Namath as an icon who transcends generations. If we must have our sad championship drought history, I'm glad it was Namath with all his swag and audacity that won it for us. Whatever you believe about Namath and Earl Morrall, it's not important. We are in the history books as the world football champions of 1968.


Recently, however, Namath has been a non-stop diarrhea-mouth full of opinions on this and that. Joe thinks this should have been done differently, Joe thinks that is wrong. Joe is an old man who always loved the cameras, and he's willing to talk to anybody to keep himself in the conversation. Who's benefiting from his criticism? It's definitely not the Jets.


In the words of the great man himself, "I couldn't care less about the team struggling." 

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Id argue he isnt relevant now. Maybe to the older fans and some jets fans but frankly i dont really care about him (im 19). I dont think most people i know even know who he is save for the few jets fans and die hard football fans who just say he was the guy on the jets.


call me not a true jets fan but i dont care. I can just counter and say your living in the past. Gets us no where


because 19 year olds are fountains of wisdom.



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This one is a few days old, but Rex Ryan spoke to the media late last week about Joe Namath.  Specifically about Namath’s comments on the Jets organization being deceptive.

The thing I will mention about Joe Namath, not only with Jets organization, but the National Football League, he was huge. I think for the popularity of our sport. With, obviously, the Super Bowl III victory and things like that. That was great. He was great for the game and things like that. Joe, just like anybody else, has the right to his opinion. For me personally, I’ve always respected and admired Joe Namath, as I’m sure every Jet fan has. Does it upset me that he will make comments or whatever? I mean, I don’t always agree with his comments, that’s it. But, he has a right to them and who am I to tell Joe Namath that you shouldn’t say this or you shouldn’t say that about us or any other topic? I’m certainly not that guy.


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so he can kiss my ass if he has any crap to say about coaching style since he was too busy making money and being a star to be a better QB


and what is Rex Ryan doing when he makes an appearance in an Adam Sandler movie or puts out a book mid-coaching career? not spending every moment of his being becoming a better coach, and he's got zero Jets Super Bowls to talk about.


the media is going to talk to Namath about the Jets until Namath dies or the Jets win another Super Bowl. I'd put my money on Namath dying first. the guy's a Jets fan, he's not any harder on the team than any of us are.

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how many times have you watched super bowl 3 start to finish ?


morrall cost the colts the game, Namath did not win it


hard cold facts


They never would have gotten to or won the SB if it weren't for Namath.  Doesn't matter that he didn't have eye-popping statistics in the game.  He was their heart and soul, their leader.  He gave them the confidence to know they could win.  He stayed within himself and did what it took to win.  If he had tried to get in a shootout with the Colts, the Jets probably would have lost. It was that win that forced the NFL to merge with the AFL.  Before that, GB had beaten all the AFL teams in the SB, and the AFL was the red-headed step child that got little respect.  The Colts were the darlings of the Old Boys NFL Club.  That victory was HUGE.


As for Namath drinking, carousing, and being a celebrity, it was part of sports of that era.  Mickey Mantle played drunk or hung over half the time.  That doesn't mean he's not one of the greatest ever to play the game.  I'm not excusing their not taking better care of themselves physically, and showing up drunk and hung over, but as I said, that was part of the era.  Back then, most professional athletes had to to hold down an offseason job because they made so little playing the game.  They needed that endorsement money.  They didn't train year around and have all the sports science and training they do now.

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because 19 year olds are fountains of wisdom.




i wouldnt say they are. But id say i know much more about what young people are thinking about then an older guy. Kids my age and around dont care abot joe namath its just that simple. Im sure for some of the older guys likeJoeklecko who namath was probably his hero growing up its hard to understand but for right now the youth fans just couldnt care less about namath

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Being a HC or a manager in any sport you need to take the heat or find a way to deal with it from the fans, media etc...But when it comes from Namath, there is no way Rex could ever win that battle, short of winning the SB with our Jets.

