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Johnny Manziel is a liar


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Fair points. I'm just saying give the kid a break. If these types of mistakes form a habit or have already formed into a habit, then it could be cause for concern. But it seems like everyone wants to jump the gun that he's a complete POS off of one immature move.


I don't think he's a POS, but it does seem like he has a drinking problem.  We know that a lot of athletes have been coddled and schools look the other way because those athletes produce wins for the teams and $s from alumni, regardless of what happens to the athletes.  I don't know anything about his background, but some have said he's a spoiled rich kid.  If true, then I feel sorry for the kid because his parents aren't or haven't done him any favors.  If this is just a small bump in the road and an isolated incident, great!!!  I truly hope it is, but it seems as if there's more that is going on.  If so, I hope his parents or the school will wake up in time to help this kid before he throws it all away or does something to cost himself a lot in the NFL.  I don't want to see him hurt himself or anyone else.

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How did Manziel end up being 20 and just finishing his freshman year of college, by the way?


What did he do, go into the service for a couple of years?  Study art in Paris?  Go on a Mormon mission?


Be a heck of a thing if he went off on a mission after high school and came back with a beer in one hand, a joint in the other,  and ready to party.

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I don't think he's a POS, but it does seem like he has a drinking problem. We know that a lot of athletes have been coddled and schools look the other way because those athletes produce wins for the teams and $s from alumni, regardless of what happens to the athletes. I don't know anything about his background, but some have said he's a spoiled rich kid. If true, then I feel sorry for the kid because his parents aren't or haven't done him any favors. If this is just a small bump in the road and an isolated incident, great!!! I truly hope it is, but it seems as if there's more that is going on. If so, I hope his parents or the school will wake up in time to help this kid before he throws it all away or does something to cost himself a lot in the NFL. I don't want to see him hurt himself or anyone else.

Is this for real? His draft status is the only thing he might possibly effect, which his play will actually determine and that's his problem. He's a college kid getting pussy thrown his way left and right. I hope you notify social services, I think he has a younger sister that maybe still has a chance.

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I don't think he's a POS, but it does seem like he has a drinking problem.  We know that a lot of athletes have been coddled and schools look the other way because those athletes produce wins for the teams and $s from alumni, regardless of what happens to the athletes.  I don't know anything about his background, but some have said he's a spoiled rich kid.  If true, then I feel sorry for the kid because his parents aren't or haven't done him any favors.  If this is just a small bump in the road and an isolated incident, great!!!  I truly hope it is, but it seems as if there's more that is going on.  If so, I hope his parents or the school will wake up in time to help this kid before he throws it all away or does something to cost himself a lot in the NFL.  I don't want to see him hurt himself or anyone else.



I don't think he's a POS, but it does seem like he has a drinking problem.  We know that a lot of athletes have been coddled and schools look the other way because those athletes produce wins for the teams and $s from alumni, regardless of what happens to the athletes.  I don't know anything about his background, but some have said he's a spoiled rich kid.  If true, then I feel sorry for the kid because his parents aren't or haven't done him any favors.  If this is just a small bump in the road and an isolated incident, great!!!  I truly hope it is, but it seems as if there's more that is going on.  If so, I hope his parents or the school will wake up in time to help this kid before he throws it all away or does something to cost himself a lot in the NFL.  I don't want to see him hurt himself or anyone else.

If you are a team looking to hand out million dollar contracts, this is an issue.  you have the drinking problem and the failure to honor a commitment (an easy commitment) problem.

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How long does it take to celebrate?  Getting drunk for 2-3 months isn't celebrating.  It's a drinking problem.  Also, it's one thing to go out and party when he doesn't have anything football-related, and another to be irresponsible and blow people off in the game.  Since he is the face of college football and the Heisman Trophy Winner, he has an obligation to the game and fans, if not himself to be more responsible.  If he didn't want to do the Manning thing, he should have just said "No" when asked, then he could have stayed in College Station and partied his behind off.


