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Jets working out WRs tomorrow!!!!!!!


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Unknown but Kerley cant do it alone. Hill should be doing better than what he is drops and fumbles continue. Tone isn't 100%  we need help. Gates doesn't seem to be the answer at WR or kick returner.


I agree.  But Kerley playing means Gates is not as likely to be on the field.  Major improvement for that simple fact alone.

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They need to get a PR as bad as a WR and this guy can't do either.

There has to be unsigned PR out there that didn't get drafted.

Josh Cribbs available vet minimum can also play WR.


He has tied the NFL career record with eight kickoff returns for touchdowns, and also the NFL record with two kickoffs of 100 yards or more returned for touchdowns in a single game.

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Just what we need.

He'll fit right in with the cast of rejects the Jets are collecting right now. They say he doesn't have a 'pro work ethic' which means Rex will LOVE him to death. Guy has underachiever written all over him, which automatically makes him a Rex fave.

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Hey moderator, that's more like it. I like One Trick Pony better than practice squad player for sure. I'm sure you call me that because of my constant threads and posts criticizing Rex Ryan. I guess if that makes me a one trick pony, I'll take it, but don't expect me to change my tune any time soon. Rex Ryan has got to go. My slogan is MAKE REX AN EX. 

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Available WRs

Brandon Lloyd

Laurent Robinson

Devery Henderson

Braylon Edwards

Andy Tanner

David Nelson

Austin Collie

Lavelle Hawkins

Mohamed Massaquoi

Donte’ Stallworth

Steve Breaston

Josh Cribbs

Michael Jenkins

Deion Branch

Early Doucet

Ramses Barden

Anthony Armstrong

Devin Aromashodu

Chaz Schilens

Mike Thomas

Courtney Roby

Chad Johnson

Jabar Gaffney

Derek Hagan

Tiquan Underwood

Matthew Willis

Naaman Roosevelt

Deon Butler

Roscoe Parrish

Brandon Banks

Patrick Crayton

Sammie Stroughter

Jason Hill

Jordan Shipley

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There's a bunch of good possibilities on this list

Available WRs

Brandon Lloyd

Laurent Robinson

Devery Henderson

Braylon Edwards

Andy Tanner

David Nelson

Austin Collie

Lavelle Hawkins

Mohamed Massaquoi

Donte’ Stallworth

Steve Breaston

Josh Cribbs

Michael Jenkins

Deion Branch

Early Doucet

Ramses Barden

Anthony Armstrong

Devin Aromashodu

Chaz Schilens

Mike Thomas

Courtney Roby

Chad Johnson

Jabar Gaffney

Derek Hagan

Tiquan Underwood

Matthew Willis

Naaman Roosevelt

Deon Butler

Roscoe Parrish

Brandon Banks

Patrick Crayton

Sammie Stroughter

Jason Hill

Jordan Shipley

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The Jets better be looking for a few more wide receivers because the ones they have now stink main example is Stephen Hill dropping the ball constantly. The Jets need a receiver that can catch the ball consistently such as a Wayne Chrebet who when he played for the jets caught almost all the passes that were thrown to him. Idzik better sign the best one that he is trying out at the receiver position.

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There's a bunch of good possibilities on this list



Like who?  I loved Bray, but supposedly his knees are shot.


Steve Breaston, Josh Cribbs, and Jordan Shipley are the only ones on that list that I'd even be willing to kick the tires on.  Breaston's coming off an injury, don't know what his health is like.  Cribbs was a dynamic player.  Since no one seems to have any interest in him, either he's done physically, will get suspended by the league as soon as he is signed, or perhaps is a head case and I never heard about it; otherwise, I can't understand why no one has signed him.  Shipley looked like a great prospect at Texas.  I haven't heard squat about him in the NFL.  I don't know if he's another WR that didn't pan out in the NFL, has been injured, or what.  If he's healthy, then he may be worth a shot.   


I think the bottom line is that we're just going to have to grin and bear it with what we already have.  The only other possibility would be perhaps trading Wilson to the Panthers for one of their WRs, not that they're anything great, but their DBs are dropping like flies and they may be getting desperate.  Maybe they'd trade Domenik Hixon to us straight up for Wilson.  He's had hammy issues and before yesterday hadn't played yet.  I don't know if he played yesterday or not.

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Theres a bunch of guys on that list better than Clyde Gates. Lets see what Idzik is made of if hes got to make a trade he should do it immediately.