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That doesn't mean he's right. Who is he to say that Rex Ryan's coaching style is not good for players? Joe Namath says Ryan can't be successful with his style of coaching. Ok, well there were people that said Joe Willie couldn't win a Superbowl with his off the field habits and his lack of focus in practice. He proved them wrong. Give Rex a chance to prove his doubters wrong. I'm sure he has one more season to do it. IT'S ALL OPINIONS. No one is right. 


In 2009 and 2010 seasons, Rex coached up a team that had absolutely no superstars. Revis was coming into his own at the time, I guess you could maybe make a case for him. But the rest of the team were all cast offs that won the Tannenbaum sweepstakes. I'd like to see what Rex can do with a capable set of players and coaches. 


That's my opinion. It's not right or wrong, just the way I see it. 

When Joe speaks about football its not opinions dude....he has been there and done that in a time when football was a bit tougher to play. He has been spot on the last 4-5 years about our Jets. Its brutal truth and some people have a tough time hearing the truth and would rather have some fat ass blow smoke up there butts then hear the truth. Truth is Rex did nothing to support the team the last two years. Gave zero attention to the QB position and to the offense and now we see the results of that. He turned our team into a freakin circus act but thats ok right? In the end we all want our Jets to be a great winning team, so instead of taking the steps forward in that direction we have taking steps backward and that is on Rex.

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i wouldnt say they are. But id say i know much more about what young people are thinking about then an older guy. Kids my age and around dont care abot joe namath its just that simple. Im sure for some of the older guys likeJoeklecko who namath was probably his hero growing up its hard to understand but for right now the youth fans just couldnt care less about namath

Yes I know that mentality, and the stupidity is if you don't understand your roots, your history, and the past you don't really have a clue. It's called learning.

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Herm Edwards after 4 years 37-32

Rex Ryan after 4 years 38-32


They both are "players coaches', who tend to have a short shelf life in the NFL, unless they continually re-invent themselves. Herm controlled a locker room better than Rex. Rex has more x's and o's aptitude than Herm.


They both will come into a program and infuse it with life based on energy and personality. But that is a short lived jump start, and unless it has substance (which neither of these coaches have as a full compliment), it will get diminishing returns. 


Bottom line, I would not either coach leading my franchise long term.


  Rex will be gone after this season.


  He is just like his Daddy.

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Id argue he isnt relevant now. Maybe to the older fans and some jets fans but frankly i dont really care about him (im 19). I dont think most people i know even know who he is save for the few jets fans and die hard football fans who just say he was the guy on the jets.


call me not a true jets fan but i dont care. I can just counter and say your living in the past. Gets us no where

What do today's 19 year olds think about Abe Lincoln?

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When Joe speaks about football its not opinions dude....he has been there and done that in a time when football was a bit tougher to play. He has been spot on the last 4-5 years about our Jets. Its brutal truth and some people have a tough time hearing the truth and would rather have some fat ass blow smoke up there butts then hear the truth. Truth is Rex did nothing to support the team the last two years. Gave zero attention to the QB position and to the offense and now we see the results of that. He turned our team into a freakin circus act but thats ok right? In the end we all want our Jets to be a great winning team, so instead of taking the steps forward in that direction we have taking steps backward and that is on Rex.



Um... it's still just his opinion.  Rex has been around football a long time too.  So have plenty of sh*tty coaches.  Joe has been spot on for 4-5 years?  You mean while he was bad mouthing them during the deep playoff runs?  

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Um... it's still just his opinion.  Rex has been around football a long time too.  So have plenty of sh*tty coaches.  Joe has been spot on for 4-5 years?  You mean while he was bad mouthing them during the deep playoff runs?  

He was particularly correct when he said the Jets didn't need to waste a second rounder on a QB because they already had one in Sanchez.

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He's wrong about Pettine.


Next promotion for Pettine was HC and he's not getting it as the DC of a defense-only HC running only said-HC's defensive scheme.  Only way for him to get that promotion is to make it on his own away from Rex.  It would be one thing if being a defensive coach from the Rex coaching tree was an asset on a resume but that seems unlikely.