He's had one big year in college football.  Big deal.  Lots of Heisman Trophy winners have flopped in the NFL.  There are still a lot of questions about him with regard to making it in the NFL.  It's not smart to start pissing those people off and looking unreliable.  Because he's the Heisman Trophy winner, he's gonna be in the spotlight.  I don't care how young you are, you have to have smarts enough to know how to handle success.  On one hand, he IS young and will make some mistakes, but he has to know that not everyone is just cavalierly gonna dismiss those mistakes.  On the other hand, he is an adult.  He's supposed to be a leader and show some maturity and intelligence.  God knows there have been enough examples of athletes, actors, rock stars and other celebrities who have shot themselves in the foot with irresponsibility and partying lifestyles.


It's a clear fact that he's staying out drinking.  Is he driving?  How would you feel if while driving home some night he hits another car head on and kills a whole family, or someone's mother/father?


Legally, yes, he's an adult.  In reality he's just a baby still and will likely do a lot of growing up year by year over the next 5 years in particular.  If not, THEN I'll call it a sad story.  But I've missed things when I was that age & overslept and didn't study for an important test & all that and still didn't turn into a failure or a statistic.


Until I read something worse, like driving wasted into a telephone pole (or worse), I'm still willing to write it off as he's just 20.  However I admit I haven't read much of anything about him because I just don't care until he gets to the pros.  So if these stories have come out routinely every week for the past year I wouldn't even know about it.

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Just got kicked out of a bar.  (Says a fraternity house but one of the youtube user comments said it's a bar called Cain and Abel's.  Looks like a bar not a fraternity house anyway).





He's the guy wearing the pink shirt.  (Which is pretty horrible itself, unless it's for like breast cancer awareness or something)


Obviously we can only see what the video captured, but seems clear he got a beer thrown on him at some point and then was "asked" to leave.  Don't know what happened before or in between those 2 events.


One poster on the cbs site did make a good point:  


I like the fact that he walked away instead of beating the crap out of someone.  When I went to college having a beer poured on you at the frat party always resulted in a brawl.


Think the bar was in enemy Longhorn territory or something & probably at least somewhat precipitated it.  All it takes is 1 or 2 knuckleheads wanting to give him a hard time, so it really may not be his fault at all.  But he's got to realize that when you start calling yourself Johnny Football (and trademark or try to trademark the name), the media's going to pick up on it every time he so much as takes a crap & doesn't courtesy-flush.  So he should probably stay away from places where he can get into some trouble, because trouble is going to try to find him even if he's a goody-goody.

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Fair points. I'm just saying give the kid a break. If these types of mistakes form a habit or have already formed into a habit, then it could be cause for concern. But it seems like everyone wants to jump the gun that he's a complete POS off of one immature move



I see it as more a case of being disrespectful and disruptive.  

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woah woah woah did he really drink in drive or is this just a rant

Drinking and driving is crossing the line.There's been no such reports.

Otherwise he's a 20-year old who drinks beer.SO he pissed off Archie Manning because he wanted to close some bar in New Orleans and he goes to his team's biggest rival and show the flag a bit(and walked away from a fight); kinda Namath like. It seems to me as an old guy with teen and 20 something sons that's not the end of the world. There are a lot of college age and 20/30s people who drink too much and don't become raging alcoholics. Seems as a society we try to make everything into a "problem". Now I do know some people who never grew out of that, did in fact have a problem and either still are raging drunks or now go to meetings. I'd be very reluctant to say that about anyone I do not know from half a continent away. But it won't stop PFT form doing that. Recall a lot of the people who are saying these things about Manziel badmouthed RGIII because of his haircut-and not much else.

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The can that gets thrown at him (in the video above) comes within 6'' of his head.  I have two questions.  (1) Why in the world would you go to a bar in enemy territory?  and (2) Why is Mark Sanchez throwing beer cans at Johnny Football?

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Just got kicked out of a bar.  (Says a fraternity house but one of the youtube user comments said it's a bar called Cain and Abel's.  Looks like a bar not a fraternity house anyway).





He's the guy wearing the pink shirt.  (Which is pretty horrible itself, unless it's for like breast cancer awareness or something)


Obviously we can only see what the video captured, but seems clear he got a beer thrown on him at some point and then was "asked" to leave.  Don't know what happened before or in between those 2 events.


One poster on the cbs site did make a good point:  


I like the fact that he walked away instead of beating the crap out of someone.  When I went to college having a beer poured on you at the frat party always resulted in a brawl.