What's he gonna trade?  There's no way he should even consider trading one of next year's draft picks.  That's throwing good money after bad.  My comment about trading Wilson was half with tongue in cheek.  I don't know if the Jets could get much for him or not, but he's about the only player on the team at present I'd consider trading that might garner something decent in return.  Of course, he might have brought more in a trade before the Jets showed absolutely no trust or confidence in him on Thursday night by not having him back there to return punts half the time.

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What's he gonna trade?  There's no way he should even consider trading one of next year's draft picks.  That's throwing good money after bad.  My comment about trading Wilson was half with tongue in cheek.  I don't know if the Jets could get much for him or not, but he's about the only player on the team at present I'd consider trading that might garner something decent in return.  Of course, he might have brought more in a trade before the Jets showed absolutely no trust or confidence in him on Thursday night by not having him back there to return punts half the time.

Depends on who's available. If Jacksonville wanted to part with Justin Blackmon I might offer them a 3rd-4th round pick.

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Depends on who's available. If Jacksonville wanted to part with Justin Blackmon I might offer them a 3rd-4th round pick.


I seriously doubt they'd part with him for a 3rd or 4th round pick  Even if they would, why would the Jets want an immature dumbass who uses illegal substances?  They're moving away from those types of losers.

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this is the purge year.  you don't give away picks in the purge year


Exactly.  Next year is the year the Jets start restocking.  Why would they want to trade picks this year for players that may not be with them after this season, only to win a few more games this season, which would only succeed in hurting their ability to restock next season.

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The AFC East is there for the taking this year. Many NFL teams are 0-2 namely the Giants. Winning games sells PSLs and tickets, The Jets organization is not going to tank the season for next years draft. No way in hell.



they won't play to lose.  they won't coach to lose


they will bring in lots of street FA's to hold the fort


they won't be making any trades to sell tickets


that guy got fired pretty much for doing that

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Promote Michael Campbell and sign Zack Rogers to practice squad. Goodson will be the KR in week 5 and beyond. Not going to find a legit punt returner until 2014 draft.


If we draft someone because we think he might be a good punt returner - or even hold a roster spot for someone just to be a punt returner - I'll go freaking nuts on them.   Experience returning punts is fine as an ancillary skill but you don't piss away shots at starters to get a guy because of that experience/skill. Draft players at whatever position. Then in camp you see which of the backup RBs or WRs or DBs can return punts.  Like everyone does.  Usually you can find 1 or 2, but if literally no one on the roster can return punts then go out and sign a Jim Leonhard type for the season - they're always available - and someone like that sticks as a backup safety as well. 


Keep in mind Wilson was supposed to be a legit punt returner.  IMO draft someone who you think can do something else well (even if only well enough to be a backup).  If he can return punts, bonus.  

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If we draft someone because we think he might be a good punt returner - or even hold a roster spot for someone just to be a punt returner - I'll go freaking nuts on them.   Experience returning punts is fine as an ancillary skill but you don't piss away shots at starters to get a guy because of that experience/skill. Draft players at whatever position. Then in camp you see which of the backup RBs or WRs or DBs can return punts.  Like everyone does.  Usually you can find 1 or 2, but if literally no one on the roster can return punts then go out and sign a Jim Leonhard type for the season - they're always available - and someone like that sticks as a backup safety as well. 


Keep in mind Wilson was supposed to be a legit punt returner.  IMO draft someone who you think can do something else well (even if only well enough to be a backup).  If he can return punts, bonus.  


In general I agree, but I think a lot of NFL teams draft PRs with mid-to-low round draft picks with an eye to their being a 3rd string RB, their #5 or #6 WR or #4 CB, but the only reason they take them is to be the PR/KR.

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In general I agree, but I think a lot of NFL teams draft PRs with mid-to-low round draft picks with an eye to their being a 3rd string RB, their #5 or #6 WR or #4 CB, but the only reason they take them is to be the PR/KR.


Most of them will suck even as just a return-guy.  Plus finding a KR return guy is easy (especially with the # of touchbacks now), so you're really just talking about a PR guy.


If he literally has no legitimate value as a last RB, WR, or CB then pass on the draft pick.  If we miss out on a good punt returner then so be it.  He has to have the upside to do something else.  Hell, Kyle Wilson was supposed to also do punt returns for us and we see how that turned out; we're now at a point where we LITERALLY are weighing the pros & cons of using absolutely no one to field the punts and hope the ball bounces sideways (same as one of Wilson's fair catches) or back towards the punter for a mild gain.