I heard that Pettine was gone because he was an inveterate leaker.

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When Joe speaks about football its not opinions dude....he has been there and done that in a time when football was a bit tougher to play. He has been spot on the last 4-5 years about our Jets. Its brutal truth and some people have a tough time hearing the truth and would rather have some fat ass blow smoke up there butts then hear the truth. Truth is Rex did nothing to support the team the last two years. Gave zero attention to the QB position and to the offense and now we see the results of that. He turned our team into a freakin circus act but thats ok right? In the end we all want our Jets to be a great winning team, so instead of taking the steps forward in that direction we have taking steps backward and that is on Rex.


Spot on!  Especially the bolded portion.  Some people despise the truth because it forces them to change their perception of reality, of the way they things should be or are.  You see it everywhere today.  Truth used to be something all aspired to learn.  Not any more. Nowadays, many want to say there is no truth, that everything is true, right and good, and it's just differing concepts of reality or perception.  BS.  Utter and total BS.  There are definite, observable, constant truths out there if people open their eyes and hearts.  Our very country was founded on the principles of truth (We hold these truths to be self evident...), but I guess a lot of today's youth don't know anything about our nation's history, our Constitution, Bill of Rights. Sad.  It's their very own (and the country's) future they are destroying, because those that don't know history and learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.


Not knowing the truth and then acting upon it, is how Hitler came to power.  It's how Communism and dictatorial regimes take over.  People are blind and lazy.  Too preoccupied with their own selfish pursuits rather than paying attention to what's going on in their society and government around them and doing what's right.

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Spot on!  Especially the bolded portion.  Some people despise the truth because it forces them to change their perception of reality, of the way they things should be or are.  You see it everywhere today.  Truth used to be something all aspired to learn.  Not any more. Nowadays, many want to say there is no truth, that everything is true, right and good, and it's just differing concepts of reality or perception.  BS.  Utter and total BS.  There are definite, observable, constant truths out there if people open their eyes and hearts.  Our very country was founded on the principles of truth (We hold these truths to be self evident...), but I guess a lot of today's youth don't know anything about our nation's history, our Constitution, Bill of Rights. Sad.  It's their very own (and the country's) future they are destroying, because those that don't know history and learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.


Not knowing the truth and then acting upon it, is how Hitler came to power.  It's how Communism and dictatorial regimes take over.  People are blind and lazy.  Too preoccupied with their own selfish pursuits rather than paying attention to what's going on in their society and government around them and doing what's right.

This is the deepest thing ever written in defense of any guy that ever did a pantyhose commercial, I'm pretty sure of it.

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Yes I know that mentality, and the stupidity is if you don't understand your roots, your history, and the past you don't really have a clue. It's called learning.


meh for something like football i dont think it really matters. I know some roots of jets football and i know some stuff about the history of the NFL but i still dont really care about it. All I care about is if its me watching on sunday invokes an emotion (normally thats sadness from the jets sucking)


Maybe you prioritize this more then me "learning" about football but to me its a game and a form of entertainment. A lot of these posts show the members arnt learning newer stuff if they still think joe namath is relevant. Talk about losing the pulse of the youth


maybe its just me im not a history major and didnt like history classes. Im a bio major that is researching how to cure prostate cancer. Im not looking for old treatments im trying to create current history  but i learn from older scientists i just dont rank as namath as much as a priority as tem

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What do today's 19 year olds think about Abe Lincoln?


took a class on him. He was an exellent exellent writer and could really invoke whatever response he wanted from the crowd. The problem is that comparison is awful. Football is just entertainment. I care more about the random WR we just got then namath because the WR has an opportunity to entertain or sadden me on sundays.


This isnt world history people its a old jets QB

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Spielberg?  Taking artistic license too far with a historical figure?  No way.