Think the bar was in enemy Longhorn territory or something & probably at least somewhat precipitated it.  All it takes is 1 or 2 knuckleheads wanting to give him a hard time, so it really may not be his fault at all.  But he's got to realize that when you start calling yourself Johnny Football (and trademark or try to trademark the name), the media's going to pick up on it every time he so much as takes a crap & doesn't courtesy-flush.  So he should probably stay away from places where he can get into some trouble, because trouble is going to try to find him even if he's a goody-goody.



ok the blood is in the water.  every place he goes now, people will try to "ask him to leave"


probably good for the kid. 


its kinda sad, I read he takes his classes on-line because when he goes on campus its too big of a distraction


these kids are too famous too early

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Going to a party -------- no problem

going to finals game/ hanging with celebrities ---------- no problem


screwing something up that involves football no matter how little ------ big problem

Thank you. At some point nfl teams going to consider whether to spend millions on this guy. People thinking this is no big deal? If you ran a pizza place would you hire a delivery boy for 9 bucks an hour with multiple car wrecks under his belt. You guys dont get it. Make him a bad person? Probably not. A worse football investment? YES.

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I would disagree.  Marinovich told off his coach in the middle of the game on national television.


So far, all this guy did was stay out late at a voluntary football camp he signed up for, fib about it and get asked to leave.  Then he went to a frat party at a bar, got a beer bottle thrown at him but wisely walked away anyway.


He's 20 years old.  If this is as "wild" as he gets, he's remarkably well behaved.

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I feel bad for the kid now that his own father came out and is apparently questioning his drinking to the media....what the hell kind of attention seeking father is that?


Maybe his dad has tried talking to him many times and Manziel won't listen.  Maybe he tried (too late) to discipline him and Manziel blew him off.  Maybe he feels like the only way he can try to get through to his son now is through the media.

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Maybe his dad has tried talking to him many times and Manziel won't listen.  Maybe he tried (too late) to discipline him and Manziel blew him off.  Maybe he feels like the only way he can try to get through to his son now is through the media.


We rip players for doing this all the time


He could talk to the head coach or position coach heck he coulda talked to a well known booster before the media

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Maybe his dad has tried talking to him many times and Manziel won't listen.  Maybe he tried (too late) to discipline him and Manziel blew him off.  Maybe he feels like the only way he can try to get through to his son now is through the media.


is that is the case then manziel is an more of a jerk than i could have ever imagined

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I would disagree.  Marinovich told off his coach in the middle of the game on national television.


So far, all this guy did was stay out late at a voluntary football camp he signed up for, fib about it and get asked to leave.  Then he went to a frat party at a bar, got a beer bottle thrown at him but wisely walked away anyway.


He's 20 years old.  If this is as "wild" as he gets, he's remarkably well behaved.


  This is a bad way to look at things.  Yes, Kids will be kids, but some kids are far worse than others and wind up screwing up their lives because of a few dumb choices.  And when you are as talented and known as this kid, it's far easier to have one of those dumb mistakes that haunt you forever.   And he is really a nobody at this point.  NFL teams go to bat for stars.  This kid  has proven nothing except he had a great freshman year in college.    I mean everybody thought Tebow was the greatest thing since slice bread in college.  Look at him now.  And he hasn't done anything.


  It's like anything in life.  Some kids party away their college years and love it.  Some kids take things seriously.  Some party now and again. Some kids wind up becoming leaders and bosses and change things.  Others wind up stuck in a cube at a job they hate.  There is always a concern for any talented kid at anything that starts to think they are bigger than life and winds up chasing people away because of their ego.  It becomes a bigger concern when that same kid starts to blow off events that relate to their talent and career interests.


 Will it matter in the long run?  Who knows.  I'm not sold on the kid being much better than Tebow.  But just because he's a kid doesn't really mean it's ok to be stupid.  Many of the most talented people who succeed do it because more often than not, they weren't getting trashed and making a fool of themselves at every turn.  At some point, even young people, either become somebody everybody else looks up to, or they just become another kid who wasted their talent.   


And honestly blowing off the Manning camp is a bad sign.  Think about it.  It's the Manning name.  If you're a QB, a young college QB,  who the hell wouldn't want to go out and learn as much as you can from those people.   In any field, if you have a chance to work with Hall of famers, Nobel prize winners, grammy winners, Oscar winners, blah blah blah,  you would have to be an idiot not to want to get as much as you can from that experience.  When you blow that off as nothing special,  you are starting to go down the path of no return.  