I'd rather roll the dice on a real player and hope to strike oil on a Colston or even someone serviceable for 3-4 years like Slauson. 

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If Clyde Gates was not on the Jets, this board would be going ape sh!t to sign this guy because of his size and speed combo.  Now that we have him, we see how important experience is at the position and that they are growing pains with green receivers.  I can't see how releasing Gates and signing a more green receiver is going to make us better at this point.

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If Clyde Gates was not on the Jets, this board would be going ape sh!t to sign this guy because of his size and speed combo.  Now that we have him, we see how important experience is at the position and that they are growing pains with green receivers.  I can't see how releasing Gates and signing a more green receiver is going to make us better at this point.

There are a handful of FAs that are not green and are much better than Gates. You can't have 2 of your top four wide receivers with a case of the dropsies. We saw this all of last year and all the blame was put on Sanchez. New quarterdeck, new offense, same problem. Maybe they should get rid of San Jay too.  

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Most of them will suck even as just a return-guy.  Plus finding a KR return guy is easy (especially with the # of touchbacks now), so you're really just talking about a PR guy.


If he literally has no legitimate value as a last RB, WR, or CB then pass on the draft pick.  If we miss out on a good punt returner then so be it.  He has to have the upside to do something else.  Hell, Kyle Wilson was supposed to also do punt returns for us and we see how that turned out; we're now at a point where we LITERALLY are weighing the pros & cons of using absolutely no one to field the punts and hope the ball bounces sideways (same as one of Wilson's fair catches) or back towards the punter for a mild gain.


I'd rather roll the dice on a real player and hope to strike oil on a Colston or even someone serviceable for 3-4 years like Slauson. 


STs are too important. Not having a PR back there is insane.  STs are a full one-third of the team.  A good PR is much more important in terms of field position and scoring points than a backup RB, WR, DB, whatever.

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STs are too important. Not having a PR back there is insane.  STs are a full one-third of the team.  A good PR is much more important in terms of field position and scoring points than a backup RB, WR, DB, whatever.


I agree that returns are important, but Kyle Wilson was a top collegiate punt returner leading the WAC in average and leading the NCAA in TDs for a year or two.. So was Kerley, who was 7th in the NCAA in punt return average in 2009 and I think he is top 20 in career punt return yardage since 2000. 

Hate all you want, but they aren't insane.  Another grass is greener post.

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I agree that returns are important, but Kyle Wilson was a top collegiate punt returner leading the WAC in average and leading the NCAA in TDs for a year or two.. So was Kerley, who was 7th in the NCAA in punt return average in 2009 and I think he is top 20 in career punt return yardage since 2000. 

Hate all you want, but they aren't insane.  Another grass is greener post.


Huh?  What does your last two sentences have to do with your first two (or anything for that matter)?


Yes, I know that about both Wilson and Kerley, but both have pretty much sucked at returning punts in the NFL.  So because they were excellent at it in college, the Jets should just be satisfied with continuing to trot them out there, or worse, having no one back to return punts?  That makes no sense.


Who's hating?  It's insane to give up the opportunity to get return yards.  That's a fact.  It's NOT another grass is greener post. You have serious reading comprehension issues dude.  I was speaking in general with regards to the PR position and its importance.  I didn't even mention the Jets.  Neither did Sperm.  It was a general conversation.

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Joe in Orlando

Suggestion for BGA Extra: Compare Kyle Wilson’s return average to the “return average” of having no one back there. You could calculate the net yardage of good/bad bounces when we had no returner. Maybe call it “Wilson the return man versus Wilson the Football”.


One of them bounced on the 22 and went straight up so it was downed there. Another bounced and rolled 14 yards. The last one bounced on the 20 and then rolled backwards to the 29. So, in terms of not having a return man there, they lost a net five yards on three plays (-1.7 average). Wilson fielded four punts and gained seven yards (+1.8 average). So, he was 3.5 yards better than air (although who knows how the four punts he fielded might have bounced). He also left yards on the field by fair catching a ball when he had about 10 yards to run and by not fair catching a punt at the 11 which rolled down to the six.

Hurry back, Jeremy…not that his decision making is much better.




Interesting take.  


Wilson returning punts vs. Nobody returning punts, bore a 3.5 yard difference.  


I'm sure the idea was to get enough pressure with the 11th man, so as to get a blocked punt, in which case the field position on (1) single blocked punt, more than makes up for the multiple misses resulting in a return-free kick.  I like the strategy, especially if you're not that confident in what Wilson brings to the table.  Which I'm not. 

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