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Johnny Manziel is a liar


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I'm not saying that the Mannings didn't have an attitude of entitlement, but at least in their case, they had some good reasons and weight on their side with Archie having proven himself as a great QB in the NFL , then Peyton.  If you were entering the NFL draft, wouldn't you want to have some control over where you wound up?  Would you want to play for a team that you hated or that you felt had little or no chance to win or perhaps you had no chance to play?  Wouldn't you rather go to a team where you ahd a chance at starting and winning?




Since my Dad was good- I should be able to tell professional organizations I'm not going to play for them? When I havent played a down in the NFL?


I didn't realize that's how it works.


and fwiw, Elway was a douche too.

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Ewww.  I agree with you.


Its not a good sign.  He's wreckless.  Could be on a path for destruction.  


But I dont want him to stop.  Its going to be so fun to watch.


How about if the Jets drafted him? Would it be fun to see him self-destruct (and the team along with him)?  


Listen, I know I get carried away on these Jets boards and act like an opinionated ass at times, but I'm really not so bad.  I don't like to see anyone destroy their life regardless of who they are or what they do, but I really hate to see someone so talented risk it all, especially over something so unnecessary and ridiculous as drinking.

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How about if the Jets drafted him? Would it be fun to see him self-destruct (and the team along with him)?  


Listen, I know I get carried away on these Jets boards and act like an opinionated ass at times, but I'm really not so bad.  I don't like to see anyone destroy their life regardless of who they are or what they do, but I really hate to see someone so talented risk it all, especially over something so unnecessary and ridiculous as drinking.


You're a better man than me.  I enjoy watching rich pompous asses ruining their life of luxury for the whole world to see.  Its great drama and I'm extremely jealous of them, so watching them piss it away makes me feel better about my ordinary life. 

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Since my Dad was good- I should be able to tell professional organizations I'm not going to play for them? When I havent played a down in the NFL?


I didn't realize that's how it works.


and fwiw, Elway was a douche too.


I didn't say that's how it works or even that it was right.  I just asked you if you wouldn't like to have some say so or control over where you played.  Even if your dad wasn't good (it just gave them a little more pull/weight), wouldn't you want some control over your future?   You have control over where you work don't you?  You filled out an application and perhaps turned down other job opportunities to work where you presently work.


It's one thing for us fans who would probably given our left nut just for the opportunity to play in the NFL and we'd accept whatever team gave us that opportunity.  I can totally understand a player who is really talented and likely to become a topflight player at his position wanting to have some control or say so over where he played.  For instance, I absolutely hate the teams in Miami, Dallas, Oakland and Buffalo.  If those were my only opportunities to play, then I'd accept them, but probably not if I could say that I wouldn't play for one of those teams and know that I'd wind up somewhere else.  Sure, it would piss some teams off and maybe it would cost me some money initially, but if I had confidence in my abilities/talent, I'd figure that I could make that up eventually.

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You're a better man than me.  I enjoy watching rich pompous asses ruining their life of luxury for the whole world to see.  Its great drama and I'm extremely jealous of them, so watching them piss it away makes me feel better about my ordinary life. 


I don't know about that.  You seem able to keep your cool better than I on these boards.  I admit that if someone is evil, arrogant, whatever, then I can take some satisfaction when they are humbled, brought down.  Sometimes we humans can be incredibly dense and it takes something like that to learn.


You may not have a lot of material wealth,but I'm sure that you're a rich man in a lot of other ways (family, friends, etc.), and you're blessed that you don't have the pressures, problems, stressed and temptations that those rich people do.


Also, for what it's worth, I apologize for being an ass to you the other day regarding CuMar.  I understand why you like him so much, and that's cool.

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Exactly. Im not defending Manziel being Bryce Harper with a drinking problem(or whatever you wanna call it). I'm just just saying him blowing off a passing camp of the guys who have blown off teams that have drafted them- I mean...Archie isnt really in a position to say anything.


Ok, cool.  I could care less about the Manning's passing/QB camp.  It's Manziel that I care about.  I'd hate to see him ruin his chances at a career in the NFL or worse, his life or someone else's from his drinking.

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I don't know about that.  You seem able to keep your cool better than I on these boards.  I admit that if someone is evil, arrogant, whatever, then I can take some satisfaction when they are humbled, brought down.  Sometimes we humans can be incredibly dense and it takes something like that to learn.


You may not have a lot of material wealth,but I'm sure that you're a rich man in a lot of other ways (family, friends, etc.), and you're blessed that you don't have the pressures, problems, stressed and temptations that those rich people do.


Also, for what it's worth, I apologize for being an ass to you the other day regarding CuMar.  I understand why you like him so much, and that's cool.


No need to apologize.  


I love watching a good train wreck.  Sometimes you gotta feel a little bad for these guys.  Especially with the 365 24/7 coverage and expansion of social media.  They never get a break.  But when they bring it upon themselves and dont seem to care, I almost always root for the full blown media blast downward spiral...as long as nobody gets hurt.  And this kid is the extreme case because he comes from serious money.  haha

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I don't know about that. You seem able to keep your cool better than I on these boards. I admit that if someone is evil, arrogant, whatever, then I can take some satisfaction when they are humbled, brought down. Sometimes we humans can be incredibly dense and it takes something like that to learn.