Taking into account what was promised relative to what was delivered, the one where Lincoln kills vampires was more historically accurate. More fun, too.
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Spot on!  Especially the bolded portion.  Some people despise the truth because it forces them to change their perception of reality, of the way they things should be or are.  You see it everywhere today.  Truth used to be something all aspired to learn.  Not any more. Nowadays, many want to say there is no truth, that everything is true, right and good, and it's just differing concepts of reality or perception.  BS.  Utter and total BS.  There are definite, observable, constant truths out there if people open their eyes and hearts.  Our very country was founded on the principles of truth (We hold these truths to be self evident...), but I guess a lot of today's youth don't know anything about our nation's history, our Constitution, Bill of Rights. Sad.  It's their very own (and the country's) future they are destroying, because those that don't know history and learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.


Not knowing the truth and then acting upon it, is how Hitler came to power.  It's how Communism and dictatorial regimes take over.  People are blind and lazy.  Too preoccupied with their own selfish pursuits rather than paying attention to what's going on in their society and government around them and doing what's right.


Holy sh*t man!  This all came from a thread about Joe Namath's opinion of the Jets and Rex Ryan?  Damn!

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When Joe speaks about football its not opinions dude....he has been there and done that in a time when football was a bit tougher to play. He has been spot on the last 4-5 years about our Jets. Its brutal truth and some people have a tough time hearing the truth and would rather have some fat ass blow smoke up there butts then hear the truth. Truth is Rex did nothing to support the team the last two years. Gave zero attention to the QB position and to the offense and now we see the results of that. He turned our team into a freakin circus act but thats ok right? In the end we all want our Jets to be a great winning team, so instead of taking the steps forward in that direction we have taking steps backward and that is on Rex.


Ummmm...actually, that exactly what it is.  lmfao

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Spot on!  Especially the bolded portion.  Some people despise the truth because it forces them to change their perception of reality, of the way they things should be or are.  You see it everywhere today.  Truth used to be something all aspired to learn.  Not any more. Nowadays, many want to say there is no truth, that everything is true, right and good, and it's just differing concepts of reality or perception.  BS.  Utter and total BS.  There are definite, observable, constant truths out there if people open their eyes and hearts.  Our very country was founded on the principles of truth (We hold these truths to be self evident...), but I guess a lot of today's youth don't know anything about our nation's history, our Constitution, Bill of Rights. Sad.  It's their very own (and the country's) future they are destroying, because those that don't know history and learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.


Not knowing the truth and then acting upon it, is how Hitler came to power.  It's how Communism and dictatorial regimes take over.  People are blind and lazy.  Too preoccupied with their own selfish pursuits rather than paying attention to what's going on in their society and government around them and doing what's right.


oh god. While i agree with a little (very little) part of your post. Someones gotta teach you a history lesson. If you studied any philosophy youd know that the battle between if there are concrete truths or many different variable truths has been going since ancient greek times. This isnt some new evil youth movement If your gonna spout off tangent stuff at least make it right

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When Joe speaks about football its not opinions dude....he has been there and done that in a time when football was a bit tougher to play. He has been spot on the last 4-5 years about our Jets. Its brutal truth and some people have a tough time hearing the truth and would rather have some fat ass blow smoke up there butts then hear the truth. Truth is Rex did nothing to support the team the last two years. Gave zero attention to the QB position and to the offense and now we see the results of that. He turned our team into a freakin circus act but thats ok right? In the end we all want our Jets to be a great winning team, so instead of taking the steps forward in that direction we have taking steps backward and that is on Rex.


Oh, get off his d*** already and give one of the other Namath worshipers a go at it.  The idea that he can do no wrong is stupid.  You choose to worship an alcoholic.  I'll choose not to.

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Wow.  sh*t is getting real up in here. 


Cultural icon or not, I'm not sure why I should trust Namath's judgment on the current state of any NFL franchise.  It's like getting your politics or religion from actors.  They might be right, but they don't have any more insight than the great unwashed.

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