  Using the excuse that he's just a kid is just bad to me.  In the long run there are those who know when to party and when to work hard.  And then there are those who just know how to make a fool of themselves.   There have been far more talented kids in college who thought they were all that and wound up nothing in the NFL.

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  .....   And honestly blowing off the Manning camp is a bad sign.  Think about it.  It's the Manning name.  If you're a QB, a young college QB,  who the hell wouldn't want to go out and learn as much as you can from those people.   In any field, if you have a chance to work with Hall of famers, Nobel prize winners, grammy winners, Oscar winners, blah blah blah,  you would have to be an idiot not to want to get as much as you can from that experience.  When you blow that off as nothing special,  you are starting to go down the path of no return.  

Want to know why Larry Bird went to the unknown Indiana State?


Because he started at Indiana University and blew off Bobby Knight-the great Bobby Knight, the Saint Bobby Knight who cared so much for his players that he made them work hard in school and graduate-Larry Bird blew him off because he thought Knight was a dickwad.  He left Indiana U, got a job in his hometown collecting garbage for a year, and started Indiana State the next year.


Sometimes a young man's just gotta be who he is.

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He's 20 years old in college with the entire country watching his every move. That's a lot of pressure so what if he drinks everyone drinks in college. Who cares if he left the manning camp early. Archie manning wasn't a good QB at all he's sons are but it's not like any of them are drafting him. It's absolutely absurd that people are upset about this.

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Want to know why Larry Bird went to the unknown Indiana State?


Because he started at Indiana University and blew off Bobby Knight-the great Bobby Knight, the Saint Bobby Knight who cared so much for his players that he made them work hard in school and graduate-Larry Bird blew him off because he thought Knight was a dickwad.  He left Indiana U, got a job in his hometown collecting garbage for a year, and started Indiana State the next year.


Sometimes a young man's just gotta be who he is.


    Thinking Knight was a dickwad is far different than getting drunk and not being able to attend something.

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He's 20 years old in college with the entire country watching his every move. That's a lot of pressure so what if he drinks everyone drinks in college. Who cares if he left the manning camp early. Archie manning wasn't a good QB at all he's sons are but it's not like any of them are drafting him. It's absolutely absurd that people are upset about this.


   None of this bothers me.  Honestly if the kid turns into Ryan Leaf it doesn't make me lose sleep at night.  Plenty of kids throw away their lives.  If he does or doesn't won't change my life in one way.    There are just certain behaviors that aren't good no matter what you do in life.    He's young.  But so was Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg.  Quitting college to go and do you're own thing is one thing.     Missing a QB camp because you're essentially too drunk and hungover to attend is far different.   


 And he's a relative nobody.   What happens when he is drafted, gets his million dollar contract, and fans start thinking he sucks.   Vince Young tried to kill himself because he couldn't handle it.   This kid already is having problems and he hasn't done anything yet.  I mean the kids claim to fame is winning one regular season game over Alabama.  Imagine if he actually won something.     


 Using the excuse "A kid will be a Kid'  Is a lame excuse.  People just use that when kids screw up.   They don't say some 20 year old started a billion dollar business is a kid being a kid though.   Some kids actually work hard and use their talent.   SOme kids party it away.  WHo is Johnny?   Nobody knows that right now, but he's starting to show signs of a kid who can't deal with the fame or talent.    

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A very high percentage of young men in their late teens and early 20's enter a wild stage.  Alcohol and partying are usually part of that.


Most emerge from that stage a few years later and move on.  Some do not.  That's just as true for people with money as for people of lesser means.  I think if you looked at it, a fair percentage of the players in the NFL have a few stories of stuff they did when they were in college.


If you want to say "alcohol-related and football-related incident" then yes, the chances of Manziel having a real problem rises somewhat.  But if this is all it is-and don't forget Manziel walked away when somebody threw a beer bottle at him-it is still more likely he's going through a stage than sliding into a big problem.


If I was a member of Manziel's family or even a neighbor who saw him grow up, then I might well be worried.  But for the rest of the world or even football fans to be concerned is being overwrought, in my opinion.

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