You may not have a lot of material wealth,but I'm sure that you're a rich man in a lot of other ways (family, friends, etc.), and you're blessed that you don't have the pressures, problems, stressed and temptations that those rich people do.

Also, for what it's worth, I apologize for being an ass to you the other day regarding CuMar. I understand why you like him so much, and that's cool.

Don't apologize. JiF is a corpse's a$$hole. That said, if Manziel grades out as an NFL caliber QB, someone will overdraft him. The far majority of QBs are screwed up in the head.

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Since my Dad was good- I should be able to tell professional organizations I'm not going to play for them? When I havent played a down in the NFL?


I didn't realize that's how it works.


and fwiw, Elway was a douche too.


I disagree.  In any other job, you can apply to any number of companies in an industry and select from among their offers.  Only in sports do you have to wait while all the companies in the industry, (teams), sit around and decide the one company you are allowed to contact.


In almost all cases the applicants, (players), accept this because if they do get drafted by a team, the pay is so much higher than any other job they can get.  However, once in a while a player comes along who either has a real alternative, (baseball), or who is so highly rated that he can threaten to sit unless he is traded.  Then the businessmen owners for once have to deal with someone who has some cards to play, and it's considered a terrible thing.


The businessmen owners got where they are because they know how to maximize their negotiating position and take advantage of it.  Why can't a player do likewise?

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I disagree.  In any other job, you can apply to any number of companies in an industry and select from among their offers.  Only in sports do you have to wait while all the companies in the industry, (teams), sit around and decide the one company you are allowed to contact.


In almost all cases the applicants, (players), accept this because if they do get drafted by a team, the pay is so much higher than any other job they can get.  However, once in a while a player comes along who either has a real alternative, (baseball), or who is so highly rated that he can threaten to sit unless he is traded.  Then the businessmen owners for once have to deal with someone who has some cards to play, and it's considered a terrible thing.


The businessmen owners got where they are because they know how to maximize their negotiating position and take advantage of it.  Why can't a player do likewise?


Totally agreed.  Good post.  The thing is, that the player doesn't even get to contact that one team.  It's the team that contacts him.  It's truly like the player is a commodity or even a "slave" who can be bought and sold and has no say so until his initial contract runs out, and by then due to injury, poor coaching, or a lousy situation, is career may be over.  FA came about because veteran players had no control.  Unless a collegian/draft prospect is considered a "can't miss prospect" or very highly rated, they don't have any bargaining chips or leverage to use.  More power to those who can use it who do.  I don't blame them at all.


I don't get why some think it's a bad thing for a player to have a strong negotiating position or to use it.

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Don't apologize. JiF is a corpse's a$$hole. That said, if Manziel grades out as an NFL caliber QB, someone will overdraft him. The far majority of QBs are screwed up in the head.


Now, now, Tom.  Maybe not all of us, but many of us can be arrogant, obnoxious tools at times.  I find it very sad that we can't disagree agreeably on these blogs, and why so many of us wind up fighting, taking crap personally and letting our egos and manhood get involved, but some people don't care about getting along or being civil, only about being right and macho.  Unless there are some adolescents on here I didn't know about, we're all adults and should be able to discuss things rationally without getting our panties in a knot.  I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.  I can be as bad as anyone, but I do try at least to keep things civil.  Perhaps I need to "turn the other cheek" more and not ramp up the rhetoric or level of heat in discussions when I perceive that someone is doing that to me or being insulting.  Some people just like to be dicks.  Being anonymous brings that out in a lot of people.  Ultimately, that's their problem.  They wouldn't dare talk the way they did to someone's face that they do on these boards.  At least in my short time on this board, I don't think JiF is one of them.  He and I don't agree that often, but he seems like a decent enough guy.

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Actually, they're both decent guys, and really good posters.  They just can't stand each other.


We've all been treated to the JIF vs. TOm Shane Shtupping Contest for months now.  It's one of the best things about the board.  :D

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I don't know about that.  You seem able to keep your cool better than I on these boards.  I admit that if someone is evil, arrogant, whatever, then I can take some satisfaction when they are humbled, brought down.  Sometimes we humans can be incredibly dense and it takes something like that to learn.


You may not have a lot of material wealth,but I'm sure that you're a rich man in a lot of other ways (family, friends, etc.), and you're blessed that you don't have the pressures, problems, stressed and temptations that those rich people do.


Also, for what it's worth, I apologize for being an ass to you the other day regarding CuMar.  I understand why you like him so much, and that's cool.

Very good post. JiF has me and that's a lot.

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Actually, they're both decent guys, and really good posters.  They just can't stand each other.


We've all been treated to the JIF vs. TOm Shane Shtupping Contest for months now.  It's one of the best things about the board.  :biggrin:


Gross.  I feel so bad for you guys.  The season cant get here any sooner.  All of you have had to sit back and watch Tom chase me around like a jealous little school girl dying for my attention knowing that I truly only care about one man on this board...


Very good post. JiF has me and that's a lot.


And here he is.


I'm the luckiest man alive. 

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more like Doug Flutie, 2013 style...where every thing you do and say and touch and see will be written about, talked about and eventually sh*t on by at least half the populous...if you're famous enough. 


Doug seemed less douchey though..

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Now, now, Tom.  Maybe not all of us, but many of us can be arrogant, obnoxious tools at times.  I find it very sad that we can't disagree agreeably on these blogs, and why so many of us wind up fighting, taking crap personally and letting our egos and manhood get involved, but some people don't care about getting along or being civil, only about being right and macho.  Unless there are some adolescents on here I didn't know about, we're all adults and should be able to discuss things rationally without getting our panties in a knot.  I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.  I can be as bad as anyone, but I do try at least to keep things civil.  Perhaps I need to "turn the other cheek" more and not ramp up the rhetoric or level of heat in discussions when I perceive that someone is doing that to me or being insulting.  Some people just like to be dicks.  Being anonymous brings that out in a lot of people.  Ultimately, that's their problem.  They wouldn't dare talk the way they did to someone's face that they do on these boards.  At least in my short time on this board, I don't think JiF is one of them.  He and I don't agree that often, but he seems like a decent enough guy.


This ****in' guy.

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He's 20 and is the face of college football.......... go get your dick wet. Everyone needs to **** off and let the kid enjoy himself. Wake me up when he oversleeps on game day. If I was him I'd be swimming in trashy broads all off-season getting hammered. He's getting paid either way might as well enjoy this last year of college and being a kid.

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He's 20 and is the face of college football.......... go get your dick wet. Everyone needs to **** off and let the kid enjoy himself. Wake me up when he oversleeps on game day. If I was him I'd be swimming in trashy broads all off-season getting hammered. He's getting paid either way might as well enjoy this last year of college and being a kid.

My Vines would be NC-17 and/or land me in Gitmo.

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What's the point of being the Heisman trophy winner if you can't enjoy it. He's what, a 20 year old kid. Give him a ******* break. He's not shooting people in the back of head....


How long does it take to celebrate?  Getting drunk for 2-3 months isn't celebrating.  It's a drinking problem.  Also, it's one thing to go out and party when he doesn't have anything football-related, and another to be irresponsible and blow people off in the game.  Since he is the face of college football and the Heisman Trophy Winner, he has an obligation to the game and fans, if not himself to be more responsible.  If he didn't want to do the Manning thing, he should have just said "No" when asked, then he could have stayed in College Station and partied his behind off.


He's had one big year in college football.  Big deal.  Lots of Heisman Trophy winners have flopped in the NFL.  There are still a lot of questions about him with regard to making it in the NFL.  It's not smart to start pissing those people off and looking unreliable.  Because he's the Heisman Trophy winner, he's gonna be in the spotlight.  I don't care how young you are, you have to have smarts enough to know how to handle success.  On one hand, he IS young and will make some mistakes, but he has to know that not everyone is just cavalierly gonna dismiss those mistakes.  On the other hand, he is an adult.  He's supposed to be a leader and show some maturity and intelligence.  God knows there have been enough examples of athletes, actors, rock stars and other celebrities who have shot themselves in the foot with irresponsibility and partying lifestyles.


It's a clear fact that he's staying out drinking.  Is he driving?  How would you feel if while driving home some night he hits another car head on and kills a whole family, or someone's mother/father?

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How long does it take to celebrate? Getting drunk for 2-3 months isn't celebrating. It's a drinking problem. Also, it's one thing to go out and party when he doesn't have anything football-related, and another to be irresponsible and blow people off in the game. Since he is the face of college football and the Heisman Trophy Winner, he has an obligation to the game and fans, if not himself to be more responsible. If he didn't want to do the Manning thing, he should have just said "No" when asked, then he could have stayed in College Station and partied his behind off.

He's had one big year in college football. Big deal. Lots of Heisman Trophy winners have flopped in the NFL. There are still a lot of questions about him with regard to making it in the NFL. It's not smart to start pissing those people off and looking unreliable. Because he's the Heisman Trophy winner, he's gonna be in the spotlight. I don't care how young you are, you have to have smarts enough to know how to handle success. On one hand, he IS young and will make some mistakes, but he has to know that not everyone is just cavalierly gonna dismiss those mistakes. On the other hand, he is an adult. He's supposed to be a leader and show some maturity and intelligence. God knows there have been enough examples of athletes, actors, rock stars and other celebrities who have shot themselves in the foot with irresponsibility and partying lifestyles.

It's a clear fact that he's staying out drinking. Is he driving? How would you feel if while driving home some night he hits another car head on and kills a whole family, or someone's mother/father?

Fair points. I'm just saying give the kid a break. If these types of mistakes form a habit or have already formed into a habit, then it could be cause for concern. But it seems like everyone wants to jump the gun that he's a complete POS off of one immature move.

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It's a clear fact that he's staying out drinking.  Is he driving?  How would you feel if while driving home some night he hits another car head on and kills a whole family, or someone's mother/father?


woah woah woah did he really drink in drive or is this just a rant

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